136 research outputs found

    Analisis Kecelakaan Penerbangan di Indonesia untuk Peningkatan Keselamatan Penerbangan

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    Achievement level of aviation safety can be achieved with the proper function of all components of the system in the aviation industry which consists of airport operators, airline operators, air traffic operators and aircraft maintenance operator, as well as the regulations set by the regulator. Every incident should be investigated aviation accidents to fin d the cause. This is to provide appropriate recommendations so that the same airline accident does not happen again. The increasing number of flights that are needed with safety guarantees. So it is importance to analyzed routine flight accident to improve the safety performance of airlines. This research is descriptive analysis with qualitative methods. Flight accidents data that have investigated from NTSC and DGCA grouped causes are then recommendations have been made by the NTSC also grouped for each operator stakeholders. Improved system of aviation safety in Indonesia can be done with a thorough analysis based on the results of investigation of NTSC whose recommendations have been given to all stakeholders in the aviation industry. The results showed that the causes of flight accidents in Indonesia is dominated by the human factor the percentage reached 60%. The highest number of the recommendations given by the NTSC to DGCA as many as 208 recommendations during the period 2007-2014 but the trend o f declining. On other side of the trend of the recommendations given to aviation operators showed an increase. This shows an increase in the duty on DGCA to always supervise, and set the standard flight operations carried out by several airline operators in Indonesia

    Characterization of Local Chickens in Akwa Ibom State Using Hatch Weights

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    This study was conducted to determine hatch weights of male and female local chickens in Akwa Ibom State; to evaluate the effects of hatch batch on hatch weights and also characterize local chickens in Akwa Ibom state using hatch weights. A total of 84 local chickens (60 pullets and 24 cocks) used for the experiment were purchased from Uyo, Nsit Atai, Eket and Ikot Ekpene Local Government Areas. Chickens from all localities were assembled on deep litter to generate a broad-based population for random mating. Mating ratio of males and females was maintained at 1:5 to ensure fertilization of eggs. From inception, chickens were fed growers mash (15% CP). Feed was changed to layer’s mash (16.5% CP) when 5% egg production was attained. At 4 months egg production, collection of egg for incubation commenced. Data were collected on hatch weights of male and females chicks. Means and ranges were computed for hatch batches and sexes. Significant means were separated using Duncan’s Multiple Range Test. Mean hatch weights ranged between 22.33±0.75 and 27.03±0.82. Mean hatch weight of 25.99±0.61 for males was significantly higher (P<0.05) than 24.53±0.66 for females. Hatch weights of local chickens in Akwa Ibom State are low. Hatch batches had no effects on hatch weights. Variations observed in hatch weights constitute a valuable genetic resource for breeding programmes and in designing proper conservation strategies. Key Words: Local chickens, hatch weights, characterization, conservation

    Diversifying the cross river state economy through tourism: opportunities and challenges

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    Since the early 1970s, when revenue from oil became Nigeria’s major foreign exchange earner and contributor to gross domestic product (GDP), attention has shifted away from other sectors of the economy, especially agriculture and manufacturing, which were once the mainstay of the economy. As a result, all Nigerian states except Lagos have relegated the issue of internally generated revenue to the background, with the resultant effect being the inability of the states to meet their budgetary demands. However, given the peculiar problems associated with oil—its being subject to depletion, unfavourable quota arrangement, international price shocks and other internal problems, such as the inability to maintain effectively the existing refineries for optimal production, there have been agitations on the need to diversify the Nigerian economy, by moving to other sectors. Using descriptive method of analysis, the study proposes the adoption of tourism as a veritable tool for revenue generation and employment creation in Cross River State. The choice of tourism is predicated on the fact that it holds great potentials for actualising the objective of enhanced internally generated revenue (IGR). To achieve this, there is need to reposition the state tourism sector. Recommendations that would help in repositioning the sector for enhanced performance are given. They include among others, the need to scale up funds voted for tourism, need to synergise with the foremost tourism agencies in the country, coming up with a comprehensive compendium of the various tourism sites and attractions in the state, which should be widely publicised and use of state-of-the-art equipment and facilities at all tourism sites.KEYWORDS: Cross River State, diversification, tourism, revenue generation, employment generatio

    Dynamic analysis of savings and economic growth in Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the direction of causality between savings and economic growth in Nigeria during the period 1980-2010. The study was motivated by the low and declining savings rate currently prevailing in Nigeria on the one hand and the dwindling level of economic growth experienced in the country during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s on the other. Relevant literature having been reviewed, a trivariate dynamic Granger causality model with savings, economic growth and foreign capital inflows was adopted as against the weak bivariate Granger causality technique that is common in existing literature. Using the cointegration-based error-correction mechanism, it is found that there is uni-directional causality between savings and economic growth in Nigeria, and the direction runs from growth to savings. Overall, it is found that growth-led savings is predominant in Nigeria. The results show that foreign capital inflow and savings do not Granger-cause each other, while economic growth does not Granger-cause foreign capital inflow. It is recommended that in the short run, policies in Nigeria should be geared towards achieving both higher savings and growth in order to boost investors’ confidence and to attract foreign capital inflow. However, in the long run, the country should shift its focus towards achieving higher economic growth in order to boost the domestic savings and to sustain a steady flow of foreign capital investment.Key Words: Nigeria, Savings, Economic growth, Granger-causalit

    Perbedaan Keterampilan Membaca Nyaring Teks Bahasa Inggris

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    This aims of this research are to analize interaction between instructional media and student initial competence toward reading aloud skill; the differences in reading aloud skill through utilization of audio and sound slide instructional media; the difference in reading aloud skill through utilizationof audio and sound slide instructional media for high initial competence student; and the difference in reading aloud skill through utilization of audio and sound slide instructional media for low initial competence student. The population of this research are primary IV student in SD Palm Kids Bandar Lampung amount to 40 students. The results are: there is interaction between instructional media and student initial competence toward reading aloud skill; sound slide instructional media better than audio in increasing reading aloud skill; audio and sound slide instructional media provide same benefit in increasing reading aloud skill for high initial competence students.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis interaksi media pembelajaran dan kemampuan awal siswa terhadap keterampilam membaca nyaring; perbedaan keterampilan membaca nyaring memanfaatkan media pembelajaran audio dan slide bersuara; perbedaan keterampilan membaca nyaring memanfaatkan media audio dan slide bersuara bagi siswa berkemampuan awal tinggi; perbedaan keterampilan membaca nyaring memanfaatkan media audio dan slide bersuara bagi siswa berkemampuan awal rendah. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Palm Kids Bandar Lampung berjumlah 40 siswa. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada interaksi antara media pembelajaran dengan kemampuan awal siswa terhadap keterampilan membaca nyaring; media pembelajaran slide bersuara lebih bermanfaat dari audio dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca nyaring; media pembelajaran audio dan slide bersuara memberi manfaat sama baiknya bagi siswa berkemampuan awal tinggi dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca nyaring
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