16 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Tepung Kulit Singkong dalam Pembuatan Mi Sagu Instan

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    The research aim was to find the best formulation for making instant noodle from cassava peel flour and sago starch. This study was conducted using Complete Random Design with three repetitions and six treatments. The treatments for manufacturing instant noodles were SK0 (sago starch 100%), SK1 (sago starch 95% and cassava peel flour 5%), SK2 (sago starch 90% and cassava peel flour 10%), SK3 (sago starch 85% and cassava peel flour 15%), SK4 (sago starch 80% and cassava peel flour 20%), and SK5 (sago starch 75% and cassava peel flour 25%). Parameters observed were the moisture content before and after frying, protein content, acid value, intactness and rehydration time. The results show that addition of cassava feel flour significantly affected the moisture content before and after flying, protein content, acid value and intactness, but did not significantly influence the rehydration time of instant noodle. The best treatment was SK5 (sago starch 75% and 25% cassava peel flour) with moisture content before and after frying 9.12 % and 7.12% respectively, protein content 6.14%, acid number 0.03%, intactness 94.93% and rehydration time 4.23 minutes

    Reverse Osmosis Separation of NaCl using a Bentonite Membrane

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    The results of 11 experiments using compacted bentonite membranes in a cross-flow experimental cell equipped with a piston to maintain clay membrane compaction are reported. Due to dispersion in the porous frit, solute concentration buildup adjacent to the membrane was not a problem at the flow rates used in these experiments (6 to 126 mL/hr). The solute rejection efficiency of the bentonite membrane decreased with increasing solution concentration. The rejection efficiency for the 0.5-mm thick membrane ranged from 68% of Cl- for 100-mM (3545 ppm) NaCl solution to 13% of Cl - for 2300-mM (81,542 ppm) NaCl solution. The membrane exhibited stable solute rejection

    Low-Carbon Energy Development in Indonesia in Alignment with Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) by 2030

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    This study analyzed the role of low-carbon energy technologies in reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of Indonesia’s energy sector by 2030. The aim of this study was to provide insights into the Indonesian government’s approach to developing a strategy and plan for mitigating emissions and achieving Indonesia’s emission reduction targets by 2030, as pledged in the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution. The Asia-Pacific Integrated Model/Computable General Equilibrium (AIM/CGE) model was used to quantify three scenarios that had the same socioeconomic assumptions: baseline, countermeasure (CM)1, and CM2, which had a higher emission reduction target than that of CM1. Results of the study showed that an Indonesian low-carbon energy system could be achieved with two pillars, namely, energy efficiency measures and deployment of less carbon-intensive energy systems (i.e., the use of renewable energy in the power and transport sectors, and the use of natural gas in the power sector and in transport). Emission reductions would also be satisfied through the electrification of end-user consumption where the electricity supply becomes decarbonized by deploying renewables for power generation. Under CM1, Indonesia could achieve a 15.5% emission reduction target (compared to the baseline scenario). This reduction could be achieved using efficiency measures that reduce final energy demand by 4%; This would require the deployment of geothermal power plants at a rate six times greater than the baseline scenario and four times the use of hydropower than that used in the baseline scenario. Greater carbon reductions (CM2; i.e., a 27% reduction) could be achieved with similar measures to CM1 but with more intensive penetration. Final energy demand would need to be cut by 13%, deployment of geothermal power plants would need to be seven times greater than at baseline, and hydropower use would need to be five times greater than the baseline case. Carbon prices under CM1 and CM2 were US16andUS16 and US63 (2005)/tCO2, respectively. The mitigation scenarios for 2030 both had a small positive effect on gross domestic product (GDP) compared to the baseline scenario (0.6% and 0.3% for CM1 and CM2, respectively). This is mainly due to the combination of two assumptions. The first is that there would be a great increase in coal-fired power in the baseline scenario. The other assumption is that there is low productivity in coal-related industries. Eventually, when factors such as capital and labor shift from coal-related industries to other low-carbon-emitting sectors in the CM cases are put in place, the total productivity of the economy would offset low-carbon investment

    Field Work Practice Report Analysis of Fuel Pump Repair and Maintenance on Nissan Grand Livina 1500 Cc

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    87 HlmPembuatan tugas kerja praktek analisa perbaikan dan perawatan fuel pump (pompa bahan bakar) pada mesin Nissan Grand Livina 1500 cc dan cara mengatasinya memiliki 2 kesimpulan, diantaranya: 1. Dalam mengatasi kerusakan pada pompa bahan bakar khususnya Nissan Grand Livina 1500 cc ada peroses dan urut-urutannya mulai identifikasi pemeriksaan dan jika ada kerusakan dilanjutkan ke proses perbaikan ataupun penggantian komponen. Hal ini bertujuan agar didapat data yang lebih spesifik dan langsung dapat di temukan sumber kerusakan yang sebenarnya tanpa ada yang tertinggal. 2. Merawat sistem fuel pump (pompa bahan bakar) diperlukan guna mendukung umur kendaraan terutama pada mobil nissan grand livina. Yang harus di perhatikan dalam merawat sistem pompa bahan bakar seperti pengecekan kondisi pompa bahan bakar, sender unit, saringan bahan bakar dan lain sebagainya sesuai prosedur perawatan

