718 research outputs found

    Vortex Washboard Voltage Noise in Type-II Superconductors

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    In order to characterize flux flow through disordered type-II superconductors, we investigate the effects of columnar and point defects on the vortex velocity / voltage power spectrum in the driven non-equilibrium steady state. We employ three-dimensional Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations to measure relevant physical observables including the force-velocity / current-voltage (I-V) characteristics, vortex spatial arrangement and structure factor, and mean flux line radius of gyration. Our simulation results compare well to earlier findings and physical intuition. We focus specifically on the voltage noise power spectra in conjunction with the vortex structure factor in the presence of weak columnar and point pinning centers. We investigate the vortex washboard noise peak and associated higher harmonics, and show that the intensity ratios of the washboard harmonics are determined by the strength of the material defects rather than the type of pins present. Through varying columnar defect lengths and pinning strengths as well as magnetic flux density we further explore the effect of the material defects on vortex transport. It is demonstrated that the radius of gyration displays quantitatively unique features that depend characteristically on the type of material defects present in the sample.Comment: Latex, 17 pages, 14 figure

    Correlations, fluctuations and stability of a finite-size network of coupled oscillators

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    The incoherent state of the Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators exhibits marginal modes in mean field theory. We demonstrate that corrections due to finite size effects render these modes stable in the subcritical case, i.e. when the population is not synchronous. This demonstration is facilitated by the construction of a non-equilibrium statistical field theoretic formulation of a generic model of coupled oscillators. This theory is consistent with previous results. In the all-to-all case, the fluctuations in this theory are due completely to finite size corrections, which can be calculated in an expansion in 1/N, where N is the number of oscillators. The N -> infinity limit of this theory is what is traditionally called mean field theory for the Kuramoto model.Comment: 25 pages (2 column), 12 figures, modifications for resubmissio

    Stochastic population dynamics in spatially extended predator-prey systems

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    Spatially extended population dynamics models that incorporate intrinsic noise serve as case studies for the role of fluctuations and correlations in biological systems. Including spatial structure and stochastic noise in predator-prey competition invalidates the deterministic Lotka-Volterra picture of neutral population cycles. Stochastic models yield long-lived erratic population oscillations stemming from a resonant amplification mechanism. In spatially extended predator-prey systems, one observes noise-stabilized activity and persistent correlations. Fluctuation-induced renormalizations of the oscillation parameters can be analyzed perturbatively. The critical dynamics and the non-equilibrium relaxation kinetics at the predator extinction threshold are characterized by the directed percolation universality class. Spatial or environmental variability results in more localized patches which enhances both species densities. Affixing variable rates to individual particles and allowing for trait inheritance subject to mutations induces fast evolutionary dynamics for the rate distributions. Stochastic spatial variants of cyclic competition with rock-paper-scissors interactions illustrate connections between population dynamics and evolutionary game theory, and demonstrate how space can help maintain diversity. In two dimensions, three-species cyclic competition models of the May-Leonard type are characterized by the emergence of spiral patterns whose properties are elucidated by a mapping onto a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Extensions to general food networks can be classified on the mean-field level, which provides both a fundamental understanding of ensuing cooperativity and emergence of alliances. Novel space-time patterns emerge as a result of the formation of competing alliances, such as coarsening domains that each incorporate rock-paper-scissors competition games

    Simulated ecology-driven sympatric speciation

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    We introduce a multi-locus genetically acquired phenotype, submitted to mutations and with selective value, in an age-structured model for biological aging. This phenotype describes a single-trait effect of the environment on an individual, and we study the resulting distribution of this trait among the population. In particular, our simulations show that the appearance of a double phenotypic attractor in the ecology induces the emergence of a stable polymorphism, as observed in the Galapagos finches. In the presence of this polymorphism, the simulations generate short-term speciation, when mating preferences are also allowed to suffer mutations and acquire selective value.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, uses package RevTe

