119 research outputs found

    Spin nematics in the bilinear-biquadratic S=1 spin chain

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    We report the existence of an extended critical, nondimerized region in the phase diagram of the bilinear-biquadratic spin-one chain. The dominant power law correlations are ferroquadrupolar, i.e. spin nematic in character. Another known critical region is also characterized by dominant quadrupolar correlations, although with a different wave vector. Our results show that spin nematic correlations play an important role in quantum magnets with spin S >= 1 in regions between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic phases.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    Three-sublattice ordering of the SU(3) Heisenberg model of three-flavor fermions on the square and cubic lattices

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    Combining a semi-classical analysis with exact diagonalizations, we show that the ground state of the SU(3) Heisenberg model on the square lattice develops three-sublattice long-range order. This surprising pattern for a bipartite lattice with only nearest-neighbor interactions is shown to be the consequence of a subtle quantum order-by-disorder mechanism. By contrast, thermal fluctuations favor two-sublattice configurations via entropic selection. These results are shown to extend to the cubic lattice, and experimental implications for the Mott-insulating states of three-flavor fermionic atoms in optical lattices are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, references adde

    Magnetic phases of spin-3/2 fermions on a spatially anisotropic square lattice

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    We study the magnetic phase diagram of spin-3/2 fermions in a spatially anisotropic square optical lattice at quarter filling (corresponding to one particle per lattice site). In the limit of the large on-site repulsion the system can be mapped to the so-called Sp(N) Heisenberg spin model with N=4. We analyze the Sp(N) spin model with the help of the large-N field-theoretical approach and show that the effective theory corresponds to the Sp(N) extension of the CP^{N-1} model, with the Lorentz invariance generically broken. We obtain the renormalization flow of the model couplings and show that although the Sp(N) terms are seemingly irrelevant, their presence leads to a renormalization of the CP^{N-1} part of the action, driving a phase transition. We further consider the influence of the external magnetic field (the quadratic Zeeman effect), and present the qualitative analysis of the ground state phase diagram.Comment: 10 Revtex pages, 5 figures; (v2) corrected the last paragraph in Appendix B and some typos; (v3) added references, extended discussion of the phase diagra

    Exact trimer ground states on a spin-1 chain

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    We construct a new spin-1 model on a chain. Its ground state is determined exactly which is three-fold degenerate by breaking translational invariance. Thus we have trimerization. Excited states cannot be obtained exactly, but we determine a few low-lying ones by using trial states, among them solitons

    Centipede ladder at quarter filling

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    We study the ground state and excitation spectrum of a quasi one-dimensional nanostructure consisting of a pole and rungs oriented in the opposite directions ("centipede ladder", CL) at quarter filling. The spin and charge excitation spectra are found in the limits of small and large longitudinal hopping tt_\| compared to the on-rung hopping rate tt_\perp and exchange coupling II_\perp. At small tt_\| the system with ferromagnetic on-rung exchange demonstrates instability against dimerization. Coherent propagation of charge transfer excitons is possible in this limit. At large tt_\| CL behaves like two-orbital Hubbard chain, but the gap opens in the charge excitation spectrum thus reducing the symmetry from SU(4) to SU(2). The spin excitations are always gapless and their dispersion changes from quadratic magnon-like for ferromagnetic on-rung exchange to linear spinon-like for antiferromagnetic on-rung exchange in weak longitudinal hopping limit.Comment: 10 pages, 7 eps figure

    Gutzwiller Projected wavefunctions in the fermonic theory of S=1 spin chains

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    We study in this paper a series of Gutzwiller Projected wavefunctions for S=1 spin chains obtained from a fermionic mean-field theory for general S>1/2 spin systems [Phys. Rev. B 81, 224417] applied to the bilinear-biquadratic (J-K) model. The free-fermion mean field states before the projection are 1D paring states. By comparing the energies and correlation functions of the projected pairing states with those obtained from known results, we show that the optimized Gutzwiller projected wavefunctions are very good trial ground state wavefunctions for the antiferromagnetic bilinear-biquadratic model in the regime K0). We find that different topological phases of the free-fermion paring states correspond to different spin phases: the weak pairing (topologically non-trivial) state gives rise to the Haldane phase, whereas the strong pairing (topologically trivial) state gives rise to the dimer phase. In particular the mapping between the Haldane phase and Gutwziller wavefunction is exact at the AKLT point K=1/3. The transition point between the two phases determined by the optimized Gutzwiller Projected wavefunction is in good agreement with the known result. The effect of Z2 gauge fluctuations above the mean field theory is analyzed.Comment: 10 pages,7 figure

