153 research outputs found

    Pengurangan Emisi Co2 melalui Pengelolaan Energi Listrik di Ruang Publik Hotel (Studi Kasus di Hotel ABC Jakarta)

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    Hotels commonly still use electric energy inefficiently. One kWh consumption equals to 5,2041x10-4 mtCO2 emission. This research discusses about reduction of CO2 emission through electric energy management in hotel\u27s public spaces. The design was a survey with 90 respondents in 4-star hotel ABC Jakarta. The kWh measurements were conducted in Lobby Hotel ABC. The research was done in 2012 and it showed correlation between workers\u27 knowledge, attitude and behavior to the quality of electric energy management. The hotel showed low quality of electric energy management. Electric energy use for illumination in Hotel ABC was 3,232.8 kWh/year equals to1.68 mtCO2/year. The experiment was done by using LED lamps with reduction of CO2 results for Lobby Hotel ABC was 55.90% equals to 0.94 mtCO2/year. In conclusion, worker\u27s behavior gives influence to the quality of electric energy management. To improve the quality of electric energy management, it is recommended to determine electric energy efficiency policy and program, relevant training and working procedures, implementation of best practices and if necessary use LED lamps to replace incandescent and CFL lamps

    Hypoglycemic Potency of Selected Medicinal Plants in Nigeria

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    A preliminary phytochemical screening and hypoglycemic activities of the ethanolic extracts of phyllanthus niruri, fruits of Solanum melogena var esculentus, leaves and fruits of Solanum Xanthocarpum were investigated. All plant extracts were found to contain alkaloids and tannins, while saponin was found in all plants except Phyllanthus niruri. Coumarin was detected only in Solanum xanthocarpum (leaves), while anthrancenosides was detected in Phyllanthus niruri Solanum xanthocarpum (fruit) only. Hypoglycemic activity of all plants extracts were determined by postprandial glucose test after administration of extracts at 10mg/100g body weight to adult albino rats. Postprandial plasma glucose level was measured at 30 minutes intervals for 2 hours. The result of this study showed that all extracts had hypoglycemic activity with Solanum melongena var esculentus having the highest activity. Thus, the plants may be effective in the management of hyperglycemia may be attributed to the phytochemicals present in them plants

    Lama Fermentasi Terhadap Mutu Cocoghurt Menggunakan Enterecoccus Faecalis Up-11 Yang Diisiolasi Dari Tempoyak

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    Coconut milk is usually used as condiment for production various Indonesia traditional cuisine coconut milk can be also used as raw material for making cocoghurt because of it is high nutrional value. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of fermentation time on the quality of cocoghurt . The research used a Completely Randommized Design with five treatments, T1 (duration of fermentasi in three hours), T2 (duration of fermentation in six hours), T3 (duration of fermentation in nine hours), T4 (duration of fermentation in twelve hours) and T5 (duration of fermentation in fifteen hours) with three replication. The data was analyzed using ANNOVA, if any influence continued with DNMRT test at 5%. Results show that fermentation time significantly (P0.05) total solids, ash content, protein content, total lactid acid bacteria, test organoleptik of flavor, and taste. It was concluded that the best quality of cocoghurt. Was obtained in the fermentation time of six hours (T2), that meets the Indonesian yoghurt standard (SNI 102981: 2009) as total lactid acid, fat content, total solids, ash content, and protein content

    Pemanfaatan Mangga Arum Manis dalam Pembuatan Dodol dengan Perbedaan Konsentrasi Tepung Ketan dan Rumput Laut

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    Utilization of cotton candy mango in directly encourage mango processing into derived products. One cotton candy mango derivative products is Dodol. Dodol is expected to be high in fiber. Fiber can be obtained from the addition of seaweed in the manufacture Dodol. The purpose of research is the use in the manufacture of cotton candy mango Dodol with different concentrations ofb glutinous rice and seaweed. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. Each study uses comparative glutinous rice and seaweed that is different in each treatment including K1R1 (85:15), K2R2 (80:20), K3R3 (75:25) and K4R4 (70: 30). Parameters measured were moisture content, ash, crude fiber, and organoleptic. The best treatmentis K1R1with sticky riceflour ratio of 85% and15% moisture content of grass yield 10.14; ash content of 0.39; crude fiber of 8.30 overall acceptance

