302 research outputs found

    The Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). II. New Identifications

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    We have searched the archived, pointed ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter data for blazars by correlating the WGACAT X-ray database with several publicly available radio catalogs, restricting our candidate list to serendipitous X-ray sources with a flat radio spectrum (alpha_r <= 0.70). This makes up the Deep X-ray Radio Blazar Survey (DXRBS). Here we present new identifications and spectra for 106 sources, including 86 radio-loud quasars, 11 BL Lacertae objects, and 9 narrow-line radio galaxies. Together with our previously published objects and already known sources, our sample now contains 298 identified objects: 234 radio-loud quasars (181 flat-spectrum quasars: FSRQ [alpha_r <= 0.50] and 53 steep-spectrum quasars: SSRQ), 36 BL Lacs, and 28 narrow-line radio galaxies. Redshift information is available for 96% of these. Thus our selection technique is ~ 90% efficient at finding radio-loud quasars and BL Lacs. Reaching 5 GHz radio fluxes ~ 50 mJy and 0.1-2.0 keV X-ray fluxes a few x 10^-14 erg/cm^2/s, DXRBS is the faintest and largest flat-spectrum radio sample with nearly complete (~ 85%) identification. We review the properties of the DXRBS blazar sample, including redshift distribution and coverage of the X-ray-radio power plane for quasars and BL Lacs. Additionally, we touch upon the expanded multiwavelength view of blazars provided by DXRBS. By sampling for the first time the faint end of the radio and X-ray luminosity functions, this sample will allow us to investigate the blazar phenomenon and the validity of unified schemes down to relatively low powers.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Postscript file also available at http://www.stsci.edu/~padovani/survey.htm

    The black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1348−-630 in quiescence

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    The properties of the disk/jet coupling in quiescent black hole low mass X-ray binaries (BH LMXBs) are still largely unknown. In this paper we present the first quasi-simultaneous radio and X-ray detection in quiescence of the BH LMXB MAXI J1348−-630, which is known to display a hybrid disk/jet connection that depends on the accretion rate. We performed deep X-ray and radio observations using the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Australia Telescope Compact Array. MAXI J1348−-630 is detected for the first time in quiescence at an X-ray luminosity LX=(7.5±2.9)×1030(D/2.2 kpc)2L_{\rm X} = (7.5 \pm 2.9) \times 10^{30} (D/2.2 \ {\rm kpc})^2 erg s−1^{-1}: one of the lowest X-ray luminosities observed for a quiescent BH LMXB, possibly implying a short orbital period for the system. MAXI J1348−-630 is also detected in radio at LR=(4.3±0.9)×1026(D/2.2 kpc)2L_{\rm R} = (4.3 \pm 0.9) \times 10^{26} (D/2.2 \ {\rm kpc})^2 erg s−1^{-1}. These detections allow us to constrain the location of MAXI J1348−-630 on the radio/X-ray diagram in quiescence, finding that the source belongs to the standard (radio-loud) track in this phase. This provides a strong confirmation that hybrid-correlation sources follow the standard track at low luminosities and down to quiescence, thus improving our knowledge of the disk/jet connection in BH LMXBs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    On the Origin of Radio Emission in the X-ray States of XTE J1650-500 during the 2001-2002 Outburst

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    We report on simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the black hole candidate XTE J1650-500 during the course of its 2001-2002 outburst. The scheduling of the observations allowed us to sample the properties of XTE J1650-50 in different X-ray spectral states, namely the hard state, the steep power-law state and the thermal dominant state, according to the recent spectral classification of McClintock & Remillard. The hard state is consistent with a compact jet dominating the spectral energy distribution at radio frequencies; however, the current data suggest that its contribution as direct synchrotron emission at higher energies may not be significant. In that case, XTE J1650-50 may be dominated by Compton processes (either inverse Comptonization of thermal disk photons and/or SSC from the base of the compact jet) in the X-ray regime. We, surprisingly, detect a faint level of radio emission in the thermal dominant state that may be consistent with the emission of previously ejected material interacting with the interstellar medium, similar (but on a smaller angular scale) to what was observed in XTE J1550-564 by Corbel and co-workers. Based on the properties of radio emission in the steep power-law state of XTE J1650-50, and taking into account the behavior of other black hole candidates (namely GX 339-4, XTE J1550-564, and XTE J1859+226) while in the intermediate and steep power-law states, we are able to present a general pattern of behavior for the origin of radio emission in these two states that could be important for understanding the accretion-ejection coupling very close to the black hole event horizon.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 33 pages, 10 figure

