52 research outputs found

    Determinants of GDP Fluctuations in Selected South Asian Countries: A Macro-Panel Study

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    Now a days, the issue of volatility in GDP is becoming a fundamental development concern due to the undeniable connections between volatility and lack of development. In addition, the recognition of the negative link between short-term fluctuations and long-term growth not only signifies the importance of exploring this link but also stresses the importance of studying the determinants of the GDP fluctuations so that the efforts to manage these fluctuations can be made. Therefore, keeping in view, the importance of studying the factor causing fluctuations in GDP, the present study aims at exploring the determinants of GDP fluctuations using macro panel approach in a panel of five selected South Asian countries (SSAC) including Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka over the period of 1980- 2010. For this purpose, modern non-stationary panel techniques such as cross section dependence test, second generation unit root test under cross sectional dependence, panel cointegration and Group Mean Fully Modified OLS (GM-FMOLS) estimation are applied. The results of the group mean FMOLS estimates show that aid dependence (AIDGDP), trade openness (OPEN), volatility in the price level (PRIVOL), reliance on agriculture (AGRGDP) and political stability (POLSTB) are the significant determinants of the GDP fluctuations. Thus, it is suggested that these determinants may be managed to reduce the volatility in GDP growth rate. JEL Classification: E32, F44, N15 Keywords: Determinants of GDP Fluctuations, Determinants of GDP Volatility, South Asia, Group Mean FMOLS, Panel Cointegration, Macro Panel, Business Cycle Fluctuation

    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    During the winter 1980 reindeer herds in the Tornedalen area, along the Finnish border, were hit by grazing difficulties. Thus minor parts of the reindeer her*ds in this area were given supplementary feed in pens. Some of the supplementary fed animals were taken ill and some deaths occurred. According to the owners sick animals showed loss of appetite and signs of fever. A total of 8 carcasses were necropsied at The National Veterinary Institute. In 5 of these cases oral lesions were observed. The histological investigation of the oral mucosa revealed intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. An electron-microscopical study of 2 of the cases confirmed the histological findings. At the bacteriological investigations Coli, ß-haemolyzing streptococci, Conrynebacterium pyogenes and Fusobacterium necrophorum could be indentified. The found bacteria were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from four affected reindeer flocks were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13 and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. A few samples showed low positive titres for agents tested but for BVDV. The result of the investigation indicates that a still unidentified virus could be the primary cause of this enzootically appearing disease of the oral mucosa in reindeer.Misstanke om virusinfektion i munnslemhinnan på svensk ren.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Under vintern 1980 drabbades renhjordar i Tornedalsområdet av betessvårigheter. Av denna anledning fördes mindre flockar, ur hjordarna, till inhägnader och tillskottsutfodrades. En del av de tillskottsutfodrade djuren insjuknade och dödsfall inträffade. Enligt djurägarna förlorade de sjuka djuren aptiten och uppvisade tecken på feber. Av de döda renarna erhölls åtta fôr obduktion vid Statens Veterinärmedicinska anstalt. Hos fem av de obducerade renarna forelåg skador i munhålan. Vid histologisk undersokning av munslemhinnan påvisades intracytoplasmatiska inklusionskroppar, inter- och intracellulärt ödem och vesikelbildningar. Elektronmikroskopisk undersokning av två av fallen konfirmerade de histologiska undersökningarna. Vid de bakteriologiska undersökningarna påvisades våxt av kolibakterier, ß-hemolyserande streptokocker, Corynebacterium pyogenes och Fusobacterium necrophorum. I samtliga fall betraktades dessa som sekundårinfektio-ner. Serologiska undersökningar företogs, i fyra flockar dår dödsfall förekommit, avseende forekomst av antikroppar emot BVD-virus, Pi3 och IBR-virus samt Chlamydia. Ett mindre antal prover uppvisade positiva titrar fôr de undersökta agens utom vad avser BVD. Resultaten av undersökningarna indikerar att ett annu ej identifierat virus kan vara primärorsak till de enzootiskt upptrådande utbrotten av sjukliga förändringar i munhålen hos ren

    A suspected virus infection of the oral mucosa in Swedish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L)

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    In 1980 a rather high frequency of reindeer, supplementarily fed in pens, were taken ill and deaths occurred as well. In five out of eight carcasses necrophsied oral lesions were observed. Histologically the mucosa, surrounding these lesions, was charasterized by the presence of intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies, inter- and intracellular oedema and vesicle formation. Fusobacterium necrophorum, Coll, betahaemolizing streptococci, and Cory neb acterium pyogenes found in the lesions were all considered secondary invaders. Serological samples from disease stricken herds were tested for antibodies against BVD-, P13-, and IBR-virus as well as Chlamydia. Low positive titres were observed but for BVDV. The result indicates that a thus far unidentified virus might be the primary cause of this enzootically occurring disease

    Ewing sarcoma of larynx: A rare case in a 5-year-old boy

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    Ewing Sarcoma of the head and neck region is an extremely rare entity. Treatment usually involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in varying sequences. We present the third case to date of Ewing sarcoma of the larynx in a paediatric population. A 5-year-old boy presented to emergency room with acute respiratory distress. Computerized tomography scan showed a mass in the supraglottis; he was intubated using videolaryngoscope and tracheostomy was avoided, mass was removed by cold dissection. Final histopathologic examination revealed Ewing sarcoma. Further workup showed no systemic metastasis. Patient was advised adjuvant therapy which the family refused. Currently he is doing fine on 2 years of follow-up

