35 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Work Performance among Midwives at Community Health Centers in Central Java

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    Background: Performance of midwives in antepartum, intrapartum, and post partum health care can influence maternal health as well as infant survival. Despite its importance, studies into factors associated with work performance among widwives in Indonesia are scanty. This study aimed to investigate factors associated with work performance among midwives at Community Health Centers in Central Java. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at 28 Puskemas (Community Health Centers) in Sukarta and Karanganyar, Central Java, Indonesia. A sample of 28 Puskesmas was selected for this study by stratified random sampling, comprising of 5 strata of Puskesmas. A total sample of 200 midwives was selected for this study by random sampling. Around 4 to 14 mid¬wives were selected randomly from each selected Puskesmas, resulting in a total sample of 200 midwives. The dependent variable was work performance. The independent variables included knowledge, experience, tenure, motivation, job burden, facility, skill, and reward. The data were collected by pretested questionnaire and analyzed by a multiple logistic regression. Results: Work performance was positively associated with knowledge (OR= 6.96 95% CI= 2.88 to 16.82; p<0.001), experience (OR= 2.39; 95% CI= 1.12 to 5.13; p= 0.025), tenure (OR= 2.69; 95% CI= 1.20 to 6.04; p= 0.016), motivation (OR= 2.76; 95% CI= 1.22 to 5.59; p= 0.014), facility (OR= 2.91; 95% CI= 1.32 to 6.41; p= 0.008), skill (OR= 2.59; 95% CI= 1.11 to 6.11; p= 0.030), and reward (OR= 2.08; 95% CI= 0.97 to 4.46; p= 0.061), but was negatively associated with job burden (OR= 0.36; 95% CI= 0.16 to 0.82; p= 0.015). Conclusion: Work performance is positively associated with knowledge, experience, tenure, motivation, facility, skill, and reward, but is negatively associated with job burden, among midwives working at Puskesmas. Keywords: work performance, knowledge, experience, tenure, motivation, facility, skill, reward, job burden, midwife

    Kesukaan, Sikap, Kepuasan, dan Kesetiaan Peternak dalam Mengusahakan Sapi Pasundan di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat

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    Walau ternak Sapi Pasundan dipelihara secara sampingan, penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui empat atribut dari peternak: kesukaan, sikap, kepuasan, dan kesetiaan dalam berusaha. Kajian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei pada Bulan November 2019 di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Jumlah responden terpilih sebanyak 41 orang yang ditelusuri dengan two stage sampling. Analisa menggunakan Cochran Q Test, uji tingkat kesukaan, fishbein, uji tingkat kepuasan dan kesetiaan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa peternak mempertimbangkan 16 dari 20 atribut yang dianalisis ketika memelihara sapi. Analisis kesukaan, sikap dan kepuasan memperlihatkan bahwa peternak “cukup suka, cukup baik, dan cukup puas” dalam memelihara sapi. Kategori “cukup” ini menunjukkan bukti bahwa sapi Pasundan bukan merupakan harapan utama peternak dalam berusaha, oleh karena peternak lebih menyukai jenis sapi impor, seperti Limousin. Kendati begitu, peternak tetap setia (98,56%) untuk melanjutkan memelihara sapi Pasundan. Dalam hal ini, peternak di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya tidak dapat berkontribusi dalam penyediaan daging sapi nasional asal ternak sapi Pasundan

    Standar Pengelolaan dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah yang Efektif

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    Standar Pengelolaan pendidikan merupakan salah satu instrumen pertama yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui dan menilai tingkat efektifitas dan keberhasilan pengelolaan pendidikan di lembaga sekolah. Hasil dari penilaian tersebut selanjutnya dapat dijadikan poin-poin yang harus dijadikan acuan untuk melakukan upaya menuju sekolah unggul. Sekolah unggul yaitu sekolah yang memiliki sistem pengelolaan yang efektif, transparan dan akuntabel, serta mampu memberdayakan setiap komponen penting sekolah, yaitu pendidik, tenaga kependidikan, dan semua stakeholder baik secara internal maupun eksternal, dalam rangka pencapaian visi, misi, dan tujuan sekolah secara efektif dan efesien. Konsep pengelolaan sekolah efektif adalah pengelolaan sekolah yang mampu mengoptimalkan semua masukan positif dan proses realisasi visi, misi, dan tujuan bagi ketercapaian output pendidikan, yaitu prestasi anak didik yang mumpuni terutama yang bisa diukur dengan tercapainya kemampuan anak didik dalam hal kompetensi belajar Karekteristik sekolah yang efektif diantaranya adalah: 1) Leadership kepala sekolah yang mumpuni 2) Membuat Standar yang tinggi terhadap prestasi anak didik 3) Berorientasi terhadap kompotensi dasar 4) Menjaga atmosfir budaya belajar. Leadership kepala sekolah sangat penting untuk bisa mewujudkan efektifitas pengelolaan sekolah, karena Kepala sekolah merupakan (key person) atau kunci sukses dalam mewujudkan visi, misi, dan tujuan sekolah unggul yang efektif dalam pengelolaanya. &nbsp

