13 research outputs found
European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer – ECIBC: Organisation of project guiding and support meetings report – 2014
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) coordinates the European Commission's Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC). The ECBIC has two main tasks: 1) the development of a voluntary European quality assurance (QA) scheme for breast cancer services based on an EU legislative framework on accreditation covering all stages and aspects of care and 2) the set-up of the evidence base for such a QA scheme via (i) the development of the new European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis and (ii) a platform for evidence-based breast cancer guidelines covering stages other than screening and diagnosis (e.g. rehabilitation, follow-up, psychological support and palliative care).
Preparation for the ECIBC included literature searches, stakeholder meetings and consensus building workshops and a European-wide survey to gather information on the status and organisation of breast cancer screening and care. This report is a summary of the meetings held in 2014.JRC.I.2-Public Health Policy Suppor
European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC): Plenary 2016
The European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) Plenaries are an opportunity to inform representatives from the 28 EU Member States and 7 other countries participating in the ECIBC, as well as patients and other stakeholders, policymakers, and the scientific and health policy communities, about the aims, activities and achievements of the ECIBC. They also provide a platform for the exchange of ideas, feedback and input into the ECIBC.
The 2016 ECIBC Plenary, entitled “When science and policy collaborate for health”, took place on 24-25 November in Varese, Italy. Its main focus was the implementation of both the voluntary European Quality Assurance scheme for Breast Cancer Services (European QA scheme) and the European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis (European Breast Guidelines). In this context, the first concrete results were presented, with the launch of the first four European Breast Guidelines recommendations on screening.
The first day of the Plenary was dedicated to the JRC informing the audience about the various tools that ECIBC is developing. The second day instead, gave the floor to the audience, who informed the JRC of their views in terms of the challenges and opportunities related to implementing the ECIBC in the respective European countries. The event opened with welcome speeches from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), a moving presentation from a breast cancer survivor and reflections on how to ensure science makes its way into policy. The JRC and ECIBC working group members then brought the audience up to date with progress on the European QA scheme, the European Breast Guidelines, as well as the Guidelines Platform, the template for training on digital mammography, as well as about how ECIBC plans to monitor its impact. Participants also received in-depth explanations of the accreditation framework selected for the European QA scheme, as well as two countries’ experiences of using the ISO 15189 standard for accreditation, which is foreseen for the European QA scheme.
The second day saw a focus on the individual countries represented at the Plenary. Presentations assessed how the European QA scheme could potentially fit into three different health systems (Scotland, the Netherlands, Romania), while a special breakout session gave national representatives from the 27 countries present (out of the 35 countries participating in the ECIBC) the chance to discuss implementation of the European Breast Guidelines and the European QA scheme themselves. The results, collected through questionnaires, fed into a roundtable debate on what needs to be done at European and national level to ensure ECIBC implementation. The meeting was closed by Member of the European Parliament and President of MEPs Against Cancer (MACs), Alojz Peterle. An evaluation of the event revealed that the third ECIBC Plenary met its aims to inform stakeholders: all responding participants felt that the event succeeded in providing a comprehensive overview of how the ECIBC is progressing, and what the challenges are. Discussions also provided the JRC with valuable information and feedback. The fourth ECIBC Plenary will take place once the results from piloting the European QA scheme are available.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ
GRADE workshop: grading the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations
In December 2013, the Public Health Policy Support Unit at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre organised a two-day workshop on developing evidence-based guidelines and healthcare recommendations using GRADE.
GRADE stands for Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation. It is a method for grading the quality of evidence and going from this evidence to the corresponding healthcare recommendation.
The aims of the workshop were:
1) To explain how to develop evidence-based guidelines and health recommendations using the GRADE approach.
2) To build a template for future trainings organised by the JRC on the guideline development process.
Twenty participants, without experience using GRADE, attended the workshop—including 14 JRC staff, as well as representatives from the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO), the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and various external institutions. The workshop consisted of lectures on the theory behind guidelines development, group work and computer-based exercises.
Organisers and participants deemed the training a success and the Public Health Policy Support Unit is planning additional GRADE-oriented workshops in the future.JRC.I.2-Public Health Policy Suppor
Report on the call for feedback about The Scope of the European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis: European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer
In 2015, the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) started the development of the European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis (henceforth the European Breast Guidelines) under the auspices of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) and the technical and scientific coordination of the Directorate-General Joint Research Centre (JRC). To support the JRC in this task, a Guidelines Development Group (GDG), consisting of independent experts and individuals, was established.
