102 research outputs found

    Dynamic compression and volatile release of carbonates

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    Particle velocity profiles upon shock compression and isentropic releases were measured for polycrystalline calcite. The Solenhofen limestone release paths lie, close to the Hugoniot. Calcite 3 to 2 transition, upon release, was observed, but rarefaction shocks were not detected. The equation of state is used to predict the fraction of material devolatilized upon isentropic release as a function of shock pressure. The effect of ambient partial pressure of CO2 on the calculations is demonstrated and considered in models of atmospheric evolution by impact induced mineral devolatilization. The radiative characteristics of shocked calcite indicate that localization of thermal energy occurs under shock compression. Shock entropy calculations result in a minimum estimate of 90% devolatilization upon complete release from 10 GPa. Isentropic release paths from calculated continuum Hugoniot temperatures cross into the CaO (solid) + CO2 (vapor) field at improbably low pressures. It is found that release paths from measured shock temperatures cross into the melt plus vapor field at pressures greater than .5 GPa, which suggests that devolatilization is initiated at the shear banding sites

    Streak camera recording of shock wave transit times at large distances using laser illumination

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    A pulsed laser illumination system for streak camera recording of impact-induced shock wave transit times (~1 µs) during impact experiments is described. Laser illumination of centimeter-sized subjects offers many advantages over diffuse illumination techniques for streak photography. Source-to-sample and sample-to-camera distances of ~10^0 to 10^1 m can be employed. Light filtering, and simultaneous recording of both the impact event and the camera streak rate calibration, can be carried out easily. For use in such a system we describe a Pockels cell controller in which the reference 10-MHz oscillator signal is synchronously divided down to 38 Hz to provide a trigger signal for laser and streak camera testing

    Lunar mining of oxygen using fluorine

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    Experiments during the first year of the project were directed towards generating elemental fluorine via the electrolysis of anhydrous molten fluorides. Na2SiF6 was dissolved in either molten NaBF4 or a eutectic (minimum-melting) mixture of KF-LiF-NaF and electrolyzed between 450 and 600 C to Si metal at the cathode and F2 gas at the anode. Ar gas was continuously passed through the system and F2 was trapped in a KBr furnace. Various anode and cathode materials were investigated. Despite many experimental difficulties, the capability of the process to produce elemental fluorine was demonstrated

    Dynamic compression and volatile release of carbonates

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    Particle velocity profiles upon shock compression and adiabatic release were measured for polycrystalline calcite (Solenhofen limestone) to 12–24 GPa and for porous calcite (Dover chalk, ρ_o = 1.40 g/cm^3, 49% porosity) to between 5 and 11 GPa. The electromagnetic particle velocity gauge method was used. Upon shock compression of Solenhofen limestone, the Hugoniot elastic limit was determined to vary from 0.36 to 0.45 GPa. Transition shocks at between 2.5 and 3.7 GPa, possibly arising from the calcite II-III transition, were observed. For the Solenhofen limestone, the release paths lie relatively close to the Hugoniot. Evidence for the occurrence of the calcite III-II transition upon release was observed, but no rarefaction shocks were detected. Initial release wave speeds suggest retention of shear strength up to at least 20 GPa, with a possible loss of shear strength at higher pressures. The measured equation of state is used to predict the fraction of material devolatilized upon adiabatic release as a function of shock pressure. The effect of ambient partial pressure of CO_2 on the calculations is demonstrated. P_(CO_2) should be taken into account in models of atmospheric evolution by means of impact-induced mineral devolatilization. Mass fractions of CO_2 released expected on the basis of a continuum model are much lower than determined experimentally. This discrepancy, and radiative characteristics of shocked calcite, indicate that localization of thermal energy (shear banding) occurs under shock compression even though no solid-solid transitions occur in this pressure range. Release adiabatic data indicate that Dover chalk loses its shear strength when shocked to 10 GPa pressure. At 5 GPa the present data are ambiguous regarding shear strength. For Dover chalk, continuum shock entropy calculations result in a minimum estimate of 90% devolatilization upon complete release from 10 GPa. For calcite, isentropic release paths from calculated continuum Hugoniot temperatures cross into the CaO (solid) + CO_2 (vapor) field at improbably low pressures (for example, 10 GPa for a shock pressure of 25 GPa). However, calculated isentropic release paths originating from PT points corresponding to previous color temperature under shock measurements cross into the melt plus vapor field at pressures greater than 0.5 GPa, suggesting that devolatilization is initiated at the shear banding sites

