728 research outputs found

    Spin-charge and spin-orbital coupling effects on spin dynamics in ferromagnetic manganites

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    Correlation-induced spin-charge and spin-orbital coupling effects on spin dynamics in ferromagnetic manganites are calculated with realistic parameters in order to provide a quantitative comparison with experimental results for spin stiffness, magnon dispersion, magnon damping, anomalous zone-boundary magnon softening, and Curie temperature. The role of orbital degeneracy, orbital ordering, and orbital correlations on spin dynamics in different doping regimes is highlighted.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Cardiotonic Activity of Coconut Water (Cocos nucifera)

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    The coconut (Cocos nucifera) is a member of the family Arecaceae (Palm family). Various parts of this tree is used in the treatment of, cancer (due to hexane fraction of coconut peel), indomethacin-induced ulceration (coconut milk).Coconut water consumption reduces diastolic blood pressure (due to the presence of potassium).In the present work fresh coconut water, dilution 1:1(coconut water: distilled water), are used to evaluate cardiac activity on the isolated frog heart and are labeled as T1, & T2 respectively and compared with Digoxin (S1) as standard solution. It was found that sample T1(Undiluted coconut water) showed better response as compared to the diluted coconut water(T2).These preliminary studies confirm the cardiotonic activity of the coconut water(Cocos nucifera)

    Routing Games over Time with FIFO policy

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    We study atomic routing games where every agent travels both along its decided edges and through time. The agents arriving on an edge are first lined up in a \emph{first-in-first-out} queue and may wait: an edge is associated with a capacity, which defines how many agents-per-time-step can pop from the queue's head and enter the edge, to transit for a fixed delay. We show that the best-response optimization problem is not approximable, and that deciding the existence of a Nash equilibrium is complete for the second level of the polynomial hierarchy. Then, we drop the rationality assumption, introduce a behavioral concept based on GPS navigation, and study its worst-case efficiency ratio to coordination.Comment: Submission to WINE-2017 Deadline was August 2nd AoE, 201

    Agro-economic analysis of sustainable cropping patterns in hydric rice fallows of upper Brahmaputra valley, Asom

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    Three post rainy season crops, viz. potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and mustard (Brassica juncea L.) were evaluated for their economic efficiency for two years (2005-06 to 2006-07) in four hydric rice growing soils under two management levels (farmers' practice and recommended package of practices) in upper Brahmaputra valley of Asom. The farm experimental results recorded tuber yield of 208 q/ha for potato, 9.48 q/ha of grain yield of mustard and 57.5 q/ha of green pod yield of peas under recommended doses with high benefit cost ratio of 2.44 for potato and 2.35 for mustard in Lahangaon series (coarse loamy Aeric Fluvaquents) as compared to farmer’s practice (benefit cost ratio of 1.57 for potato to 1.71 for peas). The performance of potato and peas in rice fallows of Brahmaputra valley was evident in all soils under recommended practices in terms of benefit cost ratio, efficient uptake of NPK and yield

    Metrics for the assessment of quantity and quality of the data by Argo floats

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    187-192Observing system or research initiative's foundation lies on reliable in situ data from sensors, which accurately tell about various key parameters that are being measured. Argo floats had brought huge amount of ocean observational in-situ data which is widely used from analysis to modelling. Present work describes a metrics for analyzing performance of sensors on Argo floats which can be used to assess the performance of float or set of floats as a whole. A set of new metrics like Total Data Return, Quality Data Returned and Quality Data Expected are proposed including the well-known Half-Life Period utilizing all of the Argo profile data. From the analysis, temperature and sensors performance is found to be more than 80 % and average Half-Life is found to be 1065 days. These metrics provide the overall performance of the floats, and can also be applied to other similar floats deployed by other countries as well as sensors fitted on other oceanic platforms

    Short-Term Time-Series Observations of Phytoplankton Light-Absorption and Productivity in Prydz Bay, Coastal Antarctica

