124 research outputs found
Off-set Filtering Effect in SOA Based Optical Access Network
In-line and reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA and RSOA) can be effectively utilized as external optical intensity modulators. However the limited modulation bandwidth affects the application possibilities, because next generation access networks desire high transmission speed. Bandwidth enhancement can be achieved by means of optical equalization thanks to the chirping characteristics of semiconductor optical amplifier. The limited modulation transfer function can be combined with the converted phase modulation transfer function. Investigation of optical filter with optimal slope is a crucial challenge in this approach. The presented simulations describe the slope dependence of the modulation band. The model can take into account the different type of realizable optical filters. However there is a trade-off between modulation efficiency and modulation bandwidth due to the extra insertion loss of the set-off optical filter. In the paper theoretical and simulation investigations are presented with the result of improved modulation bandwidth
Synchronization and channel estimation in experimental M-QAM OFDM radio over fiber systems using CAZAC based training preamble
In this paper, we propose a new technique for synchronization and channel estimation in M-QAM OFDM radio over fiber (RoF) system by using constant amplitude zero auto-correlation (CAZAC) sequence based training preamble. Delay and correlate method is used to identify the training sequence in the received signal vector and to correct the symbol timing offset. For an optimum demodulation of OFDM signal, optimum down sampling offset position has to be identified before applying symbol timing algorithm. To solve this issue, we present the iterative method of finding optimum down sampling offset position. We show that the training preamble used for synchronization can also be applied to estimate the channel response using averaging technique. Moreover, we used the least square estimation based channel estimation method using pilot subcarriers and compare the results with training preamble based estimation
Igényérvényesítés és nyelvi akadályok = Claim enforcement and language barriers
Jelen tanulmány a Károli Gáspár Református Egyetemen Prof. Dr. Rixer Ádám általszervezett, „Szükség van-e Magyarországon jogi-igazgatási szaknyelv újításra? Jogi-igazgatási terminológiastratégia kialakítása” című konferencián (2023. március 9.) elhangzott előadás írott és szerkesztett változata. Témáját tekintve elsősorban a polgári jogi igényérvényesítés során felmerülő nyelvi akadályokat járja körül. Vizsgálja a perjogba átszivárgó idegen nyelvi és Európai Uniós jogi hatásokat melyek új fogalmakat alkotnak e jogterületen. Ugyanakkor a nyelv változása mellett a közokirat fogalmával összefüggésben rámutat a tartalmi állandóságára. A dolog fogalmán keresztül pedig bemutatja, hogy a már a római jogban is ismert dolog (res) fogalom hangzása nem változik, azonban tartalma jelentős változásokon megy keresztül a világ változásait követve. Végül egy friss – a Munka törvénykönyvét érintő – változással illusztrálja az igényérvényesítés nyelvi problémáit, akadályait. = This essay is based on a lecture given at the conference „Is there a need
for legal-administrative language reform in Hungary? Developing a strategy
for legal-administrative terminology”, organized by Prof. Dr. Ádám Rixer on
March. 9, 2023. It revolves around the issues of legal barriersrelated to civil
law claims and their enforcement. The author tacklesthe foreign, especially
the European Union effects, that infiltrate and create new concepts in this
field. On the otherside,some constancy isshown regarding the definition of authentic document. Analyzing the concept of “res” known from the times
of Roman law, it is shown that a concept may radically alter even when its
phonic remains the same. Lastly, a fresh amendment shall illustrate some
language-related barriers and ambiguities of claims and their enforcement
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