    Impact-induced devolatilization and hydrogen isotopic fractionation of serpentine: Implications for planetary accretion

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    Impact-induced devolatilization of porous serpentine was investigated using two independent experimental methods, the gas recovery and the solid recovery method, each yielding nearly identical results. For shock pressures near incipient devolatilization, the hydrogen isotopic composition of the evolved H2O is very close to that of the starting material. For shock pressures at which up to 12 percent impact-induced devolatilization occurs, the bulk evolved gas is significantly lower in deuterium than the starting material. There is also significant reduction of H2O to H2 in gases recovered at these higher shock pressures, probably caused by reaction of evolved H2O with the metal gas recovery fixture. Gaseous H2O-H2 isotopic fractionation suggests high temperature isotopic equilibrium between the gaseous species, indicating initiation of devolatilization at sites of greater than average energy deposition. Bulk gas-residual solid isotopic fractionations indicate nonequilibrium, kinetic control of gas-solid isotopic ratios. Impact-induced hydrogen isotopic fractionation of hydrous silicates during accretion can strongly affect the long-term planetary isotopic ratios of planetary bodies, leaving the interiors enriched in deuterium. Depending on the model used for extrapolation of the isotopic fractionation to devolatilization fractions greater than those investigated experimentally can result from this process

    Northern Monterey Bay upwelling shadow front : observations of a coastally and surface-trapped buoyant plume

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 114 (2009): C12013, doi:10.1029/2009JC005623.During the upwelling season in central California, northwesterly winds along the coast produce a strong upwelling jet that originates at Point Año Nuevo and flows southward across the mouth of Monterey Bay. A convergent front with a mean temperature change of 3.77 ± 0.29°C develops between the warm interior waters and the cold offshore upwelling jet. To examine the forcing mechanisms driving the location and movement of the upwelling shadow front and its effects on biological communities in northern Monterey Bay, oceanographic conditions were monitored using cross-shelf mooring arrays, drifters, and hydrographic surveys along a 20 km stretch of coast extending northwestward from Santa Cruz, California, during the upwelling season of 2007 (May–September). The alongshore location of the upwelling shadow front at the northern edge of the bay was driven by: regional wind forcing, through an alongshore pressure gradient; buoyancy forces due to the temperature change across the front; and local wind forcing (the diurnal sea breeze). The upwelling shadow front behaved as a surface-trapped buoyant current, which is superimposed on a poleward barotropic current, moving up and down the coast up to several kilometers each day. We surmise that the front is advected poleward by a preexisting northward barotropic current of 0.10 m s−1 that arises due to an alongshore pressure gradient caused by focused upwelling at Point Año Nuevo. The frontal circulation (onshore surface currents) breaks the typical two-dimensional wind-driven, cross-shelf circulation (offshore surface currents) and introduces another way for water, and the material it contains (e.g., pollutants, larvae), to go across the shelf toward shore.Funded primarily by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation

    Mutations in TSC1, TSC2, and MTOR are associated with response to rapalogs in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma

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    Purpose: We examined the hypothesis that mutations in mTOR pathway genes are associated with response to rapalogs in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC). Experimental Design: We studied a cohort of mRCC patients who were treated with mTOR inhibitors with distinct clinical outcomes. Tumor DNA from 79 subjects was successfully analyzed for mutations using targeted next-generation sequencing of 560 cancer genes. Responders were defined as those with partial response (PR) by RECIST v1.0 or stable disease with any tumor shrinkage for 6 months or longer. Nonresponders were defined as those with disease progression during the first 3 months of therapy. Fisher exact test assessed the association between mutation status in mTOR pathway genes and treatment response. Results: Mutations in MTOR, TSC1, or TSC2 were more common in responders, 12 (28%) of 43, than nonresponders, 4 (11%) of 36 (P = 0.06). Mutations in TSC1 or TSC2 alone were also more common in responders, 9 (21%), than nonresponders, 2(6%), (P = 0.05). Furthermore, 5 (42%) of 12 subjects with PR had mutations in MTOR, TSC1, or TSC2 compared with 4 (11%) of 36 nonresponders (P = 0.03). Eight additional non-mTOR pathway genes were found to be mutated in at least 4 of 79 tumors (5%); none were associated positively with response. Conclusions: In this cohort of mRCC patients, mutations in MTOR, TSC1, or TSC2 were more common in patients who experienced clinical benefit from rapalogs than in those who progressed. However, a substantial fraction of responders (24 of 43, 56%) had no mTOR pathway mutation identified