5 research outputs found

    The effects on crop water stress index(CWSI) and grain yields of sunflower plant (Helianthus annuus L.) of deficit irrigation applications

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    Bu araştırma Siirt iklim koşullarında damla sulama yöntemiyle kısıntılı sulama uygulamalarının ayçiçeği bitkisinde verim ve verim parametreleri ile bitki su stres indeksi üzerine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla bir tarla çalışması olarak yapılmıştır. Araştırmada sulama konuları; sulama suyu ihtiyacının tam olarak karşılandığı (%100) (I100 ) kontrol konusu ve tam sulamadan %80 (I20), %60 (I40), %40 (I60) ve %20 (I80) oranında kısıntı yapılan dört sulama konusu ve hiç sulama suyu uygulanmayan I0 sulama konularından oluşturulmuştur. Yapılan istatistik analiz sonucunda verim ve verim parametreleri arasında istatistiksel olarak önemli düzeyde ilişkiler saptanmıştır. Sulama konularının verim ve verim bileşenleri üzerine etkisi %1 düzeyinde önemli bulunmuştur. Uygulanan su kısıntısına ve iklim şartlarına bağlı olarak, ayçiçeği bitkisinin bitki su tüketimi, bitki su stres indeksi, klorofil ve verim değerleri önemli ölçüde etkilenmiştir. Vejetasyon süresi boyunca en yüksek CWSI (Bitki Su Stres Indeksi) değeri I0 sulama konusunda 0.39 ve en düşük CWSI değeri tam sulanan I100 sulama konusunda 0.19 olarak belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada ayçiçeği dane veriminin düşmeye başladığı, sulamadan önceki infrared termometre gözlemlerinden belirlenen eşik CWSI değeri 0.29 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre Siirt'te ayçiçeğinde kısıntılı sulama yapılması önerilmemekte veya kısıntı yapma zorunluluğu olduğu takdirde ise bunun vejetatif gelişme döneminde (çiçeklenme öncesinde) maksimum %20 oranında yapılması önerilmektedir

    Identification of Water Usage Efficiency for Corn(Zea mays L.)Lines Irrigated with Drip Irrigation Under Green House Conditions asPer Plant Water Stress Index Evaluations

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    The present study was conducted as a greenhouse study under Çukurova conditions during the years2011-2012. Two different dent corn lines (5A2-B and 22K) were used as the plant material of the experiments. Crop water stress index (CWSI) values determined through leaf canopy temperature measurements performed ahead of irrigations were used to find outwater use efficiencies. Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks-split plots experimental design with three replications. Drip irrigation was used for irrigations and two different irrigation programs were created as of I100(supplying 100% of depleted water in every seven days) and I75(applying 75% of depleted water. The amount of irrigation water applied for in the interaction of I100irrigation and corn lines (5A2-B and22K) in the first and second year were respectively varied between 253.0-274.0and between 238.0-261.0mm, seasonal plant water consumptions varied between 294.0-305.0and between 284.6-302.6 mm, kernel yields varied between 2950.0-2990.0 and between 3130.0-3186.0kgha-1. With regard to (in the interaction irrigation treatments xcorn lines), the lowest and the highest CWSI values were observed in the interaction full irrigation (I100) and of the line 22K as 0.22 and in deficit irrigation treatment (I75) of the line 5A2-B as 0.41in the first year; in full irrigation treatment (I100) of the line 22K as 0.20 and in deficit irrigation treatment (I75) of the line 5A2-B as 0.36. The greatest and the lowest chlorophyll contents (in the interaction irrigation treatments x corn lines) were respectively observed in I100treatment of the line 22K as 58.3 spad and in I75treatment of the line 5A2-Bas 50.9 spad in the first year; in I100treatment of the line 22K as 59.1 SPAD and in I75treatment of the line 5A2-B as 55.1 spad. While the effects of irrigation treatments on average dry matter contents of the lines were not found to be significant, significant differences were observed in water use efficiency and kernel yield of dent corn lines (p<0.01). Current findings revealed that 22K dent corn line was prominent with regard to CWSI and chlorophyll content and the relevant line was also able to use available water holding capacity with an optimum efficiency. Therefore, it was concluded that the dent corn line (22K) could be used in further researches to improve water efficiencies

    Adıyaman yöresi süt sığırcılığı işletmelerinde ahırların yapısal yönden mevcut durumları ve geliştirilme olanakları üzerine bir çalışma

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    TEZ3032Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1998.Kaynakça (s. 76-81) var.vii, [10] 105 s. : rnk. res. ; 30 cm.


