
European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer – ECIBC: Organisation of project guiding and support meetings report – 2014


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) coordinates the European Commission's Initiative on Breast Cancer (ECIBC). The ECBIC has two main tasks: 1) the development of a voluntary European quality assurance (QA) scheme for breast cancer services based on an EU legislative framework on accreditation covering all stages and aspects of care and 2) the set-up of the evidence base for such a QA scheme via (i) the development of the new European guidelines for breast cancer screening and diagnosis and (ii) a platform for evidence-based breast cancer guidelines covering stages other than screening and diagnosis (e.g. rehabilitation, follow-up, psychological support and palliative care). Preparation for the ECIBC included literature searches, stakeholder meetings and consensus building workshops and a European-wide survey to gather information on the status and organisation of breast cancer screening and care. This report is a summary of the meetings held in 2014.JRC.I.2-Public Health Policy Suppor

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