39 research outputs found

    Influence of Deep Convection on Cirrus and Water Vapor Concentration in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

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    It is well known that stratospheric humidity is primarily controlled by freeze drying (ice crystal growth and sedimentation) of air ascending across the cold tropical tropopause. However, the suggestion of an important source of water vapor from deep convection that extends above the tropical tropopause has persisted. There exists much anecdotal evidence of direct convective hydration of the lower stratosphere based on measurements from high altitude aircraft campaigns, but quantifying the impact of deep convection on the overall budget of stratospheric water vapor has proven challenging. The role of convection on the humidity of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is investigated in simulations of cirrus clouds along trajectories launched from given potential temperature level surfaces. The one-dimensional (vertical) cloud model tracks individual ice crystals through their life cycles, beginning with nucleation or detrainment from convection, followed by deposition growth, sedimentation and sublimation. Convective influence of the parcels is diagnosed by tracing the trajectories through time-dependent fields of convective cloud-top height adjusted to match the CloudSAT and CALIPSO statistics. Model simulations of UTLS water vapor and cloud fields are evaluated and constrained by comparison with MLS and CALIPSO measurements. The simulation results indicate that the overall impact of convection on water vapor near the tropical tropopause is 10-15%, while the impact on lower stratospheric humidity is no more than a few percent. Ice crystals detrained from deep convection have relatively small effect. The general implications for the importance of deep convection on UTLS humidity and cirrus cloud fraction will be discussed

    Impact of Convectively Detrained Ice Crystals on the Tropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

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    The role of convectively detrained ice crystals on the humidity of the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is investigated in simulations of cirrus clouds along trajectories launched from the 378K potential temperature level in the tropics. The one-dimensional (vertical) cloud model tracks individual ice crystals through their lifecycle beginning with detrainment from convection, followed by deposition growth, sedimentation and sublimation. Convective influence of the parcels is diagnosed by tracing the trajectories through time-dependent fields of convective cloud-top height adjusted to match the CloudSAT and CALIPSO statistics. Model simulations of UTLS water vapor and cloud fields are evaluated and constrained by comparison with Aura MLS and CALIPSO measurements. Preliminary results indicate sensitivity of the detrained ice crystal lifecycle to atmospheric conditions downstream of convection. Specifically, cooling (high relative humidity and supersaturation) downstream of convection leads to deposition growth and sedimentation of detrained ice crystals, resulting in net dehydration of the UTLS. In contrast, warming (low relative humidity and subsaturation) downstream of convection leads to sublimation of detrained ice crystals and subsequent hydration. As such, the impact of detrained ice crystals on the humidity of the UTLS exhibits distinct spatial variability. Detrained ice crystals predominantly dehydrate the UTLS in the tropical mean. Sensitivities to the convectively detrained ice crystal size and concentration are also examined using measurements from the StatoClim aircraft campaign. The importance of convectively detrained ice crystals will be discussed within the context of the overall contribution of convection to the lower stratospheric humidity

    Convective Influence on the Humidity and Clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer During Boreal Summer

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    The impact of convection on the humidity and clouds in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL) during boreal summer 2007 is investigated in simulations of detailed cloud microphysical processes and their effects on the water vapor (H2O) profile along backward trajectories from the 379 K potential temperature (100hPa pressure) surface. Convective influence is determined by tracing the trajectories through timedependent fields of satellitebased convective cloud top height. The simulated H2O mixing ratios at the 100hPa level and cloud occurrence fractions in the middle to upper (1618 km) TTL exhibit a pronounced maximum over the Asian monsoon region as in observations; these local enhancements are virtually absent in the simulation without convection, indicating that convection is the dominant driver of the localized H2O and cloud maxima in the Asian summer monsoon region. Convection moistens the 100hPa level by 0.6 ppmv (~15%) averaged over the 10S50N domain and increases tropical (10S30N) mean cloud occurrence in the middle to upper TTL by ~170%. Nearly all of the convective enhancements in H2O and clouds are due to the effect of convective saturation; convectively detrained ice crystals have negligible impact. Parcels are most frequently hydrated by deep convection in the southern sector of the Asian monsoon anticyclone and subsequently dehydrated downstream of convection to the west, shifting the locations of final dehydration northwest of the cold temperature region in the northern Tropics. Infrequent, extreme deep convective systems (cloud tops exceeding 380 K) have a disproportionately large effect on TTL humidity and clouds

    A Method for Obtaining High Frequency, Global, IR-Based Convective Cloud Tops for Studies of the TTL

