494 research outputs found

    Limited migration of soluble ionic species in a Siple Dome, Antarctica, ice core

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    High-resolution (\u3e10 samples a−1) glaciochemical analyses covering the last 110 years from a Siplc Dome, Antarctica, ire core reveal limited migration of certain soluble ionic species (methane sulfonic acid, NO3 − and Mg2+). The observed chemical migration may be due in part to seasonal alternation between less acidic winter (from high sea-salt concentrations) and more acidic summer (from high marine biogenic acid concentrations) layers, common at coastal siles such as Siplc Dome. Exact mechanisms to expla in the migration are unclear, although simple diffusion and gravitational movement are unlikely since new peaks are formed where none previously existed in each case. Initial migration of each species is both shallower and earlier at Siple Dome than at other sites in Antarctica where similar phenomena have been observed, which may be related to the relatively low accumulation rate at Siple Dome (~13.3 cm ice a−1). Migration appears to be limited to either the preceding or following seasonal layer for each species, suggesting that paleoclimatic interpretations based on dala with lower than annual resolution are not likely to be affected

    A high-altitude snow chemistry record from Amundsenisen, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

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    In this paper a detailed record of major ions from a 20 m deep firn core from Amundsenisen, western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, is presented. The core was drilled at 75° S, 2° E (2900 m a.s.l.) during austral summer 1991/92. The following ions were measured at 3 cm resolution: Na+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, NO3−, S04 2− and CH3SO3H (MSA). The core was dated back to 1865 using a combination of chemical records and volcanic reference horizons. The volcanic eruptions identified in this core are Mount Ngauruhoe, New Zealand (1974–75), Mount Agung, Indonesia (1963), Azul, Argentina (1932), and a broad peak that corresponds in time toTarawera, New Zealand (1886), Falcon Island, South Shetlands, Southern Ocean (1885), and Krakatau, Indonesia (1883). There are no trends in any of the ion records, but the annual to decadal changes are large. The mean concentrations of the measured ions are in agreement with those from other high-altitude cores from the Antarctic plateau. At this core site there may be a correspondence between peaks in the MSA record and major El Niño–Southern Oscillation events

    Chemical species spatial distribution and relationship to elevation and snow accumulation rate over the Greenland Ice Sheet

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    Major chemical species (Cl−, NO−3, SO2−4, Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+) from 24 snowpits (sampled at a resolution of 3 cm, total 2995 samples) collected from northern, central, and southern Greenland were used for this investigation. The annual and seasonal (winter and summer) concentration of each chemical species was calculated and used to study the spatial distribution of chemical species over the central portion of the Greenland Ice Sheet. A two‐sided t‐distribution test (α = 0.05) suggests that concentrations of major chemical species in snow do not vary significantly over this portion of central Greenland. The relationship between chemical concentration and snow accumulation rate was investigated using annual data from two groups of snowpits: those from coastal sites (northern and southern Greenland); and those from high‐altitude inland sites (central Greenland). The snowpit data from a single group, when examined independently of the other group, show that chemical concentrations do not vary with snow accumulation rate. However, when data from the two groups are integrated into a single data set, pseudorelationships appear, with NO−3 concentration decreasing and Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Cl− increasing as snow accumulation rate increases. Therefore we suggest that it is improper to study the relationship between chemical concentration and snow accumulation rate by using data collected from different geographic sites. The relationship between elevation and chemical concentration was investigated using the same suite of annual data sets. We find that Cl−, Na+, and Mg2+ concentrations decrease, while NO−3 concentration increases, with increasing elevation on the Greenland Ice Sheet

    A 110,000‐year history of change in continental biogenic emissions and related atmospheric circulation inferred from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project Ice Core

