7 research outputs found

    The effects of pro-ca (prohexadione-calcium) application on tree growth and fruit characteristics of seedling and mm 106 grafted starkrimson delicious apple cultivar

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    MM106 ve çöğür anaçlara aşılı Starkrimson Delicious elma çeşidi ağaçlarında Pro-Ca (prohexadione-calcium) uygulamasının vejetatif gelişmenin baskı altına alınması ve bazı pomolojik özellikleri üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla planlanan bu deneme, 2015-2016 yılları arasında İzmir-Urla'da bulunan Öz Urlalı Botanik fidanlığına ait arazide yürütülmüştür. Denemede farklı dozlarda uygulanan Pro-Ca (250 ppm - 500 ppm) uygulamasının bitkiye ne yönde etki edeceği araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda sürgünler 5 cm olduktan sonra ilk uygulama yapılmış, daha sonra bu tarihten 2 hafta sonra ise ikinci uygulama yapılmıştır. Uygulamalarda saksılı, çöğür ve yarı bodura (MM 106) aşılı 4 yaşlı Starkrimson Delicious elma ağaçları kullanılmıştır. Vejetasyon sonu ile başı arasında MM106 anacına aşılı fidanlarındaki ağaç boy ve yıllık sürgünlerin ortalama uzunluk farkı üzerine artan Pro-Ca dozları uygulamalarına paralel olarak boy farkının önemli derecede azaldığı belirlenmiştir. MM106 anacında vejetatif gelişmenin baskı altına alınması yönünde etkisinin olumlu olduğu saptanmış olup çöğür anaçta ise önemli farkın olmadığı görülmüştür. Çöğür ve MM106 anaça aşılı Starkrimson Delicious ağaçlarından elde edilen meyvelerde yapılan ölçümlere göre; meyve ağırlığı (g), meyve eni (mm), meyve boyu (mm), meyve sertliği (kg/cm²) parametrelerinde uygulamalar arasında önemli farkın olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Ancak çöğür anaçlarda meyve SÇKM miktarlarında azalmaya neden olurken pH‟sında ise artışa neden olmuştur.This experiment was carried out to determine that the effects of Pro Ca (prohexadione-calcium) applications on some pomological characters and that the repressive effects of Pro Ca on vegetative developments of Starkrimson Delicious apple cultivars grafted on seedling and dwarf rootstocks in Öz-Urlalı botanical nursery in Urla County, Ġzmir province in 2015 and 2016 years. It was searched for, in which direction, Pro-ca applications was effective. Pro-Ca applied at two different doses (250-500 ppm) at 5cm shoot length and at two weeks later that. In applications, four years old Starkrimson apple cultivars grafted on seedling and MM106 dwarf rootstocks in pots was used. In plants grafted on MM106 rootstock, tree height and average one year old shoot length differences between the beginning and the ending of vegetation, decreased as the pro-ca application doses increased. While In MM106 rootstock, Pro-ca application effects was positive, in seedling rootstocks it was not affected significantly Starkrimson apples taken trees grafted on seedlings and MM106 rootstocks did not show any differences in terms of fruit weight (g), fruit width and length (mm), fruit firmness (kg/cm2). However, Starkrimson apples taken trees grafted on seedlings had the lower total soluble solids and higher pH than that of grafted on MM106

    Immunohistochemical Changes after Metoclopramide Administration in Rat Brain Cells

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    Metoclopramide, used as an anti-emetic drug in clinical practice, has recently also begun being used to establish hyperprolactinemic effects in the breastfeeding. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential side-effects of metoclopramide applied in the lactation period in the central nervous system of infant rats. 18 female albino Wistar rats that had just given birth were divided into 3 groups together with their pups: Healthy controls, low-dose metoclopramide (10 mg/kg, twice per day i.p.) and a high-dose metoclopramide group (45 mg/kg, twice per day i.p.). Brain tissues from 6 pups from each mother were harvested at the end of the 21st day. Immunohistochemical technique was performed using dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2), brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neural growth factor (NGF), markers of extrapyramidal reaction in the brain, as signal molecules. Based on immunohistochemical results, DRD2 expression decreased only in the external pyramidal layer neurons in the high-dose infant group. Strong BDNF reaction was determined in pyramidal neurons in all layers in the control infant group, and decreased reaction was observed in the high- and low-dose groups. No significant difference was observed in NGF expression between the three groups. Since high-dose metoclopramide caused a decrease in DRD2 expression in the external pyramidal layer in the prefrontal cortex, and since both high and low doses reduced BDNF expression, care needs to be taken with the use of metoclopramide in the lactation period due to the possibility of extrapyramidal reactions in infants

    The Effect of Monosodium Glutamate on Neuronal Signaling Molecules in the Hippocampus and the Neuroprotective Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

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    Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavoring substance added to many ready-to-eat foods and has known neurotoxic effects. This study was performed in order to examine the potential toxic effect of MSG on neurons in various regions of the hippocampus in prepubertal rats. It also investigated the protective effect of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahex-aenoic acid (DHA) on brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), n-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R), and neuropeptide-Y (NPY) expression in the brain, using immunohistochemical and biochemical methods. Six female prepubertal Wistar albino rats were used in each group. Group 1, the control group, received 0.9% saline solution subcutaneously (sc) on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Group 2 received 4 mg/g MSG sc on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Group 3 received MSG + EPA (4 mg/g sc on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Oral 300 mg/kg for 9 d), while Group 4 received MSG + DHA (4 mg/g sc on days 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 and 300 mg/kg orally for 9 d, respectively). At the end of the ninth day the hippocampal regions of the brain were removed and either fixed for immunohistochemical staining or stored at -80 degrees C for biochemical parameter investigation. BDNF, NMDA-R, and NPY expression results were evaluated using immunohistochemistry and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. According to our findings, neurons in the control group hippocampal CA1 and DG regions exhibited strong BDNF, NPY, and NMDA-R reactions, while an expression in both regions decreased in the MSG group (p 0.00). In conclusion, since MSG caused a decrease in BDNF, NMDA-R, and NPY neural signaling molecules in the CA1 and DG regions of the hippocampus of prepubertal rats compared to the control group, care is required over the consumption of MSG, since it may affect memory-related neurons in these age groups. In addition, we concluded that the use of omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA in addition to MSG may protect against the neurotoxic effects of MSG