405 research outputs found

    Chronic hyponatremia in a patient with renal salt wasting and without cerebral disease: relationship between RSW, risk of fractures and cognitive impairment

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    Renal salt wasting syndrome (RSW) is defined as a renal loss of sodium leading to hyponatremia and a decrease in extracellular fluid volume (ECV). Differentiation of this disorder from the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH), a common cause of hyponatremia, can be difficult because both can present with hyponatremia and concentrated urine with natriuresis. Our clinical case about a 78-year-old woman with a recent fracture of the right femur not only confirms that this syndrome can occur in patients without intracranial pathologies (CT documented), but depicts how the hyponatremia caused by RSW can show a chronic, oscillating course. This is an interesting point of view because it suggests to us to consider RSW in the differential diagnosis of patients with chronic hyponatremia

    Metabolic and vascular effect of the mediterranean diet

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    Several studies indicated how dietary patterns that were obtained from nutritional cluster analysis can predict disease risk or mortality. Low-grade chronic inflammation represents a background pathogenetic mechanism linking metabolic risk factors to increased risk of chronic degenerative diseases. A Mediterranean diet (MeDi) style has been reported as associated with a lower degree of inflammation biomarkers and with a protective role on cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. There is heterogeneity in defining the MedDiet, and it can, owing to its complexity, be considered as an exposome with thousands of nutrients and phytochemicals. Recently, it has been reported a novel positive association between baseline plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular events and how adherence to a Mediterranean Diet-style may influence the potential negative relationship between elevated plasma ceramide concentrations and cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) showed the positive effects of the MeDi diet style on several cardiovascular risk factors, such as body mass index, waist circumference, blood lipids, blood pressure, inflammatory markers and adhesion molecules, and diabetes and how these advantages of the MeDi are maintained in comparison of a low-fat diet. Some studies reported a positive effect of adherence to a Mediterranean Diet and heart failure incidence, whereas some recent studies, such as the PREDIMED study, showed that the incidence of major cardiovascular events was lower among those assigned to MeDi supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts than among those assigned to a reduced-fat diet. New studies are needed to better understand the molecular mechanisms, whereby the MedDiet may exercise its effects. Here, we present recent advances in understanding the molecular basis of MedDiet effects, mainly focusing on cardiovascular diseases, but also discussing other related diseases. We review MedDiet composition and assessment as well as the latest advances in the genomic, epigenomic (DNA methylation, histone modifications, microRNAs, and other emerging regulators), transcriptomic (selected genes and whole transcriptome), and metabolomic and metagenomic aspects of the MedDiet effects (as a whole and for its most typical food components). We also present a review of the clinical effects of this dietary style underlying the biochemical and molecular effects of the Mediterranean diet. Our purpose is to review the main features of the Mediterranean diet in particular its benefits on human health, underling the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-atherosclerotic effects to which new knowledge about epigenetic and gut-microbiota relationship is recently added

    C-reactive protein and efficacy of antiplatelet therapy in (intracranial) atherosclerosis.

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    Exosomal miRNAs as Biomarkers of Ischemic Stroke

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    : Exosomes are small lipid bilayer membrane particles released from all living cells into the extracellular environment. They carry several molecules and have a critical role in cell-cell communication under physiological and pathological conditions. In recent decades, exosomes, and especially their cargo, have emerged as a promising tool for several clinical conditions. However, the literature has become increasingly unambiguous in defining the role of exosomes in chronic cerebrovascular diseases. Because they can pass through the blood-brain barrier, they have great potential to reflect intracerebral changes. They can, thus, provide valuable insight into the mechanisms of central nervous system diseases. The purpose of this review is to describe the literature on the role of exosomal miRNA, which represents the most widely investigated exosomal biomarker, in strokes. First, we provide an overview of exosomes, from biology to isolation and characterization. Then, we describe the relationship between exosomes and stroke pathogenesis. Finally, we summarize the human studies evaluating exosomal miRNA biomarkers of stroke. Although the collective literature supports the potential use of exosomal miRNA as biomarkers of ischemic stroke, there are still several limitations hampering their introduction into clinical practice

    Molecular Research on Migraine: From Pathogenesis to Treatment

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    Migraine is a common, multifactorial, disabling, recurrent, hereditary, neurovascular headache disorder [...]

