69 research outputs found

    Convective intensification of magnetic fields in the quiet Sun

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    Kilogauss-strength magnetic fields are often observed in intergranular lanes at the photosphere in the quiet Sun. Such fields are stronger than the equipartition field B_e, corresponding to a magnetic energy density that matches the kinetic energy density of photospheric convection, and comparable with the field B_p that exerts a magnetic pressure equal to the ambient gas pressure. We present an idealised numerical model of three-dimensional compressible magnetoconvection at the photosphere, for a range of values of the magnetic Reynolds number. In the absence of a magnetic field, the convection is highly supercritical and is characterised by a pattern of vigorous, time-dependent, “granular” motions. When a weak magnetic field is imposed upon the convection, magnetic flux is swept into the convective downflows where it forms localised concentrations. Unless this process is significantly inhibited by magnetic diffusion, the resulting fields are often much greater than B_e, and the high magnetic pressure in these flux elements leads to their being partially evacuated. Some of these flux elements contain ultra-intense magnetic fields that are significantly greater than B_p. Such fields are contained by a combination of the thermal pressure of the gas and the dynamic pressure of the convective motion, and they are constantly evolving. These ultra-intense fields develop owing to nonlinear interactions between magnetic fields and convection; they cannot be explained in terms of “convective collapse” within a thin flux tube that remains in overall pressure equilibrium with its surroundings

    Observational Evidence for Small-Scale Mixture of Weak and Strong Fields in the Quiet Sun

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    Three different maps of the quiet Sun, observed with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP) and the Diffraction-Limited Stokes Polarimeter (DLSP), show evidence of strong (\simeq1700 G) and weak (<<500 G) fields coexisting within the resolution element both at network and internetwork locations. The angular resolution of the observations is of 1\arcsec (ASP) and 0.\arcsec6 (DLSP), respectively. Even at the higher DLSP resolution, a significant fraction of the network magnetic patches harbor a mixture of strong and weak fields. Internetwork elements that exhibit kG fields when analyzed with a single-component atmosphere are also shown to harbor considerable amounts of weak fields. Only those patches for which a single-component analysis yields weak fields do not show this mixture of field strengths. Finally, there is a larger fractional area of weak fields in the convective upflows than in the downflows.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Spectropolarimetric observations of the Ca II 8498 A and 8542 A lines in the quiet Sun

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    The Ca II infrared triplet is one of the few magnetically sensitive chromospheric lines available for ground-based observations. We present spectropolarimetric observations of the 8498 A and 8542 A lines in a quiet Sun region near a decaying active region and compare the results with a simulation of the lines in a high plasma-beta regime. Cluster analysis of Stokes V profile pairs shows that the two lines, despite arguably being formed fairly close, often do not have similar shapes. In the network, the local magnetic topology is more important in determining the shapes of the Stokes V profiles than the phase of the wave, contrary to what our simulations show. We also find that Stokes V asymmetries are very common in the network, and the histograms of the observed amplitude and area asymmetries differ significantly from the simulation. Both the network and internetwork show oscillatory behavior in the Ca II lines. It is stronger in the network, where shocking waves, similar to those in the high-beta simulation, are seen and large self-reversals in the intensity profiles are common.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, accepted to ApJ some figures are low-res, for high-res email [email protected]

    Polarization of photospheric lines from turbulent dynamo simulations

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    We employ the magnetic and velocity fields from turbulent dynamo simulations to synthesize the polarization of a typical photospheric line. The synthetic Stokes profiles have properties in common with those observed in the quiet Sun. The simulated magnetograms present a level of signal similar to that of the Inter-Network regions. Asymmetric Stokes V profiles with two, three and more lobes appear in a natural way. The intensity profiles are broadened by the magnetic fields in fair agreement with observational limits. Furthermore, the Hanle depolarization signals of the Sr I 4607 A line turn out to be within the solar values. Differences between synthetic and observed polarized spectra can also be found. There is a shortage of Stokes V asymmetries, that we attribute to a deficit of structuring in the magnetic and velocity fields from the simulations as compared to the Sun This deficit may reflect the fact that the Reynolds numbers of the numerical data are still far from solar values. We consider the possibility that intense and tangled magnetic fields, like those in the simulations, exist in the Sun. This scenario has several important consequences. For example, less than 10% of the existing unsigned magnetic flux would be detected in present magnetograms. The existing flux would exceed by far that carried by active regions during the maximum of the solar cycle. Detecting these magnetic fields would involve improving the angular resolution, the techniques to interpret the polarization signals, and to a less extent, the polarimetric sensitivity.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 20 pag. 11 fig

    Numerical Simulations of Shock Wave-Driven Jets

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    We present the results of numerical simulations of shock wave-driven jets in the solar atmosphere. The dependence of observable quantities like maximum velocity and deceleration on parameters such as the period and amplitude of initial disturbances and the inclination of the magnetic field is investigated. Our simulations show excellent agreement with observations, and shed new light on the correlation between velocity and deceleration and on the regional differences found in observations.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Ap

