318 research outputs found

    The role of fused thiophene and naphthalene diimide (NDI) in shaping the optical and electrical properties of donor-acceptor polymers

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    Three polymers with general structure (D-A)n were designed and synthetized to investigate the interaction of strong donors and strong acceptors in polymer chain. They are based on different fused thiophenes (1Th: 4,4′-bis(2-ethylhexyl)-cyclopenta [2,1-b:3,4- ’]dithiophene; 2Th: 4,8-bis [(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b']dithiophene; 3Th: 4,8-bis(4-fluoro-5-(2-ethylhexyl)-thiophen-2-yl)benzo [1,2-b:4,5-b']bisthiophene) and N,N′-bis(2-thylhexyl)-1,8:4,5-naphthalenetetracarboxdiimide (NDI). Fused benzo- and cyclopenta-thiophene derivatives were selected because they are known for their strong electron-donating properties. NDI was coupled with them in polymer chain because it is one of the best known electron withdrawing units. Such combination of donor and acceptor units is one of the strategies for obtaining low band gap conjugated polymers with semiconducting properties for many applications. The interaction of donors and acceptors is a key factor determining the properties of such polymers. The electrochemical and spectroscopic measurement were supported by DFT calculations. Moreover, organic field effect transistors (OFET) were fabricated to demonstrate the feasibility of using the newly developed materials in electronic devices

    In vivo imaging of lymphocytes in the CNS reveals different behaviour of naïve T cells in health and autoimmunity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Two-photon laser scanning microscopy (TPLSM) has become a powerful tool in the visualization of immune cell dynamics and cellular communication within the complex biological networks of the inflamed central nervous system (CNS). Whereas many previous studies mainly focused on the role of effector or effector memory T cells, the role of naïve T cells as possible key players in immune regulation directly in the CNS is still highly debated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We applied <it>ex vivo </it>and intravital TPLSM to investigate migratory pathways of naïve T cells in the inflamed and non-inflamed CNS. MACS-sorted naïve CD4+ T cells were either applied on healthy CNS slices or intravenously injected into RAG1 -/- mice, which were affected by experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). We further checked for the generation of second harmonic generation (SHG) signals produced by extracellular matrix (ECM) structures.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By applying TPLSM on living brain slices we could show that the migratory capacity of activated CD4+ T cells is not strongly influenced by antigen specificity and is independent of regulatory or effector T cell phenotype. Naïve T cells, however, cannot find sufficient migratory signals in healthy, non-inflamed CNS parenchyma since they only showed stationary behaviour in this context. This is in contrast to the high motility of naïve CD4+ T cells in lymphoid organs. We observed a highly motile migration pattern for naïve T cells as compared to effector CD4+ T cells in inflamed brain tissue of living EAE-affected mice. Interestingly, in the inflamed CNS we could detect reticular structures by their SHG signal which partially co-localises with naïve CD4+ T cell tracks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The activation status rather than antigen specificity or regulatory phenotype is the central requirement for CD4+ T cell migration within healthy CNS tissue. However, under inflammatory conditions naïve CD4+ T cells can get access to CNS parenchyma and partially migrate along inflammation-induced extracellular SHG structures, which are similar to those seen in lymphoid organs. These SHG structures apparently provide essential migratory signals for naïve CD4+ T cells within the diseased CNS.</p

    Magnetic Tweezers-Based Force Clamp Reveals Mechanically Distinct apCAM Domain Interactions

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    ABSTRACT Cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgCAMs) play a crucial role in cell-cell interactions during nervous system development and function. The Aplysia CAM (apCAM), an invertebrate IgCAM, shares structural and functional similarities with vertebrate NCAM and therefore has been considered as the Aplysia homolog of NCAM. Despite these similarities, the binding properties of apCAM have not been investigated thus far. Using magnetic tweezers, we applied physiologically relevant, constant forces to apCAM-coated magnetic particles interacting with apCAM-coated model surfaces and characterized the kinetics of bond rupture. The average bond lifetime decreased with increasing external force, as predicted by theoretical considerations. Mathematical simulations suggest that the apCAM homophilic interaction is mediated by two distinct bonds, one involving all five immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domains in an antiparallel alignment and the other involving only two Ig domains. In summary, this study provides biophysical evidence that apCAM undergoes homophilic interactions, and that magnetic tweezers-based, force-clamp measurements provide a rapid and reliable method for characterizing relatively weak CAM interactions

