742 research outputs found

    The House that I live in

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    Authoritarian Populist Opinion in Europe

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    The paper extends work done on authoritarian populism (AP) in the UK to 11 other European countries: France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Poland, Italy, Spain, Romania, Lithuania, and Holland. Representative sample surveys with a common set of questions were conducted in each of these countries and in the UK in November 2016. The paper shows that authoritarian populist attitudes (anti-immigrant, anti-EU, anti-Human Rights and pro a robust foreign policy) form a single AP factor or scale in ten of the twelve countries surveyed (the two exceptions are Romania and Lithuania). Across these ten countries the sources of AP attitudes are also very similar, with particularly strong effects being observed for the perceived cultural consequences of immigration. The paper uses cluster analysis to show that authoritarian populism is not an exclusively right-wing mindset among European mass publics. Analysis of voting data shows that the reservoir of support for authoritarian populist parties is much larger than either the current electoral strength of such parties or the proportion of the population that intends to vote for them at the next general election would suggest

    Implicit analysis of the transient water flow with dissolved air

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    [EN] The implicit finite-difference method (IFDM) for solving a system that transports water with dissolved air using a fixed (or variable) rectangular space-time mesh defined by the specified time step method is applied. The air content in the fluid modifies both the wave speed and the Courant number, which makes it inconvenient to apply the traditional Method of Characteristics (MOC) and other explicit schemes due to their impossibility to simulate the changes in magnitude, shape and frequency of the pressures train. The conclusion is that the IFDM delivers an accurate and stable solution, with a good adjustment level with respect to a classical case reported in the literature, being a valid alternative for the transient solution in systems that transport water with dissolved air.[ES] Se aplica el método de diferencias finitas implícito (MDFI) para resolver el flujo transitorio en un sistema que transporta agua con aire disuelto utilizando una malla espacio-tiempo rectangular fija (o variable) definida por el método del paso de tiempo especificado. El contenido de aire en el fluido modifica tanto la velocidad de la onda como el número de Courant, lo cual hace inconveniente aplicar el Método de las Características (MC) tradicional y otros esquemas explícitos debido a su imposibilidad para simular los cambios en la magnitud, forma y frecuencia del tren de presiones. La conclusión es que el MDFI entrega una solución precisa y estable, con un buen nivel de ajuste respecto de un caso clásico reportado en la literatura, siendo una alternativa válida para la solución del transitorio en sistemas que transportan agua con aire disuelto.Twyman, J. (2018). Análisis implícito del flujo transitorio de agua con aire disuelto. Ingeniería del Agua. 22(1):27-36. doi:10.4995/ia.2018.7949SWORD2736221Bergant, A., Tijsseling, A.S., Vítkovský, J., Covas, D.I.C. 2008. Parameters affecting water-hammer wave attenuation, shape and timing - part 2: case studies. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 46(3), 382-391. https://doi.org/10.3826/jhr.2008.2847Canelón, D. 2003. Análisis de estabilidad numérica del esquema implícito de los cuatro puntos basado en diferencias finitas. Geoenseñanza, 8(2), 105-113.Chaudhry, M.H. 1979. Applied hydraulic transients. NY, USA: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.Chaudhry, M.H., Yevjevich, V. 1981. Closed-conduit flow. Water Resources Publications, Colorado, USA, 255-278.García, E., Osorio, J., Cortes, M. 2008. Modelamiento matemático de flujo bifásico: efecto de la velocidad de la onda de presión sobre la magnitud y distribución de presiones. Dyna, 75(154), 47-58.Ginestar, D. 2016. Métodos directos. Departamento de Matemática Aplicada (Curso 2016-2017), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), 58.Goldberg, D.E., Wylie, E.B. 1983. Characteristics Method using Time-Line Interpolations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 109(5), 670-683. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(1983)109:5(670)Jönsson, L. 1985. Maximum transient pressures in a conduit with check valve and air entrainment. Proceedings of the International Conference on the Hydraulics of Pumping Stations. British Hydromechanics Research Association, Manchester, 55-76.Kela, L., Vähäoja, P. 2009. Measuring pressure wave velocity in a hydraulic system. International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronic and Manufacturing Engineering, 3(1), 67-73.Kim, Y.I. 2008. Advanced numerical and experimental transient modeling of water and gas pipeline flows incorporating distributed and local effects. Ph.D. thesis, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Australia.Lee, T.S., Low, H.T., Nguyen, D.T. 2008. Effects of air entrainment on fluid transients in pumping systems. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 1(1), 55-61.León, A., Ghidaoui, M.S., Schmidt, A.R., García, M.H. 2007. An efficient finite-volume scheme for modeling water hammer flows. Journal of Water Management Modeling, R227-21. https://doi.org/10.14796/JWMM.R227-21Padmanabhan, M. 1976. Wave propagation through flowing gas-liquid mixtures in long pipelines. Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.Salgado, R., Zenteno, J., Twyman, C., Twyman, J. 1993. A hybrid characteristics-finite difference method for unsteady flow in pipe networks. International Conference on Integrated Computer Applications for Water Supply and Distribution, September 7-8, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K., 139-149.Salih, A. 2010. Tridiagonal matrix algorithm. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram. https://www.iist.ac.in/sites/default/files/people/tdma.pdfSepehran, M., Badri, M. 2012. Water hammer simulation by implicit finite difference scheme using non-symmetrical staggered grid. The 9th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Fluid Mechanics 12, Harvard, Cambridge, USA.Svindland, R.C. 2005. Predicting the location and duration of transient induced low or negative pressures within a large water distribution system. Master of Science Thesis, Graduate School, University of Kentucky (USA).Twyman, J. 2016a. Golpe de ariete en una red de distribución de agua. Anales del XXVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Hidráulica IAHR (Spain Water & IWHR China), 26-30 de Septiembre, Lima, Perú, pp. 10.Twyman, J. 2016b. Wave Speed Calculation for Water Hammer Analysis. Obras y Proyectos, UCSC, 20, 86-92. ISSN 0718-2813. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-28132016000200007Twyman, J. 2016c. Water hammer analysis using the Method of Characteristics. Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería (U. de Atacama), 32(2016), 1-9. http://www.revistaingenieria.uda.cl/publica.php?tipot=1&tipov=2Twyman, J. 2017a. Métodos para el análisis del flujo transiente en redes de tuberías. Mauritius: Editorial Académica Española.Twyman, J. 2017b. Water hammer analysis in a water distribution system. Ingeniería del Agua, 21(2), 87-102. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2017.6389Twyman, J. 2017c. Water hammer analysis using a hybrid scheme. Revista Científico Tecnológica, Departamento de Ingeniería de Obras Civiles (RIOC), 7(2017), 16-25. ISSN 0719-0514. http://www.rioc.cl/index.php/RIOC/article/view/16Twyman, J. 2018. Water hammer analysis using an implicit finite-difference method. Ingeniare, Revista Chilena de Ingeniería, 26(2). ISSN 0718-3305. Versión en línea será publicada en número de Abril-Junio 2018.Wang S., Sanada K. 2002. A study on estimation of wave speed in a pipe. Fluid Power, Fifth JFPS International Symposium, 865-870. https://doi.org/10.5739/isfp.2002.865Watters, G.Z. 1984. Analysis and control of unsteady flow in pipelines. Boston, USA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd Edition.Wylie, B.E., Streeter, V.L. 1978. Fluid transients. McGraw-Hill, 1st Edition. International Book Co., USA

