773 research outputs found

    Causality and Association: The Statistical and Legal Approaches

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    This paper discusses different needs and approaches to establishing ``causation'' that are relevant in legal cases involving statistical input based on epidemiological (or more generally observational or population-based) information. We distinguish between three versions of ``cause'': the first involves negligence in providing or allowing exposure, the second involves ``cause'' as it is shown through a scientifically proved increased risk of an outcome from the exposure in a population, and the third considers ``cause'' as it might apply to an individual plaintiff based on the first two. The population-oriented ``cause'' is that commonly addressed by statisticians, and we propose a variation on the Bradford Hill approach to testing such causality in an observational framework, and discuss how such a systematic series of tests might be considered in a legal context. We review some current legal approaches to using probabilistic statements, and link these with the scientific methodology as developed here. In particular, we provide an approach both to the idea of individual outcomes being caused on a balance of probabilities, and to the idea of material contribution to such outcomes. Statistical terminology and legal usage of terms such as ``proof on the balance of probabilities'' or ``causation'' can easily become confused, largely due to similar language describing dissimilar concepts; we conclude, however, that a careful analysis can identify and separate those areas in which a legal decision alone is required and those areas in which scientific approaches are useful.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-STS234 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Lung cancer and passive smoking: reconciling the biochemical and epidemiological approaches.

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    The accurate determination of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is notoriously difficult. There have been to date two approaches to determining this exposure in the study of association of passive smoking and lung cancer: the biochemical approach, using cotinine in the main as a marker, and the epidemiological approach. Typically results of the former have yielded much lower relative risk than the latter, and have tended to be ignored in favour of the latter, although there has been considerable debate as to the logical basis for this. We settle this question by showing that, using the epidemiologically based meta-analysis technique of Wald et al. (1986), and misclassification models in the EPA Draft Review (1990), one arrives using all current studies at a result which is virtually identical with the biochemically-based conclusions of Darby and Pike (1988) or Repace and Lowry (1990). The conduct of this meta-analysis itself raises a number of important methodological questions, including the validity of inclusion of studies, the use of estimates adjusted for covariates, and the statistical significance of estimates based on meta-analysis of the epidemiological data. The best estimate of relative risk from spousal smoking is shown to be approximately 1.05-1.10, based on either of these approaches; but it is suggested that considerable extra work is needed to establish whether this is significantly raised

    Microscopic model of diffusion limited aggregation and electrodeposition in the presence of levelling molecules

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    A microscopic model of the effect of unbinding in diffusion limited aggregation based on a cellular automata approach is presented. The geometry resembles electrochemical deposition - ``ions'' diffuse at random from the top of a container until encountering a cluster in contact with the bottom, to which they stick. The model exhibits dendritic (fractal) growth in the diffusion limited case. The addition of a field eliminates the fractal nature but the density remains low. The addition of molecules which unbind atoms from the aggregate transforms the deposit to a 100% dense one (in 3D). The molecules are remarkably adept at avoiding being trapped. This mimics the effect of so-called ``leveller'' molecules which are used in electrochemical deposition

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    • Global warming is a statistically confirmed long-term phenomenon. • Somewhat surprisingly, its most visible consequence is: – not the warming itself but – the increased climate variability. • In this talk, we explain why increased climate variability is more visible than the global warming itself. • In this explanation, use general system theory ideas. A Simplified System-... Towards the Second..

    Proton lifetime bounds from chirally symmetric lattice QCD

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    We present results for the matrix elements relevant for proton decay in Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). The calculation is performed at a fixed lattice spacing a^{-1}=1.73(3) GeV using 2+1 flavors of domain wall fermions on lattices of size 16^3\times32 and 24^3\times64 with a fifth dimension of length 16. We use the indirect method which relies on an effective field theory description of proton decay, where we need to estimate the low energy constants, \alpha = -0.0112(25) GeV^3 and \beta = 0.0120(26) GeV^3. We relate these low energy constants to the proton decay matrix elements using leading order chiral perturbation theory. These can then be combined with experimental bounds on the proton lifetime to bound parameters of individual GUTs.Comment: 17 pages, 9 Figure

    Trust, professionalism and regulation: a critical comparison of Medicine and Law

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    Background & Aims: Trust, professionalism and regulation are complex social phenomena, which are contextually dependent and dynamic. This project aims to explore the concept of ‘trust’ in Law and Medicine - questioning what it means to be a ‘trustworthy’ professional and how these understandings relate to ideas of professionalism and regulation. Methods: This study draws on a comprehensive review of the literature and interviews with thirty participants from within, or related to, the UK legal and medical professions. Participants included practitioners, those creating and implementing policy, and public representatives. Data was analysed using the ‘logics approach’ from Political Discourse Theory (PDT). This helped us draw out taken-for-granted ideas and beliefs about trust, professionalism and regulation and expose these to critique. Results: Participants highly valued patient/client trust, seeing it as fundamental to the functioning of their professional ‘service’. Trust was seen as attributed primarily to the individual practitioner and maintained through demonstrating measurable ‘professionalism’. Practitioners were understood to be individually responsible for preserving their image as a ‘good professional’, via evidencing their ‘professionalism’ to the patient/client and the regulator. Discussion: Current ways-of-thinking about trust permitted trust in individuals to be maintained, even when trust in the professions as a whole was challenged. However, for medical professionals particularly, this was predicated on a need to ‘evidence’ that one was a ‘good professional’ through intensive and continual regulation. This created an increased dependency on a ‘trust-industry’ of regulatory bodies and systems. This project critically questions how regulation shapes and impacts trust in the professions. It is a problem-driven approach, which seeks to break with current patterns of thinking and question: ‘what might be possible instead?’ This opens up an ideological space and new viewpoints, whereby audiences are encouraged to consider future change

