19 research outputs found

    The Effects of Bovine Colostrum on the Stress-Hyperglycemia Ratio and the Triglyceride-Glucose Index in Exercise-Trained Healthy Subjects: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study

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    Bovine colostrum (BC) is a natural substance that has been shown of benefits for exercising, and reducing the blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes. Stress hyperglycemia is a brief rise in blood glucose levels caused by physiological stress. This placebo-controlled clinical study aimed to investigate the effects of BC on stress hyperglycemia and the triglyceride-glucose index in healthy subjects who trained in resistance exercise. This research was carried out at Al-Kut University College from April 30th to November 30th, 2022. Fifty healthy young men were randomly assigned: Group I (n = 24) received a placebo, whereas Group II (n = 26) received a 500mg single oral dosage of BC nutraceutical pill. During the treatment period, both groups of volunteers engaged in resistance exercise training. Body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), stress glucose ratio (SGR), triglyceride-glucose index (TyGI), and rate pressure product (as a hemodynamic response) were all measured at the start and end of the eight-week study.‎ Stress blood glucose levels were considerably higher in Group II following resistance training (89.0±6.5 vs 102.1±11.5mg/dL, p<0.001), whereas stress HbA1c% did not alter (4.70±0.25 vs 4.66±0.29, p=0.608). Bovine colostrum significantly increases the SGR from 1.01±0.03 to 1.18±0.13, p<0.001. The TyGI at the stress glucose level was increased by 2.7%.  We conclude that bovine colostrum significantly elevates the stress hyperglycemic ratio without inducing significant changes in the TyGI following exercise. This impact is accompanied by a stabilizing hemodynamic response.  

    Параметри стандартизації трави Alfredia nivea KAR.&KIR.

