22 research outputs found

    Benzodiazepiny - działanie i zastosowanie w ratownictwie medycznym

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    Celem prezentowanej pracy jest zapoznaniem się z grupą leków należących do pochodnych benzodiazpeiny ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem benzodiazepin stosowanych w ratownictwie medycznym. Pierwsza części pracy to rys historyczny oraz ogólny opis pochodnych benzodiazepiny-1,4 i ich zastosowanie. W kolejnej części opisano ich mechanizm działania, który polega na wiązaniu się ze specjalnym miejscem w receptorze GABAA zwanym receptorem benzodiazepinowym. Trzeci rozdział to opis metabolizmu leków z tej grupy, jak również wskazania do zastosowania i ich działania niepożądane oraz ich podział ze względu na czas działania. W dalszej części w sposób szczegółowy opisane zostały benzodiazepiny stosowane w ratownictwie medycznym, do których należą diazepam, klonazepam i midazolam. W opisie każdego z tych leków przedstawiono ich mechanizm działania, dawkowanie, wskazania do stosowania, działania niepożądane oraz przeciwwskazania.This work aims to provide a detailed description of benzodiazepines benzodiazepine used in emergency care. In the first part of the work described historical and in a general way what are the benzodiazepines and that apply. Next, a mechanism of benzodiazepines and description of its effect on the GABA receptor. The third chapter is discussed in the metabolism of these drugs and divided because of the time of action. Next the adverse reactions which may occur in connection with the administration of benzodiazepines. After the general description of the whole group of drugs described in detail benzodiazepines have been used in medical emergencies or diazepam, clonazepam and midazolam. In the description of each of these medicines its mechanism of action, the dosage indication for administration. side effects and contraindications

    Root Biomass and Morphological Characterization of Energy Willow Stumps

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    Energy willow plantations are used in cycles of 20–25 years. After such a period of use, or earlier, plantations should be liquidated. In the case of arable land, liquidation of a plantation also means restoration of the original production properties of the soil. In particular, this means: permanent elimination of the possibility of plant regrowth from the above-ground rootstock and root systems and disintegration and mixing of the above-ground rootstock and root systems. The present authors undertook the task of developing a technology for stump removal on energy willow plantations that would have the advantage of lower energy consumption and execution costs than the technologies used so far. The development of a new machine for the disintegration of the above-ground rootstock and root systems requires recognition of the variability of their morphological parameters and their biomass. For that purpose, a head for planting trees was used to sample rootstocks and extract them, and a number of biometric parameters were determined with the division into thickness fractions. The average biomass of the root system of an energy willow shrub with a butt-end of approx. 10 cm in height was 3.1 kg, of which the butt-end and roots with a diameter greater than 30 mm accounted for more than 73%. The vertical and horizontal range of thick roots, which should be ground during plantation liquidation, is small and amounts to approx. 26 and 29 cm, respectively. This justifies the use of machines that work along strips of land during plantation reclamation

    Design of a Planting Module for an Automatic Device for Forest Regeneration

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    Forest regeneration by means of seedlings grown in container nurseries is usually performed manually with the use of the standard dibble bar or the tube dibble. Manual placement of a large number of seedlings in the soil requires a lot of work. Manual removal of the soil cover and digging the soil in spots with a diameter of 0.4 m requires, under average conditions, about 38 man-hours/ha, while planting with a dibble bar requires about 34 man-hours/ha. Additional work time is needed to carry seedlings over an area that is being afforested. At present, forestry does not have automatic planters that would enable the establishment of forest cultures. The aim of the paper is to present the concept of an autonomous robot and an innovative technology of performing forest regeneration and afforestation of former agricultural and reclaimed areas. The paper also presents the design solutions of the key working unit, which is a universal, openable dibble, cooperating with a three-toothed shaft to prepare a planting spot. The solution proposed enables continuous operation of the machine, i.e. without the need to stop the base vehicle

    The possibility of applying a quality management system based on the international standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 90003:2018

