30 research outputs found

    Associations Between Early Maternal Depressive Symptom Trajectories And Toddlers’ Felt Security At 18 Months: Are Boys And Girls At Differential Risk?

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate whether there are sex differences in children’s vulnerability to caregiving risk, as indexed by trajectories of maternal depressive symptoms assessed from 2 to 18 monthsâ postpartum, and children’s rated attachment security in toddlerhood, adjusting for maternal social support and demographic risk. Analyses utilized longitudinal data collected for 182 African American motherâ child dyads from economically diverse backgrounds. Participants were recruited at the time of the child’s birth and followed to 18 monthsâ postpartum. Results of conditional latent growth models indicated that an increasing rate of change in level of maternal depressive symptoms over time negatively predicted toddlersâ felt attachment security. Higher social support was associated with decreasing levels of maternal depressive symptoms over time whereas higher demographic risk was associated with increasing levels of maternal depressive symptoms. A subsequent multigroup conditional latent growth model revealed that child sex moderated these associations. For male (but not female) children, a rapid increase in maternal depressive symptoms was associated with lower felt attachment security at 18 months. These findings suggest that boys, as compared to girls, may be more vulnerable to early caregiving risks such as maternal depression, with negative consequences for motherâ child attachment security in toddlerhood.RESUMENEl objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar si hay diferencias de sexo en la vulnerabilidad de los niños al riesgo de prestación de cuidado, como han indicado las trayectorias de síntomas depresivos maternos evaluadas de 2 a 18 meses después del parto, y el puntaje de la seguridad de afectividad de los niños en su temprana infancia, con ajustes basados en el apoyo social materno y el riesgo demográfico. Los análisis utilizaron información longitudinal recogida de 182 díadas de madreâ niño afroâ americanas de niveles económicamente diversos. Los participantes fueron reclutados al nacer el niño y se les dio seguimiento hasta los 18 meses después del parto. Los resultados de modelos de modelos de crecimiento latente condicionales indicaron que un incremento en el puntaje de cambio en el nivel de síntomas depresivos maternos a través del tiempo negativamente predijo la seguridad afectiva que los infantes sentían. Se asoció un más alto apoyo social con decrecientes niveles de síntomas depresivos maternos a través del tiempo, mientras que más altos riesgos demográficos se asociaron con un incrementos en los niveles de síntomas depresivos maternos. Un subsecuente modelo de crecimiento latente condicional reveló que el sexo del niño moderaba estas asociaciones. En el caso de niños varones (no así las niñas), se asoció un rápido incremento en síntomas depresivos maternos con más bajos niveles, a los 18 meses, de seguridad en la afectividad sentida. Estos resultados sugieren que los niños varones, comparados con las niñas, pudieran ser más vulnerables