    An Assessment of Indonesia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions

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    This chapter provides an overview of Indonesia’s current economy, energy sector, land use, and climate policies. We assessed Indonesia’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) using an Asia-Pacific Integrated Model/Computable General Equilibrium model coupled with an agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU) model. The model shows that the emission reduction target of INDC can be achieved at low economic cost (less than 1% of GDP) and that the mitigation actions required would not harm economic development. While emissions from land use and land use change are high nowadays, the energy sector is expected to grow rapidly and become more important in the future. Therefore, climate-related policymakers should focus equally on land use and the energy sector in the future

    Incorporating grid expansion in an energy system optimisation model - A case study for Indonesia

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    Energy system optimisation models (ESOMs) are widely used for policy analyses particularly on topics related to climate change mitigation and renewable energy transition. Using ESOM to investigate regions that potentially require significant expansion of grid infrastructure requires incorporation of grid expansion problem within the optimisation. This study presents the development of SELARU, a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model for spatially explicit long-term energy infrastructure planning. The model is used to investigate the case study of Indonesia using various spatial treatments to demonstrate the impact of detailed spatial depiction of grid expansion. Results reveal significant difference in renewable energy deployment trajectory (up to 315% increase in generation capacity) between high-resolution spatial depiction of grid expansion vis-à-vis non spatially explicit energy system optimisation. SELARU’s high-resolution energy system optimization modelling also provides detailed information on the geographical extent of grid expansion requirement, which provides more realistic insights on governance challenges of renewable energy transition. Careful consideration of spatial representation is crucial when ESOM is used to evaluate scenarios that concern technology selection such as renewable energy deployment or climate change mitigation

    The impacts of CO2 flooding on crude oil stability and recovery performance

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    Abstract Numerous studies have investigated the fundamental mechanisms by which CO2 flooding can increase oil production by altering the properties of the hydrocarbon fluid, including oil swelling, viscosity and interfacial tension reductions, and the extraction of light-to-intermediate components. However, the interactions between CO2 and hydrocarbon fluid may also cause several problems, such as asphaltene precipitation due to crude oil's instability during the CO2 flooding process. This study investigates the complex factors that affect the instability of crude oil, including CO2 injection pressures, temperatures, and crude oil compositions. The light-dead oil samples taken from two Indonesian oil fields were used. The impacts of the instability of crude oil on CO2 displacement performance were also observed to evaluate oil recovery and minimum miscibility pressure (MMP). The observation was performed using a slim tube under varying CO2 high-pressure injections at 90 °C and 70 °C. The produced oils were analyzed based on their polarity component, saturates, aromatics, resins, and asphaltenes fractions, to observe the changes in oil composition and colloidal index instability. The results showed that increasing temperatures at given pressures resulted in higher oil recovery. Moreover, the asphaltene and resin fractions in the oil produced at a lower temperature significantly decrease compared to those at a higher temperature. It was also shown that asphaltene tends to precipitate more easily at a lower temperature. The other phenomenon revealed that the lighter oil resulted in a lower recovery than the heavier oil at a given pressure and temperature and correspondingly higher MMP. It was also suggested that CO2 flooding is more likely to cause asphaltene precipitation in light oils

    Good practice policies to bridge the emissions gap in key countries

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    One key aspect of the Paris Agreement is the goal to limit the global average temperature increase to well below 2 °C by the end of the century. To achieve the Paris Agreement goals, countries need to submit, and periodically update, their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Recent studies show that NDCs and currently implemented national policies are not sufficient to cover the ambition level of the temperature limit agreed upon in the Paris Agreement, meaning that we need to collectively increase climate action to stabilize global warming at levels considered safe. This paper explores the generalization of previously adopted good practice policies (GPPs) to bridge the emissions gap between current policies, NDCs ambitions and a well below 2 °C world, facilitating the creation of a bridge trajectory in key major-emitting countries. These GPPs are implemented in eleven well-established national Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) for Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, European Union (EU), India, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States, that provide least-cost, low-carbon scenarios up to 2050. Results show that GPPs can play an important role in each region, with energy supply policies appearing as one of the biggest contributors to the reduction of carbon emissions. However, GPPs by themselves are not enough to close the emission gap, and as such more will be needed in these economies to collectively increase climate action to stabilize global warming at levels considered safe