28 research outputs found

    Estimation of inbreeding depression on female fertility in the Finnish Ayrshire population

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    Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data enable the estimation of inbreeding at the genome level. In this study, we estimated inbreeding levels for 19,075 Finnish Ayrshire cows genotyped with a low-density SNP panel (8K). The genotypes were imputed to 50K density, and after quality control, 39,144 SNPs remained for the analysis. Inbreeding coefficients were estimated for each animal based on the percentage of homozygous SNPs (F-PH), runs of homozygosity (F-ROH) and pedigree (F-PED). Phenotypic records were available for 13,712 animals including non-return rate (NRR), number of inseminations (AIS) and interval from first to last insemination (IFL) for heifers and up to three parities for cows, as well as interval from calving to first insemination (ICF) for cows. Average F-PED was 0.02, F-ROH 0.06 and F-PH 0.63. A correlation of 0.71 was found between F-PED and F-ROH, 0.66 between F-PED and F-PH and 0.94 between F-ROH and F-PH. Pedigree-based inbreeding coefficients did not show inbreeding depression in any of the traits. However, when F-ROH or F-PH was used as a covariate, significant inbreeding depression was observed; a 10% increase in F-ROH was associated with 5days longer IFL0 and IFL1, 2weeks longer IFL3 and 3days longer ICF2 compared to non-inbred cows.Peer reviewe

    Principal component and factor analytic models in international sire evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Interbull is a non-profit organization that provides internationally comparable breeding values for globalized dairy cattle breeding programmes. Due to different trait definitions and models for genetic evaluation between countries, each biological trait is treated as a different trait in each of the participating countries. This yields a genetic covariance matrix of dimension equal to the number of countries which typically involves high genetic correlations between countries. This gives rise to several problems such as over-parameterized models and increased sampling variances, if genetic (co)variance matrices are considered to be unstructured.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Principal component (PC) and factor analytic (FA) models allow highly parsimonious representations of the (co)variance matrix compared to the standard multi-trait model and have, therefore, attracted considerable interest for their potential to ease the burden of the estimation process for multiple-trait across country evaluation (MACE). This study evaluated the utility of PC and FA models to estimate variance components and to predict breeding values for MACE for protein yield. This was tested using a dataset comprising Holstein bull evaluations obtained in 2007 from 25 countries.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 19 principal components or nine factors were needed to explain the genetic variation in the test dataset. Estimates of the genetic parameters under the optimal fit were almost identical for the two approaches. Furthermore, the results were in a good agreement with those obtained from the full rank model and with those provided by Interbull. The estimation time was shortest for models fitting the optimal number of parameters and prolonged when under- or over-parameterized models were applied. Correlations between estimated breeding values (EBV) from the PC19 and PC25 were unity. With few exceptions, correlations between EBV obtained using FA and PC approaches under the optimal fit were ≥ 0.99. For both approaches, EBV correlations decreased when the optimal model and models fitting too few parameters were compared.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genetic parameters from the PC and FA approaches were very similar when the optimal number of principal components or factors was fitted. Over-fitting increased estimation time and standard errors of the estimates but did not affect the estimates of genetic correlations or the predictions of breeding values, whereas fitting too few parameters affected bull rankings in different countries.</p

    Principal component approach in variance component estimation for international sire evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The dairy cattle breeding industry is a highly globalized business, which needs internationally comparable and reliable breeding values of sires. The international Bull Evaluation Service, Interbull, was established in 1983 to respond to this need. Currently, Interbull performs multiple-trait across country evaluations (MACE) for several traits and breeds in dairy cattle and provides international breeding values to its member countries. Estimating parameters for MACE is challenging since the structure of datasets and conventional use of multiple-trait models easily result in over-parameterized genetic covariance matrices. The number of parameters to be estimated can be reduced by taking into account only the leading principal components of the traits considered. For MACE, this is readily implemented in a random regression model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This article compares two principal component approaches to estimate variance components for MACE using real datasets. The methods tested were a REML approach that directly estimates the genetic principal components (direct PC) and the so-called bottom-up REML approach (bottom-up PC), in which traits are sequentially added to the analysis and the statistically significant genetic principal components are retained. Furthermore, this article evaluates the utility of the bottom-up PC approach to determine the appropriate rank of the (co)variance matrix.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our study demonstrates the usefulness of both approaches and shows that they can be applied to large multi-country models considering all concerned countries simultaneously. These strategies can thus replace the current practice of estimating the covariance components required through a series of analyses involving selected subsets of traits. Our results support the importance of using the appropriate rank in the genetic (co)variance matrix. Using too low a rank resulted in biased parameter estimates, whereas too high a rank did not result in bias, but increased standard errors of the estimates and notably the computing time.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In terms of estimation's accuracy, both principal component approaches performed equally well and permitted the use of more parsimonious models through random regression MACE. The advantage of the bottom-up PC approach is that it does not need any previous knowledge on the rank. However, with a predetermined rank, the direct PC approach needs less computing time than the bottom-up PC.</p

    The effects of cow genetic group on the density of raw whole milk

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    peer reviewedThe density of milk is dependent upon various factors including temperature, processing conditions, and animal breed. This study evaluated the effect of different cow genetic groups, Jersey, elite Holstein Friesians (EHF), and national average Holstein Friesians (NAHF) on the compositional and physicochemical properties of milk. Approximately 1,040 representative (morning and evening) milk samples (~115 per month during 9 mo) were collected once every 2 wk. Milk composition was determined with a Bentley Dairyspec instrument. Data were analysed with a mixed linear model that included the fixed effects of sampling month, genetic group, interaction between month and genetic group and the random effects of cow to account for repeated measures on the same animal. Milk density was determined using three different analytical approaches – a portable and a standard desktop density meter and 100 cm3 calibrated glass pycnometers. Milk density was analysed with the same mixed model as for milk composition but including the analytical method as a fixed effect. Jersey cows had the greatest mean for fat content (5.69 ± 0.13%), followed by EHF (4.81 ± 0.16%) and NAHF (4.30 ± 0.15%). Milk density was significantly higher (1.0313 g/cm³ ± 0.00026, P < 0.05) for the milk of Jersey breed when compared to the EHF (1.0304 ± 0.00026 g/cm³) and NAHF (1.0303 ± 0.00024 g/cm³) genetic groups. The results from this study can be used by farmers and dairy processors alike to enhance accuracy when calculating the quantity and value of milk solids depending upon the genetic merit of the animal/herd, and may also improve milk payment systems through relating milk solids content and density

    Genetic parameters for female fertility in Nordic dairy cattle

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    Proceedings of the 2015 Interbull meeting, Orlando, Florida, July 09-12, 2015201