4,455 research outputs found

    Infrared Spectra of Meteoritic SiC Grains

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    We present here the first infrared spectra of meteoritic SiC grains. The mid-infrared transmission spectra of meteoritic SiC grains isolated from the Murchison meteorite were measured in the wavelength range 2.5--16.5 micron, in order to make available the optical properties of presolar SiC grains. These grains are most likely stellar condensates with an origin predominately in carbon stars. Measurements were performed on two different extractions of presolar SiC from the Murchison meteorite. The two samples show very different spectral appearance due to different grain size distributions. The spectral feature of the smaller meteoritic SiC grains is a relatively broad absorption band found between the longitudinal and transverse lattice vibration modes around 11.3 micron, supporting the current interpretation about the presence of SiC grains in carbon stars. In contrast to this, the spectral feature of the large (> 5 micron) grains has an extinction minimum around 10 micron. The obtained spectra are compared with commercially available SiC grains and the differences are discussed. This comparison shows that the crystal structure (e.g., beta-SiC versus alpha-SiC) of SiC grains plays a minor role on the optical signature of SiC grains compared to e.g. grain size.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. To appear in A&

    Infrared Observations During the Secondary Eclipse of HD 209458 b II. Strong Limits on the Infrared Spectrum Near 2.2 Microns

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    We report observations of the transiting extrasolar planet, HD 209458 b, designed to detect the secondary eclipse. We employ the method of `occultation spectroscopy', which searches in combined light (star and planet) for the disappearance and reappearance of weak infrared spectral features due to the planet as it passes behind the star and reappears. Our observations cover two predicted secondary eclipse events, and we obtained 1036 individual spectra of the HD 209458 system using the SpeX instrument at the NASA IRTF in September 2001. Our spectra extend from 1.9 to 4.2 microns with a spectral resolution of 1500. We have searched for a continuum peak near 2.2 microns (caused by CO and water absorption bands), as predicted by some models of the planetary atmosphere to be approximately 6E-4 of the stellar flux, but no such peak is detected at a level of about 3E-4 of the stellar flux. Our results represent the strongest limits on the infrared spectrum of the planet to date and carry significant implications for understanding the planetary atmosphere. In particular, some models that assume the stellar irradiation is re-radiated entirely on the sub-stellar hemisphere predict a flux peak inconsistent with our observations. Several physical mechanisms can improve agreement with our observations, including the re-distribution of heat by global circulation, a nearly isothermal atmosphere, and/or the presence of a high cloud.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal 17 pages, 6 figure

    A spiral-like disk of ionized gas in IC 1459: Signature of a merging collision

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    The authors report the discovery of a large (15 kpc diameter) H alpha + (NII) emission-line disk in the elliptical galaxy IC 1459, showing weak spiral structure. The line flux peaks strongly at the nucleus and is more concentrated than the stellar continuum. The major axis of the disk of ionized gas coincides with that of the stellar body of the galaxy. The mass of the ionized gas is estimated to be approx. 1 times 10 (exp 5) solar mass, less than 1 percent of the total mass of gas present in IC 1459. The total gas mass of 4 times 10(exp 7) solar mass has been estimated from the dust mass derived from a broad-band color index image and the Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) data. The authors speculate that the presence of dust and gas in IC 1459 is a signature of a merger event

    ISO far-infrared observations of rich galaxy clusters II. Sersic 159-03

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    The far-infrared emission from rich galaxy clusters is investigated. Maps have been obtained by ISO at 60, 100, 135, and 200 microns using the PHT-C camera. Ground based imaging and spectroscopy were also acquired. Here we present the results for the cooling flow cluster Sersic 159-03. An infrared source coincident with the dominant cD galaxy is found. Some off-center sources are also present, but without any obvious counterparts.Comment: 6 pages, 4 postscript figures, accepted for publication in `Astronomy and Astrophysics

    The NextGen Model Atmosphere grid: II. Spherically symmetric model atmospheres for giant stars with effective temperatures between 3000 and 6800~K

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    We present the extension of our NextGen model atmosphere grid to the regime of giant stars. The input physics of the models presented here is nearly identical to the NextGen dwarf atmosphere models, however spherical geometry is used self-consistently in the model calculations (including the radiative transfer). We re-visit the discussion of the effects of spherical geometry on the structure of the atmospheres and the emitted spectra and discuss the results of NLTE calculations for a few selected models.Comment: ApJ, in press (November 1999), 13 pages, also available at http://dilbert.physast.uga.edu/~yeti/PAPERS and at ftp://calvin.physast.uga.edu/pub/preprints/NG-giants.ps.g

    Stellar evolution with mass loss - comparison of numerical and semi-analytical computations.