    Mol Cell Proteomics

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    Protein biochips have a great potential in future parallel processing of complex samples as a research tool and in diagnostics. For the generation of protein biochips, highly automated technologies have been developed for cDNA expression library production, high throughput protein expression, large scale analysis of proteins, and protein microarray generation. Using this technology, we present here a strategy to identify potential autoantigens involved in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata, an often chronic disease leading to the rapid loss of scalp hair. Only little is known about the putative autoantigen(s) involved in this process. By combining protein microarray technology with the use of large cDNA expression libraries, we profiled the autoantibody repertoire of sera from alopecia areata patients against a human protein array consisting of 37,200 redundant, recombinant human proteins. The data sets obtained from incubations with patient sera were compared with control sera from clinically healthy persons and to background incubations with anti-human IgG antibodies. From these results, a smaller protein subset was generated and subjected to qualitative and quantitative validation on highly sensitive protein microarrays to identify novel alopecia areata-associated autoantigens. Eight autoantigens were identified by protein chip technology and were successfully confirmed by Western blot analysis. These autoantigens were arrayed on protein microarrays to generate a disease-associated protein chip. To confirm the specificity of the results obtained, sera from patients with psoriasis or hand and foot eczema as well as skin allergy were additionally examined on the disease-associated protein chip. By using alopecia areata as a model for an autoimmune disease, our investigations show that the protein microarray technology has potential for the identification and evaluation of autoantigens as well as in diagnosis such as to differentiate alopecia areata from other skin diseases

    Different MAPT haplotypes influence expression of total MAPT in postmortem brain tissue

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    The MAPT gene, encoding the microtubule-associated protein tau on chromosome 17q21.31, is result of an inversion polymorphism, leading to two allelic variants (H1 and H2). Homozygosity for the more common haplotype H1 is associated with an increased risk for several tauopathies, but also for the synucleinopathy Parkinson's disease (PD). In the present study, we aimed to clarify whether the MAPT haplotype influences expression of MAPT and SNCA, encoding the protein alpha-synuclein (alpha-syn), on mRNA and protein levels in postmortem brains of PD patients and controls. We also investigated mRNA expression of several other MAPT haplotype-encoded genes. Postmortem tissues from cortex of fusiform gyrus (ctx-fg) and of the cerebellar hemisphere (ctx-cbl) of neuropathologically confirmed PD patients (n = 95) and age- and sex-matched controls (n = 81) were MAPT haplotype genotyped to identify cases homozygous for either H1 or H2. Relative expression of genes was quantified using real-time qPCR;soluble and insoluble protein levels of tau and alpha-syn were determined by Western blotting. Homozygosity for H1 versus H2 was associated with increased total MAPT mRNA expression in ctx-fg regardless of disease state. Inversely, H2 homozygosity was associated with markedly increased expression of the corresponding antisense MAPT-AS1 in ctx-cbl. PD patients had higher levels of insoluble 0N3R and 1N4R tau isoforms regardless of the MAPT genotype. The increased presence of insoluble alpha-syn in PD patients in ctx-fg validated the selected postmortem brain tissue. Our findings in this small, but well controlled cohort of PD and controls support a putative biological relevance of tau in PD. However, we did not identify any link between the disease-predisposing H1/H1 associated overexpression of MAPT with PD status. Further studies are required to gain a deeper understanding of the potential regulatory role of MAPT-AS1 and its association to the disease-protective H2/H2 condition in the context of PD

    Benefit of early commencement of growth hormone therapy in children with Prader-Willi syndrome

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    Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a chromosomal disorder and growth failure is a common presentation. Growth hormone (GH) treatment is beneficial in PWS although the optimal age for starting GH is unknown. We investigated whether GH response in PWS was associated with the age of GH commencement by comparing 16 children who commenced GH before 3 years of age (early group) with 40 children who commenced GH after 3 years of age (late group) from the Ozgrow database. Height SDS, body mass index (BMI) SDS, bone age (BA)-chronological age (CA) ratio, change in height (Delta Ht) SDS and change in BMI during 4 years of GH treatment were compared between the groups. The early group had better height SDS and Delta Ht SIDS. BA delay was more pronounced in the early group but BA did not mature beyond CA with GH therapy in either group. Although the initial GH dose for the early group was lower than that of the late group, the former had better height outcome. The starting GH dose seen in the database is lower than the dose used by international centres

    The COBRAS/SAMBA space mission

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    COBRAS/SAMBA is an ESA mission designed for extensive, accurate mapping of the anisotropies of the Cosmic Background Radiation, with angular sensitivity from sub-degree scales up to and overlapping with the COBE-DMR resolution. This will allow a full identification of the primordial density perturbations which grew to form the large-scale structures observed in the present universe. The COBRAS/SAMBA maps will provide powerful tests for the inflationary model and decisive answers on the origin of cosmic structure. A combination of bolometric and radiometric instrumentation will ensure the sensitivity and wide spectral coverage required for accurate foreground discrimination. A far-Earth orbit has been selected to minimize the unwanted emission from the Earth. The project is currently in the Phase A study within the European Space Agency M3 programme
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