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    The Kazakhstan flora is rich in promising poorly-studied plants, which are traditionally used in folk medicine, but their introduction into medical practice requires additional in-depth research using modern scientific methods. Alfredia nivea KAR&amp;KIR of the Asteraceae family, which is used in folk medicine as a neurotropic agent, is an interesting object for introduction into official medical and pharmaceutical practice.Aim. To create new medicines based on Alfredia nivea herb, it is necessary to develop methods for quality control of this raw material, therefore, the aim of the research was to determine the parameters for standardization of the Alfredia nivea KAR &amp; KIR. herb.Materials and methods. The study objects were samples of the A. nivea herb collected in Kungei Alatau, 4.3 km southeast of the Karabulak village, Eastern Karabulak canyon, Almaty Region, Kazakhstan. The macroscopic and microscopic studies of the A. nivea herb were performed according to the methodology of the European pharmacopeia (EuPh) 2.8.23 “Microscopic examination of the medicinal plant raw material”. The macroscopic studies were performed using a magnifying glass and a MBS-9 binocular microscope, the microscopic studies were done using MS Microscopes 10 (oculars X5, X10, X15, lenses x10,x40), Micromed XS-4130 (oculars WF15X, lenses x40/0.65, x10/0.25) with a microphotonozzle (China). Identification of the main substances was carried out by the TLC method, testing and the quantitative determination of the flavonoid content were performed according to the EuPh methods.Results and discussion. Morphological and anatomical features of the A. nivea herb have been determined; on their basis Identifications A and B have been proposed; TLC Identification C of the main BAS of the raw material has been developed; indicators of purity tests have been determined. It has been proposed to carry out the quantitative determination by the content of flavonoids.Conclusions. The parameters of the A. nivea herb standardization have been determined on the basis of the following indicators: macroscopic and microscopic features, TLC identification of the main BAS of the raw material (hyperoside, rutin, quercetin and chlorogenic acid), related impurities (not more than 2 %), stems with a diameter of more than 20 mm (not more than 10 %), the loss on drying (not more than 13 %), the total ash (not more than 10 %) and at least 0.5 % flavonoids calculated with reference to rutin.Флора Казахстану багата на перспективні маловивчені рослини, які застосовують у народній медицині, але для їх впровадження в медичну практику потрібні додаткові глибокі дослідження, за допомогою сучасних наукових методів. Цікавим об’єктом для впровадження в офіцинальну медичну та фармацевтичну практику є Альфредія снігова (Alfredia nivea KAR. &amp; KIR.) родини Asteraceae, яку в народній медицині використовують як нейротропний засіб.Мета. Для створення нових лікарських засобів на основі трави Альфредії снігової необхідно розробити методи контролю якості цієї сировини, тому метою досліджень було визначити параметри стандартизації трави A. nivea KAR. &amp; KIR.Матеріали та методи. Об’єктами дослідження були зразки трави Альфредії снігової (A. nivea), заготовлені в Кунгей Алатау, за 4,3 км південно-східніше від с. Карабулак, ущ. Східний Карабулак, Алматинської області, Казахстан. Макро- і мікроскопічні дослідження трави Альфредії снігової виконували згідно з методикою Європейської фармакопеї (ЄФ) 2.8.23 «Мікроскопічне дослідження лікарської рослинної сировини». Для макроскопічних досліджень використовували лупу та бінокулярний мікроскоп МБС-9, для мікроскопічних – мікроскопи МС 10 (окуляр х5, х10, х15, об’єктиви х10, x40), Micromed XS-4130 (окуляр WF15X, об’єктиви х40/0,65, х10/0,25) з мікрофотонасадкою (КНР). Ідентифікували основні речовини методом ТШХ, випробування та кількісне визначення за вмістом флавоноїдів здійснювали відповідно до методик ЄФ.Результати та їх обговорення. Визначено морфологічні й анатомічні ознаки трави Альфредії снігової, на основі яких запропоновано ідентифікації А та В, розроблено ТШХ ідентифікацію С основних БАР сировини, визначено показники випробувань на чистоту, а також запропоновано проводити кількісне визначення за вмістом флавоноїдів.Висновки. Визначено параметри стандартизації трави Альфредії снігової за такими показниками: макро- та мікроскопічні ознаки, ТШХ ідентифікація основних БАР сировини (гіперозид, рутин, кверцетин та хлорогенова кислота), сторонні домішки (не більше 2 %), наявність стебел діаметром понад 20 мм (не більше 10 %), втрата в масі під час висушування (не більше 13 %), загальна зола (не більше 10 %) і не менше 0,5 % флавоноїдів у перерахунку на рутин

    Isolation of Chemical Compounds and Essential Oil from Agrimonia asiatica Juz. And Their Antimicrobial and Antiplasmodial Activities

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    © 2020 Raushan A. Kozykeyeva et al. Agrimonia asiatica is a perennial plant with deep green color and covered with soft hairs and has a slightly aromatic odor. This genus Agrimonia has been used in traditional medicines of China, Greece, and European countries. It was mainly used as a haemostatic, a tonic for asthenia, and an astringent for diarrhea. Agrimony is part of the division Magnoliophyta; class is represented by order Rosales, family Rosaceae, of the genus Agrimonia. Family Rosaceae - or pink eels - is one of the largest families of flowering plants, including about 100 genera and 3000 species. Rosaceae is common in almost all areas of the globe where flowering plants can grow, but most of them are concentrated in the temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Phytochemical investigation on ethanolic extract of A. asiatica led to isolation of four flavonoid derivatives (kaempferol-3-glycoside, quercetin-3-O-α-arabinofuranosyl-β-D-galactopyranoside, 3-O-kaempherol 2,3-di-O-acetyl-4-O-(cis-p-coumaroyl)-6-O-(trans-p-coumaroyl)-β-D-glucosopyranoside, and catechin) alongside of sucrose. All the extracts, fractions, and isolated compounds were tested for antimicrobial and antiplasmodial activities. We also studied the chemical composition of essential oil obtained from the aerial part of A. asiatica. The essential oil constituents from the aerial part of A. asiatica were obtained using a steam-distillation method in wild growing conditions in Kazakhstan. The essential oil extracted from the aerial part of the plant was analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and its major components amounting to 100% were found to be β-selinene (36.370%), α-panasinsene (21.720%), hexadecanoic acid (7.839%), and 1,2-nonadiene (6.199%). Neither the extract nor the isolated compounds showed antimicrobial and antiplasmodial activities

