38 research outputs found

    Social Cataloguing Sites: An Analysis through Webometric Approach

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    The basic purpose of this study is to compare and evaluate the social cataloguing sites via content analysis from various parameters and also through SEO analyzer. The nine social cataloguing sites have been considered for this webometric analysis. Collected data were analyzed according to forty criteria under nine main aspects. Finally it was found that LibraryThing, Goodreads, aNobii etc. are good example of social cataloguing sites

    Knowledge inflow in Library and Information Science in India: a case study of Library Herald

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    This study determined the knowledge inflow in library and information science publications in Indian. Citation analysis and co-author(s) academic background study was done by the authors to analyzed articles published in Library Herald during 2005-2014. Total 220 articles contributed by 371 scholars with 2662 references were studied and it was found that journals were most referred documents, 33 major disciplines has influenced on LIS, education was the most influencing discipline on LIS based on co-authorship study and citation counting analysi

    Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India

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    Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority

    Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India

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    Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority

    Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India

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    The present study focuses on the Web Impact Factor (WIF)) of the Indian Open University websites. Among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In the case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites, IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having a domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In the case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with a page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. The least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority

    Treatment of Subject Descriptors on Children in Twenty Three DDC Editions

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    The study explores the treatment of subject descriptors on children and its correlated subjects in the 23 DDC editions by adopting an assessment and evaluation study. Authors found that the Home and family management (640) class holds the maximum subject descriptors on children

    Juveniles in Dewey Decimal Classification

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    This paper explores the subject juvenile based on subject descriptors in DDC editions. The objectives was to assess the evolution of the subject in DDC. Qualitative assessment of the subject descriptors is made to exhibit the edition wise treatment. Law class holds the maximum number of subject descriptors on juveniles. Edition 21st to 23rd have the maximum share of concepts on juvenile. Standing room concepts which have been providing shelter to the subjects with future prospects are expressed through Example notes and including notes. These subject descriptors’ relation with other disciplines as reflected in See and See also references hint at the cross disciplinary nature of subjects

    Nobel Laureate Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee: A Scientometric Portrait, 1987-2019

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    Nobel Memorial Prize in economics is selected by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and first awarded in the domain in 1969; the latest in 2019 was awarded to the Indian-born American economist Prof. Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee along with Esther Duflo and Michael Kremer. The present study attempted to measure and analyse the research publications of Prof. Banerjee during 1987 to 2019 based on the data available in Google Scholar database. A total of 333 documents published during this period in which 35.74 percent were published as journal articles. Till 2004 the mean relative growth rate of his publications was 0.237 and doubling time was 3.29 whereas from 2005 to 2019 the relative growth rate decreased to 0.077 and the time for doubling increased to 10.20. Esther Duflo was the most prolific co-author of the publications of Prof. Banerjee with 120 documents shared out of 333 by them. The collaboration rate of all publications was 0.89 identifies most of his publications written in collaboration. The journal he used for most of his research to publish was mainly USA based. He has produced numbers of publications which received huge citations, and during May, 2020 the h-index counted 87 according to Goggle Scholar citation counts


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    Wikipedia is public encyclopedia contains articles on different subjects and different topics. The objective of the study is to evaluate the standard and status of revision of the library related articles. History page of Wikipedia article contains statistics of page from where the status and standard of the page has been derived. It has been concluded that Wikipedia covers 67 concepts of DDC 23rd edition arrived in 020 class (Library and Information Science Class). The content of Library and Information Science (LIS) related articles in Wikipedia was not enough informative as per Wikiproject. The concepts related to information science i.e. World Wide Web has been edited more times and it has been edited by more editors

    #Hashtag: A Special Feature to Organize and Classify Unstructured Information in Social Media

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    A web based tools that allow people or companies or organizations to create, organize and share information, documents and picture/videos in virtual communities and network is called as social media. It can also be said as medium of communication like a newspaper or a radio. The facebook, twitter, Google+, Pinterest etc. are some of the absolute examples of social media. It is becoming a serious part of life as the social sites and applications are increasing. One of the most unique yet understudied feature available on social media platforms is the hashtag (#hashtag). Hashtags is a short combination of words or phrases that follow a hash sign (#), such as #India, #CricketWorldCup etc. Hashtags can help categorize or organize information, increase engagement, attract followers to a certain topic or area. The purpose of this paper is to highlights various aspects of hashtag and its uses in social media