87 research outputs found

    Hur pÄverkar vÀrdeorientering preferens av organisationsattribut? - En kvantitativ undersökning av relationen mellan materialistisk/postmaterialistisk vÀrdeorientering och preferens av organisationsattribut hos Generation Y

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    I en tid prĂ€glad av globalisering, teknisk innovation och individualism har kampen om talangfulla medarbetare vuxit fram. Arbetsgivarens behov av att framstĂ„ och uppfattas som attraktiv har kommit att bli betydande, speciellt i relation till Generation Y som olikt tidigare generationer byter arbetsgivare flera gĂ„nger under sin yrkeskarriĂ€r. En generationskohort, sĂ„ som Generation Y, bestĂ„r av individer som under sina formativa Ă„r vid en bestĂ€md tid exponeras för samma betydande externa hĂ€ndelser, vilka gör att individerna tenderar att utveckla liknande preferenser, beteende och attityder. DĂ„ arbetsmarknadens generationella sammansĂ€ttning förĂ€ndras och Generation Y successivt utgör en större del blir det viktigare för arbetsgivarna att skrĂ€ddarsy sitt Employer Brand efter generationskohortens preferenser. Enligt Ronald Inglehart har det i de avancerade industrilĂ€nderna i vĂ€st sedan efterkrigstiden skett en övergĂ„ng frĂ„n en prioritering av materialistiska vĂ€rden till postmaterialistiska vĂ€rden, vilken innebĂ€r att vĂ€rden kopplade till sjĂ€lvförverkligande och livskvalitet blir centrala i individens liv. VĂ€rdeförĂ€ndringen pĂ„verkar troligtvis mer specifika vĂ€rden och vĂ€rderingar, sĂ„ som exempelvis preferens av organisationsattribut. Syftet med denna undersökning Ă€r att undersöka relationen mellan Generation Y-studenters vĂ€rdeorientering och preferens av organisationsattribut, genom att testa undersökningens hypotes: Individens vĂ€rdeorientering pĂ„verkar individens preferens av organisationsattribut. Generations- och kohortteori anvĂ€nds tillsammans med Ingleharts teori om den tysta revolutionen för att tillsammans med mĂ€tinstrument för vĂ€rdeorientering och preferens av organisationsattribut besvara undersökningens frĂ„gestĂ€llningar och testa undersökningens hypotes. En kvantitativ surveyundersökning utförs med hjĂ€lp av elektroniska enkĂ€ter för att samla in data, och bearbetning av data görs i IBM SPSS. Majoriteten av respondenterna har en vĂ€rdeorientering som bestĂ„r av bĂ„de materialistiska och postmaterialistiska vĂ€rden, men postmaterialistiska vĂ€rden tenderar att prioriteras högre Ă€n materialistiska. Organisationsattribut frĂ„n kategorin ”MĂ€nniskor & kultur” anses som mest attraktiva, medan attributen frĂ„n kategorin ”ErsĂ€ttning & möjlighet att avancera” anses som minst attraktiva. Trots att preferens av organisationsattribut varierar beroende pĂ„ vĂ€rdeorientering, föreligger inget statistiskt samband mellan vĂ€rdeorientering och preferens av organisationsattribut.In an era characterized by globalization, technological innovation and individualism the battle for top talent has emerged. Employers’ need to be seen and perceived as attractive have become significant, especially in relation to Generation Y that unlike previous generations change employer several times during their professional careers. A generational cohort, as Generation Y, consists of individuals who during their formative years are exposed to the same significant external events, which means that the individuals tend to develop similar preferences, behavior and attitudes. The change of generational composition in the work force and the fact that Generation Y gradually constitutes a major part of it, makes it more important for the employers to tailor their Employer Brand to the preferences of the generational cohort. According to Ronald Inglehart, since the postwar period a change of priority from materialist values to post-materialist values has occurred in the advanced industrial countries in the West, which means that values linked to self-fulfillment and quality of life is central in the life of the individual. More specific values are probably affected by the value change, such as preference of organizational attributes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between Generation Y students' value orientation and preference of organizational attributes by testing the hypothesis: The individual value orientation affects the individual preference of organizational attributes. Generation- and cohort theory is used together with Inglehart's theory of the silent revolution, in order to together with measuring instruments for value orientation and preferences of organizational attributes answer the survey questions and test the survey's hypothesis. A quantitative survey is conducted using electronic questionnaires in order to collect data, and the data is processed in IBM SPSS. The majority of respondents have a value orientation that consists of both materialist and post-materialist values, but post-materialist values tend to be given higher priority than materialistic. Organizational attributes from the category ‘People & Culture’ is considered as most attractive, while the attributes of the category ‘Compensation & opportunities for advancement’ is considered the least attractive. Despite the preference of organizational attributes varying depending on the value orientation, there is no statistical relationship between value orientation and preference of organizational attributes