    Isolation and Biological Evaluation of Prenylated Flavonoids from Maclura pomifera

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    Phytochemical analysis of the ethanolic extract of Maclura pomifera fruits yielded four new compounds (I–IV) along with eleven known compounds (V–XV). The crude extract exhibited significant activity towards cannabinoid receptors (CB1: 103.4% displacement; CB2: 68.8% displacement) and possibly allosteric interaction with δ and μ opioid receptors (−49.7 and −53.8% displacement, resp.). Compound I was found to be possibly allosteric for κ and μ opioid receptors (−88.4 and −27.2% displacement, resp.) and showed moderate activity (60.5% displacement) towards CB1 receptor. Compound II exhibited moderate activity towards cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 (47.9 and 42.3% displacement, resp.). The known compounds (V–VIII) exhibited prominent activity towards cannabinoid receptors: pomiferin (V) (IC50 of 2.110 and 1.318 μM for CB1 and CB2, resp.), auriculasin (VI) (IC50 of 8.923 μM for CB1), warangalone (VII) (IC50 of 1.670 and 4.438 μM for CB1 and CB2, resp.), and osajin (VIII) (IC50 of 3.859 and 7.646 μM for CB1 and CB2, resp.). The isolated compounds were also tested for inhibition of human monoamine oxidase-A and monoamine oxidase-B enzymes activities, where all the tested compounds showed fewer inhibitory effects on MAO-A compared to MAO-B activities: auriculasin (VI) (IC50 of 1.91 and 45.98 μM for MAO-B and MAO-A, resp.)

    Компонентний склад та антимікробна активність субкритичного СО2 екстракту Ferula asafoetida L., що вирощується на території казахстану

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    Ferula asafoetida L. has been studied for centuries by many scientists as food products and in traditional medicine, which are relevant for Kazakhstan as well. Recent studies have shown that Ferula asafoetida L. has neuroprotective, memory-enhancing, digestive enzymatic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, hypotensive, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, antitumor, cytotoxic, and anthelmintic effects. The aim of this study is to determine the component composition by GC-MS method and to study the antimicrobial properties of Ferula asafoetida L. extract obtained by CO2 extraction, which grows in Kazakhstan. Materials and methods. To determine the possibility of using Ferula asafoetida L., we carried out the component composition of the extract obtained by CO2 extraction in subcritical conditions of the underground part of Ferula asafoetida L. by a certain GC-MS method and also investigated the antimicrobial effect of this extract. Results. The plant raw materials were collected in accordance with GACP requirements. Conducted subcritical CO2 extraction of plant raw materials showed a 2.5% extraction yield. The study of the component composition by GC-MS revealed 46.3% of sulfate compounds. The determination of antimicrobial activities showed high efficacy against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus subsp. Aureus, Bacillus subtilis subsp. Spizizenii), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica) and fungi (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger). Conclusions. The possibility of using the obtained CO2 extract of Ferula asafoetida L. in the field of pharmaceutical products as a substance and a drug that has a huge antimicrobial effectFerula asafoetida L. протягом століть вивчалася багатьма вченими як продукт харчування та той, що використовується в традиційній медицині, а це актуально і для Казахстану. Нещодавні дослідження показали, що Ferula asafoetida L. покращує пам’ять, має нейропротекторну, травну ферментативну, антиоксидантну, спазмолітичну, гіпотензивну, гепатопротекторну, протимікробну, протипухлинну, цитотоксичну та антигельмінтну дію. Метою даного дослідження є визначення компонентного складу методом ГХ-МС та вивчення антимікробних властивостей екстракту Ferula asafoetida L., отриманого шляхом CO2-екстракції, з рослин які ростуть в Казахстані. Матеріали та методи. Для визначення можливості використання Ferula asafoetida L. визначено компонентний склад екстракту, отриманого СО2-екстракцією в субкритичних умовах підземної частини Ferula asafoetida L. певним методом ГХ-МС, а також досліджено антимікробну дію. цього екстракту. Результати. Рослинна сировина була зібрана відповідно до вимог GACP. Проведена субкритична СО2-екстракція рослинної сировини показала вихід екстракції 2,5 %. Дослідження компонентного складу методом ГХ-МС виявило 46,3 % сульфатних сполук. Визначення антимікробної активності показало високу ефективність проти грампозитивних (Staphylococcus aureus subsp. Aureus, Bacillus subtilis subsp. Spizizenii), грамнегативних бактерій (Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae, Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica) та грибів (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger). Висновки. Розглянуто можливість використання отриманого СО2 екстракту Ferula asafoetida L. у фармацевтичному виробництві, як субстанції та препарату, що має величезну антимікробну ді