    Random billiards with wall temperature and associated Markov chains

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    By a random billiard we mean a billiard system in which the standard specular reflection rule is replaced with a Markov transition probabilities operator P that, at each collision of the billiard particle with the boundary of the billiard domain, gives the probability distribution of the post-collision velocity for a given pre-collision velocity. A random billiard with microstructure (RBM) is a random billiard for which P is derived from a choice of geometric/mechanical structure on the boundary of the billiard domain. RBMs provide simple and explicit mechanical models of particle-surface interaction that can incorporate thermal effects and permit a detailed study of thermostatic action from the perspective of the standard theory of Markov chains on general state spaces. We focus on the operator P itself and how it relates to the mechanical/geometric features of the microstructure, such as mass ratios, curvatures, and potentials. The main results are as follows: (1) we characterize the stationary probabilities (equilibrium states) of P and show how standard equilibrium distributions studied in classical statistical mechanics, such as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and the Knudsen cosine law, arise naturally as generalized invariant billiard measures; (2) we obtain some basic functional theoretic properties of P. Under very general conditions, we show that P is a self-adjoint operator of norm 1 on an appropriate Hilbert space. In a simple but illustrative example, we show that P is a compact (Hilbert-Schmidt) operator. This leads to the issue of relating the spectrum of eigenvalues of P to the features of the microstructure;(3) we explore the latter issue both analytically and numerically in a few representative examples;(4) we present a general algorithm for simulating these Markov chains based on a geometric description of the invariant volumes of classical statistical mechanics

    Water, Climate, and Social Change in a Fragile Landscape

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    We present here and in the companion papers an analysis of sustainability in the Middle Rio Grande region of the U.S.-Mexico border and propose an interdisciplinary research agenda focused on the coupled human and natural dimensions of water resources sustainability in the face of climate and social change in an international border region. Key threats to water sustainability in the Middle Rio Grande River region include: (1) increasing salinization of surface and ground water, (2) increasing water demand from a growing population in the El Paso/Ciudad Juarez area on top of an already high base demand from irrigated agriculture, (3) water quality impacts from agricultural, municipal, and industrial discharges to the river, (4) changing regional climate that portends increased frequency and intensity of droughts interspersed with more intensive rainfall and flooding events, and (5) disparate water planning and management systems between different states in the U.S. and between the U.S. and Mexico. In addition to these challenges, there is an increasing demand from a significant regional population who is (and has been historically) underserved in terms of access to affordable potable water. To address these challenges to water resources sustainability, we have focused on: (1) the determinants of resilience and transformability in an ecological/social setting on an international border and how they can be measured and predicted; and (2) the drivers of change ... what are they (climate, social, etc.) and how are they impacting the coupled human and natural dimensions of water sustainability on the border? To tackle these challenges, we propose a research agenda based on a complex systems approach that focuses on the linkages and feedbacks of the natural, built/managed, and social dimensions of the surface and groundwater budget of the region. The approach that we propose incorporates elements of systems analysis, complexity science, and the use of modeling tools such as scenario planning and back-casting to link the quantitative with the qualitative. This approach is unique for our region, as are our bi-national focus and our conceptualization of water capital . In particular, the concept of water capital provides the basis for a new interdisciplinary paradigm that integrates social, economic, and natural sectors within a systems framework in order to understand and characterize water resources sustainability. This proposed approach would not only provide a framework for water sustainability decision making for our bi-national region at the local, state, and federal levels, but could serve as a model for similar border regions and/or international rivers in arid and semi-arid regions in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America

    Visual parameter optimisation for biomedical image processing

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    Background: Biomedical image processing methods require users to optimise input parameters to ensure high quality output. This presents two challenges. First, it is difficult to optimise multiple input parameters for multiple input images. Second, it is difficult to achieve an understanding of underlying algorithms, in particular, relationships between input and output. Results: We present a visualisation method that transforms users’ ability to understand algorithm behaviour by integrating input and output, and by supporting exploration of their relationships. We discuss its application to a colour deconvolution technique for stained histology images and show how it enabled a domain expert to identify suitable parameter values for the deconvolution of two types of images, and metrics to quantify deconvolution performance. It also enabled a breakthrough in understanding by invalidating an underlying assumption about the algorithm. Conclusions: The visualisation method presented here provides analysis capability for multiple inputs and outputs in biomedical image processing that is not supported by previous analysis software. The analysis supported by our method is not feasible with conventional trial-and-error approaches
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