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    Celem pracy było (1) zbadanie możliwości wdrożenia systemu zarządzania jakością w oparciu o normę ISO 90003:2018, a także (2) stworzenie podstaw do wdrożenia tej normy w firmach tworzących oprogramowanie. W pracy zawarto omówienie normy ISO 90003:2018 oraz (3) porównanie jej z założeniami normy ISO 9001:2015. Zaproponowana koncepcja wdrożenia systemu zarządzania jakością zakłada, że firmy tworzące oprogramowanie pracują w metodyce Scrum lub innych metodykach zwinnych.The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the possibility of applying a quality management system based on the ISO 90003:2018 standard, and (2) to create the foundation for implementation of this standard in software development companies. The paper describes ISO 90003: 2018 standard and compares it with the criteria of ISO 9001: 2015 standard. The proposed concept of implementing a quality management system assumes that software development companies work in Scrum or other agile methodologies

    Polish pneumatic separator for forest trees seeds

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    Opisany uniwersalny, podciśnieniowy separator przeznaczony do czyszczenia i sortowania nasion drzew leśnych z gatunków lekko- i ciężkonasiennych jest konkurencyjny w porównaniu do mało dokładnych separatorów mechanicznych i drogich separatorów pneumatycznych o wąskim zakresie rozmiarów obrabianych nasion. Separator pozwala na rozdział na 2 frakcje. Jest on niewielkim urządzeniem mobilnym. Wstępne badania separatora wykazały znacząco lepszą efektywność procesu separacji w porównaniu z urządzeniami pracującymi w Polsce.In the paper described is a new universal of partial vacuum type separator for cleaning and sorting of forest trees seeds of the light and heavy seeds species. The new separator is a competitive machine when compared with inaccurate mechanical separators and with expensive pneumatic separators which have too little range of sizes of processed seeds. The new separator is a compact type of mobile device and separates the seeds into two fractions. Preliminary testing of the separator showed its essentially better effectiveness of the separation process in comparison with other separators working in Poland

    Influence of Scarification on the Germination Capacity of Acorns Harvested from Uneven-Aged Stands of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.)

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    Scarification involves the partial removal of the seed coat on the side of the hilum, opposite the radicle, to speed up germination in acorns. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of scarification on the germination capacity of pedunculate oak acorns, selected and prepared for sowing. The diameter, length and mass of acorns were measured before and after scarification in four batches of acorns harvested from uneven-aged trees (76, 91, 131 and 161 years). The measured parameters were used to determine the correlations between acorn dimensions and mass, and to calculate the dimensional scarification index and the mass scarification index in acorns. Individual complete and scarified acorns from every batch were germinated on sand and peat substrate for 28 days. The analyzed acorns were characterized by average size and mass. Scarification decreased acorn mass by around 22% and acorn length by around 31% on average. Scarification and the elimination of infected acorns increased germination capacity from around 64% to around 81% on average. Acorns can be divided into size groups before scarification to obtain seed material with varied germination capacity. Larger acorns with higher germination capacity can be used for sowing in container nurseries, whereas smaller acorns with lower germination capacity can be sown in open-field nurseries

    Nursery squeezer of seedlings from polystyrene containers

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    Autorzy współpracując z polskimi producentami maszyn i urządzeń dla gospodarki leśnej, opracowali szereg nowych rozwiązań zwłaszcza z obszaru nasiennictwa i szkółkarstwa leśnego. Wprowadzenie na szeroką skalę hodowli sadzonek drzew leśnych na bazie tzw. modelu francuskiego - w kontenerach styropianowych - niesie wiele korzyści, natomiast problemem technologicznym są trudności w wydobyciu sadzonek celem wysadzania lub przechowywania w chłodni. W ramach prac badawczo-rozwojowych dokonano pomiaru sił jednostkowych potrzebnych do odspojenia bryłek korzeniowych oraz opracowano konstrukcję kompaktowej wyciskarki sadzonek.In cooperation with Polish producers of forest management machinery and equipment, the present authors have developed a number of novel solutions, especially in the field of seed production and forest nursery. The large-scale introduction of forest tree seedling cultivation based on the so-called French model, i.e. in foamed polystyrene containers, has many benefits, while the technological problem lies in the difficulty of extracting seedlings in order to plant them or store in a cold store. The present research and development project included measurement of the unit forces needed for root ball detachment as well as construction of a compact seedling squeezer

