71 research outputs found

    Interaction between sodium chloride and texture in semi-hard Danish cheese as affected by brining time, dl -starter culture, chymosin type and cheese ripening

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    Reduced NaCl in semi-hard cheeses greatly affects textural and sensory properties. The interaction between cheese NaCl concentration and texture was affected by brining time (0–28 h), dl-starter cultures (C1, C2, and C3), chymosin type (bovine or camel), and ripening time (1–12 weeks). Cheese NaCl levels ranged from <0.15 to 1.90% (w/w). NaCl distribution changed during ripening; migration from cheese edge to core led to a more homogeneous NaCl distribution after 12 weeks. As ripening time increased, cheese firmness decreased. Cheeses with reduced NaCl were less firm and more compressible. Cheeses produced with C2 were significantly firmer than those produced with C1; cheeses produced with C3 had higher firmness and compressibility. In NaCl reduced cheese, use of camel chymosin as coagulant resulted in significantly higher firmness than that given using bovine chymosin. Overall, cheese NaCl content is reducible without significant textural impact using well-defined starter cultures and camel chymosin

    Component analysis of nutritionally rich chloroplasts: recovery from conventional and unconventional green plant species

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    A study of the literature indicates that chloroplasts synthesise a range of molecules, many of which have nutritional value for humans, but as yet no one has established the nutritional credentials of chloroplasts recovered from plant cells. Chloroplast-rich-fractions (CRFs) were prepared from green plant species and the macro- and micronutrient composition compared with the whole leaf materials (WLMs). The results indicated that, on a dry weight basis, CRF material from a range of green biomass was enriched in lipids and proteins, and in a range of micronutrients compared with the WLM. Vitamins E, pro-vitamin A, and lutein were all greater in CRF preparations. Of the minerals, iron was most notably concentrated in CRF. Spinach CRFs possessed the highest ι-tocopherol (62 mg 100 g-1 , dry weight (DW)), β-carotene (336 mg 100 g- 1 DW) and lutein (341 mg 100 g-1 DW) contents, whilst grass CRFs had the highest concentration of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) (69.5 mg g-1). The higher concentrations of ι-tocopherol, β-carotene, lutein, ALA and trace minerals (Fe and Mn) in CRFs suggest their potential use as concentrated ingredients in food formulations deficient in these nutrients

    Assaying Total Carotenoids in Flours of Corn and Sweetpotato by Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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    This study describes the application of the laser photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS) for quantification of total carotenoids (TC) in corn flours and sweetpotato flours. Overall, thirty-three different corn flours and nine sweetpotato flours were investigated. All PAS measurements were performed at room temperature using 488-nm argon laser radiation for excitation and mechanical modulation of 9 and 30 Hz. The measurements were repeated within a run and within several days or months. The UV–Vis spectrophotometry was used as the reference method. The concentration range that allows for the reliable analysis of TC spans a region from 1 to 40 mg kg−1 for corn flours and from 9 to 40 mg kg−1 for sweetpotato flours. In the case of sweetpotato flours, the quantification may extend even to 240 mg kg−1 TC. The estimated detection limit values for TC in corn and sweetpotato flours were 0.1 and 0.3 mg kg−1, respectively. The computed repeatability (n = 3–12) and intermediate precision (n = 6–28) RSD values at 9 and 30 Hz are comparable: 0.1–17.1% and 5.3–14.7% for corn flours as compared with 1.4–9.1% and 4.2–23.0% for sweetpotato flours. Our results show that PAS can be successfully used as a new analytical tool to simply and rapidly screen the flours for their nutritional potential based on the total carotenoid concentration

    Effects of storage, processing and household preparation on carotenoids in commonly consumed vegetables

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    Sensory and textural characterization of composite wheat-cassava bread as a function of lipase dose and storage time

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    In this study, lipase LipopanŽ Xtra BG (Lipopan) was tested at different doses, measuring its effect on sensory and textural quality of a composite wheat-cassava bread across a 7-day storage. Lipopan addition at all doses tested (15, 25, 60 ppm) significantly increased loaf volume by 20-25%, crumb softness and elasticity, as observed by instrumental and sensory analyses. Multispectral imaging (MSI) determined higher porosity and pore size at 15 and 25 ppm Lipopan thus depicting increased gas retention which was attributed to enhanced gluten-starch plasticization due to the release of polar lipids. Addition of 60 ppm Lipopan generated cohesive crumb. Storage-induced crumb hardening observed in the control did not occur in the Lipopan-containing counterparts; this was attributed to enhanced interaction of the released lipids with amylose complexes which inhibited starch recrystallization. Nonetheless, higher intensities of stale and dusty aroma and less of fresh baked flavour were perceived by sensory assessors in the lipase-containing bread after 7 days compared to lipase-containing bread after 1-day storage. In conclusion, Lipopan increased loaf volume significantly and after the 7-day storage, delayed staling and developed off-odour
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