    Cost-effectiveness of cardiomyopathy ambulatory care with sacubitril/valsartan vs standard therapy after COVID-19 in Kazakhstan

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of 2 different therapies of cardiomyopathy (CM) after COVID -19. The focus of the study is fixed dose combination (FDC) of sacubitril/valsartan and standard therapy in Kazakhstan. This is written from the point of view of the health insurance institution. Information for the age, gender, CM therapy, number of hospitalizations, COVID-19 infection, and past cardiovascular surgeries of 237 patients with incidents of CM which required a hospitalization after a COVID-19 infection was collected. Selected patients were divided into two groups: the cost of FDC and standard therapy and the annual cost of their therapy was calculated. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated by dividing the cost of medication therapy by the number of hospitalizations between the two compared groups. Robustness of the results was tested with deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses. The study was performed in City cardiology centre of Almaty in Kazakhstan during 2020–2022. Results show that FDC is more costly but more effective, leading to fewer hospitalizations. ICER accounts for €-2,743.08 per hospitalization saved in the group on FDC vs standard of therapy. Sacubitril/valsartan is cost-effective in ambulatory conditions in comparison with standard therapy of cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 leading to savings due to the decrease in the number of hospitalizations

    Quality of life of patients with cardiomyopathy treated with sacubitril/valsartan vs. standard therapy during or after COVID-19 in Kazakhstan

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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of life (QoL) of hospitalised patients with cardiomyopathy (CM) treated with a fixed dose combination (FDC) of sacubitril/valsartan, or standard therapy in Kazakhstan during or after COVID-19. This is an observational study of patients with incidents of CM that require hospitalisation during or after a COVID-19 infection. QoL was evaluated with the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ-12) during admission. Demographic and other characteristics of the patients were analysed for both patient groups: on standard therapy and on FDC therapy with sacubitril/valsartan. Patients on standard therapy tended to be older and had a higher relative share of previous cardiac surgery. The vaccination rate is low in general and was lower in the group on standard therapy. The QoL between the two groups was significantly higher in the group on FDC therapy. No statistically significant difference in the QoL between males and females was found. The vaccination status also does not influence the QoL. Patients with prior surgery possess a higher quality of life. QoL in younger patients is higher. There is a statistically significant negative correlation between age and QoL, and with the increase in age over one year, the quality of life will decrease by 0.3622 points. Sacubitril/valsartan is associated with higher QoL in hospitalised patients with CM during or after COVID-19. QoL is correlated with age. Vaccination does not affect QoL, but patients with prior cardiac surgeries possess a higher QoL

    Prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Kazakhstan: evidence from a national cross-sectional study