    Selected reactive oxygen species and antioxidant enzymes in common bean after Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola and Botrytis cinerea infection

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    Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Korona plants were inoculated with the bacteria Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psp), necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea (Bc) or with both pathogens sequentially. The aim of the experiment was to determine how plants cope with multiple infection with pathogens having different attack strategy. Possible suppression of the non-specific infection with the necrotrophic fungus Bc by earlier Psp inoculation was examined. Concentration of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as superoxide anion (O2 -) and H2O2 and activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) were determined 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after inoculation. The measurements were done for ROS cytosolic fraction and enzymatic cytosolic or apoplastic fraction. Infection with Psp caused significant increase in ROS levels since the beginning of experiment. Activity of the apoplastic enzymes also increased remarkably at the beginning of experiment in contrast to the cytosolic ones. Cytosolic SOD and guaiacol peroxidase (GPOD) activities achieved the maximum values 48 h after treatment. Additional forms of the examined enzymes after specific Psp infection were identified; however, they were not present after single Bc inoculation. Subsequent Bc infection resulted only in changes of H2O2 and SOD that occurred to be especially important during plant–pathogen interaction. Cultivar Korona of common bean is considered to be resistant to Psp and mobilises its system upon infection with these bacteria. We put forward a hypothesis that the extent of defence reaction was so great that subsequent infection did not trigger significant additional response

    Mitochondrial damage by α-synuclein causes cell death in human dopaminergic neurons

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    Evolving concepts on Parkinson's disease (PD) pathology suggest that α-synuclein (aSYN) promote dopaminergic neuron dysfunction and death through accumulating in the mitochondria. However, the consequence of mitochondrial aSYN localisation on mitochondrial structure and bioenergetic functions in neuronal cells are poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated deleterious effects of mitochondria-targeted aSYN in differentiated human dopaminergic neurons in comparison with wild-type (WT) aSYN overexpression and corresponding EGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein)-expressing controls. Mitochondria-targeted aSYN enhanced mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, reduced ATP levels and showed severely disrupted structure and function of the dendritic neural network, preceding neuronal death. Transmission electron microscopy illustrated distorted cristae and many fragmented mitochondria in response to WT-aSYN overexpression, and a complete loss of cristae structure and massively swollen mitochondria in neurons expressing mitochondria-targeted aSYN. Further, the analysis of mitochondrial bioenergetics in differentiated dopaminergic neurons, expressing WT or mitochondria-targeted aSYN, elicited a pronounced impairment of mitochondrial respiration. In a pharmacological compound screening, we found that the pan-caspase inhibitors QVD and zVAD-FMK, and a specific caspase-1 inhibitor significantly prevented aSYN-induced cell death. In addition, the caspase inhibitor QVD preserved mitochondrial function and neuronal network activity in the human dopaminergic neurons overexpressing aSYN. Overall, our findings indicated therapeutic effects by caspase-1 inhibition despite aSYN-mediated alterations in mitochondrial morphology and function

    Evaluation of tracheal stenosis: comparison between computed tomography virtual tracheobronchoscopy with multiplanar reformatting, flexible tracheofiberoscopy and intra-operative findings