    Torture memo : en legitimering av tortyr som normaltillstÄnd

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    After 9/11 2001, the U.S. government proclaimed war on terror. In the purpose to prohibit future attacks on the U.S. and their civilian a secret work started at the Office of Legal Councile to define and guideline actions in the war of terror. The first memorandum is named The Bybee Torture Memo and started up an extensive activity to legitimize the use of torture against terror suspected. From several sources this has been lifted to a legitimization of interrogation methods and considered a normalization of torture. The purpose of my paper is, with the help of normalization theory, to examine whether the Bybee Torture Memo can considered being part of a normalization process of torture. I have used a theory named Normalization Process Theory (NPT) to make an analyze of the Bybee Torture Memo to see if it is possible even to theoretically talk about it as a normalization. I have made a content analyze of the memorandum with the help of NPT and come to the conclusion that it is possible to talk about the memorandum as a part of a normalization process. I had to leave some part of the NPT beside as I have not studied the institutional process as a whole. If I could include even the other memorandums that use to be included in the Torture memo and if I could follow the organizational practice in field, the analyze could be more complete and perhaps also have changed the outcome. Key words: The Bybee Torture Memo, Torture, Torture Memo, Normalization, Normalization Process Theory Abstrakt Efter attackerna den 11 september Är 2001 proklamerade den amerikanska staten kriget mot terrorism. I jakten pÄ terrorister har det genom hemligstÀmplade dokument som lÀckt till media visat sig att speciella förhörsmetoder av fÄngar tillÀmpas för att utvinna information om terrornÀtverk och dess planer. FrÄn flera hÄll har det lyfts att en legitimering av förhörsmetoderna skapar en normalisering av tortyr. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att med hjÀlp av Normalization Process Theory (NPT) för att göra en analys av Bybee Torture Memo för att se om det Àr teoretiskt möjligt att tala om en normalisering. Metoden jag anvÀnder mig av Àr utformad frÄn Normalization Process Theory. Med hjÀlp av NPT nÄr jag slutsatsen att det Àr möjligt att tala om Bybee Torture Memo som en del i en normaliseringsprocess

    Indikationer pÄ maktförskjutning frÄn stater till företag : en studie om Global Compact princip 1 och princip 2

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    Syfte med min uppsats Àr att undersöka huruvida det finns nÄgra indikationer pÄ en möjlig maktförskjutning av staters ansvar för de mÀnskliga rÀttigheterna till att handla om företagen ansvar för dem, i Global Combact princip 1 och 2. För detta syfte har jag formulerat frÄgestÀllningen: Finns det i princip 1 och 2 i Global Compact indikatorer pÄ att en maktförskjutning kan ske frÄn stater till företag i relation till mÀnskliga rÀttighete., och hur kommer dessa i sÄ fall till uttryck? Den teoretiska referensramen i uppsatsen utgörs av Franzéns relationella maktbegrepp och det verktyg, makttriangeln, han skapat för att kunna studera hur makt opererar. Makttriangeln kombinerar tre verktyg och begrepp för att undersöka och förstÄ makt: diskurser, resurser och kontexter. Till detta har jag sedan fogat begreppen tolkningsföretrÀde och ansvar. Metoden jag anvÀnt mig av för att undersöka princip 1 och 2 Àr innehÄllsanalys dÀr jag konstruerat en analysram i vilken jag tagit fasta pÄ den teoretiska referensramen och de centrala begrepp den innehÄller. Genom min analys finner jag att det i princip 1 och 2 finns flera indikationer pÄ en maktförskjutning vilken tar sig i uttryck exempelvis genom att FN, i de bÄda principerna, ger företagen tolkningsföretrÀde. Detta genom att det ges utrymme för företagen att tolka vilka rÀttigheter de anser vara de mest relevanta för företagets kÀrnverksamhet för att sedan agera i relation till dem

    Preparation of silk fibroin–poly(ethylene glycol) conjugate films through click chemistry

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    Azide silk fibroin (azido SF) and alkyne terminal poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) 2000 (acetylene-terminal PEG 2000) were synthesized. Azido SF was reacted with acetylene-terminal PEG 2000 to produce films via a copper-mediated 1,3-cycloaddition (‘click’ chemistry) generating a triazole linkage as the networking forming reaction. Through click chemistry, novel silk-based films with various weight ratios were prepared and investigated. Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry analyses showed that the ordered association of the PEG molecules is strongly constrained by the presence of the SF molecules and crosslinking and that the presence of acetylene-terminal PEG 2000 in the films induced crystallization to a ÎČ-sheet of SF chains.Water content and contact angle measurements indicated that the hydrophilicity of the films increased compared with SF. SF–PEG films exhibited smooth and rough structures, depending on degree of crosslinking and on the weight ratio of SF and PEG, as shown by scanning electron microscopy

    Electrospray deposition in vacuum as method to create functionally active protein immobilization on polymeric substrates

