19,294 research outputs found

    On the Size of Subclasses of Quasi-Copulas and Their Dedekind-MacNeille Completion

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    none4siopenDurante Fabrizio; Fernandez-Sanchez Juan; Trutschnig Wolfgang; Ubeda-Flores ManuelDurante, Fabrizio; Fernandez-Sanchez, Juan; Trutschnig, Wolfgang; Ubeda-Flores, Manue

    Arcillas cerámicas de Andalucía 11. Yacimientos terciarios y cuaternarios de la margen derecha del Guadalquivir en la provincia de Jaén

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    Eighteen samples of clay of ceramic interestare studied. They belong to several deposits in exploitation located in tertiary and cuaternary lands in the regions of Bailen and Loma de Ubeda, in the province of Jaen. These clays are of an illitic montmorillonitic nature with a clear illitic predominance in those from the region of Bailen and Linares, whilst the montmorillonite predominates in the rest (Lomas de Ubeda). Becaus of its mineralogical composition, togerther with the strength and location of deposits, these are clays of great industrial interest.Se estudian 18 muestras de arcillas de interés cerámico procedentes de diversos yacimientos en explotación situados en terrenos terciarios y cuaternarios de las zonas de Bailen y Loma de Ubeda, en la provincia de Jaén. Estas arcillas son de naturaleza ilítico montmorillonítica, con un claro predominio ilítico en las procedentes de la zona de Bailen y de Linares, mientras que predomina la montmorillonita en las restantes (Loma de Ubeda). Por su composición mineralógica y la potencia y situación de los yacimientos, se trata de arcillas de un gran interés industrial.On étudie 18 échantillons d'argiles ayant de l´intéret céramique qui procédet de divers gisements en exploitation situés dans des terrains terciaires et quaternaires des zones de Bailen et Loma de Ubeda, dans la province de Jaén. Ces argiles ont une nature ilitique montmorillonitique, avec une prédominance clairement ilitique pour celles qui procèdent de la zone de Bailen et de Linares, pendant que pour le reste prédomine la montmorillonite (Lomas de Ubeda). Par leur composition minéralogique et la puissance et situation des giesements, il s´agit d´argiles d´un grand intérêt industriel.Zur Untersuchung kamen 18 keramische Ton-Problen die aus verschiedenen in Exploration befíndlichen Lagerstätten stammten, die in Tertiär-und Quartär-Gebieten der Zonen von Bailén und Loma de Ubeda der Provinz Jaén liegen. Diese Tonerden sind montmorillonit-glimmerähnlicher art, wobei diejenigen proben aus den zonen von Bailén und Linares ausgesprochen illitischer Natur sind, während bei den restlichen Proben (aus Lomas de Ubeda) der montmorillonite Charakter vorherrscht. Aufgrund ihrer mineralogischen Zusammensetzung, sowie der Kapazität und situation der Lagerstätten, handelt es sich un Tonerden von beträchtlichem Interesse für die Industrie

    Phage inducible islands in the gram-positive cocci

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    The SaPIs are a cohesive subfamily of extremely common phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs) that reside quiescently at specific att sites in the staphylococcal chromosome and are induced by helper phages to excise and replicate. They are usually packaged in small capsids composed of phage virion proteins, giving rise to very high transfer frequencies, which they enhance by interfering with helper phage reproduction. As the SaPIs represent a highly successful biological strategy, with many natural Staphylococcus aureus strains containing two or more, we assumed that similar elements would be widespread in the Gram-positive cocci. On the basis of resemblance to the paradigmatic SaPI genome, we have readily identified large cohesive families of similar elements in the lactococci and pneumococci/streptococci plus a few such elements in Enterococcus faecalis. Based on extensive ortholog analyses, we found that the PICI elements in the four different genera all represent distinct but parallel lineages, suggesting that they represent convergent evolution towards a highly successful lifestyle. We have characterized in depth the enterococcal element, EfCIV583, and have shown that it very closely resembles the SaPIs in functionality as well as in genome organization, setting the stage for expansion of the study of elements of this type. In summary, our findings greatly broaden the PICI family to include elements from at least three genera of cocci

    From Tin Pan Alley to the Royal Schools of Music : the institutionalisation of classical and jazz music : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Sociology at Massey University [at Albany]

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    This thesis argues that the development of both classical and jazz music has been influenced by motivating conditions which have existed within differing and changing religious, social and political regimes. It argues also that the motivating conditions have been generated and regenerated by social forces and factors in society. Presently, a breakdown of these former modes of regulation, which created a gulf between classical and jazz music, is taking place as both genres come under one institutional administrative locus, the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. A focus has been made on new opportunities for the teaching and the learning of jazz piano music generally as presented by this institution. An implication is made that a break-down of attitudes, identified within social class, which previously kept classical and jazz music apart is taking place. This theoretically driven narrative locates both classical and jazz music against their respective historical backdrops. From this perspective, the ideas of various theorists have been drawn upon in order to make an understanding of how the motivating conditions are perpetuated. Attitudes, opinions and experiences from local classical and jazz music teachers and pupils, past and present, among others, are drawn on to solidify the theoretical arguments made in this thesis. Whilst an institutional wedding of classical and jazz music has taken place, philosophical artistic difference and intellectual development of each genre based on socialisation, it is argued, will remain

