511 research outputs found

    Indoor exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and dampness: respiratory symptoms in Sardinian children- DRIAS study

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    Indoorexposuresathome,environmentaltobaccosmoke(ETS)andmould/dampnessadverselyaffect respiratoryhealthofchildren.DisturbiRespiratorinell’InfanziaeAmbienteinSardegna(DRIAS) (RespiratorySymptomsinchildrenandtheEnvironmentinSardegna,Italy)aimsatrelatingthe prevalenceofrespiratoryandallergicsymptomstoindoorexposuresinSardinianchildren. DRIAS,across-sectionalinvestigationofrespiratorysymptoms/diseases,usedamodifiedversionof ISAACquestionnaire,included4122childrenattending29primaryschoolsintheschoolyear 2004–2005. If bothparentssmoketheprevalenceforcurrentwheezeandcurrentasthmaisalmostdoubledin comparisonwithneversmokers,forpersistentcoughandphlegmaroleissuggestedwhenonlymother smokes.Amongmotherssmokinginpregnancy,theprevalenceofcurrentwheezeandcurrentasthmais increased. ExposuretoETSandfamilyatopyhaveajointeffectresultinginanalmosttriplingof prevalenceforcurrentwheezeandmorethanfourtimesforcurrentasthma.Exposureto‘‘dampness’’ (mouldordampness)bothduringthefirstyearoflifeandcurrentlyisassociatedwithincreased prevalenceofcurrentwheeze,persistentcoughorphlegmandcurrentrhino-conjunctivitis;ifexposure is onlyduringthefirstyearoflifeadoublingormoreofprevalenceisobservedforcurrentwheeze, current asthma,andpersistentcoughorphlegm. DRIASresultsaddevidencetothecausalroleofchildhoodexposuretoETSinthedevelopmentof respiratorysymptoms(cough,phlegm,andwheezing)andasthma.ThejointeffectofETSandfamily atopyiscorroborated.Theresultsstrengthentheevidenceforacausalassociationbetween‘‘dampness’’ and respiratoryhealth,pointingtoitspossibleindependentroleincausingasthma,along-lasting exposureentailsadoubledprevalenceforbothasthmaticandbronchitissymptoms

    Surgical ‘damage control’ treatment of a large retroperitoneal liposarcoma encasing a horseshoe kidney

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    Damage control is a surgical strategy for severely compromised trauma patients based on speed control of life-threatening injuries that aims to rapidly resuscitate patients in an intensive care unit (ICU). We report on the use of such therapeutic strategy in a patient affected by a retroperitoneal sarcoma concomitant to a horseshoe kidney, a relatively rare anatomical malformation

    Circulating haematopoietic and endothelial progenitor cells are decreased in COPD

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    Circulating CD34+ cells are haemopoietic progenitors that may play a role in tissue repair. No data are available on circulating progenitors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Circulating CD34+ cells were studied in 18 patients with moderate-to-severe COPD (age: mean+/-sd 68+/-8 yrs; forced expiratory volume in one second: 48+/-12% predicted) and 12 controls, at rest and after endurance exercise. Plasma concentrations of haematopoietic growth factors (FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt3) ligand, kit ligand), markers of hypoxia (vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)) and stimulators of angiogenesis (VEGF, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)) and markers of systemic inflammation (tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8) were measured. Compared with the controls, the COPD patients showed a three-fold reduction in CD34+ cell counts (3.3+/-2.5 versus 10.3+/-4.2 cells.microL-1), and a 50% decrease in AC133+ cells. In the COPD patients, progenitor-derived haemopoietic and endothelial cell colonies were reduced by 30-50%. However, four COPD patients showed progenitor counts in the normal range associated with lower TNF-alpha levels. In the entire sample, CD34+ cell counts correlated with exercise capacity and severity of airflow obstruction. After endurance exercise, progenitor counts were unchanged, while plasma Flt3 ligand and VEGF only increased in the COPD patients. Plasma HGF levels were higher in the COPD patients compared with the controls and correlated inversely with the number of progenitor-derived colonies. In conclusion, circulating CD34+ cells and endothelial progenitors were decreased in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients and could be correlated with disease severity

    Circulating microRNA signature as liquid-biopsy to monitor lung cancer in low-dose computed tomography screening

