16 research outputs found

    Techno-economic assessment of photovoltaic (PV) and building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) system retrofits in the Canadian housing stock

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    Techno-economic impact of retrofitting houses in the Canadian housing stock with PV and BIPV/T systems is evaluated using the Canadian Hybrid End-use Energy and Emission Model. Houses with south, south-east and south-west facing roofs are considered eligible for the retrofit since solar irradiation is maximum on south facing surfaces in the northern hemisphere. The PV system is used to produce electricity and supply the electrical demand of the house, with the excess electricity sold to the grid in a net-metering arrangement. The BIPV/T system produces electricity as well as thermal energy to supply the electrical as well as the thermal demands for space and domestic hot water heating. The PV system consists of PV panels installed on the available roof surface while the BIPV/T system adds a heat pump, thermal storage tank, auxiliary heater, domestic hot water heating equipment and hydronic heat delivery system, and replaces the existing heating system in eligible houses. The study predicts the energy savings, GHG emission reductions and tolerable capital costs for regions across Canada. Results indicate that the PV system retrofit yields 3% energy savings and 5% GHG emission reduction, while the BIPV/T system yields 18% energy savings and 17% GHG emission reduction in the Canadian housing stock. While the annual electricity use slightly increases, the fossil fuel use of the eligible houses substan

    Adaptation and validation of an existing bottom-up model for simulating temporal and inter-dwelling variations of residential appliance and lighting demands

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    The design and analysis of community-scale energy systems and incentives is a non-trivial task. The challenge of such undertakings is the well-documented uncertainty of building occupant behaviours. This is especially true in the residential sector, where occupants are given more freedom of activity compared to work environments. Further complicating matters is the dearth of available measured data. Building performance simulation tools are one approach to community energy analysis, however such tools often lack realistic models for occupant-driven demands, such as appliance and lighting (AL) loads. For community-scale analysis, such AL models must also be able to capture the temporal and inter-dwelling variation to achieve realistic estimates of aggregate electrical demand. This work adapts the existing Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) residential energy model to simulate Canadian residential AL demands. The focus of the analysis is to determine if the daily, seasonal, and inter-dwelling variation of AL demands estimated by the CREST model is realistic. An in-sample validation is conducted on the model using 22 high-resolution measured AL demand profiles from dwellings located in Ottawa, Canada. The adapted CREST model is shown to broadly capture the variation of AL demand variations observed in the measured data, however seasonal variation in daily AL demand behaviour was found to be under-estimated by the model. The average and variance of daily load factors was found to be similar between measured and modelled. The model was found to under-predict the daily coincidence factors of aggregated demands, although the variance of coincident factors was shown to be similar between measured and modelled. A stochastic baseload input developed for

    Techno-economic assessment of solar assisted heat pump system retrofit in the Canadian housing stock

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    The techno-economic feasibility of retrofitting existing Canadian houses with solar assisted heat pump (SAHP) is investigated. The SAHP architecture is adopted from previous studies conducted for the Canadian climate. The system utilizes two thermal storage tanks to store excess solar energy for use later in the day. The control strategy is defined in order to prioritise the use of solar energy for space and domestic hot water heating purposes. Due to economic and technical constraints a series of eligibility criteria are introduced for a house to qualify for the retrofit. A model was built in ESP-r and the retrofit was introduced into all eligible houses in the Canadian Hybrid Residential End-Use Energy and GHG Emissions model. Simulations were conducted for an entire year to estimate the annual energy savings, and GHG emission reductions. Results show that the SAHP system performance is strongly affected by climatic conditions, auxiliary energy sources and fuel mixture for electricity generation. Energy consumption and GHG emission of the Canadian housing stock can be reduced by about 20% if all eligible houses receive the SAHP system retrofit. Economic analysis indicates that the incentive measures will likely be necessary to promote the SAHP system in the Canadian residential market

    Techno-economic feasibility evaluation of air to water heat pump retrofit in the Canadian housing stock

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    This study was conducted to assess the techno-economic feasibility of converting the Canadian housing stock (CHS) into net/near zero energy buildings by introducing and integrating high efficient and renewable/alternative energy technologies in new construction and existing houses. Performance assessment of energy retrofit and renewable/alternative energy technologies in existing houses in regional and national scale is necessary to devise feasible strategies and incentive measures. The Canadian Hybrid Residential End-Use Energy and GHG Emissions model (CHREM) that utilizes a bottom-up modeling approach is used to investigate the techno-economic feasibility of air to water heat pump retrofit in the Canadian housing stock. The proposed energy retrofit includes an air to water heat pump, auxiliary boiler, thermal storage tank, hydronic heat delivery and domestic hot water (DHW) heating. Energy savings, GHG emission changes and economic feasibility of the air source heat pump retrofit are considered in this study. Results show that there is a potential to reduce 36% of energy consumption and 23% of GHG emissions of the CHS if all eligible houses undertake the retrofit. Economic analysis indicates that the feasibility of air to water heat pump systems is strongly affected by the current status of primary energy use for electricity generation and space and DHW heating as well as energy prices and economic conditions. Legislation, economic incentives and education for homeowners are necessary to enhance the penetration level of air to water heat pump retrofits in the CHS

    Techno-economic assessment of the impact of phase change material thermal storage on the energy consumption and GHG emissions of the Canadian Housing Stock

