10 research outputs found


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    This article presents the results of a study of the quality of poultry meat after treatment with ultraviolet radiation during pre-slaughter. At the same time, bactericidal UV irradiators (UV) of 200 MJ/254 MJ/cm with an amalgam lamp with a bactericidal radiation power were used to disinfect the air in the poultry house during the outdoor cultivation of broiler chickens on the litter, by indirect irradiation in intermittent mode against the background of intermittent lighting mode. The results of microbiological parameters in samples of white and red meat of chickens after irradiation with doses of 200 MJ/cm 254 MJ/cm after slaughter, after 5 days and 14 days when storing meat at a temperature from 0 ° C to +2 ° are presentedWith and after 1.5 and 3 months of storage at a temperature of -18 ° C

    Study of the effect of UV radiation on the quality indicators of broiler chicken meat

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    This article presents the results of a study of the quality of poultry meat after treatment with ultraviolet radiation during pre-slaughter. At the same time, bactericidal UV irradiators (UV) of 200 MJ/ 254 MJ/cm with an amalgam lamp with a bactericidal radiation power were used to disinfect the air in the poultry house during the outdoor cultivation of broiler chickens on the litter, by indirect irradiation in intermittent mode against the background of intermittent lighting mode. The results of the quality of the organoleptic parameters of the carcass, the chemical composition of the meat, the tasting evaluation of meat and broth, which do not differ from the meat of control chickens, are presented. Studies have shown that the meat of broiler chickens sterilized by UV radiation at doses of 200 MJ / media 254 MJ / cm for various storage periods up to 14 days - chilled meat meets the requirements of SanPiN, which gives reason to use it for food purposes without restriction

    A new express method for determining the number of cycles of freezing and thawing poultry meat

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    Temperature fluctuations cause significant harm to the quality of poultry meat and its food safety, both at various stages of storage and transportation, as well as sales. Repeated repeated defrosting and freezing lead to a violation of the integrity of cells or protein denaturation, which is accompanied by a change in the ratio of the forms of moisture binding to the product. In this regard, there is an urgent task of establishing the facts of thawing and freezing of poultry meat, determining the number of cycles of repeated freezing. This article is devoted to the development of a new express method for determining the number of cycles of freezing – thawing of a broiler at the stages of the life cycle of poultry products. As the number of «freeze-defrost» cycles increases, the peak area of the differential scanning calorimetry curve (DSC) decreases from 206.4 to 192.6 kJ/mol with electric stunning and from 168.6 to 151.5 kJ/mol with gas stunning, the melting peak temperature also decreases from 5.7 to 5.2 oC with electric stunning and from 5.0 to 4.0 oC with gas stunning. The DSC temperature program and recommendations for its use for monitoring broiler processing and storage processes accompanied by phase transformations of water have been developed

    The Effect of Juniper Powder (Juniperus Communis L) on the Physico-chemical, Antioxidant Properties of Wheat Bread

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    The article considers the use of vegetable raw materials in order to increase the physico-chemical composition, antioxidant activity of bakery products. Juniper fruit powder (Juniperus communis L) was selected as a plant raw material. The aim of the study is to increase the physico-chemical, antioxidant properties of bread by adding crushed juniper fruits. In the course of improving the technology of bakery products, a new type of product with high antioxidant activity has been developed. Crushed juniper fruits (Juniperus communis L) were added to the bread recipe in an amount of 3%. Thus, the value of the antioxidant activity of bread with the addition of 3% crushed juniper fruits is 2 times higher compared to the control model, which is 15.5 and 7.5 mg /100 g, respectively. In this regard, the high level of antioxidant activity of bread with the addition of 3% of crushed juniper fruits directly affected the process of its storage. The physicochemical composition of bread with the addition of 3% crushed juniper fruits was also studied. The quality indicators of bread with crushed juniper fruits have increased, antioxidant activity, which indicates a high influence of crushed juniper fruits on the qualitative properties of the finished product. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that crushed juniper fruits were used for the first time to increase the nutritional and biological value of bakery products