    Solvothermal synthesis of SrTiO 3

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    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan ATP (Willingness To Pay) dan WTP (Willingness To Pay) dengan Keputusan Penentuan Kelas Iuran BPJS Kesehatan

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    Ability To Pay dan Willingness To Pay adalah dua faktor yang berperan dalam utilisasi pelayanan medis yang akan mempengaruhi pemerataan, pembiayaan kesehatan dan kepesertaan JKN yang masih menjadi masalah yang sangat penting karena cukup memberatkan. Berdasarkan survey pendahuluan bahwa adanya keterlambatan pembayaran iuran, hal tersebut berdampak pada ketidakpatuhan dalam membayar iuran. Ketidakpatuhan masyarakat dalam membayar iuran tidak terlepas dari kemampuan dan kemauan masyarakat untuk membayar iuran BPJS. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 100 Peserta BPJS Mandiri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan rumus uji chi square (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara ATP (Ability To Pay) dengan Kelas Rawat BPJS dengan nilai&nbsp; (p = 0,786 &gt; α=0,05) Tidak berhubungan. Sedangkan variabel WTP (Willingness To Pay) dengan Kelas Rawat BPJS dengan nilai&nbsp; (p = 0,001 &gt; α=0,05) berhubungan. Diharapkan pada peneliti selanjutnya sebaiknya meneliti faktor lain mengenai penentuan kelas iuran BPJS

    Effect of Side Wind on the Directional Stability and Aerodynamics of a Hybrid Buoyant Aircraft

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    Directional stability characteristics explain the capabilities of a hybrid buoyant aircraft’s performance against the side wind, which induces flow separation that is chaotic in nature and may lead to oscillations of the aerodynamic surfaces. A numerical study is carried out to estimate the effect of side wind. The boundary conditions for the computational domain are set to velocity inlet and pressure outlet. Due to the incompressible flow at the cruise velocity, the density is taken to be constant. For these steady state simulations, the time is discretized in first order implicit and the SIMPLE scheme is employed for pressure velocity coupling alongwith k-ω SST model. Based on the results obtained so far, it is concluded that voluminous hybrid lifting fuselage is the major cause of directional

    Comparison of data correction methods for blockage effects in semispan wing model testing

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    Wing alone models are usually tested in wind tunnels for aerospace applications like aircraft and hybrid buoyant aircraft. Raw data obtained from such testing is subject to different corrections such as wall interference, blockage, offset in angle of attack, dynamic pressure and free stream velocity etc. Since the flow is constrained by wind tunnel walls, therefore special emphasis is required to deliberate the limitation of correction methods for blockage correction. In the present research work, different aspects of existing correction methods are explored with the help of an example of a straight semi-span wing. Based on the results of analytical relationships of standard methods, it was found that although multiple variables are involved in the standard methods for the estimation of blockage, they are based on linearized flow theory such as source sink method and potential flow assumption etc, which have intrinsic limitations. Based on the computed and estimated experimental results, it is recommended to obtain the corrections by adding the difference in results of solid walls and far-field condition in the wind tunnel data. Computational Fluid Dynamics technique is found to be useful to determine the correction factors for a wing installed at zero spacer height/gap, with and without the tunnel wall

    A novel technique to neutralize the Yawing moment due to asymmetric thrust in a hybrid buoyant aircraft

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    Dorsal fin is used in swimming animals like shark for the generation of thrust as well as to meet the requirement of the lateral stability. In the case of aircraft, rudders are normally used for the said requirement. In the present work, this nature inspired idea is explored for its application to neutralize the unavoidable asymmetric thrust produced by the twin engines of a hybrid buoyant aircraft. First, the estimation of asymmetric thrust is obtained with the help of analytical techniques for maximum thrust condition at 4 degree angle of attack. The moment generated by it is utilized for the sizing of a dorsal fin which looks similar to a tapered wing and is placed aft of the center of gravity. Wind tunnel testing at subsonic speed is carried out to explore the design features of this rotatable dorsal fin. It is found that a small rotation of 5 degree can generate the required moment. However, such rotation requires a complete pneumatic/electro-mechanical system and an alternative of it is to use a cambered airfoil for the dorsal fin installed at fixed location. Such a flow controlling device can also be used as an antenna mast, which is commonly installed out the fuselage of the aircraft for communication purposes. Moreover, by incorporating this technique, a pilot doesn’t have to put an extra effort to make the aircraft stable in the presence of side wind

    Effect of Side Wind on the Directional Stability and Aerodynamics of a Hybrid Buoyant Aircraft

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    Directional stability characteristics explain the capabilities of a hybrid buoyant aircraft’s performance against the side wind, which induces flow separation that is chaotic in nature and may lead to oscillations of the aerodynamic surfaces. A numerical study is carried out to estimate the effect of side wind. The boundary conditions for the computational domain are set to velocity inlet and pressure outlet. Due to the incompressible flow at the cruise velocity, the density is taken to be constant. For these steady state simulations, the time is discretized in first order implicit and the SIMPLE scheme is employed for pressure velocity coupling alongwith k-ω SST model. Based on the results obtained so far, it is concluded that voluminous hybrid lifting fuselage is the major cause of directional