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    Models of varying complexity that simulate water vapor and clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) show that including convection directly is essential to properly simulating the water vapor and cloud distribution. In boreal winter, for example, simulations without convection yield a water vapor distribution that is too uniform with longitude, as well as minimal cloud distributions. Two things are important for convective simulations. First, it is important to get the convective cloud top potential temperature correctly, since unrealistically high values (reaching above the cold point tropopause too frequently) will cause excessive hydration of the stratosphere. Second, one must capture the time variation as well, since hydration by convection depends on the local relative humidity (temperature), which has substantial variation on synoptic time scales in the TTL. This paper describes a method for obtaining high frequency (3-hourly) global convective cloud top distributions which can be used in trajectory models. The method uses rainfall thresholds, standard IR brightness temperatures, meteorological temperature analyses, and physically realistic and documented corrections IR brightness temperature corrections to derive cloud top altitudes and potential temperatures. The cloud top altitudes compare well with combined CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO data, both in time-averaged overall vertical and horizontal distributions and in individual cases (correlations of .65-.7). An important finding is that there is significant uncertainty (nearly .5 km) in evaluating the statistical distribution of convective cloud tops even using lidar. Deep convection whose tops are in regions of high relative humidity (such as much of the TTL), will cause clouds to form above the actual convection. It is often difficult to distinguish these clouds from the actual convective cloud due to the uncertainties of evaluating ice water content from lidar measurements. Comparison with models show that calculated cloud top altitudes are generally higher than those calculated by global analyses (e.g., MERRA). Interannual variability in the distribution of convective cloud top altitudes is also investigated

    A Method for Obtaining High Time and Spatial Resolution Convective Cloud Top Data for the TTL

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    A method for obtaining high time and spatial resolution convective cloud top data for the TTL Leonhard Pfister, Eric Jensen, Rei Ueyama, Eliot Atlas, and Maria Navarro Convective systems in the tropics have a maximum in the cloud top altitude distribution of about 13.5 km. However, there is a significant tail to this distribution -- a few percent reach the cold point tropopause (CPT) at 16.5 km, and there has been clear evidence of convective mass deposited as high as 19 km in the tropics. The region between 13.5 km and the cold point tropopause is transitional, between the free tropical troposphere where convective mixing dominates, and the stratosphere where slow upward ascent dominates. In this region (the Tropical Tropopause Layer), convective injection, slow ascent, and mixing from midlatitudes all have similar time scales. So, even though only a few percent of convective systems reach the CPT, convection is important. Space Based Lidar and cloud radar measurements have yielded information about long term average statistical distributions of cloud altitude as a function of location. However, we also need time-dependent cloud top altitude and cloud top potential temperature information, primarily to understand the water vapor and TTL cloud distributions. This is because the effect of convection depends on the local temperature, and on the subsequent temperature history. Time dependent cloud top information is also needed to understand short-lived tracers because cross-isentropic flow is time and space dependent. This paper presents a method of obtaining time and space dependent convective cloud top theta (and altitude) information using 3-hourly geostationary brightness temperature data, coupled with global 3 -hourly rainfall estimates and temperature analyses. We explore different mixing algorithms to obtain the most reasonable agreement with near-simultaneous observations by cloudsat and calipso. Observations of short-lived tracers from ATTREX, coupled with short-term trajectories are used to test the method's accuracy. An important caveat is the ambiguity of evaluating convective cloud top altitudes under from combined cloudsat and calipso measurements

    Meteorological Drivers of Cold Temperatures in the Western Pacific TTL

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    During the recent October 2016 aircraft sampling mission of the Tropical Tropopause Layer (POSIDON -- Pacific Oxidants, Sulfur, Ice, Dehydration, and cONvection), Western Pacific October TTL temperatures were anomalously cold due to a combination of La Nina conditions and a very stationary convective pattern. POSIDON also had more October Tropical Cyclones than typical, and tropical cyclones have substantial negative TTL temperatures associated with them. This paper investigates how meteorology in the troposphere drives TTL temperatures, and how these temperatures, coupled with the circulation, produce TTL clouds. We will also compare October TTL cloud distributions in different years, examining the relationship of clouds to October temperature anomalies

    Convective Influence on the Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor in the Boreal Summer Asian Monsoon Region