    Ewing Sarcoma of Larynx: A Rare Case in a 5-Year-Old Boy

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    Ewing Sarcoma of the head and neck region is an extremely rare entity. Treatment usually involves surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in varying sequences. We present the third case to date of Ewing sarcoma of the larynx in a paediatric population. A 5-year-old boy presented to emergency room with acute respiratory distress. Computerized tomography scan showed a mass in the supraglottis; he was intubated using videolaryngoscope and tracheostomy was avoided, mass was removed by cold dissection. Final histopathologic examination revealed Ewing sarcoma. Further workup showed no systemic metastasis. Patient was advised adjuvant therapy which the family refused. Currently he is doing fine on 2 years of follow-up

    Global prospective case series of ERCPs using a single-use duodenoscope

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    Background The first commercialized single-use duodenoscope was cleared by the US Food and Drug Administration in December 2019. Data regarding endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) using a single-use duodenoscope are needed on a broader range of cases conducted by endoscopists with varying levels of experience in a wide range of geographic areas. Methods 61 endoscopists at 22 academic centers in 11 countries performed ERCP procedures in adult patients aged ? 18. Outcomes included ERCP completion for the intended indication, rate of crossover to a reusable endoscope, device performance ratings, and serious adverse events (SAEs). Results Among 551 patients, 236 (42.8 %) were aged &gt;65, 281 (51.0 %) were men, and 256 (46.5 %) had their procedure as an inpatient. ERCPs included 196 (35.6 %) with American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy complexity of grades 3 4. A total of 529 ERCPs (96.0 %) were completed: 503 (91.3 %) using only the single-use duodenoscope, and 26 (4.7 %) with crossover to a reusable endoscope. There were 22 ERCPs (4.0 %) that were not completed, of which 11 (2.0 %) included a crossover and 11 (2.0 %) were aborted cases (no crossover). Median ERCP completion time was 24.0 minutes. Median overall satisfaction with the single-use duodenoscope was 8.0 (scale of 1 to 10 [best]). SAEs were reported in 43 patients (7.8 %), including 17 (3.1 %) who developed post-ERCP pancreatitis. Conclusions In academic medical centers over a wide geographic distribution, endoscopists with varying levels of experience using the first marketed single-use duodenoscope had good ERCP procedural success and reported high performance ratings for this device.</p

    Early Secreted Antigen ESAT-6 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Promotes Protective T Helper 17 Cell Responses in a Toll-Like Receptor-2-dependent Manner

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    Despite its relatively poor efficacy, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) has been used as a tuberculosis (TB) vaccine since its development in 1921. BCG induces robust T helper 1 (Th1) immune responses but, for many individuals, this is not sufficient for host resistance against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) infection. Here we provide evidence that early secreted antigenic target protein 6 (ESAT-6), expressed by the virulent M. tb strain H37Rv but not by BCG, promotes vaccine-enhancing Th17 cell responses. These activities of ESAT-6 were dependent on TLR-2/MyD88 signalling and involved IL-6 and TGF-β production by dendritic cells. Thus, animals that were previously infected with H37Rv or recombinant BCG containing the RD1 region (BCG::RD1) exhibited improved protection upon re-challenge with virulent H37Rv compared with mice previously infected with BCG or RD1-deficient H37Rv (H37RvΔRD1). However, TLR-2 knockout (TLR-2-/-) animals neither showed Th17 responses nor exhibited improved protection in response to immunization with H37Rv. Furthermore, H37Rv and BCG::RD1 infection had little effect on the expression of the anti-inflammatory microRNA-146a (miR146a) in dendritic cells (DCs), whereas BCG and H37RvΔRD1 profoundly induced its expression in DCs. Consistent with these findings, ESAT-6 had no effect on miR146a expression in uninfected DCs, but dramatically inhibited its upregulation in BCG-infected or LPS-treated DCs. Collectively, our findings indicate that, in addition to Th1 immunity induced by BCG, RD1/ESAT-6-induced Th17 immune responses are essential for optimal vaccine efficacy

    Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Performance in the Banking Sector of Pakistan: The Role of Islamic Work Ethic

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    Purpose: The present study aims to investigate the relationship between human resource management practices (recruitment and selection, training and development and performance appraisal) and employee’s performance. Further, this study examines the moderating role of Islamic Work Ethics in the direct link mentioned above in the banking sector of Pakistan. Design/Methodology/Approach: The data were collected from 256 employees working in the banking sector of Pakistan. To test the hypothesized relationships, multiple regression analysis was conducted.&nbsp; Findings: The findings indicated the significant impact of human resource management practices (recruitment and selection, training and development and performance appraisal) on employee performance. Moreover, the moderating role of Islamic Work Ethics was also supported. This study found the Islamic Work Ethics strengthens the relationship between human resource management practices (recruitment and selection, training and development and performance appraisal), employee’s performance. Implications/Originality/Value This concludes that human resource management practices are essential for every organization that enhance the Employee’s Performance. Further it is revealed Islamic Work Ethics moderates the relationship between human resource management practices and Employees Performance. Implications and future research for practice and directions are discussed
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