187 research outputs found

    Constraints on Conformal Windows from Holographic Duals

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    We analyze a beta function with the analytic form of Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov result in the five dimensional gravity-dilaton environment. We show how dilaton inherits poles and fixed points of such beta function through the zeros and points of extremum in its potential. Super Yang-Mills and supersymmetric QCD are studied in detail and Seiberg's electric-magnetic duality in the dilaton potential is explicitly demonstrated. Non-supersymmetric proposals of similar functional form are tested and new insights into the conformal window as well as determinations of scheme-independent value of the anomalous dimension at the fixed point are presented.Comment: Fig. 5b is corrected to match the discussion in the tex

    Holography and Thermodynamics of 5D Dilaton-gravity

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    The asymptotically-logarithmically-AdS black-hole solutions of 5D dilaton gravity with a monotonic dilaton potential are analyzed in detail. Such theories are holographically very close to pure Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. The existence and uniqueness of black-hole solutions is shown. It is also shown that a Hawking-Page transition exists at finite temperature if and only if the potential corresponds to a confining theory. The physics of the transition matches in detail with that of deconfinement of the Yang-Mills theory. The high-temperature phase asymptotes to a free gluon gas at high temperature matching the expected behavior from asymptotic freedom. The thermal gluon condensate is calculated and shown to be crucial for the existence of a non-trivial deconfining transition. The condensate of the topological charge is shown to vanish in the deconfined phase.Comment: LaTeX, 61 pages (main body) + 58 pages (appendix), 25 eps figures. Revised version, published in JHEP. Two equations added in Section 7.4; typos corrected; references adde

    A Holographic Model of Strange Metals

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    We give a review on our recent work arXiv:1006.0779 [hep-th] and arXiv:1006.1719 [hep-th], in which properties of holographic strange metals were investigated. The background is chosen to be anisotropic scaling solution in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory with a Liouville potential. The effects of bulk Maxwell field, an extra U(1) gauge field and probe D-branes on the DC conductivity, the DC Hall conductivity and the AC conductivity are extensively analyzed. We classify behaviors of the conductivities according to the parameter ranges in the bulk theory and characterize conditions when the holographic results can reproduce experimental data.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, minor correction

    On the YM and QCD spectra from five dimensional strings

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    We consider a non-critical five dimensional string setup which could provide a dual description of QCD in the limit of large number of colors and flavors. The model corresponds to N_c color D3-branes and N_f D4/anti D4-brane pairs supporting flavor degrees of freedom. The matching of the string model spectrum with the dual field theory one is considered. We discuss the consequences of the possible matching of the gravity modes with the light glueballs and the interpretation of the brane spectrum in Yang-Mills and QCD.Comment: 21 pages; V2: added corrections and references to match the published versio

    Spectral Functions in Holographic Renormalization Group Flows

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    The spectrum of two-point functions in a holographic renormalization group flow from an ultraviolet (UV) to an infrared (IR) conformal fixed point is necessarily continuous. For a toy model, the spectral function does not only show the expected UV and IR behaviours, but other interesting features such as sharp peaks and oscillations in the UV. The spectral functions for the SU(3)xU(1) flow in AdS_4/CFT_3 and the SU(2)xU(1) flow in AdS_5/CFT_4 are calculated numerically. They exhibit a simple cross-over behaviour and reproduce the conformal dimensions of the dual operators in the UV and IR conformal phases.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures v2: added referene

    The Penrose limit of AdS*S space and holography

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    In the Penrose limit, AdS*S space turns into a Cahen-Wallach (CW) space whose Killing vectors satisfy a Heisenberg algebra. This algebra is mapped onto the holographic screen on the boundary of AdS. I show that the Heisenberg algebra on the boundary of AdS may be obtained directly from the CW space by appropriately constraining the states defined on it. The transformations generated by the constraint are similar to gauge transformations. The ``holographic screen'' on the CW space is thus obtained as a ``gauge-fixing'' condition.Comment: 12 pages, improved discussion, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Improved Holographic QCD

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    We provide a review to holographic models based on Einstein-dilaton gravity with a potential in 5 dimensions. Such theories, for a judicious choice of potential are very close to the physics of large-N YM theory both at zero and finite temperature. The zero temperature glueball spectra as well as their finite temperature thermodynamic functions compare well with lattice data. The model can be used to calculate transport coefficients, like bulk viscosity, the drag force and jet quenching parameters, relevant for the physics of the Quark-Gluon Plasma.Comment: LatEX, 65 pages, 28 figures, 9 Tables. Based on lectures given at several Schools. To appear in the proceedinds of the 5th Aegean School (Milos, Greece

    In search of the QCD-Gravity correspondence

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    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory of strong interactions. It describes the behavior of quarks and gluons which are the smallest known constituents of nuclear matter. The difficulties in solving the theory at low energies in the strongly interacting, non-perturbative regime have left unanswered many important questions in QCD, such as the nature of confinement or the mechanism of hadronization. In these lectures oriented towards the students we introduce two classes of dualities that attempt to reproduce many of the features of QCD, while making the treatment at strong coupling more tractable: (1) the AdS/CFT correspondence between a specific class of string theories and a conformal field theory and (2) an effective low-energy theory of QCD dual to classical QCD on a curved conformal gravitational background. The hope is that by applying these dualities to the evaluation of various properties of the strongly-interacting matter produced in heavy ion collisions one can understand how QCD behaves at strong coupling. We give an outline of the applications, with emphasis on two transport coefficients of QCD matter -- shear and bulk viscosities.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures; Lectures delivered by D. Kharzeev at the International QGP Winter School, Jaipur, India, February 1-3, 200

    Orbiting Membranes in M-theory on AdS_7 x S^4 Background

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    We study classical solutions describing rotating and boosted membranes on AdS_7 x S^4 background in M-theory. We find the dependence of the energy on the spin and R-charge of these solutions. In the flat space limit we get E ~ S^{2/3}, while for AdS at leading order E-S grows as S^{1/3}. The membranes on AdS_4 x S^7 background have briefly been studied as well.Comment: 13 pages, latex, v2: a note and refs. added, some typos correcte

    Exploring improved holographic theories for QCD: Part II

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    This paper is a continuation of ArXiv:0707.1324 where improved holographic theories for QCD were set up and explored. Here, the IR confining geometries are classified and analyzed. They all end in a "good" (repulsive) singularity in the IR. The glueball spectra are gaped and discrete, and they favorably compare to the lattice data. Quite generally, confinement and discrete spectra imply each other. Asymptotically linear glueball masses can also be achieved. Asymptotic mass ratios of various glueballs with different spin also turn out to be universal. Mesons dynamics is implemented via space filling D4-anti-D4 brane pairs. The associated tachyon dynamics is analyzed and chiral symmetry breaking is shown. The dynamics of the RR axion is analyzed, and the non-perturbative running of the QCD theta-angle is obtained. It is shown to always vanish in the IR.Comment: 65+18 pages, 20 figures (v3) Some modifications in Appendix E explaining in more detail the issue of initial conditions; typos corrected. Published versio
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