    The large-scale jet-powered radio nebula of Circinus X-1

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    We present multi-epoch observations of the radio nebula around the neutron star X-ray binary Circinus X-1 made at 1.4 and 2.5 GHz with the Australia Telescope Compact Array between October 2000 and September 2004. The nebula can be seen as a result of the interaction between the jet from the system and the interstellar medium and it is likely that we are actually looking toward the central X-ray binary system through the jet-powered radio lobe. The study of the nebula thus offers a unique opportunity to estimate for the first time using calorimetry the energetics of a jet from an object clearly identified as a neutron star. An extensive discussion on the energetics of the complex is presented: a first approach is based on the minimum energy estimation, while a second one employs a self-similar model of the interaction between the jets and the surrounding medium. The results suggest an age for the nebula of \leq 10^5 years and a corresponding time-averaged jet power \geq 10^{35} erg s^{-1}. During periodic flaring episodes, the instantaneous jet power may reach values of similar magnitude to the X-ray luminosity.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    The "universal" radio/X-ray flux correlation : the case study of the black hole GX 339-4

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    The existing radio and X-ray flux correlation for Galactic black holes in the hard and quiescent states relies on a sample which is mostly dominated by two sources (GX 339-4 and V404 Cyg) observed in a single outburst. In this paper, we report on a series of radio and X-ray observations of the recurrent black hole GX 339-4 with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Swift satellites. With our new long term campaign, we now have a total of 88 quasi-simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of GX 339-4 during its hard state, covering a total of seven outbursts over a 15--year period. Our new measurements represent the largest sample for a stellar mass black hole, without any bias from distance uncertainties, over the largest flux variations and down to a level that could be close to quiescence, making GX 339-4 the reference source for comparison with other accreting sources (black holes, neutrons stars, white dwarfs and active galactic nuclei). Our results demonstrate a very strong and stable coupling between radio and X-ray emission, despite several outbursts of different nature and separated by a period of quiescence. The radio and X-ray luminosity correlation of the form L_X ~L_Rad^0.62 +/-0.01 confirms the non-linear coupling between the jet and the inner accretion flow powers and better defines the standard correlation track in the radio-X-ray diagram for stellar mass black holes. We further note epochs of deviations from the fit that significantly exceed the measurement uncertainties, especially during the formation and destruction of the compact jets ...[abridged]. We incorporated our new data in a more global study of black hole candidates strongly supporting a scale invariance in the jet-accretion coupling of accreting black holes, and confirms the existence of two populations of sources in the radio/X-ray diagram.Comment: Paper accepted in MNRAS. 18 pages, 9 figure

    A radio survey of supersoft, persistent and transient X-ray sources in the Magellanic Clouds

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    We present a radio survey of X-ray sources in the Large and Small Magellanic clouds with the Australia Telescope Compact Array at 6.3 and 3.5 cm. Specifically, we have observed the fields of five LMC and two SMC supersoft X-ray sources, the X-ray binaries LMC X-1, X-2, X-3 & X-4, the X-ray transient Nova SMC 1992, and the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 0525-66. None of the targets are detected as point sources at their catalogued positions. In particular, the proposed supersoft jet source RXJ 0513-69 is not detected, placing constraints on its radio luminosity compared to Galactic jet sources. Limits on emission from the black hole candidate systems LMC X-1 and X-3 are consistent with the radio behaviour of persistent Galactic black hole X-ray binaries, and a previous possible radio detection of LMC X-1 is found to almost certainly be due to nearby field sources. The SNR N49 in the field of SGR 0525-66 is mapped at higher resolution than previously, but there is still no evidence for any enhanced emission or disruption of the SNR at the location of the X-ray source.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    X-Ray Emission from the Jets of XTE J1550-564

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    We report on X-ray observations of the the large-scale jets recently discovered in the radio and detected in X-rays from the black hole candidate X-ray transient and microquasar XTE J1550-564. On 11 March 2002, X-ray emission was detected 23 arcsec to the West of the black hole candidate and was extended along the jet axis with a full width at half maximum of 1.2 arcsec and a full width at 10% of maximum intensity of 5 arcsec. The morphology of the X-ray emission matched well to that of the radio emission at the same epoch. The jet moved by 0.52 +/- 0.13 arcsec between 11 March and 19 June 2002. The apparent speed during that interval was 5.2 +/- 1.3 mas/day. This is significantly less than the average apparent speed of 18.1 +/- 0.4 mas/day from 1998 to 2002, assuming that the jet was ejected in September 1998, and indicates that the jet has decelerated. The X-ray spectrum is adequately described by a powerlaw with a photon index near 1.8 subject to interstellar absorption. The unabsorbed X-ray flux was 3.4 x 10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in the 0.3-8 keV band in March 2002, and decreased to 2.9 x 10^-13 erg cm^-2 s^-1 in June. We also detect X-rays from the eastern jet in March 2002 and show that it has decelerated and dimmed since the previous detections in 2000.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 11 pages, several figures in colo