a los riesgos de un cuidado temprano tal como la depresión materna, con consecuencias negativas para la seguridad en la afectividad madreâ niño en la más temprana infancia.Rà SUMà Le but de cette étude était dâ évaluer s’il existe des différences entre les sexes dans la vulnérabilité des enfants au risque de la personne prenant soin d’eux, telle qu’elle est indexée par les trajectoires des symptômes dépressifs maternels évalués de 2 à 18 mois après la naissance, et la sécurité de l’attachement telle qu’elle est évaluée chez les enfants durant la petite enfance, s’ajustant au soutien social maternel et au risque démographique. Les analyses ont utilisé des données longitudinales recueillies pour 182 dyades mèresâ enfants noires américaines issues de milieux socioéconomiques divers. Les participants ont été recrutés au moment de la naissance de l’enfant et ont été suivis jusquâ à 18 mois après la naissance. Les résultats de modèles de croissance latents conditionnels ont indiqué qu’un taux croissant de changement dans le niveau des symptômes dépressifs maternels au fil du temps prédisait de manière négative la sécurité de l’attachement ressentie des jeunes enfants. Un soutien social plus élevé était lié à des niveaux décroissants de symptômes dépressifs maternels au fil du temps, alors qu’un risque démographique élevé était lié à des niveaux plus élevés de symptômes dépressifs maternels. Un modèle de croissance latente conditionnelle subséquente et multiâ groupe a révélé que le sexe de l’enfant modérait ces associations. Pour les enfants mâles (mais pas les enfants femelles) une augmentation rapide des symptômes dépressifs maternels était liée à une sécurité perçue de l’attachement plus basse à 18 mois. Ces résultats suggèrent que les garçons, comparés aux filles, peuvent être plus vulnérables aux risques liés à la personne prenant soin d’eux comme la dépression maternelle, avec des conséquences négatives pour la sécurité de l’attachement mèreâ enfant dans la petite enfance.ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDas Ziel dieser Studie war es, Geschlechtsunterschiede bei Kindern im Hinblick auf ihre Vulnerabilität bei Fürsorgerisiken zu evaluieren. Die Fürsorgerisiken wurden durch den Verlauf der mütterlichen depressiven Symptome von 2 bis 18 Monaten nach der Geburt indiziert, sowie durch die bewertete Bindungssicherheit der Kleinkinder. Dabei wurde für mütterliche soziale Unterstützung und demografische Risiken kontrolliert. Für die Analysen wurden Längsschnittdaten von 182 afroâ amerikanischen Mutterâ Kindâ Dyaden mit verschiedenen ökonomischen Hintergründen genutzt. Die Teilnehmer wurden zum Zeitpunkt der Geburt des Kindes rekrutiert und nach der Geburt für 18 Monate begleitet. Die Ergebnisse der konditionalen latenten Wachstumsmodelle zeigten, dass im Verlauf ansteigende mütterliche depressive Symptome mit der gefühlten Bindungssicherheit der Kleinkinder in einem negativen Vorhersagezusammenhang standen. Höhere soziale Unterstützung war mit einer Abnahme der mütterlichen depressiven Symptome im Verlauf der Zeit assoziiert, während ein höheres demografisches Risiko mit dem Anstieg der mütterlichen depressive Symptome assoziiert war. Ein nachfolgendes konditionales latentes Wachstumsmodell für multiple Gruppen zeigte, dass das Geschlecht des Kindes diese Assoziationen moderierte. Bei Jungen (jedoch nicht bei Mädchen) war eine rasche Zunahme der mütterlichen depressiven Symptome mit einer niedrigeren gefühlten Bindungssicherheit 18 Monate nach der Geburt assoziiert. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass Jungen, verglichen mit Mädchen, hinsichtlich früher Fürsorgerisiken wie mütterlicher Depression vulnerabler sind, was wiederum mit negativen Folgen für die Bindungssicherheit zwischen Mutter und Kind im Kleinkindalter einhergehen kann.æ é ²ã ã ®ç  ç©¶ã ®ç ®ç ã ¯ã é¤ è ²ã ®ã ªã ¹ã ¯ã ¸ã ®å­ ã ©ã ã ®è å¼±æ §ã «æ §å·®ã ã ã ã ã ©ã ã ã è© ä¾¡ã ã ã 㠨㠧ã ã ã ã ã ã ¯ã å ºç £å¾ 2â ¼18ã æ ã «è© ä¾¡ã ã ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã ã ¤ç ç ¶ã ®çµ é 㠨幼å æ ã «è© å® ã ã ã ã ã ©ã ã ®æ ç ã ®å® å® æ §ã æ æ¨ ã «ã ã ¦ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®ç¤¾ä¼ ç æ ¯æ ´ã ¨äººå £çµ±è¨ å­¦ç 㠪㠹㠯㠫㠤ã ã ¦é ©å ã ã ã ã å æ ã ¯ã çµ æ¸ ç ã «å¤ æ§ ã ªè æ ¯ã æ ã ¤182çµ ã ®ã ¢ã ã ªã «ç³»ã ¢ã ¡ã ªã «äººã ®æ¯ å­ ã ã é ã ã ã ã ç¸¦æ ­ç ã ªã 㠼㠿ã å ©ç ¨ã ã ã ç  ç©¶å å  è ã ¯å­ ã ©ã ã ®å ºç æ ã «é ã ã ã ã ç £å¾ 18ã æ é 追跡ã ã ã ã æ ¡ä»¶ä» ã æ½ å ¨æ é ·ã ¢ã ã «ã ®çµ æ ã ã ã æ é çµ é ã «ã ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã ã ¤ç ç ¶ã ¬ã ã «ã ®å¤ å ç ã ®å¢ å  ã ¯ã å¹¼å ã «æ ã ã ã ã æ ç ã ®å® å® æ §ã ã ã ¬ã ã £ã ã «äº æ¸¬ã ã ã ã ¨ã 示ã ã ã ã ã ã é« ã ç¤¾ä¼ æ ¯æ ´ã ¯ã æ é çµ é ã «ã ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã ã ¤ç ç ¶ã ¬ã ã «ã ®ä½ ä¸ ã «é ¢é £ã ã ã ã ã ã ®ä¸ æ ¹ã ã é« ã äººå £çµ±è¨ å­¦ç ã ªã ¹ã ¯ã ¯æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã ã ¤ç ç ¶ã ¬ã ã «ã ®å¢ å  ã ¨é ¢é £ã ã ã ã ã ã «ç¶ ã å¤ ç¾¤æ ¡ä»¶ä» ã æ½ å ¨æ é ·ã ¢ã ã «ã ã ã å­ ã ©ã ã ®æ §å ¥ã ã ã ã ã ®é ¢é £ã ç·©å ã ã ã ç ·å 㠧㠯 (ã ã ã 女å 㠧㠯㠪ã ) ã æ ¥é ã «å¢ å¤§ã ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã ã ¤ç ç ¶ã ¯ã 18ã æ ã §æ ã ã ã ã æ ç ã ®å® å® æ §ã ®ä½ ã ã ¨é ¢é £ã ã ã ã ã ã ã ®çµ æ ã ã ã 女å ã «æ¯ ã ¹ã ¦ç ·å ã ¯ã æ¯ è¦ªã ®æ ã 㠤㠮ã ã ã ªæ ©æ ã ®é¤ è ²ã ªã ¹ã ¯ã «å¯¾ã ã ¦ã ã è 弱㠧ã ã ã å¹¼å æ ã ®æ¯ å­ ã ®æ ç ã ®å® å® æ §ã «ã ã ¬ã ã £ã ã ªçµ æ ã ã ã ã ã ã ¦ã ã ã æ è¦ æ ¬ç  ç©¶ç ç ®ç æ ¯è© ä¼°å ç«¥ç §é¡§é¢¨é ªç è å¼±æ §æ ¯å ¦å­ å ¨æ §å ¥å·®ç °, ä½ è æ ¹æ ç ¢å¾ 2è ³18å æ ç ç ¢å©¦æ 鬱ç ç ç è» è·¡, å å ç«¥å ¨å¹¼å æ ç é¡ å® ä¾ é å® å ¨æ è© ä¼°, ä¸¦èª¿æ ´æ¯ è¦ªç 社æ æ ¯æ å äººå £é¢¨é ªã ç  ç©¶å æ ä½¿ç ¨å¾ 182å ä¾ è ªç¶ æ¿ å¤ æ¨£å è æ ¯ç ç¾ å é æ´²è£ æ¯ å­ äº äººçµ å ç 縱å æ ¸æ ã å è è å ¨å­©å­ å ºç æ æ å , ç ¶å¾ è· é ²å °ç ¢å¾ 18å æ ã æ¢ ä»¶æ½ å ¨ç é ·æ¨¡å ç çµ æ 表æ , é ¨è æ é ç æ ¨ç§», æ¯ è¦ªæ 鬱ç ç ç å¢ å  ç , è² é ¢å °é  æ¸¬å¹¼å ç ä¾ é å® å ¨æ ã è¼ é« ç 社æ æ ¯æ è æ¯ è¦ªæ 鬱ç ç ç é ä½ ç ¸é , è è¼ é« ç äººå £é¢¨é ªè æ¯ è¦ªæ 鬱ç ç ç å¢ å  ç ¸é ã é ¨å¾ ç å¤ çµ æ¢ ä»¶æ½ å ¨ç é ·æ¨¡å å æ 顯示, å ç«¥æ §å ¥ç·©å é é ä¿ ã å° æ ¼ç ·å­© (ä½ ä¸ æ ¯å¥³å­©) , æ¯ è¦ªæ 鬱ç ç ç å¿«é å¢ å  è 18å æ æ è¼ ä½ ç ä¾ é å® å ¨æ æ é ã é äº ç  ç©¶çµ æ 表æ , è å¥³å­©ç ¸æ¯ , ç ·å­©å ¯è ½æ ´å®¹æ å å °æ ©æ ç §é¡§é¢¨é ª, ä¾ å¦ ç ¢å©¦æ 鬱ç , å° å¹¼å æ æ¯ å­ ä¾ é å® å ¨æ å¸¶ä¾ ç è² é ¢å½±é ¿ãPeer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135990/1/imhj21617.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135990/2/imhj21617_am.pd