    A cultivation unit for forest nursery seedbeds

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    Hodowla sadzonek drzew leśnych w korytach (inspektach Dunemanna) daje możliwość intensyfikacji produkcji leśnego materiału rozmnożeniowego, jednak konstrukcja samych obiektów nie sprzyja mechanizacji poszczególnych zabiegów agrotechnicznych. Przygotowanie podłoża odbywa się zwykle poprzez ręczny wysiew nawozu i mieszanie go z substratem za pomocą ręcznie prowadzonej glebogryzarki napędzanej silnikiem spalinowym, następnie zagrabienie i uwałowanie powierzchni. W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano urządzenie, które nie ma odpowiednika w technice szkółkarskiej, umożliwiające precyzyjne dozowanie nawozu, mieszanie z podłożem do zadanej głębokości, formowanie powierzchni siewnej oraz wałowanie gleby. Czasochłonność przygotowania podłoża przy wykorzystaniu agregatu nowej konstrukcji w porównaniu do tradycyjnej ręcznej technologii jest ponad 8-krotnie mniejsza.Forest tree seedling cultivation in Dunemann seedbeds facilitates the intensification of production of forest reproductive material. However, the construction of seedbeds themselves is not conducive to mechanisation of individual agrotechno-logical operations. Substrate preparation is usually performed by manual spreading of a fertiliser and by mixing it with the substrate by means of a manually operated rotary tiller powered by an internal combustion engine, which is followed by surface raking and compaction. This study presents a device that has no equivalent in nursery technology. The unit en-ables precise measurement of a fertiliser amount, mixing it with the soil to a given depth, forming a sowing surface, and soil compaction. Thanks to the use of the novel cultivation unit, the time-consuming substrate preparation becomes over 8 times lower as compared to the traditional manual technology

    Detection of Scots Pine Single Seed in Optoelectronic System of Mobile Grader: Mathematical Modeling

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    The development of mobile optoelectronic graders for separating viable seeds by spectrometric properties with high detection accuracy represents a very relevant direction of development for seed handling operations. Here, the main parameters of the radiation source and receiver for detecting a single seed in the diagnostic system of a mobile grader were modeled based on the principles of technical optics using Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seeds as a case study. Among the pine seeds in the seed batch, there are fossilized and empty seeds that are exactly the same in geometric and gravitational parameters as live seeds. For their separation from the seed batch, data from spectrometric studies in the near-infrared (980 nm) region can be used. To substantiate the parameters of the light source, a geometric optical model of optical beam formation was considered, while the energy model of optical beam formation was considered to substantiate the parameters of the light detector. The results of this study show that the signal value depended on the orientation of a single seed relative to the recording window. The beam angle from the radiation source should be within 45 degrees. The difference between the optical streams should be 50 microns, which made it possible to clearly detect the signal at a standard noise level of 15 microns and signal-to-noise detection accuracy ratio of 56.3 dB. This study expands theoretical knowledge in the field of the spectrometric properties of a single seed, considering the cases of its orientation relative to the optical beam, which affected the effective area of detection of the seed. The obtained data on the location of the main elements of the diagnostic system will speed up the design of mobile optoelectronic graders, and the development of a contemporary protocol for improving Scots pine seed quality

    Estimation of Productivity and Costs of Using a Track Mini-Harvester with a Stroke Head for the First Commercial Thinning of a Scots Pine Stand

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    The aim of the present work was to estimate the productivity and costs of timber harvesting and forwarding during the first commercial thinning of a Scots pine stand. Three harvesting models were introduced and compared: narrow trail, wide access trail, and schematic extraction. The analyzed harvesting equipment consisted of a track mini-excavator (34 kW) with a stroke harvester head (gripping range 4–30 cm), and a farm tractor coupled to a logging trailer with a hydraulic crane. Merchantable timber (roundwood with a minimum diameter of 5 cm inside bark) was harvested from a 25-year-old planted Scots pine stand growing on a grid of 1.4 m × 1.8 m. The study showed the productivity of the mini-harvester ranged from 3.09 to 3.47 m3/PMH15 (productive machine hours plus 15 min), and that of the forwarding equipment to be 4.07 m3/PMH15. The analyzed model of productivity as a function of tree volume and thinning intensity was statistically significant, but the intensity parameter was significant only on plots located along wide access trails (3.7 m) and insignificant on plots located along narrow access trails (2.5 m). The distance between trees was not found to be significant. The calculated net machine costs for the forwarding equipment and track mini-harvester were EUR 36.12 and 52.47 per PMH, respectively. An increase in the usage rate of the harvesting equipment to 80% would reduce the harvesting and forwarding costs to EUR 22.07/m3