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare various helical CT display modes [virtual endoscopy (VE)] and multiplanar reformations (MPR), conventional flexible tracheobronchoscopy (FT) and intra-operative (IO) findings in patients with tracheal stenosis and to analyze the advantage of MPR and VE in diagnosis and treatment planning and in postoperative follow-up. Thirty-seven patients with tracheal stenosis underwent standard neck and chest CT followed by MPR and VE. Results were correlated with the results of FT and IO findings. Thirty-three of the 37 stenoses were correctly graded and measured adequately using VE. Complete correlation among CT, fiberoptic tracheoscopy, and surgery of stenosis grading, stenosis length and length of planned resection segment of the trachea was noted between 33 of 37 patients with tracheal stenosis. Correlation between VE and IO was noted in 35 of 37 patients and between FT and VE was noted in 33 of 37 patients with tracheal stenosis. The sensitivity of VE was 94–97%, specificity was 100% with comparison to IO findings. The sensitivity and accuracy of MPR was 86–89% and specificity was 100% with comparison to FT findings. The results of the study indicate that VE is an excellent, consistent, and objective technique. VE with MPR is very useful in diagnostic evaluation and treatment planning in patients with tracheal stenosis

    Solid-state reference electrodes based on carbon nanotubes and polyacrylate membranes

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    A novel potentiometric solid-state reference electrode containing single-walled carbon nanotubes as the transducer layer between a polyacrylate membrane and the conductor is reported here. Single-walled carbon nanotubes act as an efficient transducer of the constant potentiometric signal originating from the reference membrane containing the Ag/AgCl/Cl− ions system, and they are needed to obtain a stable reference potentiometric signal. Furthermore, we have taken advantage of the light insensitivity of single-walled carbon nanotubes to improve the analytical performance characteristics of previously reported solid-state reference electrodes. Four different polyacrylate polymers have been selected in order to identify the most efficient reservoir for the Ag/AgCl system. Finally, two different arrangements have been assessed: (1) a solid-state reference electrode using photo-polymerised n-butyl acrylate polymer and (2) a thermo-polymerised methyl methacrylate:n-butyl acrylate (1:10) polymer. The sensitivity to various salts, pH and light, as well as time of response and stability, has been tested: the best results were obtained using single-walled carbon nanotubes and photo-polymerised n-butyl acrylate polymer. Water transport plays an important role in the potentiometric performance of acrylate membranes, so a new screening test method has been developed to qualitatively assess the difference in water percolation between the polyacrylic membranes studied. The results presented here open the way for the true miniaturisation of potentiometric systems using the excellent properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes

    Identification of the barrier to gene flow between phylogeographic lineages of the common hamster Cricetus cricetus

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    In anthropogenically disturbed habitats, natural barriers still exist and have to be recognized, as they are important for conservation measures. Areas of phylogeographic breaks within a species are often stabilized in inhospitable regions which act as natural barriers. An area of contact between phylogeographic lineages of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) was found in the Małopolska Upland in Poland. A total of 142 common hamsters were captured between 2005 and 2009. All hamsters were genotyped at 17 microsatellite loci and partial sequences of the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region were obtained. No mixed populations with mtDNA haplotypes of both lineages were found. The distance between marginal populations was about 20 km; no hamsters were found in the area between. A principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on microsatellite data and the greatest change in PC1 scores was found between marginal samples. To define the habitat components responsible for the phylogeographic break, we compared the habitat composition of sites occupied by hamsters with those from which hamsters were absent. We found that hamsters avoided forested areas and sandy soils. The area of the potential barrier was characterized by a high proportion of woodland and unfavorable soils in comparison with neighboring areas inhabited by hamsters. They cannot settle in this area due to their high winter mortality in shallow burrows and high predation in the fields adjacent to forests

    Molecular analysis of WWOX expression correlation with proliferation and apoptosis in glioblastoma multiforme

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common type of primary brain tumor in adults. WWOX is a tumor suppressor gene involved in carcinogenesis and cancer progression in many different neoplasms. Reduced WWOX expression is associated with more aggressive phenotype and poor patient outcome in several cancers. We investigated alternations of WWOX expression and its correlation with proliferation, apoptosis and signal trafficking in 67 glioblastoma multiforme specimens. Moreover, we examined the level of WWOX LOH and methylation status in WWOX promoter region. Our results suggest that loss of heterozygosity (relatively frequent in glioblastoma multiforme) along with promoter methylation may decrease the expression of this tumor suppressor gene. Our experiment revealed positive correlations between WWOX and Bcl2 and between WWOX and Ki67. We also confirmed that WWOX is positively correlated with ErbB4 signaling pathway in glioblastoma multiforme