138 research outputs found

    Classification of human carcinoma cells using multispectral imagery

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    In this paper, we present a technique for automatically classifying human carcinoma cell images using textural features. An image dataset containing microscopy biopsy images from different patients for 14 distinct cancer cell line type is studied. The images are captured using a RGB camera attached to an inverted microscopy device. Texture based Gabor features are extracted from multispectral input images. SVM classifier is used to generate a descriptive model for the purpose of cell line classification. The experimental results depict satisfactory performance, and the proposed method is versatile for various microscopy magnification options. © 2016 SPIE

    Pricing Options in an Extended Black Scholes Economy with Illiquidity: Theory and Empirical Evidence

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    This article studies the pricing of options in an extended Black Scholes economy in which the underlying asset is not perfectly liquid. The resulting liquidity risk is modeled as a stochastic supply curve, with the transaction price being a function of the trade size. Consistent with the market microstructure literature, the supply curve is upward sloping with purchases executed at higher prices and sales at lower prices. Optimal discrete time hedging strategies are then derived. Empirical evidence reveals a significant liquidity cost intrinsic to every option

    Iterated Prisoners Dilemma with limited attention

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    How attention scarcity effects the outcomes of a game? We present our findings on a version of the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (IPD) game in which players can accept or refuse to play with their partner. We study the memory size effect on determining the right partner to interact with. We investigate the conditions under which the cooperators are more likely to be advantageous than the defectors. This work demonstrates that, in order to beat defection, players do not need a full memorization of each action of all opponents. There exists a critical attention capacity threshold to beat defectors. This threshold depends not only on the ratio of the defectors in the population but also on the attention allocation strategy of the players.Як дефiцит уваги впливає на результати гри? Ми представляємо нашi результати на прикладi гри Iтерована дилема в’язня (Iterated Prisoners Dilemma (IPD)), в якiй гравцi можуть погоджуватися чи вiдмовлятися грати зi своїм партнером. Ми вивчаємо вплив розмiру пам’ятi на визначення вiдповiдного партнера для взаємодiї. Ми дослiджуємо умови, при яких ймовiрнiше стати партнерами нiж перебiжчиками. Ця робота демонструє, що для перемоги над дезертирством гравцi не потребують повного запам’ятовування кожної дiї всiх опонентiв. Для того, щоб перемогти перебiжчикiв iснує критичний порiг здатностi уваги. Цей порiг залежить не тiльки вiд частки перебiжчикiв в популяцiї, але також вiд стратегiї розподiлу уваги гравцiв

    A video-based text and equation editor for LaTeX

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    In this paper we present a video based text and equation editor for LaTeX. The system recognizes what is written onto paper and generates the LaTeX code. Text and equations are written on a regular paper using a board marker, and a USB camera attached to a computer is used to capture and record the pen-tip positions in each consecutive image frame. Characters and symbols are represented as separate finite state machines (FSMs). They are written in an isolated manner and they are recognized on-line using the FSMs. In the last step, LaTeX code corresponding to recognized characters and symbols is generated. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Computer vision based method for real-time fire and flame detection

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    This paper proposes a novel method to detect fire and/or flames in real-time by processing the video data generated by an ordinary camera monitoring a scene. In addition to ordinary motion and color clues, flame and fire flicker is detected by analyzing the video in the wavelet domain. Quasi-periodic behavior in flame boundaries is detected by performing temporal wavelet transform. Color variations in flame regions are detected by computing the spatial wavelet transform of moving fire-colored regions. Another clue used in the fire detection algorithm is the irregularity of the boundary of the fire-colored region. All of the above clues are combined to reach a final decision. Experimental results show that the proposed method is very successful in detecting fire and/or flames. In addition, it drastically reduces the false alarms issued to ordinary fire-colored moving objects as compared to the methods using only motion and color clues. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Nonrectangular wavelets for multiresolution mesh analysis and compression

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    We propose a new Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) based mesh compression framework. The 3D mesh is first transformed to 2D images on a regular grid structure. Then, this image-like representation is wavelet transformed and SPIHT is applied on the wavelet domain data. The method is progressive because the resolution of the reconstructed mesh can be changed by varying the length of the ID data stream created by SPIHT algorithm. Nearly perfect reconstruction is possible if full length of 1D data is received

    Connectivity-guided adaptive lifting transform for image like compression of meshes

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    We propose a new connectivity-guided adaptive wavelet transform based mesh compression framework. The 3D mesh is first transformed to 2D images on a regular grid structure by performing orthogonal projections onto the image plane. Then, this image-like representation is wavelet transformed using a lifting structure employing an adaptive predictor that takes advantage of the connectivity information of mesh vertices. Then the wavelet domain data is encoded using "Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees" (SPIHT) method or JPEG2000. The SPIHT approach is progressive because the resolution of the reconstructed mesh can be changed by varying the length of the 1D data stream created by the algorithm. In JPEG2000 based approach, quantization of the coefficients determines the quality of the reconstruction. The results of the SPIHT based algorithm is observed to be superior to JPEG200 based mesh coder and MPEG-3DGC in rate-distortion

    Arbitrage and deflators in illiquid markets

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    This paper presents a stochastic model for discrete-time trading in financial markets where trading costs are given by convex cost functions and portfolios are constrained by convex sets. The model does not assume the existence of a cash account/numeraire. In addition to classical frictionless markets and markets with transaction costs or bid-ask spreads, our framework covers markets with nonlinear illiquidity effects for large instantaneous trades. In the presence of nonlinearities, the classical notion of arbitrage turns out to have two equally meaningful generalizations, a marginal and a scalable one. We study their relations to state price deflators by analyzing two auxiliary market models describing the local and global behavior of the cost functions and constraints

    Content-based retrieval of historical Ottoman documents stored as textual images

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    There is an accelerating demand to access the visual content of documents stored in historical and cultural archives. Availability of electronic imaging tools and effective image processing techniques makes it feasible to process the multimedia data in large databases. In this paper, a framework for content-based retrieval of historical documents in the Ottoman Empire archives is presented. The documents are stored as textual images, which are compressed by constructing a library of symbols occurring in a document, and the symbols in the original image are then replaced with pointers into the codebook to obtain a compressed representation of the image. The features in wavelet and spatial domain based on angular and distance span of shapes are used to extract the symbols. In order to make content-based retrieval in historical archives, a query is specified as a rectangular region in an input image and the same symbol-extraction process is applied to the query region. The queries are processed on the codebook of documents and the query images are identified in the resulting documents using the pointers in textual images. The querying process does not require decompression of images. The new content-based retrieval framework is also applicable to many other document archives using different scripts