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    The 110,000‐year record of ammonium concentrations from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 (GISP2) ice core provides the basis for an analysis of terrestrial biological production and atmospheric circulation patterns involved in the transport of biologically produced ammonium to the Greenland atmosphere. The directly measured concentration series was selected for analysis, rather than that of estimated ammonium flux, after a detailed analysis of the relationship among ice core glaciochemical concentrations and a high‐resolution simultaneous record of snow accumulation from the GISP2 core. Analysis of the ammonium concentration series shows that maxima in background levels of ammonium in the Greenland atmosphere are strongly related to and synchronous with summer forcing associated with the precessional cycle of insolation. Minima in background levels, on the other hand, are delayed relative to minima in summer insolation at those times when ice volume is significant. The duration of these delays are similar in magnitude (≈6000 years) to other paleoclimatic responses to changes in ice volume. Decadal and centennial scale variation about background levels of ammonium concentration exhibit two modes of behavior when compared to a record of polar atmospheric circulation intensity. During warmer periods ammonium transport to Greenland is similar to present patterns. Under coldest conditions the low levels of ammonium transported to Greenland are the result of extreme southerly excursions of the predominantly zonal polar circulation. The rapid transitions (≈200 years) between these two climatic conditions appear to be associated with a critical volume or extent of the continental ice sheets

    Depletion of atmospheric nitrate and chloride as a consequence of the Toba Volcanic Eruption

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    Continuous measurements of SO42− and electrical conductivity (ECM) along the GISP2 ice core record the Toba mega‐eruption at a depth 2590.95 to 2091.25 m (71,000±5000 years ago). Major chemical species were analyzed at a resolution of 1 cm per sample for this section. An ∼6‐year long period with extremely high volcanic SO42− coincident with a 94% depletion of nitrate and 63% depletion of chloride is observed at the depth of the Toba horizon. Such a reduction of chloride in a volcanic layer preserved in an ice core has not been observed in any previous studies. The nearly complete depletion of nitrate (to 5 ppb) encountered at the Toba level is the lowest value in the entire ∼250,000 years of the GISP2 ice core record. We propose possible mechanisms to explain the depletion of nitrate and chloride resulting from this mega‐eruption

    Methanesulfonate in the firn of King George Island, Antarctica

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    Methanesulfonate was investigated as a potential contributor to the sulfur budget, based on analysis of a firn core from Collins Ice Cap, King George Island, Antarctica (62°10′ S, 58°50′ W). The anion was found to be present at a mean concentration of 0.17 μeq L−1, with a maximum of 0.73 μeq L−1. Dating based on the δ 18O profile suggests that the principal peaks of methanesulfonate are associated with snow deposited in summer and autumn. A careful examination of MSA, SO4 2− and nssSO4 2− profiles indicates that two of the three peaks in the MSA profile may result mainly from migration and relocation of MSA. The mechanism responsible for this might be similar to that for deep cores from other Antarctic glaciers, supporting the migration hypothesis proposed by prior researchers and extending it to near-temperate ice. Due to the post-depositional modification, the main part of the MSA profile of the firn is no longer indicative of the seasonal pattern of MSA in the atmosphere, and the basis for calculation of the MSA/nssSO4 2− ratio should be changed. The MSA/nssS04 2 ratio obtained by a new computation is 0.22, 10% higher than that ignoring the effect of MSA migration

    The effect of spatial and temporal accumulation rate variability in west Antarctica on soluble ion deposition

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    Annually‐dated snowpit and ice core records from two areas of West Antarctica are used to investigate spatial accumulation patterns and to evaluate temporal accumulation rate/glaciochemical concentration and flux relationships. Mean accumulation rate gradients in Marie Byrd Land (11–23 gcm−2yr−1 over 150 km, decreasing to the south) and Siple Dome (10–18 gcm−2yr−1 over 60 km, decreasing to the south) are consistent for at least the last several decades, and demonstrate the influence of the offshore quasi‐permanent Amundsen Sea low pressure system on moisture flux into the region. Local and regional‐scale topography in both regions appears to affect orographic lifting, air mass trajectories, and accumulation distribution. Linear regression of mean annual soluble ion concentration and flux data vs. accumulation rates in both regions indicates that 1) concentrations are independent of and thus not a rescaling of accumulation rate time‐series, and 2) chemical flux to the ice sheet surface is mainly via wet deposition, and changes in atmospheric concentration play a significant role. We therefore suggest that, in the absence of detailed air/snow transfer models, ice core chemical concentration and not flux time‐series provide a better estimate of past aerosol loading in West Antarctica

