4 research outputs found
Szkło w kulturze mieszkańców Poznania od późnego średniowiecza do pierwszej połowy XIX wieku
The paper discusses luxury and ordinary glass vessels found during archaeological excavations conducted on several plots on the right and left bank of the Warta river in Poznań. A majority of glassware was discovered in the Szyperska Street, 21, where a big refuse dump was situated. The present paper is based on glass dated from the late Middle Ages to the first half of the 19th century. Glassware from Poznań was classified into 3 groups: table glass, glass storage containers and pharmacy glass. There were fragments of beakers, goblets, tankards, one mug, bowls, jugs, decanters, big bottles, small bottles, one jar, ampoules, phials and one pestle. Table glass fragments showed the greatest diversity of forms. All vessels were made in two basic techniques: socalled “free hand” technique or by blowing into the mould. Some of discovered glass was probably made in Germany, Bohemia, Pomerania, Silesia, Little Poland or Central Poland. Many of them were produced in Polish glassworks
Glass in the culture of Poznań citizens from the late Middle Ages until the first half of the 19th century
The paper discusses luxury and ordinary glass vessels found during archaeological excavations conducted on several plots on the right and left bank of the Warta river in Poznań. A majority of glassware was discovered in the Szyperska Street, 21, where a big refuse dump was situated. The present paper is based on glass dated from the late Middle Ages to the first half of the 19th century. Glassware from Poznań was classified into 3 groups: table glass, glass storage containers and pharmacy glass. There were fragments of beakers, goblets, tankards, one mug, bowls, jugs, decanters, big bottles, small bottles, one jar, ampoules, phials and one pestle. Table glass fragments showed the greatest diversity of forms. All vessels were made in two basic techniques: socalled “free hand” technique or by blowing into the mould. Some of discovered glass was probably made in Germany, Bohemia, Pomerania, Silesia, Little Poland or Central Poland. Many of them were produced in Polish glassworks
Libraries - yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Artykuł omawia sytuację współczesnych bibliotek i ich pracowników w obliczu postępujących skokowych zmian technologicznych oraz antycypuje jak mogą funkcjonować biblioteki jutra, aby być nadal atrakcyjnymi dla odbiorców, jaką powinny przyjąć strategię rozwoju, aby stać się na swój sposób unikatowymi pośród innych podobnych podmiotów. Zmiany technologiczne zachodzące w bibliotekach wymagają od pracowników poszerzania specjalistycznej wiedzy, a także zwiększają zakres ich obowiązków i odpowiedzialność. Poza standardowymi zadaniami, pracownicy tworzą i obsługują różne typy baz, repozytoriów, administrują systemami (oprogramowaniami) bibliotek, wykraczając tym samym poza typowe wzorce ich pracy, zawłaszczając pola pracy kiedyś ściśle zarezerwowane tylko dla działów IT. W artykule omówiono również oprogramowania wykorzystywane obecnie przez biblioteki i zmiany tychże oprogramowań na inne wersje lub na oprogramowania innych producentów.The paper presents a discussion of the status of contemporary libraries and their employees in face of progressing rapid changes in the technology, and predictions how the libraries of tomorrow may operate to remain attractive for recipients, what progress strategy they should adopt to become unique among other similar entities. Technological changes occurring in libraries require employees to expand specialist knowledge, as well as increase their scope of duties and responsibility. Apart from standard tasks, employees create and operate various types of databases and repositories, and manage library systems (software), thus stepping beyond the typical patterns of their work and appropriating the field of work once typically reserved for IT departments. The paper also discusses software used currently by libraries and changes of such software to other versions or software of other producers