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    Liquid biopsies can detect biomarkers carrying information on the development and progression of cancer. We demonstrated that a 24 plasma-based microRNA signature classifier (MSC) was capable of increasing the specificity of low dose computed tomography (LDCT) in a lung cancer screening trial. In the present study, we tested the prognostic performance of MSC, and its ability to monitor disease status recurrence in LDCT screening-detected lung cancers. Between 2000 and 2010, 3411 heavy smokers enrolled in two screening programmes, underwent annual or biennial LDCT. During the first five years of screening, 84 lung cancer patients were classified according to one of the three MSC levels of risk: high, intermediate or low. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was performed according to MSC and clinico-pathological information. Follow-up MSC analysis was performed on longitudinal plasma samples (n = 100) collected from 31 patients before and after surgical resection. Five-year survival was 88.9% for low risk, 79.5% for intermediate risk and 40.1% for high risk MSC (p = 0.001). The prognostic power of MSC persisted after adjusting for tumor stage (p = 0.02) and when the analysis was restricted to LDCTdetected cases after exclusion of interval cancers (p < 0.001). The MSC risk level decreased after surgery in 76% of the 25 high-intermediate subjects who remained disease free, whereas in relapsing patients an increase of the MSC risk level was observed at the time of detection of second primary tumor or metastatic progression. These results encourage exploiting the MSC test for lung cancer monitoring in LDCT screening for lung cancer

    Regional respiratory time constants during lung recruitment in high-frequency oscillatory ventilated preterm infants

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    To assess the regional respiratory time constants of lung volume changes during stepwise lung recruitment before and after surfactant treatment in high-frequency oscillatory ventilated preterm infants. A stepwise oxygenation-guided recruitment procedure was performed before and after surfactant treatment in high-frequency oscillatory ventilated preterm infants. Electrical impedance tomography was used to continuously record changes in lung volume during the recruitment maneuver. Time constants were determined for all incremental and decremental pressure steps, using one-phase exponential decay curve fitting. Data were analyzed for the whole cross section of the chest and the ventral and dorsal lung regions separately. Before surfactant treatment, the time constants of the incremental pressure steps were significantly longer (median 27.3 s) than those in the decremental steps (16.1 s). Regional analysis showed only small differences between the ventral and dorsal lung regions. Following surfactant treatment, the time constants during decremental pressure steps almost tripled to 44.3 s. Furthermore, the time constants became significantly (p <0.01) longer in the dorsal (61.2 s) than into the ventral (40.3 s) lung region. Lung volume stabilization during stepwise oxygenation-guided lung recruitment in high-frequency oscillatory ventilated preterm infants with respiratory distress syndrome is usually completed within 5 min and is dependent on the position of ventilation on the pressure volume curve, the surfactant status, and the region of interest of the lun

    Mortality after discharge from long-term psychiatric care in Scotland, 1977 – 94: a retrospective cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent United Kingdom strategies focus on preventable suicide deaths in former psychiatric in-patients, but natural causes of death, accidents and homicide may also be important. This study was intended to find the relative importance of natural and unnatural causes of death in people discharged from long-term psychiatric care in Scotland in 1977 –1994. METHODS: People discharged alive from psychiatric hospitals in Scotland in 1977 – 94 after a stay of one year or longer were identified using routine hospital records. Computer record linkage was used to link hospital discharges to subsequent death records. Mortality was described using a person-years analysis, and compared to the general population rates. RESULTS: 6,776 people were discharged in the time period. 1,994 people (29%) died by the end of follow-up, 732 more deaths than expected. Deaths from suicide, homicide, accident and undetermined cause were increased, but accounted for only 197 of the excess deaths. Deaths from respiratory disease were four times higher than expected, and deaths from other causes, including cardiovascular disease, were also elevated. CONCLUSION: Suicide is an important cause of preventable mortality, but natural causes account for more excess deaths. Prevention activities should not focus only on unnatural causes of death

    Reactivation of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) Detected on Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Samples in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Undergoing Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: Preliminary Results from Two Italian Centers

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    Reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) has been described in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. In the present two-center retrospective experience, we primarily aimed to assess the cumulative risk of HSV-1 reactivation detected on bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) samples in invasively ventilated COVID-19 patients with worsening respiratory function. The secondary objectives were the identification of predictors for HSV-1 reactivation and the assessment of its possible prognostic impact. Overall, 41 patients met the study inclusion criteria, and 12/41 patients developed HSV-1 reactivation (29%). No independent predictors of HSV-1 reactivation were identified in the present study. No association was found between HSV-1 reactivation and mortality. Eleven out of 12 patients with HSV-1 reactivation received antiviral therapy with intravenous acyclovir. In conclusion, HSV-1 reactivation is frequently detected in intubated patients with COVID-19. An antiviral treatment in COVID-19 patients with HSV-1 reactivation and worsening respiratory function might be considered

    Primary myoepithelial carcinoma of the lung: a rare entity treated with parenchymal sparing resection

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    Primary lung myoepithelial carcinomas are rare neoplasms arising from the salivary glands of the respiratory epithelium. Given the rare occurrences and reports of these tumors, appropriate recommendations for resection are difficult to formulate. Although classified as low-grade neoplasms, these tumors have a significant rate of recurrence and distant metastasis
