185 research outputs found

    In vitro assessment of six aspiration catheters using a distal protection filter

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    Background: We assessed performance of 6 aspiration catheters for distal embolization using a distal protection filter in an in vitro experiment. In acute myocardial infarction, a distal protection filter is used for lesions likely to induce a distal embolism. Which aspiration cathether is most effective when used with a distal protection filter remains still unclear.Methods: A 0.5-cm3 bolus of gelatin as a model of stagnant pools of coronary plaque debris was captured in the distal protection filter and aspirated by 6 aspiration catheters. We measured and compared the length of the suspended embolus matter.Results: Among the 6 catheters evaluated, the use of the Export Advance catheter (Medtronic) resulted in significantly shorter lengths of the suspended embolus matter compared to the use of the TVAC II (Nipro), Thrombuster III SL (Kaneka), and Rebirth Pro (Goodman) catheters (p < 0.01). The residual embolus matter in all cases had drained distally to the distal protection filter when the filter was retrieved.Conclusions: The use of the Export Advance catheter showed better performance using a distal protection filter in this in vitro experiment, and its use might be more effective in preventing distal embolisms in combination with a distal protection filter

    Expression of human mutant cyclin dependent kinase 4, Cyclin D and telomerase extends the life span but does not immortalize fibroblasts derived from loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta)

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    Conservation of the genetic resources of endangered animals is crucial for future generations. The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) is a critically endangered species, because of human hunting, hybridisation with other sea turtle species, and infectious diseases. In the present study, we established primary fibroblast cell lines from the loggerhead sea turtle, and showed its species specific chromosome number is 2n = 56, which is identical to that of the hawksbill and olive ridley sea turtles. We first showed that intensive hybridization among multiple sea turtle species caused due to the identical chromosome number, which allows existence of stable hybridization among the multiple sea turtle species. Expressions of human-derived mutant Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) and Cyclin D dramatically extended the cell culture period, when it was compared with the cell culture period of wild type cells. The recombinant fibroblast cell lines maintained the normal chromosome condition and morphology, indicating that, at the G1/S phase, the machinery to control the cellular proliferation is evolutionally conserved among various vertebrates. To our knowledge, this study is the first to demonstrate the functional conservation to overcome the negative feedback system to limit the turn over of the cell cycle between mammalian and reptiles. Our cell culture method will enable the sharing of cells from critically endangered animals as research materials

    Label-free multiphoton excitation imaging as a promising diagnostic tool for breast cancer

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    Histopathological diagnosis is the ultimate method of attaining the final diagnosis; however, the observation range is limited to the two-dimensional plane, and it requires thin slicing of the tissue, which limits diagnostic information. To seek solutions for these problems, we proposed a novel imaging-based histopathological examination. We used the multiphoton excitation microscopy (MPM) technique to establish a method for visualizing unfixed/unstained human breast tissues. Under near-infrared ray excitation, fresh human breast tissues emitted fluorescent signals with three major peaks, which enabled visualizing the breast tissue morphology without any fixation or dye staining. Our study using human breast tissue samples from 32 patients indicated that experienced pathologists can estimate normal or cancerous lesions using only these MPM images with a kappa coefficient of 1.0. Moreover, we developed an image classification algorithm with artificial intelligence that enabled us to automatically define cancer cells in small areas with a high sensitivity of ≥0.942. Taken together, label-free MPM imaging is a promising method for the real-time automatic diagnosis of breast cancer.This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article:Matsui T., Iwasa A., Mimura M., et al. Label-free multiphoton excitation imaging as a promising diagnostic tool for breast cancer. Cancer Science 113, 2916 (2022), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/cas.15428. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Checklist of vascular plants of Kui Block Field, Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

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    広島県三原市久井町に位置する久井岩海は国の天然記念物に指定されている。今回,久井岩海の天然記念物調査に際し,維管束植物(シダ植物,裸子植物,被子植物)のフロラの見直しを行う機会を得た。本稿では,標本および文献にもとづいて久井岩海および周辺地域の維管束植物フロラをまとめた。その結果,維管束植物合計415種(ヒカゲノカズラ植物1種と狭義シダ植物36種,裸子植物6種,被子植物372種。ただし,種以下の下位分類群や雑種は種として数えた)が生育していることが確認された。Kui Block Field, Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture, SW Japan is designated as a national natural monument. In this study, a checklist of the vascular plants recorded from Kui Block Field is provided, based on previous publications, herbarium specimens and our recent investigations. 415 species of vascular plants are recorded, consisting of 1 species of lycopods, 36 species of pteridophytes, 6 species of gymnosperms, and 372 species of angiosperms

    A preliminary list of the vascular plants of Higashi-hiroshima Campus, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan <Data>

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    広島大学東広島キャンパスは広島県西条盆地の中央部に位置し,その敷地内には様々な植物が生育している。キャンパス内の維管束植物に関しては学内誌などに断片的に紹介されてきたが,1995年の移転完了後,網羅的な植物相の調査は行われていない。本稿ではキャンパス内の植物相の現状を把握するため,文献および生態実験園とぶどう池周辺を中心に行った調査にもとづいて,東広島キャンパスの維管束植物目録(101科210属286種)をまとめた。A preliminary list of the vascular plants of Higashi-hiroshima Campus in Hiroshima University (Hiroshima Pref., SW Japan) was reported based on own field researches and previous reports. A total of 286 native, naturalized and garden species, including infraspecific taxa, were recorded

    Initial experience with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in follow up assessment of small breast cancer treated by cryoablation

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    BackgroundCryoablation (CA) is a nonsurgical focal therapy for small tumours. To detect residual or relapsed tumour after CA of renal cancer, contrast-enhanced imaging is generally used to identify tumour blood flow, but no definitive criteria are established for such follow-up after CA of breast cancer.AimsThe aim of this study was to compare the usefulness of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging for assessing residual tumours and local relapse following CA of small breast cancers.Methods We enrolled 4 patients treated by CA at our institution between January 2015 and December 2016 for luminal A breast cancer with maximum tumour size of 1.5cm and neither distant metastasis nor metastatic findings in sentinel lymph node biopsy, who underwent CEUS and MR imaging before CA. In addition to our standard postoperative follow-up for breast cancer, these patients underwent CEUS every 3 months and MR imaging every 6 months after CA.Results Six months after CA, no patient showed enhancement at the lesion site on MR imaging, but there were two with continued enhancement on CEUS. They underwent vacuum-assisted breast biopsy under US guidance followed by histopathological examination of tissue that identified no malignancy.ConclusionOur findings of focal enhancement within ablated breast tissue in CEUS after CA is likely attributable to the much higher sensitivity of CEUS to that of other modalities to even slight vascularization. Further investigation in more patients is needed to clarify the utility of CEUS to detect residual or relapsed tumour after CA of small breast cancer