414 research outputs found

    Kaluza-Klein Dark Matter and the Positron Excess

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    The excess of cosmic positrons observed by the HEAT experiment may be the result of Kaluza-Klein dark matter annihilating in the galactic halo. Kaluza-Klein dark matter annihilates dominantly into charged leptons that yield a large number and hard spectrum of positrons per annihilation. Given a Kaluza-Klein dark matter particle with a mass in the range of 300-400 GeV, no exceptional substructure or clumping is needed in the local distribution of dark matter to generate a positron flux that explains the HEAT observations. This is in contrast to supersymmetric dark matter that requires unnaturally large amounts of dark substructure to produce the observed positron excess. Future astrophysical and collider tests are outlined that will confirm or rule out this explanation of the HEAT data.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX

    A New Greenhouse Method to Assay Soybean Resistance to Brown Stem Rot

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    Greenhouse, growth chamber, and field experiments were conducted to develop a method to assess resistance of soybeans to Cadophora gregata (Phialophora gregata), causal agent of brown stem rot (BSR). In the new method, C. gregata is introduced at the base of the stems of 2-week-old soybeans, and the presence of the fungus is assessed in the tips of the stems 5 weeks later. To test the effectiveness of the method, two populations of soybeans and 10 checks were inoculated at the stem base and then assayed for fungal colonization of the stem tips, percentage of symptomatic leaflets, and percent internal stem length discolored. The lines also were planted in naturally infested fields to assess for percent internal stem length discolored, and were tested for the presence/absence of a BSR-resistant molecular marker. Greenhouse, field, and molecular marker data were compared. Linear regression analysis suggested that percentage of plants with colonized stem tips explained 41 to 64% of the variability (P \u3c 0.0001) in percent stem length discolored in the field and 58 to 85% of the variability (P \u3c 0.0001) in molecular marker data for BSR resistance. Percent stem length discolored assessed in the greenhouse had the lowest correlation with percent stem length discolored in the field and with the molecular marker. Of three incubation temperatures tested, 22°C was the most conducive for distinguishing resistant/susceptible soybeans using the colonization method

    Recognizing the Fundamental Right to be Fat: A Weight-Inclusive Approach to Size Acceptance and Healing From Sizeism

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record.Sizeism permeates and shapes how scientific and professional communities—including therapists—perceive, understand, and behave toward anyone considered fat. In this article, we use scientific evidence to argue for the recognition and establishment of fat acceptance to subvert sizeism. We first critically review the Weight Normative Approach, which dominates scientific discourse on weight, despite being based on sizeist assumptions that are discredited by data. We then articulate the tenets of the Weight Inclusive Approach, which honors size diversity and the promotion of wellness within a social justice framework. We end with strategies for therapists to align their practice with the Weight Inclusive Approach

    On a Solar Origin for the Cosmogenic Nuclide Event of 775 A.D.

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    We explore requirements for a solar particle event (SPE) and flare capable of producing the cosmogenic nuclide event of 775 A.D., and review solar circumstances at that time. A solar source for 775 would require a greater than 1 GV spectrum approximately 45 times stronger than that of the intense high-energy SPE of 1956 February 23. This implies a greater than 30 MeV proton fluence (F(sub 30)) of approximately 8 10(exp 10) proton cm(exp 2), approximately 10 times larger than that of the strongest 3 month interval of SPE activity in the modern era. This inferred F(sub 30) value for the 775 SPE is inconsistent with the occurrence probability distribution for greater than 30 MeV solar proton events. The best guess value for the soft X-ray classification (total energy) of an associated flare is approximately X230 (approximately 9 10(exp 33) erg). For comparison, the flares on 2003 November 4 and 1859 September 1 had observed/inferred values of approximately X35 (approximately 10(exp 33) erg) and approximately X45 (approximately 2 10(exp 33) erg), respectively. The estimated size of the source active region for a approximately 10(exp 34) erg flare is approximately 2.5 times that of the largest region yet recorded. The 775 event occurred during a period of relatively low solar activity, with a peak smoothed amplitude about half that of the second half of the 20th century. The approximately 1945-1995 interval, the most active of the last approximately 2000 yr, failed to witness a SPE comparable to that required for the proposed solar event in 775. These considerations challenge a recent suggestion that the 775 event is likely of solar origin

    The Longitudinal Properties of a Solar Energetic Particle Event Investigated Using Modern Solar Imaging