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    The introduction of modern poultry processing technologies in the Republic of Kazakhstan requires a comprehensive study of the quality characteristics of the finished product. In the presented scientific work the influence of modern methods of stunning poultry - the use of a gas environment - on the nutritional value and functional and technological properties of poultry meat is given. It is proved that the meat obtained by gas stunning has higher functional and technological properties, better retains moisture and is more stable after heat treatment

    Electronic taster applied for identification of a rainbow trout spoilage specifics

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    The research is aimed at the study of control possibilities of freshness degree and storage technology violation of frozen fish (Rainbow trout) using chemical piezo sensors array in the «e-nose» system. There have been demonstrated the opportunities of qualitative and quantitative determination of priority highly volatile compounds-markers of native and modified state of fish and gills after a 2-minute measuring by sensors array with minimal sample preparation and without additional preparation or odour components concentration. We can fixate early signs of changes in the fish fillet of a trout after three days of storage mode non-compliance and subsequent freezing, using chemical sensors. We can evaluate the storage time of fresh fish in any conditions with an error of measurement of no more than 10 %. We have developed the method of fish odour simple analysis and of obtaining diagnostic information about fish freshness according to fillet and gills state. The application mode of chemical sensors and e-nose «MAG-8» allows acquiring objective information, and is highly sensitive, expressive and economically acceptable for laboratories and mobile monitoring stations of any level

    Development of Recipe Composition of Bread with the Inclusion of Juniper Using Mathematical Modeling and Assessment of Its Quality

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    In order to determine the influence of juniper fruits (Juniperus communis L) on the formation of bread quality, the optimization of the component composition of a new product with increased nutritional value was carried out. To optimize the recipe composition, the response surface methodology was used. The maximum value of the complex indicator of the quality of new bread is noted when the mass fraction of sodium chloride is 1.45 % and the mass fraction of crushed juniper fruits is 3.17 %. According to the developed recipe, prototypes of the product were developed and the main quality indicators were determined. Based on the analysis of the chemical composition, it was found that bread with the inclusion of 3 % crushed juniper fruits is characterized by an increased content of protein, fiber, vitamins, micro- and macroelements compared to the control sample.The influence of juniper on microbiological parameters and shelf life of the finished product was established. The new type of fortified bread with the addition of 3 % crushed juniper fruits can be stored without changing the quality indicators for up to 72 hours, which exceeds the same indicator of the control bread sample.In the course of the study, the influence of juniper on the antioxidant activity and safety indicators of bread was determined. The inclusion of crushed juniper fruits in the bread made it possible to double the antioxidant activity compared to the control sample, which is 15.5 and 7.5 mg/100 g, respectively. In terms of safety indicators, the developed bread fully meets the requirements of regulatory documents.The results obtained make it possible to recommend for production a new type of fortified bread with increased nutritional value with the inclusion of crushed juniper fruits in its recipe, which will expand the range of health product

    Development of A Methodology for Determining the Critical Limits of the Critical Control Points of the Production of Bakery Products in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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    This study was conducted to determine the impact of the HACCP management system on the safety of final products in baked goods production. The object of the study is two critical control points of the production of bakery products, which in turn affect the indicator of microbiological quality and safety of finished products. Using a mathematical model, the critical limits of critical control points (CCP) were determined – in the baking and cooling processes of baked goods. For the two CCPs, measures for continuous monitoring have been defined and critical limits have been developed. For CCT 1, a theoretical calculation using a mathematical model is given: the critical limit of the baking process (95.2–99.1 °C in the center of the crumb), by controlling this process, the company controls the biohazard factor, for CCP 2 the critical limit of cooling the finished product to a temperature of 22.84 °C in the center of the crumb for safe packing. The presentation of the results of the development of critical control limits and critical points of the production of bakery products using the construction of mathematical modeling is the theoretical beginning of further research. When compiling the model, the physical parameters of a specific dough with a certain geometric shape were used, from which the bakery product is baked. The use of a mathematical model allows predetermining the baking parameters for the dough of any initial concentration. The results can be used in the production of baked goods to better ensure the quality and safety of the final produc