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    Abstract To date, there have been no large-scale national studies of the prevalence of chronic kidney disease in Kazakhstan. It includes the research based on the analysis of the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). The aim of this study was to investigate the population prevalence of CKD and associated risk factors in Kazakhstan. The cross-sectional study consisted of a nationally representative sample of n = 6 720 adults aged 18 to 69 from 14 regions and 3 major cities in Kazakhstan. The study covered the period from October 2021 to May 2022. The WHO STEPS questionnaire was used for the survey. For the diagnosis of CKD, creatinine levels in collected blood samples were measured to assess eGFR. Demographic characteristics were collected and studied. The total and adjusted prevalence of factors associated with the presence of CKD were calculated and analysed using logistic regression. 73.5% (n = 4940) of participants had normal eGFR, while 25.2% (n = 1695) had mild CKD (eGFR = 60–89 mL/min/1.7 m2). The overall prevalence of CKD with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.7 m2 was 1.3% (n = 85), of which 0.2% (n = 15) had eGFR < 45 ml/min/1.7 m2. A mild degree of CKD was most often determined in residents of the East Kazakhstan region in 10.4%, and in 7.8–8.0% of cases. The majority of CKD patients was detected in the East Kazakhstan region and Almaty city, 15.3% and 10.6% of cases respectively. In mild and CKD with GFR < 60 ml/min/1.7 m2, the age of participants was 50–69 years in 61.5% and 78.8% of cases, respectively (p < 0.001). In addition to the association with the place of residence, a statistically significant relationship was found between the risk of developing CKD and underweight (OR 1.43, 95% CI (1.09–1.88), p < 0.001), as well as the presence of obesity (OR 1.24, 95% CI (0.99–1.53), p = 0.04). We observed the prevalence of CKD with eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.7 m2 at the level of 1.3%. However, a fairly large part of study participants had a mild CKD (25.2%). The results of this study can be used for the optimization of the doctors workload and the timely provision of care to patients with CKD

