2 research outputs found
A consensus report on antiarrhythmic drug use
- Author
- Anderson
- Antonaccio
- Arif
- Benditt
- Bigger
- Blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Breithardt
- Brodsky
- Burkart
- Camm
- Carmeliet
- Ceremuzynski
- Charlier
- Cohen
- Coplen
- Crijns
- Deedwania
- Denes
- DiBianco
- Duff
- Fournier
- Furberg
- Gosselink
- Graboys
- Greene
- Greene
- Haffajee
- Heger
- Herre
- Herre
- Hine
- Hirsowitz
- Hodges
- Horowitz
- Huikuri
- IMPACT Research Group
- Jennings
- Kadish
- Kato
- Kerin
- Khan
- Kim
- Kimura
- Kosowsky
- Kus
- Larsen
- Lerman
- Lish
- Lown
- Manz
- Marchlinski
- Marcus
- Marcus
- Mason
- Mason JW for the ESVEM Investigators
- Mason JW for the ESVEM Investigators
- Meredith
- Minardo
- Moosvi
- Morganroth
- Morganroth
- Nademanee
- Nattel
- Nicholls
- Nielsen
- Norwegian Multicenter Study Group
- Podrid
- Prystowsky
- Rizos
- Roden
- Rosenbaum
- Rotmensch
- Salerno
- Schwartz
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh
- Singh BN. Amiodarone
- Soyka
- Swiryn
- Teichman
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators
- The Cardiac Arrhythmias Suppression Trial II Investigators
- The CONSENSUS Trial Study Group
- Trimarco
- U.K. Rythmodan Multicentre Study Group
- Waldo
- Waxman
- Wellens
- Wilson
- Winkle
- Wyse
- Yohalom
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Antiarrhythmic Drug Therapy for Ventricular Arrhythmias: Current Perspectives
- Author
- Anderson JL
- Anderson JL
- Beta Block Heart Attack Trial Research Group
- Bigger JT
- Bigger JT
- Bigger JT
- Bigger JT
- Bikkina M
- Borggrefe M
- Breithardt G
- Brodsy M
- Brooks R
- Burkart F
- Campbell TJ
- Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators
- Ceremuzynski L
- Clyne CA
- Constantin L
- Coplen SE
- Coste P
- Damale R
- Denniss AR
- Dunnigan A
- Echt D
- Echt DS
- Elder M
- Estes NAM
- Estes NAM
- Estes NAM
- Flaker GC
- Fleg JL
- Freidman LM
- Garson A
- Gomes JA
- Greene HL
- Haugh C
- Herre JM
- Herre JM
- Homes J
- Huang SK
- Impact Research Group
- Kannel WB
- Kennedy HL
- Kinder C
- Kleiger RE
- Kosowsky BD
- Kostis JB
- Kowey PR
- Kron J
- Lund O
- MADIT Executive Committee
- Mann DE
- McKenna WJ
- Middelkauff HR
- Morganroth J
- Nattel S
- Neri R
- Nielsen BL
- Olshansin K
- Packer DL
- Pederson TR
- Powell AC
- Pratt CM
- Pratt CM
- Reiffel JA
- Reiffel JA
- Richards DA
- Richards DA
- Ruberman W
- Santinga JT
- Scott O
- Selzer A
- Singh BN
- Steinbeck G
- Sullivan ID
- Swerdlow CD
- Teo KK
- The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial II Investigators
- The Concensus Study Group
- The Members of the Sicilian Gambit
- U.K. Rythmodan Multicenter Study Group
- Vaughan-Williams EM
- Waller TJ
- Wilber DJ
- Wilber DJ
- Wilber DJ
- Winkle RA
- Winters SL
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study