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    The present study was conducted as a field research to investigate the effects of different water deficit levels applied throughout growing season on seed yield, oil ratio and water use efficiency (WUE) of main crop sunflower plants under semi-arid climate conditions of Siirt and Nevsehir provinces in 2015. Irrigation treatments were set as full irrigation (I100) in which water depletion in 0-90 cm soil profile was fully supplied every week, 25% water deficit (I75) in which 75% of full irrigation was supplied and 50% water deficit (I50) in which 50% of full irrigation was supplied.A total of 6 irrigations were performed in both locations and respectively 400.6 and 373.7 mm irrigation water was applied to I100 (control) treatment. Plant water consumption of control treatment was measured as 551.0 mm in Siirt and 493.3mm in Nevsehir location.Seed yields in I100 treatment of relevant locations were respectively observed as 405.7 and 422.2 kgda-1 , oil ratios respectively as 48.2 and 47.8%. The seed yield obtained from I75 treatment was placed in the same group (A) with I100 treatment in Siirt province and placed in subsequent group (B) in Nevsehir province. In both locations, oil ratio of I75 treatment was placed in the same group (A) with I100 treatment. Water deficits over 25% resulted in significant decreases in seed yield and oil ratio of sunflower plants. A significant linear relationship (p<0.01) was observed between plant water consumption (ETa) values and seed yields. Average yield response factor (ky) was calculated as 0.62, water use efficiency (WUE) as between 0.72- 0.96kgda-1mm-1 and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) as between 1.01-1.31 kgda-1mm-1

    Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

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    In this study, a field study was carried out to determine the effect of different irrigation water amounts on dry matter efficiency and silage quality features of species of corn for silage P32K61, P31Y43, P30B74 and the relationship of water and dry matter, as well as the threshold value of the dry substance to be used in silage quality estimation by leveraging such relationship. The study was planned as three repeats in a trial pattern of divided parcels in randomized blocks. Irrigation program was established by reapplication of 100% (I100), 70% (I70), 35% (I35) of the water consumed every 7 days with the drip irrigation method. Thus, the irrigation consists of 1 full and 2 different deficit irrigation. In the study, irrigation water amount applied to I100,I70 and I35 of types P32K61, P31Y43 and P30B74 was 637-653-666; 491-495-509; 342-363-371 mm, respectively, seasonal plant water consumption values were 705-714-738; 559-554-583mm, dry matter efficiency values ranged from 24.38-24.29- 32.36, 23.26-23.33-25.5, and 12.8-14.46-14.13 t ha- 1 . Linear relations were determined between dry matter (DM) efficiency of the species and irrigation water (I) as DM=20.57I+6369(r2=0.997**), DM=30.95I+4340(r2=0.999**),Y=36.14I+5826 (r2=0.998**);and between dry matter-plant water consumption (ETa) values as Y=26.02ETa+832.1(r2=0.969**),Y=36.55ETa- 22.83 (r2=0.995**), Y=42.75ETa-1949 (r2=0.997**). The highest and lowest protein amounts by irrigation were 8.67% in the interaction of I100 irrigation and P32K61 species and 6.14% in the interaction of I35 irrigation and P31Y43 species, respectively; digestible dry matter ratio was 70% in the interaction of I100 irrigation and P30B74 species and 60% the interaction of I35 irrigation and P31Y43,respectively. No statistically significant relation between the ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber) and NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber) values was found. The highest water consumption efficiency was 4.38 kg/da-mm in I100 irrigation and 3.37 kg/damm in I35 irrigation. In addition, thecorrelation coefficient between ET, dry matter and protein amount was r 2 :0.81** and r 2 :0.80**, and a statistically significant positive relationship was observed (p<0.01) between ETa, dry matter and protein amount. As a result of statistical and economic analyses, threshold dry matter efficiency value on which the silage quality starts to drop was determined at 25.5 t ha-1 in I70 irrigation