122 research outputs found

    On the singular homology of one class of simply-connected cell-like spaces

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    In our earlier papers we constructed examples of 2-dimensional nonaspherical simply-connected cell-like Peano continua, called {\sl Snake space}. In the sequel we introduced the functor SC(,)SC(-,-) defined on the category of all spaces with base points and continuous mappings. For the circle S1S^1, the space SC(S1,)SC(S^1, \ast) is a Snake space. In the present paper we study the higher-dimensional homology and homotopy properties of the spaces SC(Z,)SC(Z, \ast) for any path-connected compact spaces ZZ

    Mechanism for developing a dividend policy, basic algorithms

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    The article is devoted to the strategic block of corporate finance – the formation of the mechanism of dividend policy in the company and its role in the processes of accumulation and distribution of property. Since financial markets are characterized by high mobility and volatility, the dividend policy and the financial mechanism of corporations are constantly evolving. The article considers the main dividend practices and theories that allowed us to obtain a high dividend yield. The paper makes the main emphasis on the forms of payments, the main stages of the formation of the dividend policy, industry features affecting the dividend mechanism and the possibilities of optimization and adaptation to the existing market environment. The article offers recommendations for the stage-by-stage formation of the mechanism of dividend policy in the company in the field of retail

    The importance of modern information technologies in development of distance education

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    Оборудование и технология для внутрипочвенного орошения интенсивных садов в Бухарской области Республики Узбекистан

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    Experience shows that for the irrigation of intensive gardens, various types of equipment and technologies are used, such as continuous irrigation (invasive), drip irrigation, subsurface irrigation and other methods. All irrigation options have some shortcomings, such as water evaporation, high water consumption, high consumption of mineral fertilizers and energy. (Research purpose) To develop an automated system for subsurface irrigation of intensive gardens with groundwater using electric pumps and solar panels, and to create a mathematical model of soil moisture distribution. (Materials and methods) Special devices shaped as pegs were designed to supply water with dissolved mineral fertilizers directly into the root system of intensive gardens. The authors investigated the pegs’ geometric parameters and the criteria for their placement in the soil, taking into account the consumption of water and nutrients. The authors examined soil mechanical composition and salinity as well as its physical and mechanical, technological properties. (Results and discussion) It was found out that the installation of the peg facilitates soil moisturizing through the central pipeline within the radius of 1.55-1.75 meters at the depth of 0.7-0.9 meters. Three-four pegs, being equidistant from each other and inclined in relation to the vertical axis by 20-30 degrees, were placed around a tree. Water consumption was determined for various irrigation methods: for furrow irrigation (control) – 1125.7 cubic meters per hectare, for continuous irrigation (invasive) – 1812.3 cubic meters per hectare, for drip irrigation – 618.6 and subsurface irrigation – 506.4 cubic meters per hectare. (Conclusions) Based on the results of the experimental study carried out in farms with intensive gardens using various irrigation methods, continuous irrigation (invasive), drip irrigation and subsurface irrigation were compared in terms of water consumption. The results show that drip irrigation and subsurface irrigation ensure less water consumption than flood irrigation, by 46 per cent and 57 per cent respectively. It was found out that subsurface irrigation ensures 57 per cent water and 25-35 per cent mineral fertilizer economy, in comparison with the other methods of providing trees with water and nutrients.Показали, что для обеспечения интенсивных садов водой применяют различные технологии: бороздковый полив, капельное или внутрипочвенное орошение. Отметили среди недостатков во всех вариантах большой расход воды, минеральных удобрений и энергии. (Цель исследования) Разработать автоматизированную систему внутрипочвенного орошения интенсивных садов грунтовыми водами с помощью электронасосов и с использованием солнечных батарей, а также создать математическую модель распределения почвенной влаги. (Материалы и методы) Создали специальные устройства в виде колышков для подачи воды с растворенными в ней минеральными удобрениями прямо в корневую систему интенсивных садов. Исследовали их геометрические параметры и критерии размещения в почве с учетом расхода воды и питательных веществ. Изучили физико-механические, технологические свойства, механический состав и засоленость почвы. (Результаты и обсуждение) Показали, что при установке разработанного колышка обеспечивается увлажнение почвы через центральный трубопровод в радиусе 1,55-1,75 метра на глубине 0,7-0,9 метра. Разместили вокруг дерева 3-4 колышка, равноудаленных друг от друга, с наклоном по отношению к вертикальной оси на 20-30 градусов. Определили расход воды при различных способах орошения: при бороздковом поливе (контроль) – 1125,7 кубометра на гектар, при капельном орошении – 618,6 и внутрипочвенном – 506,4 кубометра на гектар. (Выводы) Определили, что  внутрипочвенное орошение, по сравнению с другими способами обеспечения деревьев водой и питательными веществами, способствует экономии воды на 57 процентов, минеральных удобрений на 25-35 процентов.  

