414 research outputs found

    Robust Detection of Ocular Dominance Columns in Humans using High Field HSE BOLD fMRI

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    The ability to reliably and reproducibility map high resolution functional architecture using fMRI techniques has been a point of debate in animal as well as human studies. Several animal and human studies have successfully mapped high resolution functional organizations, however, the robustness of the phenomenon (i.e. reproducibility and demonstration in multiple subjects), which would certainly improve the credibility of the data, has been a subject of debate. Here we demonstrate the spatial specificity of Hahn spin echo BOLD by robust mapping of ocular dominance columns in humans at the high magnetic field of 7 T

    The Dynamics of ERP and Hemodynamic Responses at Very Short Stimulus Durations

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    Complementary non-invasive imaging methods on human subjects such as EEG and fMRI can provide new insights into the functioning of the brain and into neurovascular coupling. Particularly, short stimulus durations rather than commonly used standard durations in fMRI experiments are suitable to study the relationship between electrophysiological and vascular measures because of reduction of non-linearities of the hemodynamic response [1]. In this study, using very short stimulus durations (0.1 ms to 5 ms) and measurements with fMRI and EEG we have found that both N75 of the visual evoked potentials and BOLD signal increase and P100 decrease with stimulus duration. In addition, the BOLD signal poststimulus undershoot also tends to deviate more with stimulus duration. These results allow to shed light on whether and which ERP components correlate well with the BOLD signal

    Investigation of BOLD using CARR-PURCELL T2 Weighting with SPIRAL Readout

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    It is demonstrated that a Carr-Purcell (CP) technique based on the fully adiabatic pulse sequence (CP-LASER) with SPIRAL readout can be used to generate zoomed images with relatively short acquisition window (at) for the investigation of the mechanisms of the BOLD effect. Based on the capability of the developed technique to refocus the dynamic dephasing, it is demonstrated that the BOLD effect is suppressed as the pulse interval cp of CP-LASER sequence decreased

    A realistic vascular model for BOLD signal up to 16.4 T

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    The blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) signal using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is currently the most popular imaging method to study brain function non-invasively. The sensitivity of the BOLD signal to different types of MRI sequences and vessel sizes is currently under investigation [1]. Gradient echo (GRE) sequences are known to be sensitive to larger vessels (venules and veins), whereas spin-echo (SE) sequences are generally more sensitive to smaller vessels (venules and capillaries), especially at high magnetic field strength [2, 3]. However, the widely used single vessel model is only an approximation to the realistic vascular distribution. Realistic vascular models have been proposed by Marques and Bowtell [4] and, recently, by Chen et al.[5]. We herein present a realistic vascular model (RVM) where diffusion is accounted for by a Monte-Carlo random walk

    Sub Millimeter Analysis of Specificity of SE, GE, and ASE BOLD Responses in the Human Visual Cortex

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    Sub-millimeter spatial resolution applications are becoming of increasing interest in fMRI. Several animal and human studies have successfully mapped high resolution functional organizations. However, it is not known which fMRI technique (which depends on field strength), maximizes contrast to noise as well as specificity to capillaries for sub-millimeter functional mapping. In this work we examine this problem by comparing functional maps, at 0.5mm in plane resolution, of gradient echo BOLD, spin echo BOLD, and asymmetric echo BOLD in human visual cortex at 7 Tesla

    Parallel Imaging with RASER using Multiband Frequency-modulated Excitation Pulses

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    The many advantages of the recently proposed RASER sequence have been demonstrated. Hence, RASER holds great promises for functional MRI (fMRI), particularly for studies of the orbital-frontal cortex and other brain regions near air cavities, which cause distortion and signal loss in conventional EPI methods. However, the single-shot RASER sequence implemented so far inherently presents a set of temporal and spatial limitations that hinders it feasibility and full potential for fMRI applications. It is believed that parallel imaging will help overcome such restrictions. In this work, the RASER acquisition and reconstruction scheme is extended for parallel imaging using tailored pulses for simultaneous multi-band excitation

    RubiX: combining spatial resolutions for Bayesian inference of crossing fibers in diffusion MRI

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    The trade-off between signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spatial specificity governs the choice of spatial resolution in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI is no exception. Images of lower resolution have higher signal to noise ratio, but also more partial volume artifacts. We present a data-fusion approach for tackling this trade-off by combining DW MRI data acquired both at high and low spatial resolution. We combine all data into a single Bayesian model to estimate the underlying fiber patterns and diffusion parameters. The proposed model, therefore, combines the benefits of each acquisition. We show that fiber crossings at the highest spatial resolution can be inferred more robustly and accurately using such a model compared to a simpler model that operates only on high-resolution data, when both approaches are matched for acquisition time

    Steady-state cerebral glucose concentrations and transport in the human brain

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    Understanding the mechanism of brain glucose transport across the blood- brain barrier is of importance to understanding brain energy metabolism. The specific kinetics of glucose transport nave been generally described using standard Michaelis-Menten kinetics. These models predict that the steady- state glucose concentration approaches an upper limit in the human brain when the plasma glucose level is well above the Michaelis-Menten constant for half-maximal transport, K(t). In experiments where steady-state plasma glucose content was varied from 4 to 30 mM, the brain glucose level was a linear function of plasma glucose concentration. At plasma concentrations nearing 30 mM, the brain glucose level approached 9 mM, which was significantly higher than predicted from the previously reported K(t) of ~4 mM (p < 0.05). The high brain glucose concentration measured in the human brain suggests that ablumenal brain glucose may compete with lumenal glucose for transport. We developed a model based on a reversible Michaelis-Menten kinetic formulation of unidirectional transport rates. Fitting this model to brain glucose level as a function of plasma glucose level gave a substantially lower K(t) of 0.6 ± 2.0 mM, which was consistent with the previously reported millimolar K(m) of GLUT-1 in erythrocyte model systems. Previously reported and reanalyzed quantification provided consistent kinetic parameters. We conclude that cerebral glucose transport is most consistently described when using reversible Michaelis-Menten kinetics

    Functional brain mapping by blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast magnetic resonance imaging. A comparison of signal characteristics with a biophysical model

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    It recently has been demonstrated that magnetic resonance imaging can be used to map changes in brain hemodynamics produced by human mental operations. One method under development relies on blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast: a change in the signal strength of brain water protons produced by the paramagnetic effects of venous blood deoxyhemoglobin. Here we discuss the basic quantitative features of the observed BOLD-based signal changes, including the signal amplitude and its magnetic field dependence and dynamic effects such as a pronounced oscillatory pattern that is induced in the signal from primary visual cortex during photic stimulation experiments. The observed features are compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulations of water proton intravoxel phase dispersion produced by local field gradients generated by paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in nearby venous blood vessels. The simulations suggest that the effect of water molecule diffusion is strong for the case of blood capillaries, but, for larger venous blood vessels, water diffusion is not an important determinant of deoxyhemoglobin-induced signal dephasing. We provide an expression for the apparent in-plane relaxation rate constant (R2*) in terms of the main magnetic field strength, the degree of the oxygenation of the venous blood, the venous blood volume fraction in the tissue, and the size of the blood vessel