27 research outputs found

    Hekimlerde kas-i̇skelet sistemi problemlerinin analizi

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to describe musculoskeletal problems resulting from work setting and occupation in medical doctors who work in a hospital. Materials and Metods: 123 medical doctors with mean age 37.97 ± 9.03 years (54 surgeons, 69 consultants) were included in this study randomly. All of the subjects were evaluated using a questionnaire, which is consistend of 22 questions about musculoskeletal problems, physical characteristics and work performance. Results: It was established that 41 of 123 subjects (23 surgeon, 18 consultants) had at least one musculoskeletal problem resulting from work setting. In the mean time it was determined that the problem begun after approximately 7.20 ± 0.90 years. Conclusion: The results obtained from this study showed that working so long time with the same position and repiting the same activities during wok day lead to a risk factor about musculoskeletal problems in medical doctor

    Evde yaşayan yaşlılarda yaşam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Çalısmamız evde yasayan yaslılarda yasam kalitesini etkileyen faktörlerin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıstır. Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalısmaya yasları 51– 99 yıl arasında ve evde yasayan 283 yaslı rastgele örneklem yöntemi ile dahil edilmistir. Demografik veriler kaydedildikten sonra, bireyler Nothingham Sağlık Profili (NSP), Geriatrik Depresyon Skalası, Fonksiyonel Bağımsızlık Ölçümü (FIM) ve Rivermead Mobilite Đndeksi (RMI) ile değerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Yas ortalaması 71.11±7.74 yıl olan olguların 153’ü (% 54.1) kadın, 130’u (% 45.9) erkektir. NSP median değeri 14.0, çeyrekler arası fark değeri 14.0 olarak bulunmustur. Sosyal güvencesi olanların, yasadığı ortamdan memnun olanların, bos zaman aktivitelerine katılanların, sürekli ilaç kullanmayan ve kronik hastalığı olmayan bireylerin yasam kalitelerinin daha iyi olduğu tespit edilmistir (p<0.01). Yas ilerledikçe NSP toplam skoru artmakta ve yasam kalitesi kötülesmektedir (p<0.01). Depresyon skorları arttıkça yasam kalitesi azalmaktadır (p<0.01). Mobilite ve fonksiyonel bağımsızlık skoru düsük bireylerde yasam kalitesi düsmektedir. Aralarında negatif yönde ileri düzeyde anlamlı bir korelasyon bulunmustur (p<0.01). Yapılan çoklu analiz sonucunda; cinsiyet, yas, eğitim durumu, sosyal güvence, kronik hastalık sayısı, mali durum, memnuniyet algısı, ilaç kullanımı, bos zaman aktiviteleri, VKĐ, depresyon, FIM, RIM’ den olusturulan model NSP toplam skoru ile modele sokuldu. Eğitim durumu, depresyon, kronik hastalık sayısı ve RIM bağımsız risk faktörleri olarak bulundu. Eğitim durumu ve RMI negatif yönde, kronik hastalık sayısı ve depresyon puanı pozitif yönde etkilemektedir. Tartısma: Evde yasayan yaslılarda yasam kalitesini eğitim durumu ve RIM negatif yönde, kronik hastalık sayısı ve depresyon puanı pozitif yönde etkilemektedir

    Relationship between disability, pain intensity and quality of life in patients with chronic neck pain

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    Objective: This study was conducted to determine the relationship between disability, pain intensity and quality of life in patients with chronic neck pain. Methodology. One hundred patients suffering from chronic neck pain for at least six months (71 female-29 male) were evaluated in this study. A Visual Analog Scale was used to describe pain intensity. The Neck Disability Index (NDI) was used to evaluate disability level. To determine the quality of life of the subjects, the SF-36 survey was used. Results. The mean age of the participants was 44.13±12.22 years. Mean of pain duration was 40.66±41.86 month. Mean pain intensity at rest 4.86±2.92, intensity of pain during activity 6.74±2.75, intensity of night pain 5.56±3.45.Mean NDI score was 42.20±18.29. The results of this study showed that the NDI scores were highly correlated with scores of the subscales of SF-36 (p<0.01). The NDI scores also showed a positive correlation with night pain, pain at rest, and pain during activity (p<0.01).However, NDI scores were not correlated with pain duration. Conclusion. The results of this study indicate that increased disability level in patients with chronic neck pain leads to decreased quality of life

    Efficient design methodology for inductive energy transmission

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    Wirelessly transferred energy for mobile devices, systems and sensors provides a huge number of advantages, which find a direct application in all areas where the connecting cable represent a development bottleneck or a mechanical, electrical and biological challenge. In the domain of consumer electronics, the wireless energy transmission can be used in order to charge laptops, tablet PCs, smart-phones and any kind of daily used mobile device which must be regularly charged. In the area of the industrial production where electronic systems are brought on mobile and articulated parts of the robots, the wireless energy transmission technology is very useful to transfer the energy on badly reachable parts by avoiding the huge problems related to twisted cable structures or galvanic contacts. Another application domain for wireless energy transmission concerns the medical devices and implants. Medical electronic devices which are used in operation rooms must be absolutely aseptic

    A photo management system for future home environments

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    In future home environments, users will have access to their digital assets on any device in any room. Home environments will have a high degree of hardware, middleware, software and administrative heterogeneity. Current protocols and systems do not address the consistency problem of mobile data in heterogeneous environments. When data are distributed and duplicated, their logical identities are lost. We propose the introduction of logical identities of mobile data and idcntitypreserving data exchange. We designed the Universal Resource Access Protocol (URAP) and validated it in the MemorySafe system, an experimental photo management system for future home environments. In this paper, we present the proposed concepts and the URAP protocol. We show how they are used to address the consistency problem of mobile data in the MemorySafe system

    Anpassung des neuen Begutachtungsverfahrens an die Begutachtung von Kindern.

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    Meintrup V, Eckhardt S, Büker C, Gansweid B, Wingenfeld K. Anpassung des neuen Begutachtungsverfahrens an die Begutachtung von Kindern. In: Gaertner T, Gansweid B, Gerber H, Schwegler F, Heine U, eds. Die Pflegeversicherung – Handbuch zur Begutachtung, Qualitätsprüfung, Beratung und Fortbildung. 3.rd ed. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter; 2014: 289-294