2 research outputs found

    Meta Analisis Pengaruh Permainan terhadap Kemampuan Anak dalam Menyimak dan Berbicara

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    Penelitian ini meneliti pengaruh penggunaan permainan Magic Card dan metode storytelling terhadap kemampuan anak dalam menyimak dan berbicara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua metode tersebut memiliki dampak positif pada kemampuan anak, dengan storytelling telah lama digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan anak dalam menyimak dan berbicara. Penggunaan permainan Magic Card juga terbukti dapat mendukung peningkatan kemampuan bercerita anak melalui pemberian stimulus. Guru-guru juga merasakan peningkatan kesenangan, semangat, dan motivasi dalam mengajar dengan menggunakan permainan Magic Card. Rekomendasi diberikan agar pihak sekolah dan orang tua lebih kreatif dalam memilih media pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan semangat belajar anak-anak, dengan mempertimbangkan penggunaan permainan dan metode storytelling

    Pelaksanaan Teknik Asesmen Formal dan Informal Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Assessment is a process of describing as it is about the behavior shown by the child. The behavior in question is directed at aspects of development that must be mastered by children. The assessment aims to reveal the facts of the actual development that occurs and is achieved by the child (description), mapping the developmental achievements of each child (mapping), grouping children on relatively similar developmental achievements (grouping), providing programs that are in accordance with the child's needs (programming). Implementation of the assessment can use two main approaches, namely a formal assessment approach (formal based assessment) and an informal assessment (informal based assessment). The formal assessment approach usually uses instrumentation and is based on scores or numbers, so some call it a test-based assessment. The informal assessment approach uses real situations and real work of children to describe the state of behavior as it is.Assessment is a process of describing as it is about the behavior shown by the child. The behavior in question is directed at aspects of development that must be mastered by children. The assessment aims to reveal the facts of the actual development that occurs and is achieved by the child (description), mapping the developmental achievements of each child (mapping), grouping children on relatively similar developmental achievements (grouping), providing programs that are in accordance with the child's needs (programming). Implementation of the assessment can use two main approaches, namely a formal assessment approach (formal based assessment) and an informal assessment (informal based assessment). The formal assessment approach usually uses instrumentation and is based on scores or numbers, so some call it a test-based assessment. The informal assessment approach uses real situations and real work of children to describe the state of behavior as it is