    Network Discretization for Transient Flow Analysis

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    [EN] When applying the method of characteristics in the transient analysis, the pipe network should be discretized in such a way as to avoid the appearance of errors due to the non- compliance of the Courant condition, which can be difficult to achieve since the systems are generally composed by pipes which are diverse in terms of their physical characteristics (length, constituent material, etc.). To solve this there are techniques such as the method of the wave speed adjustment (MWSA) which, despite being an easy method to apply, must comply with several conditions difficult to verify, even in very simple systems. When analyzing a more complex system, it is concluded that the process of eliminating the conflicting pipes or replacing them with fictitious pipes allows obtaining a solution close to the exact one without the need to apply the MWSA, this at low execution times and without affecting noticeably the results quality.[ES] Al aplicar el método de las características en el análisis transitorio se debe discretizar la red de tuberías de forma tal que se evite la aparición de errores debido al incumplimiento de Courant, lo cual puede ser difícil de conseguir ya que los sistemas generalmente están compuestos por tuberías diversas en cuanto a sus características físicas (longitud, material constituyente, etc.). Para solucionar esto existen técnicas como el método de ajuste de la velocidad de la onda (MAVO) que, pese a ser un método fácil de aplicar, debe cumplir con varias condiciones difíciles de verificar, aún en sistemas muy simples. Al analizar un sistema más complejo se concluye que el expediente de eliminar los tramos conflictivos o reemplazarlos por tuberías ficticias permite obtener una solución cercana a la exacta sin necesidad de aplicar el MAVO, en tiempos de ejecución bajos y sin afectar en forma sensible la calidad de los resultados.Twyman, J. (2019). Discretización de la red para el análisis del flujo transitorio. Ingeniería del Agua. 23(3):157-167. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2019.11093SWORD15716723

    Frank T. Read: A Forgotten Dimension

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    The Failure of Anthropometry as a Nutritional Assessment Tool

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    Anthropometric measurements are commonly used to assess body composition changes and adequacy of nutritional support in the hospitalized patient. To test their utility as nutritional assessment tools in the intensive care unit (ICU) patient, body weight, triceps skinfold (TSF), mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC). and fluid balance and intake were collected on 21 critically ill patients during their ICU stay. Correlations were sought between adequacy of nutritional support and changes over time in weight. MAMC, fluid balance, and TSF. A significant change over time in mean body weight (p \u3c 0.0001) was seen, reflecting a mean weight loss despite a positive cumulative fluid balance of almost 20 L by day 14 for all patients (p \u3c 0.0001). There was a significant change over time in the mean fractional intake of required calories ranging from 41.7% on observation day 1 to a peak of 84.0% on day 22 (p \u3c 0.001). TSF and MAMC could not be obtained on a large percentage of ICU patients due to severe edema including the mid-upper arm. Obtained measurements showed no change over the study period in TSF (p = 0.24) and MAMC (p = 0.71) despite significant changes in weight (p \u3c 0.0001). caloric intake (p = 0.0001). and cumulative fluid balance (p = 0.0001). From these data it appears that anthropometric indices of TSF and MAMC are unrelated to nutritional intake and weight in ICU patients and are therefore not of use in the nutritional assessment of this population

    Design Principles for Signal Detection in Modern Job Application Systems: Identifying Fabricated Qualifications

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    Hiring a new employee is traditionally thought to be an uncertain investment. This uncertainty is lessened by the presence of signals that indicate job fitness. Ideally, job applicants objectively signal their qualifications, and those signals are correctly assessed by the hiring team. In reality, signal manipulation is pervasive in the hiring process, mitigating the reliability of signals used to make hiring decisions. To combat these inefficiencies, we propose and evaluate SIGHT, a theoretical class of systems affording more robust signal evaluation during the job application process. A prototypical implementation of the SIGHT framework was evaluated using a mock-interview paradigm. Results provide initial evidence that SIGHT systems can elicit and capture qualification signals beyond what can be traditionally obtained from a typical application and that SIGHT systems can assess signals more effectively than unaided decision-making. SIGHT principles may extend to domains such as audit and security interviews

    Modifying the product distribution of a reaction within the controlled microenvironment of a colloidosome

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    A water-soluble colloidosome composed of PGMA–PS latex was used as a microcapsule to host a catalyzed oxidation reaction within its dodecane core. When compared to a control reaction a significant colloidosome effect was observed. Specifically, a 233% increase in the relative yield of all products was observed for the colloidosome reaction. Furthermore, when the product distributions were calculated it was evident that a switch in selectivity had taken place. These studies showed there is a significant reduction in the relative yield of the epoxide product compared to the remaining oxidation products. Additional control experiments confirmed that rate enhancements were not simply a result of concentration and that reactions were not occurring in the outer latex phase. As a consequence of these control experiments, we suggest that the colloidosome enhancement and shift in product distribution, comes about from differences in electronic environment at or close to the interface between the internal oil phase and the outer colloidal particles. This environment is able to stabilize any specific intermediates and or transition states leading to enhanced reactions for these products and higher relative yields