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    We use combined high-cadence, high-resolution, and multi-point imaging by the Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) and the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory to investigate the hour-long eruption of a fast and wide coronal mass ejection (CME) on 2011 March 21 when the twin STEREO spacecraft were located beyond the solar limbs. We analyze the relation between the eruption of the CME, the evolution of an Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) wave, and the onset of a solar energetic particle (SEP) event measured in situ by the STEREO and near-Earth orbiting spacecraft. Combined ultraviolet and white-light images of the lower corona reveal that in an initial CME lateral "expansion phase," the EUV disturbance tracks the laterally expanding flanks of the CME, both moving parallel to the solar surface with speeds of ~450 km s^(–1). When the lateral expansion of the ejecta ceases, the EUV disturbance carries on propagating parallel to the solar surface but devolves rapidly into a less coherent structure. Multi-point tracking of the CME leading edge and the effects of the launched compression waves (e.g., pushed streamers) give anti-sunward speeds that initially exceed 900 km s^(–1) at all measured position angles. We combine our analysis of ultraviolet and white-light images with a comprehensive study of the velocity dispersion of energetic particles measured in situ by particle detectors located at STEREO-A (STA) and first Lagrange point (L1), to demonstrate that the delayed solar particle release times at STA and L1 are consistent with the time required (30-40 minutes) for the CME to perturb the corona over a wide range of longitudes. This study finds an association between the longitudinal extent of the perturbed corona (in EUV and white light) and the longitudinal extent of the SEP event in the heliosphere

    Occurrence of extreme solar particle events: Assessment from historical proxy data

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    The probability of occurrence of extreme solar particle events (SPEs) with the fluence of (>30 MeV) protons F30>10^{10} cm^{-2} is evaluated based on data of cosmogenic isotopes 14C and 10Be in terrestrial archives centennial-millennial time scales. Four potential candidates with F30=(1-1.5)x10^{10} cm^{-2} and no events with F30>2x10^{10} cm^{-2} are identified since 1400 AD in the annually resolved 10Be data. A strong SPE related to the Carrington flare of 1859 AD is not supported by the data. For the last 11400 years, 19 SPE candidates with F30=(1-3)x10^{10} cm^{-2} are found and clearly no event with F30>5x10^{10} cm^{-2} (50-fold the SPE of 23-Feb-1956) occurring. This values serve as an observational upper limit for the strength of SPE on the time scale of tens of millennia. Two events, ca. 780 and 1460 AD, appear in different data series making them strong candidates to extreme SPEs. We built a distribution of the occurrence probability of extreme SPEs, providing a new strict observational constraint. Practical limits can be set as F30~1x, 2-3x, and 5x10^{10} cm^{-2} for the occurrence probability ~10^{-2}, 10^{-3} and 10^{-4} year^{-1}, respectively. Because of uncertainties, our results should be interpreted as a conservative upper limit of the SPE occurrence near Earth. The mean SEP flux is evaluated as ~40 (cm2 sec)^{-1} in agreement with estimates from the lunar rocks. On average, extreme SPEs contribute about 10% to the total SEP fluence.Comment: accepted to Astrophys.

    MeV-mass dark matter and primordial nucleosynthesis

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    The annihilation of new dark matter candidates with masses mXm_X in the MeV range may account for the galactic positrons that are required to explain the 511 keV Îł\gamma-ray flux from the galactic bulge. We study the impact of MeV-mass thermal relic particles on the primordial synthesis of 2^2H, 4^4He, and 7^7Li. If the new particles are in thermal equilibrium with neutrinos during the nucleosynthesis epoch they increase the helium mass fraction for m_X\alt 10 MeV and are thus disfavored. If they couple primarily to the electromagnetic plasma they can have the opposite effect of lowering both helium and deuterium. For mX=4m_X=4--10 MeV they can even improve the overall agreement between the predicted and observed 2^2H and 4^4He abundances.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, references and two appendices added, conclusions unchanged; accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Soybean Cyst Nematode Reduces Soybean Yield Without Causing Obvious Aboveground Symptoms

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    Field experiments were conducted at locations in northern and southern Illinois, central Iowa, and central Missouri from 1997 to 1999 to investigate the effects of Heterodera glycines on soybean growth, development, and yield. A wide range of infestation levels was present at all locations. Two locally adapted cultivars, one resistant to H. glycines, were grown at each location. Cultivars were planted in alternating four-row strips with 76 cm between rows. For each cultivar, 20 1-m-long single-row plots were sampled every 2 weeks starting 4 weeks after planting. Infection by H. glycines reduced plant height and leaf and stem weight on the resistant cultivars in the first 12 weeks after planting, and delayed pod and seed development 12 to 14 weeks after planting. Biomass accumulation was not reduced on the susceptible cultivars until 10 weeks after planting; reduction in pod and seed development occurred throughout the reproductive stages. Susceptible cultivars produced significantly lower yields than resistant cultivars, but the yield reductions were not accompanied by visually detectable symptoms
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