    The Angstrom Project Alert System: real-time detection of extragalactic microlensing

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    The Angstrom Project is undertaking an optical survey of stellar microlensing events across the bulge region of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) using a distributed network of two-meter class telescopes. The Angstrom Project Alert System (APAS) has been developed to identify in real time candidate microlensing and transient events using data from the Liverpool and Faulkes North robotic telescopes. This is the first time that real-time microlensing discovery has been attempted outside of the Milky Way and its satellite galaxies. The APAS is designed to enable follow-up studies of M31 microlensing systems, including searches for gas giant planets in M31. Here we describe the APAS and we present a few example light curves obtained during its commissioning phase which clearly demonstrate its real-time capability to identify microlensing candidates as well as other transient sources.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Copper Phthalocyanine Surface-type Photocapacitive Sensor

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    In this study the photocapacitive behavior of organic semiconductor, photosensitive material copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) were investigated. Thin film of the copper phthalocyanine was deposited by vacuum evaporation on glass substrate with silver surface-type electrodes and Ag/CuPc/Ag photo capacitive sensor was fabricated. It was shown that under filament lamp illumination up to 1000 lx the capacitance of the Ag/ CuPc/Ag photo capacitive sensor increased continuously up to 20% with respect of dark condition. It is assumed that photo capacitive response of the sensor is associated with polarization due to the transfer of photo-generated electrons and holes

    The effect of clay minerals on in-situ leaching of uranium

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    In recent years, with the development of techniques and methods for in-situ leaching (ISL), additional uranium extraction from previously worked-out blocks is becoming not only relevant, but also quite achievable. In this case, the extraction of residual uranium reserves from previously worked-out blocks does not require additional costs for the necessary infrastructure. One of the most important factors in the formation of residual uranium reserves in worked-out blocks is the presence of clay minerals in the ore horizon. In this regard, we conducted a number of studies on the adverse and positive effects of clay minerals on ISL process. Water permeability and relatively good filtration (not less than 0.5–1 m/day) of ores and rocks of a productive horizon (aquifer) is the most important hydrogeological factors affecting the performance of uranium ISL. The second most important hydrogeological factor is the lack of fluid communication between the productive aquifer and nonproductive aquifers, i.e., the obligatory presence of aquicludes. The role of clays in these hydrogeological factors is twofold. On the one hand, the presence of clays negatively affects both the solutions filtration rate and uranium extraction. On the other hand, the presence of clay minerals (forming an aquiclude) enhances the effect of ISL. The study findings allowed the role of clay minerals in uranium ISL to be assessed. The diffusion coefficients of nitrate ions in the clays were determined, and the protective effect of aquicludes was calculated. The effect of the clay content in the ore sand horizon on the solutions filtration coefficients was also established. The static uranium exchange capacity of clays was determined by studying the process of uranium sorption by clay samples from sulfate and bicarbonate solutions. The studies established the diffusion coefficients of nitrate ions in montmorillonite and kaolinite clays, which amounted to 3.34 10−6 and 2.14 · 10−6 cm2/s. Taking into account the calculated values of diffusion coefficients, the protective time of the clayey aquiclude for nitrate ions was 43 years. At 20 % clay minerals content, the solution filtration coefficient decreases to values where ISL conditions become unfavorable. It was found experimentally that the sorption of uranium by clay minerals depends on both the nature of the clays and the composition of the solution. Uranium sorption from sulfate solutions proceeds noticeably better than that from bicarbonate solutions. The highest values of the static uranium exchange capacity were obtained for bentonite (104 mg/g)

    On Physical Vapor Deposition of Organic Semiconductor CuPc Thin Films in High Gravity

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    Thin organic films of p-type semiconductor copper phthalocyanine (CuPc, C32H16N8Cu) deposited by vacuum evaporation on glass substrates at different gravity conditions, from 50 g to –50 g (g – denotes the terrestrial gravity acceleration) in a centrifugal machine, were investigated. Thickness distribution of the film deposited was determined by measurement of absorbance using a scanning light beam probe. An anisotropic distribution of the film was observed in the direction of source and substrate rotation. The anisotropy is associated with centrifugal motion of the source-substrate system. In a direction perpendicular to the rotation, the deposition distribution was isotropic and obeyed, in principle, the theoretical approach which requires a maximum deposition in the centre of the sample. The experimentally observed influence of the acceleration on the deposition rate of the CuPc films on the substrate was simulated