    Fluxtube model atmospheres and Stokes V zero-crossing wavelengths

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    First results of the inversion of Stokes I and V profiles from plage regions near disk center are presented. Both low and high spatial resolution spectra of FeI 6301.5 and FeI 6302.5 A obtained with the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter (ASP) have been considered for analysis. The thin flux tube approximation, implemented in an LTE inversion code based on response functions, is used to describe unresolved magnetic elements. The code allows the simultaneous and consistent inference of all atmospheric quantities determining the radiative transfer with the sole assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. By considering velocity gradients within the tubes we are able to match the full ASP Stokes profiles. The magnetic atmospheres derived from the inversion are characterized by the absence of significant motions in high layers and strong velocity gradients in deeper layers. These are essential to reproduce the asymmetries of the observed profiles. Our scenario predicts a shift of the Stokes V zero-crossing wavelengths which is indeed present in observations made with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer.Comment: To appear in ApJ Letters (1997) (in press

    Hinode Observations of Magnetic Elements in Internetwork Areas

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    We use sequences of images and magnetograms from Hinode to study magnetic elements in internetwork parts of the quiet solar photosphere. Visual inspection shows the existence of many long-lived (several hours) structures that interact frequently, and may migrate over distances ~7 Mm over a period of a few hours. About a fifth of the elements have an associated bright point in G-band or Ca II H intensity. We apply a hysteresis-based algorithm to identify elements. The algorithm is able to track elements for about 10 min on average. Elements intermittently drop below the detection limit, though the associated flux apparently persists and often reappears some time later. We infer proper motions of elements from their successive positions, and find that they obey a Gaussian distribution with an rms of 1.57+-0.08 km/s. The apparent flows indicate a bias of about 0.2 km/s toward the network boundary. Elements of negative polarity show a higher bias than elements of positive polarity, perhaps as a result of to the dominant positive polarity of the network in the field of view, or because of increased mobility due to their smaller size. A preference for motions in X is likely explained by higher supergranular flow in that direction. We search for emerging bipoles by grouping elements of opposite polarity that appear close together in space and time. We find no evidence supporting Joy's law at arcsecond scales.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figure

    Measurements of plasma motions in dynamic fibrils

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    We present a 40 minute time series of filtergrams from the red and the blue wing of the \halpha line in an active region near the solar disk center. From these filtergrams we construct both Dopplergrams and summed ``line center'' images. Several dynamic fibrils (DFs) are identified in the summed images. The data is used to simultaneously measure the proper motion and the Doppler signals in DFs. For calibration of the Doppler signals we use spatially resolved spectrograms of a similar active region. Significant variations in the calibration constant for different solar features are observed, and only regions containing DFs have been used in order to reduce calibration errors. We find a coherent behavior of the Doppler velocity and the proper motion which clearly demonstrates that the evolution of DFs involve plasma motion. The Doppler velocities are found to be a factor 2--3 smaller than velocities derived form proper motions in the image plane. The difference can be explained by the radiative processes involved, the Doppler velocity is a result of the local atmospheric velocity weighted with the response function. As a result the Doppler velocity originates from a wide range in heights in the atmosphere. This is contrasted by the proper motion velocity which is measured from the sharply defined bright tops of the DFs and is therefore a very local velocity measure. The Doppler signal originates from well below the top of the DF. Finally we discuss how this difference together with the lacking spatial resolution of older observations have contributed to some of the confusion about the identity of DFs, spicules and mottles.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Accepted in ApJ, see http://www.astro.uio.no/~oysteol for better quality figures and mpg movi

    Magnetic properties of photospheric regions having very low magnetic flux

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    The magnetic properties of the quiet Sun are investigated using a novel inversion code, FATIMA, based on the Principal Component Analysis of the observed Stokes profiles. The stability and relatively low noise sensitivity of this inversion procedure allows for the systematic inversion of large data sets with very weak polarization signal. Its application to quiet Sun observations of network and internetwork regions reveals that a significant fraction of the quiet Sun contains kilogauss fields (usually with very small filling factors) and confirms that the pixels with weak polarization account for most of the magnetic flux. Mixed polarities in the resolution element are also found to occur more likely as the polarization weakens.Comment: To apapear in ApJ. 39 pages, 12 figures (2 of them are color figures

    Magnetoacoustic shocks as driver of quiet Sun mottles

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    We present high spatial and high temporal resolution observations of the quiet Sun in H-alpha obtained with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma. We observe that many mottles, jet-like features in the quiet Sun, display clear up- and downward motions along their main axis. In addition, many mottles show vigorous transverse displacements. Unique identification of the mottles throughout their lifetime is much harder than for their active region counterpart, dynamic fibrils. This is because many seem to lack a sharply defined edge at their top, and significant fading often occurs throughout their lifetime. For those mottles that can be reliably tracked, we find that the mottle tops often undergo parabolic paths. We find a linear correlation between the deceleration these mottles undergo and the maximum velocity they reach, similar to what was found earlier for dynamic fibrils. Combined with an analysis of oscillatory properties, we conclude that at least part of the quiet Sun mottles are driven by magnetoacoustic shocks. In addition, the mixed polarity environment and vigorous dynamics suggest that reconnection may play a significant role in the formation of some quiet Sun jets.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. ApJ Letters, in pres