    Imaging biomarker roadmap for cancer studies.

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    Imaging biomarkers (IBs) are integral to the routine management of patients with cancer. IBs used daily in oncology include clinical TNM stage, objective response and left ventricular ejection fraction. Other CT, MRI, PET and ultrasonography biomarkers are used extensively in cancer research and drug development. New IBs need to be established either as useful tools for testing research hypotheses in clinical trials and research studies, or as clinical decision-making tools for use in healthcare, by crossing 'translational gaps' through validation and qualification. Important differences exist between IBs and biospecimen-derived biomarkers and, therefore, the development of IBs requires a tailored 'roadmap'. Recognizing this need, Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) assembled experts to review, debate and summarize the challenges of IB validation and qualification. This consensus group has produced 14 key recommendations for accelerating the clinical translation of IBs, which highlight the role of parallel (rather than sequential) tracks of technical (assay) validation, biological/clinical validation and assessment of cost-effectiveness; the need for IB standardization and accreditation systems; the need to continually revisit IB precision; an alternative framework for biological/clinical validation of IBs; and the essential requirements for multicentre studies to qualify IBs for clinical use.Development of this roadmap received support from Cancer Research UK and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (grant references A/15267, A/16463, A/16464, A/16465, A/16466 and A/18097), the EORTC Cancer Research Fund, and the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (grant agreement number 115151), resources of which are composed of financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) and European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) companies' in kind contribution

    Iron Behaving Badly: Inappropriate Iron Chelation as a Major Contributor to the Aetiology of Vascular and Other Progressive Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases

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    The production of peroxide and superoxide is an inevitable consequence of aerobic metabolism, and while these particular "reactive oxygen species" (ROSs) can exhibit a number of biological effects, they are not of themselves excessively reactive and thus they are not especially damaging at physiological concentrations. However, their reactions with poorly liganded iron species can lead to the catalytic production of the very reactive and dangerous hydroxyl radical, which is exceptionally damaging, and a major cause of chronic inflammation. We review the considerable and wide-ranging evidence for the involvement of this combination of (su)peroxide and poorly liganded iron in a large number of physiological and indeed pathological processes and inflammatory disorders, especially those involving the progressive degradation of cellular and organismal performance. These diseases share a great many similarities and thus might be considered to have a common cause (i.e. iron-catalysed free radical and especially hydroxyl radical generation). The studies reviewed include those focused on a series of cardiovascular, metabolic and neurological diseases, where iron can be found at the sites of plaques and lesions, as well as studies showing the significance of iron to aging and longevity. The effective chelation of iron by natural or synthetic ligands is thus of major physiological (and potentially therapeutic) importance. As systems properties, we need to recognise that physiological observables have multiple molecular causes, and studying them in isolation leads to inconsistent patterns of apparent causality when it is the simultaneous combination of multiple factors that is responsible. This explains, for instance, the decidedly mixed effects of antioxidants that have been observed, etc...Comment: 159 pages, including 9 Figs and 2184 reference

    But Is It Okay? The Need to Still Ask Black/African American Mothers About Violence Exposure During The COVID-19 Worldwide Pandemic

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    Black/African American communities endure the double pandemic of COVID-19 and police- and civilian-perpetrated anti-Black violence, with Black/African American mothers at risk for exposure to violence in the home. Questions remain about the potential harm in asking about violence exposure, particularly in the current climate. The purpose of the study is to examine Black/African American mothers’ reactions to participating in violence research during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. Participants (N = 127; Age: M = 32.46 years, SD = 5.61 years) were Black/African American mothers living in an urban, predominantly Black city in the Midwestern U.S. who completed online measures of exposure to violence before, during, and after shelter-in-place orders, as well as their reactions to participating in violence research. We found that the majority of participants did not find participation more distressing than other day to day experiences, with 100% of those with violence histories reporting such research is important. The current study’s findings can promote inclusion of violence measures in research and healthcare settings, with results guiding trauma-informed care for Black/African American mothers