    Local DRLs and automated risk estimation in paediatric interventional cardiology

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    Introduction : Cardiac catheterization procedures result in high radiation doses and often multiple procedures are necessary for congenital heart disease patients. However, diagnostic reference levels (DRL) remain scarce. Our first goal was finding the optimal DRL parameter and determining appropriate DRLs. The second goal was to calculate organ doses (OD), effective doses (ED) and lifetime attributable risks (LAR) per procedure and to provide conversion factors based on dose area product (DAP). Materials and methods : DRLs are calculated for each procedure type, as the 75th percentile of the cumulative value per procedure from the corresponding parameter. All irradiation events in the DICOM Structured Reports were automatically processed and simulated using PCXMC, resulting in OD, ED and LAR. Using a Kruskal Wallis H test and subsequent pairwise comparisons, differences in median values of the DRL parameter between procedure types were assessed. Results : Linear regression showed a strong correlation and narrow confidence interval between DAP and product of body weight and fluoroscopy time (BWxFT), even when all procedures (diagnostic and interventional) are combined. Only 15% of the pairwise comparisons were statistically significant for DAP normalized to BWxFT (DAP(BWxFT)). The latter pairs contained less frequent procedure types with significant outliers. For DAP normalized to BW (DAP(BW)), 38% of the pairwise comparisons showed statistically significant differences. Conversion factors from DAP(BW) to OD and ED were reported for various weight groups, due to the higher correlation between DAP(BW) and both OD and ED than between DAP and both OD and ED. Conclusions : The P75 of DAP(BWxFT) for all procedures combined serves as an appropriate DRL value. This facilitates local DRL determination in smaller paediatric centres, which often have insufficient data to produce appropriate DRLs for different procedure types. Conversion factors are more reliable starting from DAP(BW) instead of DAP and should be used according to the appropriate BW group

    The Consistency of Fairness Rules: An Experimental Study

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    In the last two decades, experimental papers on distributive justice have abounded. Two main results have been replicated Firstly, there is a multiplicity of fairness rules. Secondly, fairness decisions differ depending on the context. This paper studies individual consistency in the use of fairness rules, as well as the structural factors that lead people to be inconsistent. We use a within-subject design, which allows us to compare individual behavior when the context changes. In line with the literature, we find a multiplicity of fairness rules. However, when we control for consistency, the set of fairness rules is considerably smaller. Only selfishness and strict egalitarianism seem to survive the stricter requirement of consistency. We observe that this result is mainly explained by a self-serving bias. Participants select the rule that is individually optimal in each situation.Justice, Fairness, Laboratory Experiments, Self-serving bias, Consistency

    Environmental, developmental, and genetic factors controlling root system architecture

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    A better understanding of the development and architecture of roots is essential to develop strategies to increase crop yield and optimize agricultural land use. Roots control nutrient and water uptake, provide anchoring and mechanical support and can serve as important storage organs. Root growth and development is under tight genetic control and modulated by developmental cues including plant hormones and the environment. This review focuses on root architecture and its diversity and the role of environment, nutrient, and water as well as plant hormones and their interactions in shaping root architecture

    Accurate and efficient algorithms for boundary element methods in electromagnetic scattering: a tribute to the work of F. Olyslager

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    Boundary element methods (BEMs) are an increasingly popular approach to model electromagnetic scattering both by perfect conductors and dielectric objects. Several mathematical, numerical, and computational techniques pullulated from the research into BEMs, enhancing its efficiency and applicability. In designing a viable implementation of the BEM, both theoretical and practical aspects need to be taken into account. Theoretical aspects include the choice of an integral equation for the sought after current densities on the geometry's boundaries and the choice of a discretization strategy (i.e. a finite element space) for this equation. Practical aspects include efficient algorithms to execute the multiplication of the system matrix by a test vector (such as a fast multipole method) and the parallelization of this multiplication algorithm that allows the distribution of the computation and communication requirements between multiple computational nodes. In honor of our former colleague and mentor, F. Olyslager, an overview of the BEMs for large and complex EM problems developed within the Electromagnetics Group at Ghent University is presented. Recent results that ramified from F. Olyslager's scientific endeavors are included in the survey

    Capacity precommitment and price competition yield cournot outcomes

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    We study an industry of a homogeneous good where n firms with identical technology compete by first building capacity, and then, after observing the capacity decisions, choosing a "reservation price" at which they are willing to sell their entire capacities. We show that every pure strategy equilibrium yields the Cournot outcome, and that the Cournot outcome can be sustained by a pure strategy subgame perfect equilibrium