    Comparative In vitro Antioxidant Activities of Aqueous Extracts of Garcinia kola and Buchholzia coriacea Seeds

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    Comparative in vitro antioxidant activities of aqueous extracts of Garcinia kola and Buchholzia coriacea seeds were carried out using 2, 2-diphenyl 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activities, ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and inhibition of lipid peroxidation assays. Total phenolics, alkaloids, tannins, saponins and flavonoids constituents of the samples were also determined. G. kola seeds contained higher concentrations of secondary metabolites compared to B. coriacea seeds except flavonoids. Both G. kola and B. coriacea exhibited minimum percentage inhibition when compared with the gallic acid. However, B. coriacea exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) higher percentage DPPH scarvenging activities (44.66%) when compared with G. kola (43.62%) at maximum concentration of 100 μg/mL. G. kola on the other hand, showed higher percentage inhibition of lipid peroxidation when compared with B. coriacea at all tested concentrations. Percentage FRAP by B. coriacea was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than G. kola at 100 μg/mL (46.65%, and 38.35%, respectively) and 50 μg/mL (38.75%, and 46.05%, respectively), while lower percentage FRAP of the G. kola than B. coriacea were recorded at 25 μg/mL (24.26% and 38.24%, respectively) and 12.5 μg/mL (34.41% and 37.41%, respectively). Therefore, Garcinia kola and B. coriacea showed appreciable antioxidant activities at varying concentrations and this may be due to the presence of various phenolic compounds in both samples. Keywords: Buchholzia coriacea; Garcinia kola; Antioxidant; DPPH free radicals; Secondary metabolites

    Struktur Kesucian, Hijrah dan Ruang Queer: Analisa terhadap Perilaku Mahasiswa Bercadar

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan kasus mahasiswi yang menggunakan cadar di wilayah kampus perguruan tinggi, dan berhadapan dengan larangan Pimpinan perguruan tinggi tersebut. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif, dilakukan pada tahun 2018 pada beberapa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) di wilayah Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Sumber data berasal dari observasi dan wawancara pada mahasiswi pengguna cadar. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, dan snow-ball. Triangulasi dilakukan untuk memperkuat keabsahan data dan informasi yang diperoleh. Analisa terhadap data dan fakta di lapangan dikembangkan berdasarkan teori struktur kesucian yang dikembangkan dari teori struktur perasaan (structure of feeling). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku berpakaian cadar mahasiswi didorong oleh semangat berubah atau hijrah untuk menjadi atau merasa suci. Mereka tidak dapat berkompromi dengan aturan kampus, karena tidak dapat memilah antara ruang privat dan ruang publik. Mereka memiliki logika ruang yang unik, yakni semua ruang sebagai tempat penegakan syariah

    Temperature Variation Operation of Mixed-VT 3T GC-eDRAM for Low Power Applications in 2Kbit Memory Array

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    Embedded memories were once utilized to transfer information between the CPU and the main memory. The cache storage in most traditional computers was static-random-access-memory (SRAM). Other memory technologies, such as embedded dynamic random-access memory (eDRAM) and spin-transfer-torque random-access memory (STT-RAM), have also been used to store cache data. The SRAM, on the other hand, has a low density and severe leakage issues, and the STT-RAM has high latency and energy consumption when writing. The gain-cell eDRAM (GC-eDRAM), which has a higher density, lower leakage, logic compatibility, and is appropriate for two-port operations, is an attractive option. To speed up data retrieval from the main memory, future processors will require larger and faster-embedded memories. Area overhead, power overhead, and speed performance are all issues with the existing architecture. A unique mixed-V_T 3T GC-eDRAM architecture is suggested in this paper to improve data retention times (DRT) and performance for better energy efficiency in embedded memories. The GC-eDRAM is simulated using a standard complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) with a 130nm technology node transistor. The performance of a 2kbit mixed-V_T 3T GC-eDRAM array were evaluated through corner process simulations. Each memory block is designed and simulated using Mentor Graphics Software. The array, which is based on the suggested bit-cell, has been successfully operated at 400Mhz under a 1V supply and takes up almost 60-75% less space than 6T SRAM using the same technology. When compared to the existing 6T and 4T ULP SRAMs (others' work), the retention power of the proposed GC-eDRAM is around 80-90% lower