225 research outputs found

    Diphenyl Urea Derivatives as Inhibitors of Transketolase: A Structure-Based Virtual Screening

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    Transketolase is an enzyme involved in a critical step of the non-oxidative branch of the pentose phosphate pathway whose inhibition could lead to new anticancer drugs. Here, we report new human transketolase inhibitors, based on the phenyl urea scaffold, found by applying structure-based virtual screening. These inhibitors are designed to cover a hot spot in the dimerization interface of the homodimer of the enzyme, providing for the first time compounds with a suggested novel binding mode not based on mimicking the thiamine pyrophosphate cofactor

    Passive Q-switching and mode-locking for the generation of nanosecond to femtosecond pulses

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    Ketenes and mesoions. Interconversion of mesoionic pyridopyrimidinium olates and pyridopyrimidinones. (2-Pyridyl) iminopropadienone

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    Mesoionic pyrido[1,2-a]pyrimidinium elates 9 undergo rearrangement to the lower-energy pyridopyrimidinones 7 in solution at ordinary temperatures (t(1/2) approximate to 51 min at 75 degreesC), formally via the higher-energy ketene valence isomers 11. These ketenes are not directly delectable, and DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G* level indicate that the rearrangement may be concerted via the ketenoid transition state 11TS, although the ketene conformer 11M is locally stable. FVT of the pyridopyrimidinones 7 is a method of synthesis of (2-pyridyl)iminopropadienone 4, a reaction thought to proceed via ring opening to the same ketenes 11 followed by elimination of the 2-(methylamino)pyridine 8. Recombination of 8 and 4 leads to mesoions 9 together with minor amounts of the isomers 10

    A study of the nonlinear dynamics of an additive-linebreak pulse–modelocked Nd:YAG laser

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    We analyze the dynamical instabilities of an additive-pulse–modelocked Nd:YAG laser; period doubling up to period 8, quasi-periodicity and high-dimensional chaos are observed. Experimental and numerical data are analyzed using bifurcation diagrams, spectrograms, and Grassberger-Procaccia analysis. It is shown that the instability threshold is not affected if the fiber resonator length is chosen as an integer multiple of that of the main resonator, as is often done. However, the dynamics beyond the bifurcation depends on the length ratio in a systematic manner


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    Visual SLAM algorithms allow localizing the camera by mapping its environment by a point cloud based on visual cues. To obtain the camera locations in a metric coordinate system, the metric scale of the point cloud has to be known. This contribution describes a method to calculate the metric scale for a point cloud of an indoor environment, like a parking garage, by fusing multiple individual scale values. The individual scale values are calculated from structures and objects with a-priori known metric extension, which can be identified in the unscaled point cloud. Extensions of building structures, like the driving lane or the room height, are derived from density peaks in the point distribution. The extension of objects, like traffic signs with a known metric size, are derived using projections of their detections in images onto the point cloud. The method is tested with synthetic image sequences of a drive with a front-looking mono camera through a virtual 3D model of a parking garage. It has been shown, that each individual scale value improves either the robustness of the fused scale value or reduces its error. The error of the fused scale is comparable to other recent works

    Fahrdynamikauslegung des Elektrofahrzeugs Mute

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    Erfahrungen bei der Realisierung eines neuartigen prädiktiven Regelungskonzeptes für Industrieroboter

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    Die zukuenftigen Aufgaben bei der flexiblen Fertigungsautomatisierung (CIM) setzen neue Massstaebe hinsichtlich der Regelungsguete von Industrierobotern, denen die gegenwaertig verwendeten Regelungskonzepte nicht mehr gerecht werden koennen. In einem gemeinsamen Projekt des IITB mit dem franzoesischen Forschungsinstitut ADERSA wurde ein neuartiges praediktives Regelungsverfahren fuer Industrieroboter entwickelt - Predictive Functional Control (PFC)-, das sowohl den zukuenftigen gehobeneren Leistungsanforderungen der industriellen Praxis gerecht wird als auch mit vertretbarem Aufwand realisiert werden kann. Die wesentlichen Merkmale dieses neuen Regelungskonzeptes und erste experimentelle durch Simulation gewonnene Ergebnisse wurden von den Autoren bereits vorgestellt. In diesem Beitrag soll ueber die weiterfuehrenden Arbeiten zur Realisierung des Regelungskonzeptes auf einer marktgaengigen Steuerung fuer einen Industrieroboter des Typs Kuka 160 berichtet werden. (IITB
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