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    Responsible for 17% of all energy consumption and 16% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Canada, the residential sector presents substantial opportunities for reducing both energy consumption and GHG emissions. Being one of the highest per capita energy consumers in the world, there is increasing pressure on Canada to reduce both. Amongst the numerous options to reduce energy consumption in the residential sector is the large-scale adoption of active and passive solar technologies in the Canadian housing stock (CHS). In earlier publications, the authors have investigated the techno-economic feasibility of large-scale adoption of window and glazing modifications, window shading devices and solar domestic hot water systems in the CHS as retrofit measures. In this paper, the focus is on the adoption of thermal storage using phase change material (PCM) in the CHS as a retrofit measure. The results indicate that applying PCMs with melting temperature of 23°C to the eligible houses reduce energy consumption GHG emissions of the Canadian housing stock by about 2.5%. The economic feasibility results demonstrate the impact of fuel costs, as well as interest and energy price escalation rates on payback period. The economic results indicate that upgrading houses to incorporate PCM storage in the province of New Brunswick is more feasible than other provinces

    Proposed improvements to a model for characterizing the electrical and thermal energy performance of Stirling engine micro-cogeneration devices based upon experimental observations

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    Stirling engines (SE) are a market-ready technology suitable for residential cogeneration of heat and electricity to alleviate the increasing demand on central power grids. Advantages of this external combustion engine include high cogeneration efficiency, fuel flexibility, low noise and vibration, and low emissions. To explore and assess the feasibility of using SE based cogeneration systems in the residential sector, there is a need for an accurate and practical simulation model that can be used to conduct sensitivity and what-if analyses. A simulation model for SE based residential scale micro-cogeneration systems was recently developed; however the model is impractical due to its functional form and data requirements. Furthermore, the available experimental data lack adequate diversity to assess the model's suitability. In this paper, first the existing model is briefly presented, followed by a review of the design and implementation of a series of experiments conducted to study the performance and behaviour of the SE system and to develop extensive, and hitherto unavailable, operational data. The empirical observations are contrasted with the functional form of the existing simulation model, and improvements to the structure of the model are proposed based upon these observations

    Economic analysis of energy upgrades based on tolerable capital cost

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    To evaluate the economic feasibility of energy efficiency or renewable energy upgrades, a variety of tests are used such as payback period, cost-benefit ratio, and return on investment. All of these tests require an estimate of the capital cost of the upgrade. However, it is not always possible to reliably estimate the capital cost of a potential energy upgrade. To deal with such situations, an alternative approach is proposed that involves the calculation of the tolerable capital cost (TCC) of the upgrade. The use of the TCC approach to evaluate economic feasibility is demonstrated with a case study involving photovoltaic panel installations in Canadian houses

    Development and analysis of strategies to facilitate the conversion of Canadian houses into net zero energy buildings

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    Canada has numerous climatic and geographical regions and the Canadian housing stock (CHS) is diversified in terms of vintage, geometry, construction materials, envelope, occupancy, energy sources and heating, ventilation and air conditioning system and equipment. Therefore, strategies to achieve net zero energy (NZE) status with the current stock of houses need to be devised considering the unique characteristics of the housing stock, the economic conditions and energy mix available in each region. Identifying and assessing pathways for converting existing houses to NZE buildings at the housing stock level is a complex and multifaceted problem and requires extensive analysis on the impact of energy efficiency and renewable/alternative energy technology retrofits on the energy use and GHG emissions of households. A techno-economic analysis of retrofitting renewable/alternative energy technologies in the CHS to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions was conducted to develop strategies to achieve or approach NZE status for Canadian houses. The results indicate that substantial energy savings and GHG emission reductions are techno-economically feasible for the CHS through careful selection of retrofit options. While achieving large scale conversion of existing houses to NZEB is not feasible, approaching NZE status is a realistic goal for a large percentage of Canadian houses

    Techno-economic evaluation of internal combustion engine based cogeneration system retrofits in Canadian houses - A preliminary study

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    A preliminary techno-economic evaluation of retrofitting reciprocating internal combustion engine based cogeneration into existing Canadian houses for the purpose of achieving or approaching net-zero energy rating is presented. Primary energy and electricity consumption, associated greenhouse gas emissions and tolerable capital cost are used as indicators. A whole building simulation model was used to simulate the performance of a commonly used cogeneration system architecture with thermal storage in "typical" single storey houses located in Halifax, Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver, representing the five major climatic regions of Canada. The system is assumed to sell excess electricity to the grid at the purchase price. A high efficiency auxiliary boiler is included to supply heat when cogeneration unit capacity is not sufficient to meet the heating load. The effect of thermal storage capacity, interest rate and acceptable payback period on the overall performance was evaluated through a sensitivity analysis. The findings suggest that internal combustion engine based cogeneration provides a promising option to achieve net-zero energy rating for Canadian houses, and therefore more detailed studies focusing on the entire Canadian housing stock are needed

    Technoeconomic assessment of the impact of window improvements on the heating and cooling energy requirement and greenhouse gas emissions of the canadian housing stock

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    This study evaluates the economic feasibility as well as the effect of window modifications on the heating and cooling energy requirement of the Canadian housing stock based on detailed energy simulations conducted using the Canadian hybrid residential end-use energy model (CHREM) and green house gas emissions model (GEM). It is found that thermally improved windows can substantially reduce the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from the Canadian residential sector. The magnitude of energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions depend largely on the size of the housing stock, existing window type characteristics, climate, and fuel mix used. Thus, there are variations from province to province. Similarly, economic feasibility depends on the magnitude of savings available as well as the price of energy in each province