10,490 research outputs found

    N-glycans of human amniotic fluid transferrin stimulate progesterone production in human first trimester trophoblast cells in vitro

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    Aims: During pregnancy, the placenta produces a variety of steroid hormones and proteins. Several of these substances have been shown to exert immunomodulatory effects. Progesterone is thought to mediate some of these effects by regulating uterine responsiveness. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of amniotic fluid transferrin and its N-glycans on the release of progesterone by first trimester trophoblast cells in vitro. Methods: Cytotrophoblast cells were prepared from human first trimester placentae by trypsin-DNAse dispersion of villous tissue followed by a percoll gradient centrifugation and depletion of CD45 positive cells by magnetic cell sorting. Trophoblasts were incubated with varying concentrations (50-300 mug/ml) of transferrin from human amniotic fluid and serum as well as with N-glycans obtained from amniotic fluid transferrin. Culture supernatants were assayed for progesterone by enzyme-immunometric methods. Results: The release of progesterone increased in amniotic fluid transferrin- and N-glycan-treated trophoblast cell cultures compared to untreated trophoblast cells. There was no stimulating effect of serum transferrin on the progesterone production of trophoblast cells. Conclusions: The results suggest that amnion-transferrin and especially its N-glycans modulate the endocrine function of trophoblasts in culture by up regulating progesterone secretion

    Ultrasound Investigations of Orbital Quadrupolar Ordering in UPd_3

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    For a high-quality single crystal of UPd_3 we present the relevant elastic constants and ultrasonic attenuation data. In addition to the magnetic phase transition at T_2=4.4 +/- 0.1K and the quadrupolar transition at T_1~6.8K, we find orbital ordering at T_0=7.6 +/- 0.1K concomitant with a symmetry change from hexagonal to orthorhombic. A striking feature is the splitting of the phase transition at T_1 into a second-order transition at T_{+1}=6.9 +/- 0.05K and a first-order transition at T_{-1}=6.7 +/- 0.05K. For the four phase transitions, the quadrupolar order parameters and the respective symmetry changes are specified.Comment: 14 pages (RevTex), 3 eps-figures, accepted by PR

    Lattice Gauge Description of Colliding Nuclei

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    We propose a novel formalism for simultaneously describing both, the hard and soft parton dynamics in ultrarelativistic collisions of nuclei. The emission of gluons from the initially coherent parton configurations of the colliding nuclei and low-ptp_t color coherence effects are treated in the framework of a Yang-Mills transport equation on a coupled lattice-particle system. A collision term is added to the transport equation to account for the remaining intermediate and high-ptp_t interactions in an infrared finite manner.Comment: 8 page

    Differential atom interferometry beyond the standard quantum limit

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    We analyze methods to go beyond the standard quantum limit for a class of atomic interferometers, where the quantity of interest is the difference of phase shifts obtained by two independent atomic ensembles. An example is given by an atomic Sagnac interferometer, where for two ensembles propagating in opposite directions in the interferometer this phase difference encodes the angular velocity of the experimental setup. We discuss methods of squeezing separately or jointly observables of the two atomic ensembles, and compare in detail advantages and drawbacks of such schemes. In particular we show that the method of joint squeezing may improve the variance by up to a factor of 2. We take into account fluctuations of the number of atoms in both the preparation and the measurement stage, and obtain bounds on the difference of the numbers of atoms in the two ensembles, as well as on the detection efficiency, which have to be fulfilled in order to surpass the standard quantum limit. Under realistic conditions, the performance of both schemes can be improved significantly by reading out the phase difference via a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement. Finally, we discuss a scheme using macroscopically entangled ensembles.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; eq. (3) corrected and other minor change

    Dynamics of spin correlations in the spin-1/2 isotropic XY chain in a transverse field

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    Dynamic xx spin pair correlation functions for the isotropic spin-1/2 XY chain are calculated numerically for long open chains in the presence of a transverse magnetic field at finite temperature. As an application we discuss the temperature dependence of the spin-spin relaxation time in PrCl_3.Comment: 2 pages, latex, 2 figures, abstract of the paper presented at Ampere Summer School ``Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Novel Materials'' Nafplion, Greece, 3-9 September, 2000, partially published in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 33, 3063 (2000

