21 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Medical Image Translation with Adversarial Diffusion Models

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    Imputation of missing images via source-to-target modality translation can improve diversity in medical imaging protocols. A pervasive approach for synthesizing target images involves one-shot mapping through generative adversarial networks (GAN). Yet, GAN models that implicitly characterize the image distribution can suffer from limited sample fidelity. Here, we propose a novel method based on adversarial diffusion modeling, SynDiff, for improved performance in medical image translation. To capture a direct correlate of the image distribution, SynDiff leverages a conditional diffusion process that progressively maps noise and source images onto the target image. For fast and accurate image sampling during inference, large diffusion steps are taken with adversarial projections in the reverse diffusion direction. To enable training on unpaired datasets, a cycle-consistent architecture is devised with coupled diffusive and non-diffusive modules that bilaterally translate between two modalities. Extensive assessments are reported on the utility of SynDiff against competing GAN and diffusion models in multi-contrast MRI and MRI-CT translation. Our demonstrations indicate that SynDiff offers quantitatively and qualitatively superior performance against competing baselines.Comment: M. Ozbey and O. Dalmaz contributed equally to this stud

    Learning Fourier-Constrained Diffusion Bridges for MRI Reconstruction

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    Recent years have witnessed a surge in deep generative models for accelerated MRI reconstruction. Diffusion priors in particular have gained traction with their superior representational fidelity and diversity. Instead of the target transformation from undersampled to fully-sampled data, common diffusion priors are trained to learn a multi-step transformation from Gaussian noise onto fully-sampled data. During inference, data-fidelity projections are injected in between reverse diffusion steps to reach a compromise solution within the span of both the diffusion prior and the imaging operator. Unfortunately, suboptimal solutions can arise as the normality assumption of the diffusion prior causes divergence between learned and target transformations. To address this limitation, here we introduce the first diffusion bridge for accelerated MRI reconstruction. The proposed Fourier-constrained diffusion bridge (FDB) leverages a generalized process to transform between undersampled and fully-sampled data via random noise addition and random frequency removal as degradation operators. Unlike common diffusion priors that use an asymptotic endpoint based on Gaussian noise, FDB captures a transformation between finite endpoints where the initial endpoint is based on moderate degradation of fully-sampled data. Demonstrations on brain MRI indicate that FDB outperforms state-of-the-art reconstruction methods including conventional diffusion priors

    Large-Eddy Simulation of Airflow and Pollutant Dispersion in a Model Street Canyon Intersection of Dhaka City

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    The atmospheric flow and dispersion of traffic exhaust were numerically studied in this work while considering a model street canyon intersection of a city. The finite volume method (FVM)-based large-eddy simulation (LES) technique in line with ANSYS Fluent have been used for flow and pollutant dispersion modelling through the consideration of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL). Hexahedral elements are considered for computational domain discretization in order to numerically solve problems using FVM-LES. The turbulence parameters were superimposed through a spectral synthesizer in the existing LES model through ANSYS Fluent as part of ’damage control’ due to the unsteady k−ϵ simulation. Initially, the code is validated with an experimental study of an urban street canyon where the width and height ratio is in unity. After validation, a model urban street canyon intersection was investigated in this work. The model shows a high pollutant concentration in the intersecting corner areas of the buildings. Additionally, the study of this model intersection shows a high level of pollutant concentration at the leeward wall of downwind building in the case of increased height of an upwind building. Most importantly, it was realized from the street intersection design that three-dimensional interconnection between the dominating canyon vortices and roof level flow plays a pivotal role in pollutant concentration level on the windward walls. The three-dimensional extent of corner eddies and their interconnections with dominating vortices were found to be extremely important as they facilitate enhanced ventilation. Corner eddies only form for the streets towards the freeway and not for the streets towards the intersection. The results and key findings of this work offer qualitative and quantitative data for the estimation, planning, and implementation of exposure mitigation in an urban environment

    Population dynamics of rhesus macaques and associated foamy virus in Bangladesh

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    Foamy viruses are complex retroviruses that have been shown to be transmitted from nonhuman primates to humans. In Bangladesh, infection with simian foamy virus (SFV) is ubiquitous among rhesus macaques, which come into contact with humans in diverse locations and contexts throughout the country. We analyzed microsatellite DNA from 126 macaques at six sites in Bangladesh in order to characterize geographic patterns of macaque population structure. We also included in this study 38 macaques owned by nomadic people who train them to perform for audiences. PCR was used to analyze a portion of the proviral gag gene from all SFV-positive macaques, and multiple clones were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis was used to infer long-term patterns of viral transmission. Analyses of SFV gag gene sequences indicated that macaque populations from different areas harbor genetically distinct strains of SFV, suggesting that geographic features such as forest cover play a role in determining the dispersal of macaques and SFV. We also found evidence suggesting that humans traveling the region with performing macaques likely play a role in the translocation of macaques and SFV. Our studies found that individual animals can harbor more than one strain of SFV and that presence of more than one SFV strain is more common among older animals. Some macaques are infected with SFV that appears to be recombinant. These findings paint a more detailed picture of how geographic and sociocultural factors influence the spectrum of simian-borne retroviruses