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    The optical characteristics of coastal Antarctic waters exhibit complexity due to the dynamic hydrography influenced by meltwater intrusion, which alters nutrient levels, thermohaline structure, and optically active substances (OAS) regimes. Studies on bio-optical variability and its implications on phytoplankton productivity (PP) are scanty in coastal polar regions. On this backdrop, time-series measurements (72 h at 6 h intervals) of bio-optical properties such as phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll-a), absorption (aph), and total suspended matter (TSM) concurrently with PP were measured to understand their interplay and variability in relation to the ambient physicochemical settings in the under-sampled Prydz Bay, coastal Antarctica. Our findings revealed thermohaline stratification within the bay, likely attributed to the inflow of less saline meltwater from nearby glaciers and minimal wind activity. The consistent presence of sub-surface chlorophyll maximum (SCM) beneath the stratified layer underscored the light-acclimatization response of shade-adapted phytoplankton. Surface waters exhibited higher TSM compared to deeper layers, indicating glacial melt influence, while the depth of the sunlit layer remained relatively stable, suggesting limited water mass movement and/or variability in OAS at the study site. An inverse relation between chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-a-specific phytoplankton light absorption (a*ph(λ)) manifested ‘pigment package effect’ within the prevailing phytoplankton community, implying reduced light-absorption efficiency and consequent lower PP. Compared to chlorophyll-a, the phytoplankton light absorption (aph(λ)) emerged as a better proxy for explaining PP variability. Nutrient availability was not limiting, which was conducive to micro (large) phytoplankton growth. Classification of phytoplankton size classes (micro, nano, and pico) based on the B/R ratio (aph at Blue (443 nm)/Red (676 nm) region) confirmed the dominance of larger (micro) phytoplankton that are more susceptible to package effect, thus have implications on reduced PP potential of this polar marine ecosystem

    On the Dialectics of Global Governance in the Twenty-first Century : A Polanyian Double Movement?

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    Following decades of economic globalisation and market-oriented reforms across the world, Karl Polanyi’s double movement has been invoked not only to explain what is happening but also to give reasons for being hopeful about a different future. Some have suggested a pendulum model of history: a swing from markets to society leading, in the next phase, to a swing from society to markets, and so on. The double movement can also be understood dialectically as a description of an irreversible historical development following its own inner laws or schemes of development. Going beyond a thesis – antithesis – synthesis pattern, I maintain that conceptions and schemes drawn from dialectics, and especially dialectical critical realism, can provide better geo-historical hypotheses for explaining past changes and for building scenarios about possible future changes. I analyse political economy contradictions and tendencies, and focus on normative rationality, to assess substantial claims about rational tendential directionality of world history. I argue that democratic global Keynesianism would enable processes of decommodification and new syntheses concerning the market/social nexus. A learning process towards qualitatively higher levels of reflexivity can help develop global transformative agency. Existing contradictions can be resolved by means of rational collective actions and building more adequate common institutions. These collective actions are likely to involve new forms of political agency such as world political parties.Peer reviewe

    Structural characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme in complex with a selenium analogue of captopril

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    Human somatic angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), a zinc-dependent dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase, is central to the regulation of the renin–angiotensin aldosterone system. It is a well-known target for combating hypertension and related cardiovascular diseases. In a recent study by Bhuyan and Mugesh [Org. Biomol. Chem. (2011) 9, 1356–1365], it was shown that the selenium analogues of captopril (a well-known clinical inhibitor of ACE) not only inhibit ACE, but also protect against peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of peptides and proteins. Here, we report the crystal structures of human testis ACE (tACE) and a homologue of ACE, known as AnCE, from Drosophila melanogaster in complex with the most promising selenium analogue of captopril (SeCap) determined at 2.4 and 2.35 Å resolution, respectively. The inhibitor binds at the active site of tACE and AnCE in an analogous fashion to that observed for captopril and provide the first examples of a protein–selenolate interaction. These new structures of tACE–SeCap and AnCE–SeCap inhibitor complexes presented here provide important information for further exploration of zinc coordinating selenium-based ACE inhibitor pharmacophores with significant antioxidant activity