    Phase transitions in open quantum systems

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    We consider the behaviour of open quantum systems in dependence on the coupling to one decay channel by introducing the coupling parameter α\alpha being proportional to the average degree of overlapping. Under critical conditions, a reorganization of the spectrum takes place which creates a bifurcation of the time scales with respect to the lifetimes of the resonance states. We derive analytically the conditions under which the reorganization process can be understood as a second-order phase transition and illustrate our results by numerical investigations. The conditions are fulfilled e.g. for a picket fence with equal coupling of the states to the continuum. Energy dependencies within the system are included. We consider also the generic case of an unfolded Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble. In all these cases, the reorganization of the spectrum occurs at the critical value αcrit\alpha_{crit} of the control parameter globally over the whole energy range of the spectrum. All states act cooperatively.Comment: 28 pages, 22 Postscript figure

    Field Theory Approach to Quantum Interference in Chaotic Systems

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    We consider the spectral correlations of clean globally hyperbolic (chaotic) quantum systems. Field theoretical methods are applied to compute quantum corrections to the leading (`diagonal') contribution to the spectral form factor. Far-reaching structural parallels, as well as a number of differences, to recent semiclassical approaches to the problem are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in J. Phys A (Math. Gen.

    A partition functional and thermodynamic properties of the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model

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    An approximate partition functional is derived for the infinite-dimensional Hubbard model. This functional naturally includes the exact solution of the Falicov-Kimball model as a special case, and is exact in the uncorrelated and atomic limits. It explicitly keeps spin-symmetry. For the case of the Lorentzian density of states, we find that the Luttinger theorem is satisfied at zero temperature. The susceptibility crosses over smoothly from that expected for an uncorrelated state with antiferromagnetic fluctuations at high temperature to a correlated state at low temperature via a Kondo-type anomaly at a characteristic temperature T⋆T^\star. We attribute this anomaly to the appearance of the Hubbard pseudo-gap. The specific heat also shows a peak near T⋆T^\star. The resistivity goes to zero at zero temperature, in contrast to other approximations, rises sharply around T⋆T^\star and has a rough linear temperature dependence above T⋆T^\star.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures upon request, latex, (to appear in Phys. Rev. B

    Energy fluxes in helical magnetohydrodynamics and dynamo action

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    Renormalized viscosity, renormalized resistivity, and various energy fluxes are calculated for helical magnetohydrodynamics using perturbative field theory. The calculation is to first-order in perturbation. Kinetic and magnetic helicities do not affect the renormalized parameters, but they induce an inverse cascade of magnetic energy. The sources for the the large-scale magnetic field have been shown to be (1) energy flux from large-scale velocity field to large-scale magnetic field arising due to nonhelical interactions, and (2) inverse energy flux of magnetic energy caused by helical interactions. Based on our flux results, a premitive model for galactic dynamo has been constructed. Our calculations yields dynamo time-scale for a typical galaxy to be of the order of 10810^8 years. Our field-theoretic calculations also reveal that the flux of magnetic helicity is backward, consistent with the earlier observations based on absolute equilibrium theory.Comment: REVTEX4; A factor of 2 corrected in helicit

    The monomer-dimer problem and moment Lyapunov exponents of homogeneous Gaussian random fields

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    We consider an "elastic" version of the statistical mechanical monomer-dimer problem on the n-dimensional integer lattice. Our setting includes the classical "rigid" formulation as a special case and extends it by allowing each dimer to consist of particles at arbitrarily distant sites of the lattice, with the energy of interaction between the particles in a dimer depending on their relative position. We reduce the free energy of the elastic dimer-monomer (EDM) system per lattice site in the thermodynamic limit to the moment Lyapunov exponent (MLE) of a homogeneous Gaussian random field (GRF) whose mean value and covariance function are the Boltzmann factors associated with the monomer energy and dimer potential. In particular, the classical monomer-dimer problem becomes related to the MLE of a moving average GRF. We outline an approach to recursive computation of the partition function for "Manhattan" EDM systems where the dimer potential is a weighted l1-distance and the auxiliary GRF is a Markov random field of Pickard type which behaves in space like autoregressive processes do in time. For one-dimensional Manhattan EDM systems, we compute the MLE of the resulting Gaussian Markov chain as the largest eigenvalue of a compact transfer operator on a Hilbert space which is related to the annihilation and creation operators of the quantum harmonic oscillator and also recast it as the eigenvalue problem for a pantograph functional-differential equation.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures, submitted on 14 October 2011 to a special issue of DCDS-
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