    Two Sides of the Same Coin: A Mixed Methods Study of Black Mothers’ Experiences with Violence, Stressors, Parenting, and Coping during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Due to systemic and structural inequities, the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately impacts the Black community, along with ongoing anti-Black racism and violence. Violence against women in the home, particularly Black women, was prevalent during shelter in place, along with the additional family responsibilities of Black mothers. Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality (1991) provides a foundation for examining Black mothers’ experiences during shelter-in-place mandates. This mixed-methods study aimed to quantitatively assess violence victimization, acknowledged racial inequities, depression and anxiety, while qualitatively examining Black mothers’ experiences in parenting during shelter-in-place orders. Participants (N = 127; Mage = 32.4 years) were mothers who self-identify as Black or African American living in a Midwestern US city. Results showed that Black mothers who perceived greater COVID-19 inequities in the Black community reported increased parental stress, decreased emotional support, greater exposure to physical or sexual violence, and higher symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. Qualitative results yielded numerous themes, including the integrative theme of two sides of the same coin, highlighting both positive parenting experiences and significant stressors for Black mothers. The implications point to the need for intersectional and feminist approaches to interventions and initiatives that support Black women as humans, mothers, souls, and spirits

    LoTTS parent-infant interaction coding scale: Ease of use and reliability in a sample of high-risk mothers and their infants

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    Reliable and valid measurement of parent-infant interactions is necessary to demonstrate parental skill acquisition, but existing observational coding schemes are too complex for practical use in most human service settings. The LoTTS Parent-Infant Interaction Coding System (LPICS) was developed specifically to require minimal training and to be maximally useful for human service (rather than research) settings. The LPICS consists of three global scales and four behavioral counts. Undergraduate students participated in approximately 9 h of training and coding using the LPICS. Low inter-rater reliability scores initially necessitated modifications to the LPICS in order to enhance reliability. The revised scoring procedure showed more promise, particularly for three behavior counts: talking to the infant (ICC = .86, excellent), touching the infant (ICC = .90, excellent), and smiling at the infant (ICC = .66, good), and one global scale: parental warmth (ICC = .58, fair). The revised LPICS may have utility as a brief, simple, and easy-to-teach observational measure of parent-infant interactions.Parent-infant interaction Coding systems Inter-rater reliability Ease of use

    Promotion Criteria for Clinician-educators

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    OBJECTIVE: Department of medicine chairs have a critical role in the promotion of clinician-educators. Our primary objective was to determine how chairs viewed: 1) the importance of specific areas of clinician-educator performance in promotion decisions; and 2) the importance and quality of information on available measures of performance. A secondary objective was to compare the views of department chairs with those of promotion and tenure committee chairs. METHODS: In October 1997, a questionnaire was mailed to all department chairs in the United States and Canada asking them to rate the importance of 11 areas of clinician-educators' performance in evaluating them for promotion. We also asked them to rate 36 measures of performance. We compared their responses to a similar 1996 survey administered to promotion committee chairs. RESULTS: One hundred fourteen of 139 department chairs (82%) responded to the survey. When considering a clinician-educator for promotion, department chairs view teaching skills and clinical skills as the most important areas of performance, as did the promotion committee chairs. Of the measures used to evaluate teaching performance, teaching awards were considered most important and rated as a high-quality measure. When evaluating a clinician-educator's clinical skills, peer and trainee evaluation were considered as the most important measures of performance, but these were rated low in quality. Patient satisfaction and objective outcome measures also were viewed as important measures that needed improvement. Promotion committee chairs placed more emphasis on productivity in publications and external grant support when compared to department chairs. CONCLUSION: It is reassuring that both department chairs and promotion committee chairs value teaching skills and clinical skills as the most important areas of a clinician-educator's performance when evaluating for promotion. However, differences in opinion regarding the importance of several performance measures and the need for improved quality measures may represent barriers to the timely promotion of clinician-educators