    Spatial variability of climate and past atmospheric circulation patterns from central West Antarctic glaciochemistry

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    Atmospheric circulation patterns and the spatial variability of atmospheric chemistry and moisture transport in central West Antarctica are investigated using new 40 year long (1954–1994 A.D.) glaciochemical and accumulation rate records developed from four firn cores from this region. The core sites lie on a 200 km traverse from 82° 22′ S, 119° 17′ W to 81° 22′ S, 107° 17′ W. The glaciochemical records represent the major ionic species present in Antarctic snow: Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl−, NO3−, and SO42−. High spatial variability appears in comparisons of full record averages and poor intersite linear correlation results. Accumulation rates show 50–100% changes over distances of 50–100 km and sea‐salt concentrations drop by 50% between the middle two sites. One likely contributor to the high variability seen at this spatial scale is variability in synoptic‐ and finer‐scale meteorology. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis shows that 80% or more of the variance in site chemistry can be attributed to two types of air masses: winter season air (50–70% of site variance) with a strong marine signature (heavy loading of sea‐salt species) and summer season air (21% of the variance), marked by marine biogenic non‐sea‐salt SO4 plus NO3. This pattern of winter and summer regimes appears at other West Antarctic sites suggesting it may apply to the entire region. We show that a general picture of the patterns of variability in West Antarctica can best be drawn by using an analysis technique that fully exploits high resolution, multiparameter, multisite data sets

    Detailed Glaciochemical Investigations in Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica―A Proxy Climate Record

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    Advances in climate prediction depend on a knowledge of historical climatic sequences ranging in scale from decades to Millennia. Proxy data produced by pollen, sediment, tree rings,glacier fluctuations, and ice and snow cores are valuable in the construction of climatic sequences when direct observations of the atmosphere are either spatially or temporally lacking. Links between proxy data and the atmosphere generate the most confidence when actual components of climate are preserved in the proxy medium

    Sea level pressure variability in the Amundsen Sea region inferred from a West Antarctic glaciochemical record

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    Using European Center for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) numerical operational analyses, sea ice extent records, and station pressure data, we investigate the influence of sea level pressure variability in the Amundsen Sea region on a West Antarctic (Siple Dome) glaciochemical record. Empirical orthogonal function analysis of the high‐resolution Siple Dome multivariate ice core chemical time series record (SDEOF1) documents lower tropospheric transport of sea‐salt aerosols to the site. During 1985–1994 the SDEOF1 record of high (low) aerosol transport corresponds to anomalously low (high) sea level pressure (SLP) in the Amundsen Sea region. Spatial correlation patterns between ECMWF monthly SLP fields and the annual SDEOF1 record suggest that a majority of sea‐salt aerosol is transported to Siple Dome during spring (September, October, and November). Analysis of zonal and meridional wind fields supports the SLP/SDEOF1 correlation and suggests the SDEOF1 record is sensitive to changes in regional circulation strength. No relationship is found between sea ice extent and the SDEOF1 record for the period 1973–1994. To investigate the SDEOF1 record prior to ECMWF coverage, a spring transpolar index (STPI) is created, using normalized SLP records from the New Zealand and South America/Antarctic Peninsula sectors, and is significantly correlated (at least 95% c.l.) with the SDEOF1 record on an annual (r = 0.32, p \u3c 0.001) and interannual (3 years; r = 0.51, p \u3c 0.001) basis. Dominant periodicities (3.3 and 7.1 years) in the annual SDEOF1 record (1890–1994 A.D.) suggest that a portion of the recorded interannual variability may be related tropical/extratropical ENSO teleconnections. Changes in the periodic structure of the full (850–1994 A.D.) Siple Dome record suggests a shift in SLP forcing during the Little Ice Age (∼1400–1900 A.D.) interval