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    Processes maintaining the localized maxima in lower stratospheric watervapor over the boreal summer Asian monsoon region are investigated usingtrajectory and cloud models that resolve the detailed cloudmicrophysical processes, with observation-based convection and radiationschemes. We examine the impact of convective influence along parceltrajectories on cloud formation and dehydration by tracing thetrajectories through time-dependent fields of convective cloud topheights estimated from global rainfall and geostationary brightnesstemperatures. Parameters such as the rainfall threshold used foridentification of deep convection are derived by comparison with theCloudSat deep convective cloud top product as enhanced by colocatedCALIOP measurements. The simulated water vapor field at the 100 hPalevel and cloud occurrence frequencies in the tropical tropopause layer(TTL) are constrained by corresponding observations from MLS andCALIPSO, respectively. The observed maximum in the 100 hPa level watervapor field over the Asian monsoon region is only present in thesimulation with convective influence, indicating the importance ofconvective hydration for the summertime water vapor distribution.Convection moistens the 100 hPa level over the Asian monsoon by 1 ppmv,where 75 of this moistening is due to convection occurring locallywithin the monsoon region. Convection also increases the cloudoccurrence frequency in the TTL over the southern sector of the Asianmonsoon anticyclone by 20. Parcels are convectively hydrated in thesoutheastern sector of the anticyclone, transported westward by theanticyclonic circulation, and dehydrated in the southwestern sector. Therelative importance of extreme convective events that inject ice andwater vapor near or above the tropopause will also be examined

    A Method for Obtaining High Frequency, Global, IR-Based Convective Cloud Tops for Studies of the Tropical Tropopause Layer

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    Models of varying complexity that simulate water vapor and clouds in the Tropical Tropopause Layer (TTL) show that including convection directly is essential to properly simulating the water vapor and cloud distribution. In boreal winter, for example, simulations without convection yield a water vapor distribution that is too uniform with longitude, as well as cloud incidences that are too low. Two things are important for convective simulations. First, it is important to get the convective cloud top potential temperature correctly, since unrealistically high values (reaching above the cold point tropopause too frequently) will cause excessive hydration of the stratosphere. Second, one must capture the time variation as well, since hydration by convection depends on the local relative humidity (temperature), which has substantial variation on synoptic time scales in the TTL. This paper describes a method for obtaining high frequency (3-hourly) global convective cloud top distributions which can be used in trajectory models. The method uses rainfall thresholds, standard IR (infra-red) brightness temperatures, meteorological temperature analyses, and physically realistic and documented corrections to IR brightness temperatures to derive cloud top altitudes and potential temperatures. The cloud top altitudes compare well with combined CLOUDSAT and CALIPSO data, both in time-averaged overall vertical and horizontal distributions and in individual cases (correlations of .65-.7). Results from the method are compared to convective distributions currently used by global models. In general, the method shows that models underestimate convective cloud top altitudes

    Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumor with Elevated Peripheral Interleukin-6 Level Shows Prolonged Fever and Delayed Puberty

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    Juvenile granulosa cell tumor (JGCT), classified as a sex cord-stromal tumor, is a rare neoplasm. This is an instructive case report of JGCT accompanied by augmented interleukin (IL)-6 secretion. A 13-year-old girl with prolonged fever and delayed puberty was diagnosed with JGCT of the left ovary based on an imaging study and pathological investigation. Although it was not clear whether IL-6 was secreted from the tumor cells, her serum level of IL-6 was very high. After tumorectomy, the patient鈥檚 symptoms immediately disappeared, her IL-6 level decreased, and she entered puberty. Therefore, augmented IL-6 secretion production induced by tumors should be considered a potential cause of prolonged fever and/or delayed puberty

    The impact of tropical tropopause cooling on Sahelian extreme deep convection

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    Previous studies have suggested that the recent increase in tropical extreme deep convection, in particular over Asia and Africa during the boreal summer, has occurred in association with cooling in the tropical lower stratosphere. The present study is focused on the Sahel region of West Africa, where an increased occurrence of extreme precipitation events has been reported over recent decades. The results indicate that the changes over West Africa since the 1980s involve a cooling trend in the tropical lower stratosphere and tropopause layer, combined with warming in the troposphere. This feature is similar to that which might result from increased greenhouse-gas levels but is distinct from the interannual variation of precipitation associated with the transport of water vapor from the Atlantic Ocean. It is suggested that the decrease in the vertical temperature gradient in the tropical tropopause region enhances extreme deep convection over the Sahel, where penetrating convection is frequent, whereas tropospheric warming suppresses the shallower convection over the Guinea Coast. Therefore, the essential feature of the recent changes over West Africa is the depth of convection rather than the total amount of surface precipitation