    Diuretic Treatment in Heart Failure.

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    Non-coding RNAs and other determinants of neuroinflammation and endothelial dysfunction: Regulation of gene expression in the acute phase of ischemic stroke and possible therapeutic applications

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    Ischemic stroke occurs under a variety of clinical conditions and has different pathogeneses, resulting in necrosis of brain parenchyma. Stroke pathogenesis is characterized by neuroinflammation and endothelial dysfunction. Some of the main processes triggered in the early stages of ischemic damage are the rapid activation of resident inflammatory cells (microglia, astrocytes and endothelial cells), inflammatory cytokines, and translocation of intercellular nuclear factors. Inflammation in stroke includes all the processes mentioned above, and it consists of either protective or detrimental effects concerning the 'polarization' of these processes. This polarization comes out from the interaction of all the molecular pathways that regulate genome expression: the epigenetic factors. In recent years, new regulation mechanisms have been cleared, and these include non-coding RNAs, adenosine receptors, and the activity of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells and microglia. We reviewed how long non-coding RNA and microRNA have emerged as an essential mediator of some neurological diseases. We also clarified that their roles in cerebral ischemic injury may provide novel targets for the treatment of ischemic stroke. To date, we do not have adequate tools to control pathophysiological processes associated with stroke. Our goal is to review the role of non-coding RNAs and innate immune cells (such as microglia and mesenchymal stem/stromal cells) and the possible therapeutic effects of their modulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke. A better understanding of the mechanisms that influence the 'polarization' of the inflammatory response after the acute event seems to be the way to change the natural history of the disease

    New insights about the putative role of myokines in the context of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary cardiovascular prevention.

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    Exercise training prevents the onset and the development of many chronic diseases, acting as an effective tool both for primary and for secondary prevention. Various mechanisms that may be the effectors of these beneficial effects have been proposed during the past decades: some of these are well recognized, others less. Muscular myokines, released during and after muscular contraction, have been proposed as key mediators of the systemic effects of the exercise. Nevertheless the availability of an impressive amount of evidence regarding the systemic effects of muscle-derived factors, few studies have examined key issues: (I) if skeletal muscle cells themselves are the main source of cytokine during exercise; (II) if the release of myokines into the systemic circulation reach an adequate concentration to provide significant effects in tissues far from skeletal muscle; (III) what may be the role carried out by muscular cytokine regarding the well-known benefits induced by regular exercise, first of all the anti-inflammatory effect of exercise. Furthermore, a greater part of our knowledge regarding myokines derives from the muscle of healthy subjects. This knowledge may not necessarily be transferred per se to subjects with chronic diseases implicating a direct or indirect muscular dysfunction and/or a chronic state of inflammation with persistent immune-inflammatory activation (and therefore increased circulating levels of some cytokines): cachexia, sarcopenia due to multiple factors, disability caused by neurological damage, chronic congestive heart failure (CHF) or coronary artery disease (CAD). A key point of future studies is to ascertain how is modified the muscular release of myokines in different categories of unhealthy subjects, both at baseline and after rehabilitation. The purpose of this review is to discuss the main findings on the role of myokines as putative mediators of the therapeutic benefits obtained through regular exercise in the context of secondary cardiovascular prevention

    Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma to Submandibular Gland: A Rare Occurrence

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    Approximately 20-30% of patients affected by renal cell carcinoma (RCC) present with metastatic disease, and 20% to 40% undergoing nephrectomy for clinically localized disease will develop metastases. A 53 years old female patient developed a left submandibular swelling. Four years before she experienced a left radical nephrectomy for a clear cell tumor and two years later right kidney was removed for a cancer having the same histologic subtype. In that circumstance duodenal pancreasectomy was required for infiltration of pancreatic gland. A sialoadenectomy has been performed and pathology demonstrated an intraglandular neoplasm with characteristics of a clear renal cell carcinoma. Although it is extremely rare, submandibular salivary gland may be a site of RCC metastasis. Diagnosis of metastatic disease for patients affected by submandibular swelling with a previous history of RCC should be always considered