    Physical properties of fluorides barium and calcium nanopowders produced by the pulsed electron beam evaporation method

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    The mesoporous nanocrystal powders BaF 2 and CaF 2 with a specific surface up to 34.8 and 88.7 sq.m/g, respectively, are produced by the pulsed electron beam evaporation method in vacuum. The influence of thermal annealing of nanoparticles on air in the range of temperature from 200 to 900°C on the size, morphology of particles and change of their magnetic and luminescent properties investigated have been investigared. The essential stoichiometric impurity (overage of metals) and significant growth in a specific surface of nanopowders (NP) BaF 2 and CaF 2 after annealing at the temperature of 200°C have been detected. It is established that the synthesized NP BaF 2 is a paramagnetic while initial material in the bulk state is diamagnetic. After annealing at 900°C appears the small ferromagnetic contribution at NP BaF 2 . Produced NP CaF 2 showed ferromagnetic behavior. In literature there is no information about the ferromagnetism of CaF 2 . Appearance of the ferromagnetic response can be explained with formation of structural and radiation defects (F-centers, etc.). The analysis of PCL and magnetization curves of samples BaF 2 and CaF 2 allows drawing conclusions about their connection. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The authors are grateful to Pryanichnikov S.V., a researcher of the shared equipment center “Ural” of the Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural division of RAS, for the X-ray phase analysis; to the researchers of the Institute of Electrophysics of the Ural division of RAS Demina T.M. for the texture analysis, Murzakayev A.M. and Timashenkova O.R. for the microscopic analysis, Spirina A.V. for the PCL analysis. This work has been carried out within the scope of government order No. 0389-2015-0026 and with partial support of RFBR project No. 18-08-00514. The magnetic measurements were carried out within the scope of government order under the topic MAGNIT, state registration No. AAAA-A18-118020290129-5

    Exact models for trimerization and tetramerization in spin chains

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    We present exact models for an antiferromagnetic S=1 spin chain describing trimerization as well as for an antiferromagnetic S=3/2 spin chain describing tetramerization. These models can be seen as generalizations of the Majumdar-Ghosh model. For both models, we provide a local Hamiltonian and its exact three- or four-fold degenerate ground state wavefunctions, respectively. We numerically confirm the validity of both models using exact diagonalization and discuss the low lying excitations.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Concerning Order and Disorder in the Ensemble of Cu-O Chain Fragments in Oxygen Deficient Planes of Y-Ba-Cu-O

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    In connection with numerous X-ray and neutron investigations of some high temperature superconductors (YBa2_2Cu3_3O6+x_{6+x} and related compounds) a non-trivial part of the structure factor, coming from partly disordered Cu-O-\dots-O-Cu chain fragments, situated within basal planes, CuOx_x, can be a subject of theoretical interest. Closely connected to such a diffusive part of the structure factor are the correlation lengths, which are also available in neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and depend on a degree of oxygen disorder in a basal plane. The quantitative measure of such a disorder can be associated with temperature of a sample anneal, TqT_q, at which oxygen in a basal plane remains frozen-in high temperature equilibrium after a fast quench of a sample to room or lower temperature. The structure factor evolution with xx is vizualized in figures after the numerical calculations. The theoretical approach employed in the paper has been developed for the orthorhombic state of YBCO.Comment: Revtex, 27 pages, 14 PostScript figures upon request, ITP/GU/94/0

    Finite-size-scaling ansatz for the helicity modulus of the triangular-lattice three-spin interaction model

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    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless-type continuous phase transition observed in the three-spin interaction model is discussed. The relevant field theory describes the topological defects involved and enables us to perform the renormalization-group analysis. Based on it, we shall propose the finite-size-scaling ansatz for the helicity modulus which exhibits the exponent νˉ=3/5\bar\nu=3/5 for the correlation length in the disordered phase. We perform the Monte Carlo simulations to confirm the ansatz. Also, we argue its relevance to the ground-state phase transition in the quantum spin chain.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure