48 research outputs found

    A szöveti őssejtek plaszticitása = Plasticity of tissue stem cells

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    Az embrionális fejlődés korai stádiumában a sejtek még minden irányba képesek differenciálódni. A felnőtt szervezetben erre már csak kisszámú, ún. szöveti őssejt és az is csak részben képes. Ezek a szöveti őssejtek fontos szerepet töltenek be a sérülések regenerációjában és a folyamatosan megújuló szövetek (például a vérképzőrendszer) fiziológiás működésében. Sorsukat a közvetlen környezetükből, az őssejt niche-ből érkező proliferációs, differenciációs és túlélési jelzések határozzák meg. A folyamat mechanizmusa azonban mindmáig tisztázatlan. A felnőtt szöveti őssejtek ugyanis különböző fejlődési irányokba képesek differenciálódni, sokszor még fejlődéstanilag nem rokon sejttípusokká is át tudnak alakulni (idegrendszeri őssejtek például vérsejtekké differenciálódhatnak). A szerzők összefoglalójukban az őssejtek plaszticitásának mechanizmusát magyarázó - egyelőre részben spekulatív - modelleket mutatnak be. A különböző fejlődési irányok közötti átmenet esetleg transzdifferenciáció útján megy végbe (agyi őssejt - vérsejt), de nem zárhatók ki a de- és redifferenciációs lépések sem (agyi őssejt - pluripotens sejt - vérsejt). Végül lehetséges, hogy szöveteinkben előfordulnak pluripotens, az embrionális fejlődés korai szakaszából fennmaradt őssejtek is, és ez az "őssejtplaszticitás" valódi magyarázata. | In the early stages of embryonic development, cells have the capability of dividing indefinitely and then differentiating into any type of cell in the body. Recent studies have revealed that much of this remarkable developmental potential of stem cells is retained by small populations of cells within most tissues in the adult. Intercellular signals that control the proliferation, differentiation and survival of tissue stem cells in their niches are being identified and include a diverse array of morphogens, cytokines, chemokines and cell adhesion molecules. Adult tissue stem cells, moreover, can also differentiate into developmentally unrelated cell types, such as nerve stem cells into blood cells. Currently, we can only speculate about the mechanisms involved in such dramatic changes in cell fate. For example, the emergence of, say, hematopoietic stem cells from brain neurospheres could involve either transdifferentiation (brain-blood) or dedifferentiation (brain-pluripotent cells), or by the actions of rare, but residual pluripotent stem cells. This issue is central to understanding the molecular basis of commitment and lies at the heart of debates about plasticity and the reversibility of developmental restriction

    A pluri- és multipotencia határán: a ganglionléc őssejtjei

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    Absztrakt A ganglionléc a gerinces embriókban megjelenő átmeneti, multipotens, vándorló sejtpopuláció, amiből a perifériás idegrendszer idegi és gliális elemeitől kezdve a craniofacialis terület ectomesenchymalis származékain vagy a bőr pigmentsejtjein át számos struktúra származtatható. Érdekes módon a ganglionléc-eredetű őssejtek nem csak az embrionális ganglionlécben vannak jelen, hanem megtalálhatók az általuk betelepített embrionális és felnőttkori szövetekben is. Ezek a posztmigrációs őssejtek – legalábbis részlegesen – tükrözik elődeik multipotenciáját. Ráadásul az olyan ganglionléc-eredetű, terminálisan differenciálódott sejtek, mint például a Schwann-sejtek és a melanocyták, bármikor képesek őssejtszerű progenitorokká dedifferenciálódni. Az összefoglaló tanulmányban a szerzők bemutatják, hogy mit tudunk jelenleg ezekről a különleges plaszticitású őssejtekről és milyen potenciális alkalmazási lehetőségek merülnek fel velük kapcsolatban a regeneratív orvoslás területén. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(42), 1683–1694

    Regulation of mouse microglia activation and effector functions by bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells

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    Mesenchymal stem or stromal cells (MSCs) are rare multipotent cells with potent regenerative and immunomodulatory properties. Microglial cells are specialized tissue macrophages of the central nervous system (CNS) that continuously survey their environment with highly motile extensions. Recently several studies have shown that MSCs are capable of reprogramming microglia into an “M2-like” phenotype characterized by increased phagocytic activity and upregulated expression of anti- inflammatory mediators in vitro. However, the precise polarization states of microglia in the presence of MSCs under physiological or under inflammatory conditions remain largely unknown. In this study, we found that MSCs induce a mixed microglia phenotype defined as Arg-1-high, CD86-high, CD206-high, IL-10-high, PGE2-high, MCP-1/CCL2-high, IL-1β- moderate, NALP-3-low, and TNF-α-low cells. These MSC-elicited microglial cells have high phagocytic activity and antigen-presenting ability. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is able to shape this microglia phenotype quantitatively, but not qualitatively in the presence of MSCs. This unique polarization state resembles a novel regulatory microglia phenotype, which might contribute to the resolution of inflammation and to tissue repair in the CNS

    ABCG2 Is a Selectable Marker for Enhanced Multilineage Differentiation Potential in Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells.

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    Periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs) provide an important source for tissue regeneration and may become especially useful in the formation of osteogenic seeds. PDLSCs can be cultured, expanded, and differentiated in vitro; thus, they may be applied in the long-term treatment of the defects in the dental regions. Here we studied numerous potential markers allowing the selection of human PDLSCs with a maximum differentiation potential. We followed the expression of the ATP-binding cassette subfamily G member 2 (ABCG2) membrane transporter protein and isolated ABCG2-expressing cells by using a monoclonal antibody, recognizing the transporter at the cell surface in intact cells. The expression of the ABCG2 protein, corresponding to the so-called side-population phenotype in various tissue-derived stem cells, was found to be a useful marker for the selection of PDLSCs with enhanced osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic differentiation. These findings may have important applications in achieving efficient dental tissue regeneration by using stem cells from extracted teeth

    Licensing by Inflammatory Cytokines Abolishes Heterogeneity of Immunosuppressive Function of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Population

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    When mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are used for therapy of immunological pathologies, they get into an inflammatory environment, altering the effectiveness of the treatment. To establish the impact of environmental inflammatory factors on MSCs' immunofunction in the mirror of intrinsic heterogeneity of mouse MSC population, individual MSC clones were generated and characterized. Adipogenic but not osteogenic differentiation and pro-angiogenic activity of five independent MSC cell lines were similar. Regarding osteogenic differentiation, clones MSC3 and MSC6 exhibited poorer capacity than MSC2, MSC4, and MSC5. To study the immunosuppressive heterogeneity, in vitro and in vivo experiments have been carried out using T-cell proliferation assay and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response, respectively. A remarkable difference was found between the clones in their ability to inhibit T-cell proliferation in the following order: MSC2MSC5>MSC4>MSC3>>MSC6. Nevertheless, the differences between the immunosuppressive activities of the individual clones disappeared on pretreatment of the cells with pro-inflammatory cytokines, a procedure called licensing. Stimulation of all clones with IFN- and TNF- resulted in elevation of their inhibitory capability to a similar level. Nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were identified as major mediators of immunofunction of the MSC clones. The earlier findings were also supported by in vivo results. Without licensing, MSC2 inhibited DTH response, while MSC6 did not affect DTH response. In contrast, prestimulation of MSC6 with inflammatory cytokines resulted in strong suppression by this clone as well. Here, we have showed that MSC population is functionally heterogeneous in terms of immunosuppressive function; however, this variability is largely reduced under pro-inflammatory conditions

    Establishment and Characterization of a Brca1-/-, p53-/- Mouse Mammary Tumor Cell Line.

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    Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women and the second most common cancer overall. By the age of 80, the estimated risk for breast cancer for women with germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations is around 80%. Genetically engineered BRCA1-deficient mouse models offer a unique opportunity to study the pathogenesis and therapy of triple negative breast cancer. Here we present a newly established Brca1-/-, p53-/- mouse mammary tumor cell line, designated as CST. CST shows prominent features of BRCA1-mutated triple-negative breast cancers including increased motility, high proliferation rate, genome instability and sensitivity to platinum chemotherapy and PARP inhibitors (olaparib, veliparib, rucaparib and talazoparib). Genomic instability of CST cells was confirmed by whole genome sequencing, which also revealed the presence of COSMIC (Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer) mutation signatures 3 and 8 associated with homologous recombination (HR) deficiency. In vitro sensitivity of CST cells was tested against 11 chemotherapy agents. Tumors derived from orthotopically injected CST-mCherry cells in FVB-GFP mice showed sensitivity to cisplatin, providing a new model to study the cooperation of BRCA1-KO, mCherry-positive tumor cells and the GFP-expressing stromal compartment in therapy resistance and metastasis formation. In summary, we have established CST cells as a new model recapitulating major characteristics of BRCA1-negative breast cancers

    Characterization and therapeutic application of canine adipose mesenchymal stem cells to treat elbow osteoarthritis

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    Visceral adipose tissue (AT) obtained from surgical waste during routine ovariectomies was used as a source for isolating canine mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). As determined by cytofluorimetry, passage 2 cells expressed MSC markers CD44 and CD90 and were negative for lineage-specific markers CD34 and CD45. The cells differentiated toward osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic directions. With therapeutic aims, 30 dogs (39 joints) suffering from elbow dysplasia (ED) and osteoarthritis (OA) were intra-articularly transplanted with allogeneic MSCs suspended in 0.5% hyaluronic acid (HA). A highly significant improvement was achieved without any medication as demonstrated by the degree of lameness during the follow-up period of 1 y. Control arthroscopy of 1 transplanted dog indicated that the cartilage had regenerated. Histological analysis of the cartilage biopsy confirmed that the regenerated cartilage was of hyaline type. These results demonstrate that transplantation of allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (AT-MSCs) is a novel, noninvasive, and highly effective therapeutic tool in treating canine elbow dysplasia. © 2017, Canadian Veterinary Medical Association. All rights reserved

    Stromal Cells Serve Drug Resistance for Multiple Myeloma via Mitochondrial Transfer: A Study on Primary Myeloma and Stromal Cells

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Mitochondrial transfer plays a crucial role in the acquisition of drug resistance in multiple myeloma, but its exact mechanism is not yet clear; moreover, overcoming the drug resistance that it causes is also a major challenge. Our research on primary myeloma cell cultures reveals that mitochondrial transfer is bi-directional between bone marrow stromal cells and myeloma cells, occurring via tunneling nanotubes and partial cell fusion with extreme increases under the influence of chemotherapeutic drugs, whereupon survival and adenosine triphosphate levels increase, while mitochondrial superoxide levels decrease in myeloma cells. These changes and the elevation of superoxide levels in stromal cells are proportional to the amount of incorporated mitochondria derived from the other cell type and to the concentration of the used drug. Although the inhibition of mitochondrial transfer is limited between stromal and myeloma cells, the supportive effect of stromal cells can be effectively averted by influencing the tumor metabolism with an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation in addition to chemotherapeutics. ABSTRACT: Recently, it has become evident that mitochondrial transfer (MT) plays a crucial role in the acquisition of cancer drug resistance in many hematologic malignancies; however, for multiple myeloma, there is a need to generate novel data to better understand this mechanism. Here, we show that primary myeloma cells (MMs) respond to an increasing concentration of chemotherapeutic drugs with an increase in the acquisition of mitochondria from autologous bone marrow stromal cells (BM-MSCs), whereupon survival and adenosine triphosphate levels of MMs increase, while the mitochondrial superoxide levels decrease in MMs. These changes are proportional to the amount of incorporated BM-MSC-derived mitochondria and to the concentration of the used drug, but seem independent from the type and mechanism of action of chemotherapeutics. In parallel, BM-MSCs also incorporate an increasing amount of MM cell-derived mitochondria accompanied by an elevation of superoxide levels. Using the therapeutic antibodies Daratumumab, Isatuximab, or Elotuzumab, no similar effect was observed regarding the MT. Our research shows that MT occurs via tunneling nanotubes and partial cell fusion with extreme increases under the influence of chemotherapeutic drugs, but its inhibition is limited. However, the supportive effect of stromal cells can be effectively avoided by influencing the metabolism of myeloma cells with the concomitant use of chemotherapeutic agents and an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation

    Identification of Galectin-1 as a Critical Factor in Function of Mouse Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Mediated Tumor Promotion

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    Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have recently been implicated as one source of the tumor-associated stroma, which plays essential role in regulating tumor progression. In spite of the intensive research, the individual factors in MSCs controlling tumor progression have not been adequately defined. In the present study we have examined the role of galectin-1 (Gal-1), a protein highly expressed in tumors with poor prognosis, in MSCs in the course of tumor development. Co-transplantation of wild type MSCs with 4T1 mouse breast carcinoma cells enhances the incidence of palpable tumors, growth, vascularization and metastasis. It also reduces survival compared to animals treated with tumor cells alone or in combination with Gal-1 knockout MSCs. In vitro studies show that the absence of Gal-1 in MSCs does not affect the number of migrating MSCs toward the tumor cells, which is supported by the in vivo migration of intravenously injected MSCs into the tumor. Moreover, differentiation of endothelial cells into blood vessel-like structures strongly depends on the expression of Gal-1 in MSCs. Vital role of Gal-1 in MSCs has been further verified in Gal-1 knockout mice. By administering B16F10 melanoma cells into Gal-1 deficient animals, tumor growth is highly reduced compared to wild type animals. Nevertheless, co-injection of wild type but not Gal-1 deficient MSCs results in dramatic tumor growth and development. These results confirm that galectin-1 is one of the critical factors in MSCs regulating tumor progression