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    We present here results of stellar evolution calculations that include the latest advances in radiative opacities and neutrino cooling, and discuss on the basis of these models how the internal stellar structure responds to mass-loss from the stellar surface. This problem has particular importance for the development of semi-analytical algorithms for effi cient calculation of synthetic stellar populations with realistic (and hence complex) mass-loss scenarios. We therefore compare our numerical results with test calculations based on a semi-analytical stellar evolution method developed by us. Although small, but important, differences between results from the two methods are revealed, the evolutionary tracks in the HR-diagram predicted by the two approaches are almost identical.Comment: uuencoded Postscript, 4 pages

    Finding cool subdwarfs using a V-J reduced proper-motion diagram: Stellar parameters for 91 candidates

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    We present the results of a search for cool subdwarfs for which our candidates were drawn from a V-J reduced proper-motion diagram constructed by Salim & Gould (2002). Kinematic (U, V, and W) and self-consistent stellar parameters (Teff, log g, [Fe/H], and V_t) are derived for 91 candidate subdwarfs based on high resolution spectra. The observed stars span 3900K < Teff < 6200K and -2.63 < [Fe/H] < 0.25 including only 3 giants (log g < 4.0). Of the sample, 77 stars have MgH lines present in their spectra. With more than 56% of our candidate subdwarfs having [Fe/H] < -1.5, we show that the V-J reduced proper-motion diagram readily identifies metal-poor stars.Comment: PASP (in press

    Photometric and Spectroscopic Analysis of Cool White Dwarfs with Trigonometric Parallax Measurements

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    A photometric and spectroscopic analysis of 152 cool white dwarf stars is presented. The discovery of 7 new DA white dwarfs, 2 new DQ white dwarfs, 1 new magnetic white dwarf, and 3 weak magnetic white dwarf candidates, is reported, as well as 19 known or suspected double degenerates. The photometric energy distributions, the Halpha line profiles, and the trigonometric parallax measurements are combined and compared to model atmosphere calculations to determine the effective temperature and the radius of each object, and also to constrain the atmospheric composition. New evolutionary sequences with C/O cores with thin and thick hydrogen layers are used to derive masses and ages. We confirm the existence of a range in Teff between 5000 and 6000K where almost all white dwarfs have H-rich atmospheres. There is little evidence for mixed H/He dwarfs, with the exception of 2 He-rich DA stars, and 5 C2H white dwarfs which possibly have mixed H/He/C atmospheres. The DQ sequence terminates near 6500K, below which they are believed to turn into C2H stars. True DC stars slightly above this temperature are found to exhibit H-like energy distributions despite the lack of Halpha absorption. Attempts to interpret the chemical evolution show the problem to be complex. Convective mixing is necessary to account for the non-DA to DA ratio as a function of temperature. The presence of helium in cool DA stars, the existence of the non-DA gap, and the peculiar DC stars are also explained in terms of convective mixing, although our understanding of how this mechanism works needs to be revised. The oldest object in our sample is about 7.9 Gyr or 9.7 Gyr old depending on whether thin or thick hydrogen layer models are used. The mean mass of our sample is 0.65 +/- 0.20 Msun.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Suppl (~April 2001); 79 pages incl. 25 figure

    The Mystery Deepens: Spitzer Observations of Cool White Dwarfs

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    We present 4.5ÎĽ\mum and 8ÎĽ\mum photometric observations of 18 cool white dwarfs obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Our observations demonstrate that four white dwarfs with T_eff< 6000 K show slightly depressed mid-infrared fluxes relative to white dwarf models. In addition, another white dwarf with a peculiar optical and near-infrared spectral energy distribution (LHS 1126) is found to display significant flux deficits in Spitzer observations. These mid-infrared flux deficits are not predicted by the current white dwarf models including collision induced absorption due to molecular hydrogen. We postulate that either the collision induced absorption calculations are incomplete or there are other unrecognized physical processes occuring in cool white dwarf atmospheres. The spectral energy distribution of LHS 1126 surprisingly fits a Rayleigh-Jeans spectrum in the infrared, mimicking a hot white dwarf with effective temperature well in excess of 105^5 K. This implies that the source of this flux deficit is probably not molecular absorption but some other process.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, ApJ in press, 10 May 200
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