    Аналіз сучасного стану фармацевтичного ринку Республіки Казахстан

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    This article analyses the current state of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period 2015-2021 and diagnoses the current problems of pharmaceutical production. The aim: to identify the current trends of the pharmaceutical market in the Republic of Kazakhstan, its specific features and prospects for the development of domestic pharmaceutical production. Materials and methods: statistical data, survey results, mathematical-statistical and analytical comparative methods, SWOT analysis. Research results: according to the results of statistical analysis, pharmaceutical production increased by 101.1 billion tenges in monetary terms compared to 2015, and the export of domestic products increased by 13.3 billion tenges. In 2020, the export of medical preparations due to supplies to Russia amounted to 76.5 %, to Kyrgyzstan 6.5 % and Uzbekistan 4.8 %, to other countries - 12.3 %. It is estimated that the volume of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2020, compared with 2019, increased by 21.3 % as a result of the development of domestic production and the implementation of the state support program. The total number of medicines registered in the republic is 7449, and the share of domestic production is 13.1 % (978 medical preparations), and 6471 medicines, 86.9 %, are imported. In addition, 9154 medical devices have been registered, and the share of domestic products is 90 %. Online direct expert survey (questionnaire) indicates that the respondents are female pharmacists (74.5 %) aged 36 to 55 years old (52.3 %) with 26-30 years of work experience (32.3 %), who noted the strengths of the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Kazakhstan (U=1.35), as readiness for modernisation and state support (47 %), political stability (44 %), weaknesses (U=1.35) - insignificant capacity of the pharmaceutical market (55.5 %), limited range of domestic pharmaceutical products and substances (50.9 %), opportunities (U=1.4) - active investment policy (62.7 %), expansion of digital and remote channels (25.4 %), threats (U=1.4) – import dependence (69.9 %), high volatility of the tenge exchange rate (24.1 %). Based on the pharmaceutical market analysis and expert survey of specialists, a strategic matrix of SWOT analysis was built. Conclusion. As a result of the analysis, the dependence of the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical market on imported foreign medicines and substances were revealed. However, the volume of pharmaceutical products produced in the Republic of Kazakhstan increases annually. Therefore, for the further development of the pharmaceutical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considering its import dependence, additional funding is needed for research and educational activities for the development of innovative medical preparations and substancesУ статті проаналізовано сучасний стан фармацевтичного ринку Республіки Казахстан за період 2015-2021 рр. та діагностовано актуальні проблеми фармацевтичного виробництва. Мета: виявити сучасні тенденції розвитку фармацевтичного ринку Республіки Казахстан, його особливості та перспективи розвитку вітчизняного фармацевтичного виробництва. Матеріали і методи: статистичні дані, результати опитування, математико-статистичні та аналітичні порівняльні методи, SWOT аналіз. Результати дослідження: за результатами статистичного аналізу виробництво фармацевтичних препаратів зросло в грошовому вираженні в порівнянні з 2015 роком на 101,1 млрд тенге, а експорт вітчизняної продукції збільшився на 13,3 млрд тенге. У 2020 році експорт медпрепаратів за рахунок поставок до Росії склав 76,5 %, до Киргизстану 6,5 % та Узбекистану 4,8 %, до інших країн – 12,3 %. За оцінками, обсяг фармацевтичного ринку Республіки Казахстан у 2020 році порівняно з 2019 роком збільшився на 21,3 % за рахунок розвитку вітчизняного виробництва та реалізації програми державної підтримки. Загальна кількість лікарських засобів, зареєстрованих у республіці, становить 7449 одиниць, при цьому частка вітчизняного виробництва становить 13,1 % (978 лікарських препаратів), імпортних – 6471 лікарських засобів, 86,9 %. Зареєстровано 9154 медичних виробів, частка вітчизняної продукції становить 90 %. Пряме онлайн-експертне опитування (анкетування) свідчить, що респондентами є жінки-фармацевти (74,5 %) віком від 36 до 55 років (52,3 %) зі стажем роботи 26-30 років (32,3 %), які відзначили сильні сторони розвитку фармацевтична галузь Казахстану (U=1,35), як готовність до модернізації та державної підтримки (47 %), політична стабільність (44 %), слабкі сторони (U=1,35) - незначна місткість фармацевтичного ринку (55,5 %), обмежений асортимент вітчизняна фармацевтична продукція та субстанції (50,9 %), можливості (U=1,4) – активна інвестиційна політика (62,7 %), розширення цифрових та дистанційних каналів (25,4 %), загрози (U=1,4) – імпортозалежність (69,9 %), висока волатильність курсу тенге (24,1 %). На основі аналізу фармацевтичного ринку та експертного опитування спеціалістів побудовано стратегічну матрицю SWOT-аналізу. Висновок. В результаті проведеного аналізу виявлена залежність фармацевтичної промисловості і фармацевтичного ринку від імпортних іноземних лікарських засобів і субстанцій, хоча обсяг фармацевтичної продукції, що випускається в Республіці Казахстан, щорічно збільшується. Для подальшого розвитку фармацевтичної промисловості Республіки Казахстан, враховуючи її імпортозалежність, необхідне додаткове фінансування наукової та освітньої діяльності з розробки інноваційних медичних препаратів і субстанці

    Regulation of RUNX proteins by long non-coding RNAs and circular RNAs in different cancers

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    RUNX proteins have been shown to behave as “double-edge sword” in wide variety of cancers. Discovery of non-coding RNAs has played linchpin role in improving our understanding about the post-transcriptional regulation of different cell signaling pathways. Several new mechanistic insights and distinct modes of cross-regulation of RUNX proteins and non-coding RNAs have been highlighted by recent research. In this review we have attempted to provide an intricate interplay between non-coding RNAs and RUNX proteins in different cancers. Better conceptual and mechanistic understanding of layered regulation of RUNX proteins by non-coding RNAs will be helpful in effective translation of the laboratory findings to clinically effective therapeutics