3,611 research outputs found

    Macroporous silicon membranes as electron and x-ray transmissive windows

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    Macroporous silicon membranes are fabricated whose pores are terminated with 60 nm thin silicon dioxide shells. The transmission of electrons with energies of 5 kV-25 kV through these membranes was investigated reaching a maximum of 22% for 25 kV. Furthermore, the transmission of electromagnetic radiation ranging from the far-infrared to the x-ray region was determined. The results suggest the application of the membrane as window material for electron optics and energy dispersive x-ray detectors

    Microscopic theory for the glass transition in a system without static correlations

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    We study the orientational dynamics of infinitely thin hard rods of length L, with the centers-of-mass fixed on a simple cubic lattice with lattice constant a.We approximate the influence of the surrounding rods onto dynamics of a pair of rods by introducing an effective rotational diffusion constant D(l),l=L/a. We get D(l) ~ [1-v(l)], where v(l) is given through an integral of a time-dependent torque-torque correlator of an isolated pair of rods. A glass transition occurs at l_c, if v(l_c)=1. We present a variational and a numerically exact evaluation of v(l).Close to l_c the diffusion constant decreases as D(l) ~ (l_c-l)^\gamma, with \gamma=1. Our approach predicts a glass transition in the absence of any static correlations, in contrast to present form of mode coupling theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Heralded Entanglement of Arbitrary Degree in Remote Qubits

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    Incoherent scattering of photons off two remote atoms with a Lambda-level structure is used as a basic Young-type interferometer to herald long-lived entanglement of an arbitrary degree. The degree of entanglement, as measured by the concurrence, is found to be tunable by two easily accessible experimental parameters. Fixing one of them to certain values unveils an analog to the Malus' law. An estimate of the variation in the degree of entanglement due to uncertainties in an experimental realization is given.Comment: published version, 4 pages and 2 figure

    How to compute Green's Functions for entire Mass Trajectories within Krylov Solvers

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    The availability of efficient Krylov subspace solvers play a vital role for the solution of a variety of numerical problems in computational science. Here we consider lattice field theory. We present a new general numerical method to compute many Green's functions for complex non-singular matrices within one iteration process. Our procedure applies to matrices of structure A=DmA=D-m, with mm proportional to the unit matrix, and can be integrated within any Krylov subspace solver. We can compute the derivatives x(n)x^{(n)} of the solution vector xx with respect to the parameter mm and construct the Taylor expansion of xx around mm. We demonstrate the advantages of our method using a minimal residual solver. Here the procedure requires 11 intermediate vector for each Green's function to compute. As real life example, we determine a mass trajectory of the Wilson fermion matrix for lattice QCD. Here we find that we can obtain Green's functions at all masses m\geq m at the price of one inversion at mass mm.Comment: 11 pages, 2 eps-figures, needs epsf.st

    Three-dimensional macroporous silicon photonic crystal with large photonic band gap

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    Three-dimensional photonic crystals based on macroporous silicon are fabricated by photoelectrochemical etching and subsequent focused-ion-beam drilling. Reflection measurements show a high reflection in the range of the stopgap and indicate the spectral position of the complete photonic band gap. The onset of diffraction which might influence the measurement is discussed

    Measuring arbitrary-order coherences: Tomography of single-mode multiphoton polarization-entangled states

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    A scheme is discussed for measuring Nth-order coherences of two orthogonally polarized light fields in a single spatial mode at very limited experimental cost. To implement the scheme, the only measurements needed are the Nth-order intensity moments after the light beam has passed through two quarter-wave plates, one half-wave plate, and a polarizing beam splitter for specific settings of the wave plates. It is shown that this method can be applied for arbitrarily large N. A set of explicit values is given for the settings of the wave plates, constituting an optimal measurement of the Nth-order coherences for any N. For Fock states the method introduced here corresponds to a full state tomography. Applications of the scheme to systems other than polarization optics are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, published versio

    Location- and observation time-dependent quantum-tunneling

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    We investigate quantum tunneling in a translation invariant chain of particles. The particles interact harmonically with their nearest neighbors, except for one bond, which is anharmonic. It is described by a symmetric double well potential. In the first step, we show how the anharmonic coordinate can be separated from the normal modes. This yields a Lagrangian which has been used to study quantum dissipation. Elimination of the normal modes leads to a nonlocal action of Caldeira-Leggett type. If the anharmonic bond defect is in the bulk, one arrives at Ohmic damping, i.e. there is a transition of a delocalized bond state to a localized one if the elastic constant exceeds a critical value CcritC_{crit}. The latter depends on the masses of the bond defect. Superohmic damping occurs if the bond defect is in the site MM at a finite distance from one of the chain ends. If the observation time TT is smaller than a characteristic time τMM\tau_M \sim M, depending on the location M of the defect, the behavior is similar to the bulk situation. However, for TτMT \gg \tau_M tunneling is never suppressed.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Light Spectrum and Decay Constants in Full QCD with Wilson Fermions

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    We present results from an analysis of the light spectrum and the decay constants f_{\pi} and f_V^{-1} in Full QCD with n_f=2 Wilson fermions at a coupling of beta=5.6 on a 16^3x32 lattice.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX with 4 eps figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(spectrum

    Generation of Total Angular Momentum Eigenstates in Remote Qubits

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    We propose a scheme enabling the universal coupling of angular momentum of NN remote noninteracting qubits using linear optical tools only. Our system consists of NN single-photon emitters in a Λ\Lambda-configuration that are entangled among their long-lived ground-state qubits through suitably designed measurements of the emitted photons. In this manner, we present an experimentally feasible algorithm that is able to generate any of the 2N2^N symmetric and nonsymmetric total angular momentum eigenstates spanning the Hilbert space of the NN-qubit compound.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, improved presentation. Accepted in Physical Review