The European Breast Guidelines’ scope (The Scope) represented the first output of the development process of the European Breast Guidelines. Via a public call for feedback, stakeholders and individual citizens were invited to provide their feedback on The Scope.
The call for feedback was open from 18 December 2015 to 17 January 2016 and an online questionnaire was made available on the ECIBC web hub via the EU Survey platform. The JRC received a total of 82 valid responses, from 40 individuals from 18 different countries and from 42 organisations from 20 different countries.
During a meeting held in Varese (Italy) in March 2016, the GDG discussed the new version of The Scope which was prepared taking into account the results of the call for feedback. The Scope was finalised and approved by the GDG after some minor editing on 6 September 2016 and was later made publicly available together with this report.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ
European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer: Concept document
The European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC) is aimed at ensuring and harmonising breast cancer services quality across European countries. It is coordinated by Commission’s Joint Research Centre, under the supervision of the Directorate-General Health and Food Safety. This document describes the background of the initiative, its general goals and objectives, and its foreseen outcomes.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ
The ECIBC (European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer) web hub concept and feasibility study
In December 2012, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) was assigned by the Directorate-General for Health and Consumers (now the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety - DG SANTE) with the task of coordinating the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer henceforth shortened to ECIBC.
ECIBC main tasks as defined in the DG SANTE published document are:
• To develop a new version of the European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis based on new knowledge and evidence.
• To develop a voluntary European quality assurance (QA) scheme for breast cancer services covering all care processes based on the EU legislative framework on accreditation and underpinned by the evidence provided by the guidelines
With regards to guidelines covering processes other than screening and diagnosis (treatment, rehabilitation and follow-up, and all relevant horizontal aspects), a platform for breast cancer guidelines is envisaged to host existing evidence-based, high-quality guidelines.
The ECIBC project also includes the definition of a concept for training of professionals in breast cancer screening and the development of a dedicated web hub, to which this report refers.
The ECIBC web hub will be the communication interface with stakeholders and the main tool presenting and making available project deliverables (and their updates) over the long-term.
The present report is a summary of the process of developing the concept for the ECIBC web hub and of the feasibility study activities:
• It provides a list of user requirements along with some sketched ECIBC web hub pages, crafted out of a series of meetings and analysing relevant cancer-related web portals.
• It describes the technical platform evaluation process that led to the selection of Liferay Portal.
• It presents a high-level initial plan to provide ECIBC web hub functionality needed by the upcoming ECIBC project steps, with a pilot in the second part of 2015 and a fully functional web hub at the end of 2017.
In order to develop the ECIBC web hub, the JRC carried out a specific feasibility study with three main objectives:
• Analyse user requirements.
• Select a technical platform.
• Make an initial time and effort estimation.JRC.I.2-Public Health Policy Suppor
ECICC: European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer
This leaflet describes the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC), a person-centred initiative to improve colorectal cancer care in Europe. The ECICC will develop evidence-based guidelines and a quality assurance scheme for healthcare services involved in the colorectal cancer care pathway.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ
ECIBC at a Glance: European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer
This document is a brochure explaining the EICBC initiative to a middle-informed audience. ECIBC provides evidence based guidelines and a European Quality assurance scheme for breast cancer.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ
European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer - ECIBC: Organisation of project guiding and support meetings: Meetings 2011-2013
In November 2012, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), which is the European Commission's (EC) in-house science service, was assigned by the Directorate General for Health and Consumers (DG SANCO) with the tasks of:
i. Guidelines:
a. to revise the European guidelines for quality assurance in breast cancer screening and diagnosis and develop the New European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis. Given the feed-back of stakeholders during the following meetings, this task was had to be split, originating a second one:
b. to establish a platform for high quality guidelines for stages of breast cancer care other than screening and diagnosis
ii. Quality assurance (QA) scheme: to establish a voluntary European QA scheme for breast cancer services based on the European legislative framework on accreditation (defined in Regulation (EC) No 765/2008)
iii. Digital mammography training: to provide training to the professionals involved in breast cancer screening programmes
iv. A web-hub host for the initiative and its components
These tasks fall under the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer henceforth shortened to the ECIBC.
Taking the view to develop the tasks in a coordinated, consensus-based and sustainable way, the JRC first embarked on setting up a series of targeted meetings with a wide range of stakeholders, experts and concerned authorities at the national level. This report is a summary of those meetings.JRC.I.2-Public Health Policy Suppor
Reply to: Valid assessment of women's satisfaction with breast cancer screening programs
This is a letter to the editor of the journal Breast.JRC.F.1-Health in Societ