124 research outputs found

    Quantum interference of single photons from remote nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond

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    We demonstrate quantum interference between indistinguishable photons emitted by two nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in distinct diamond samples separated by two meters. Macroscopic solid immersion lenses are used to enhance photon collection efficiency. Quantum interference is verified by measuring a value of the second-order cross-correlation function g(2)(0)=0.35±0.04<0.5g^{(2)}(0) = 0.35 \pm 0.04<0.5. In addition, optical transition frequencies of two separated NV centers are tuned into resonance with each other by applying external electric fields. Extension of the present approach to generate entanglement of remote solid-state qubits is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Integrated Diamond Optics for Single Photon Detection

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    Optical detection of single defect centers in the solid state is a key element of novel quantum technologies. This includes the generation of single photons and quantum information processing. Unfortunately the brightness of such atomic emitters is limited. Therefore we experimentally demonstrate a novel and simple approach that uses off-the-shelf optical elements. The key component is a solid immersion lens made of diamond, the host material for single color centers. We improve the excitation and detection of single emitters by one order of magnitude, as predicted by theory.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Properties of implanted and CVD incorporated nitrogen-vacancy centers: preferential charge state and preferential orientation

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    The combination of the long electron state spin coherence time and the optical coupling of the ground electronic states to an excited state manifold makes the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond an attractive candidate for quantum information processing. To date the best spin and optical properties have been found in centers deep within the diamond crystal. For useful devices it will be necessary to engineer NVs with similar properties close to the diamond surface. We report on properties including charge state control and preferential orientation for near surface NVs formed either in CVD growth or through implantation and annealing

    The neutral silicon-vacancy center in diamond: spin polarization and lifetimes

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    We demonstrate optical spin polarization of the neutrally-charged silicon-vacancy defect in diamond (SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}}), an S=1S=1 defect which emits with a zero-phonon line at 946 nm. The spin polarization is found to be most efficient under resonant excitation, but non-zero at below-resonant energies. We measure an ensemble spin coherence time T2>100 μsT_2>100~\mathrm{\mu s} at low-temperature, and a spin relaxation limit of T1>25 sT_1>25~\mathrm{s}. Optical spin state initialization around 946 nm allows independent initialization of SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} and NV\mathrm{NV^{-}} within the same optically-addressed volume, and SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} emits within the telecoms downconversion band to 1550 nm: when combined with its high Debye-Waller factor, our initial results suggest that SiV0\mathrm{SiV^{0}} is a promising candidate for a long-range quantum communication technology

    Coherence of single spins coupled to a nuclear spin bath of varying density

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    The dynamics of single electron and nuclear spins in a diamond lattice with different 13C nuclear spin concentration is investigated. It is shown that coherent control of up to three individual nuclei in a dense nuclear spin cluster is feasible. The free induction decays of nuclear spin Bell states and single nuclear coherences among 13C nuclear spins are compared and analyzed. Reduction of a free induction decay time T2* and a coherence time T2 upon increase of nuclear spin concentration has been found. For diamond material with depleted concentration of nuclear spin, T2* as long as 30 microseconds and T2 of up to 1.8 ms for the electron spin has been observed. The 13C concentration dependence of T2* is explained by Fermi contact and dipolar interactions with nuclei in the lattice. It has been found that T2 decreases approximately as 1/n, where n is 13C concentration, as expected for an electron spin interacting with a nuclear spin bath.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 movie (avi), 1 supplementary material (pdf