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    We demonstrate in this work the deposition of a large biological molecule (fibronectin) on polymeric substrates in a high vacuum environment using an electrospray deposition system. Fibronectin was deposited and its distribution and structure investigated and retention of function (ability to promote cell adhesion) on return to liquid environment is shown. AFM was used to monitor changes in the morphology of the surface before and after fibronectin deposition, whilst the biological activity of the deposited protein is assessed through a quantitative analysis of the biomolecular adhesion and migration of fibroblast cells to the modified surfaces. For the first time we have demonstrated that using high vacuum electrospray deposition it is possible to deposit large protein molecules on polymeric surfaces whilst maintaining the protein activity. The deposition of biological molecules such as proteins with the retention of their activity onto clean well-controlled surfaces under vacuum condition, offers the possibility for future studies utilizing high resolution vacuum based techniques at the atomic and molecular scale providing a greater understanding of protein–surface interface behaviour of relevance to a wide range of applications such as in sensors, diagnostics and tissue engineering

    A local glucose-and oxygen concentration-based insulin secretion model for pancreatic islets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because insulin is the main regulator of glucose homeostasis, quantitative models describing the dynamics of glucose-induced insulin secretion are of obvious interest. Here, a computational model is introduced that focuses not on organism-level concentrations, but on the quantitative modeling of local, cellular-level glucose-insulin dynamics by incorporating the detailed spatial distribution of the concentrations of interest within isolated avascular pancreatic islets.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>All nutrient consumption and hormone release rates were assumed to follow Hill-type sigmoid dependences on local concentrations. Insulin secretion rates depend on both the glucose concentration and its time-gradient, resulting in second-and first-phase responses, respectively. Since hypoxia may also be an important limiting factor in avascular islets, oxygen and cell viability considerations were also built in by incorporating and extending our previous islet cell oxygen consumption model. A finite element method (FEM) framework is used to combine reactive rates with mass transport by convection and diffusion as well as fluid-mechanics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model was calibrated using experimental results from dynamic glucose-stimulated insulin release (GSIR) perifusion studies with isolated islets. Further optimization is still needed, but calculated insulin responses to stepwise increments in the incoming glucose concentration are in good agreement with existing experimental insulin release data characterizing glucose and oxygen dependence. The model makes possible the detailed description of the intraislet spatial distributions of insulin, glucose, and oxygen levels. In agreement with recent observations, modeling also suggests that smaller islets perform better when transplanted and/or encapsulated.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An insulin secretion model was implemented by coupling local consumption and release rates to calculations of the spatial distributions of all species of interest. The resulting glucose-insulin control system fits in the general framework of a sigmoid proportional-integral-derivative controller, a generalized PID controller, more suitable for biological systems, which are always nonlinear due to the maximum response being limited. Because of the general framework of the implementation, simulations can be carried out for arbitrary geometries including cultured, perifused, transplanted, and encapsulated islets.</p

    Open Security Intelligence, analysis and countermeasures

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    In the past decades, the size of the internet and digital world has grown enormously. Today's businesses are operating entirely online and thus bringing with them all of their costumers' personal details. Digital profiling is a practice that immerse from different necessities such a criminal profiling for proactively identifying malicious actions but also for users profiling for marketing campaigns. In this research we tackling the different digital profiling techniques and methodologies in order to analyze and propose potential counter measures which may aspect the success rate of identifying and profiling an individual. Based on that, we are analyzing OSINT tools, past research papers and existing methodologies in an attempt to aggregate the techniques used and comment on possible ways that might make the profiling phase a step more difficult. Finally, we also propose potential improvements that can be applied in the future that will assist the scope of this research

    Intervention i Libyen

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    Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att undersöka vad som ledde fram till beslutet att intervenera i Libyen. För detta blev det av intresse att titta nÀrmare pÄ de skÀl som sÀkerhetsrÄdets medlemmar angett för att vidta denna handling. FrÄgestÀllningarna formulerade för att undersöka detta lyder: Vilka explicita skÀl ges frÄn sÀkerhetsrÄdet medlemmar till att intervenera i Libyen? Vilka andra implicita orsaker kan finnas till att sÀkerhetsrÄdets medlemmar valt denna handling? För att undersöka medlemslÀndernas explicita och möjliga implicita orsaker till att intervenera i Libyen, tar jag hjÀlp av Rational Actor Model. Det material vilket jag frÀmst anvÀnder mig av för analysen Àr dokument frÄn FN:s sÀkerhetsrÄd samt artiklar skrivna av forskare inom juridik och internationella relationer. Metoden vilken jag anvÀnt för att analysera materialet Àr innehÄllsanalys. Genom att analysera dokumenten frÄn FN:s sÀkerhetsrÄd och de tvÄ forskarnas artiklar kom jag fram till att det explicita skÀl vilka ges frÄn medlemsstaterna Àr skydd av civila dÄ regimen inte kunnat göra detta dÄ regimen sjÀlv var de som utsatte civilbefolkningen för fara. Hur handlandet skulle gÄ till och vilka alternativ medlemsstaterna hade, skiljer sig beroende pÄ stat. De implicita orsaker till medlemsstaternas handlande kan vara, att stÀrka sin egen roll i hemlandet eller för att kunna ha ett tÀtt samarbete med Libyens framtida regering och militÀr
